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If heaven was out of the question, would you rather rule on earth or serve in hell? A high school freshman, Justin Demere, is your average everyday teenager; or at least he thought he was. A little on the strange side, Justins only concern in life was his slight obsession with his fellow classmate until an unknown Beast arises from a sudden abnormal storm surrounding his high school taking Justins story on a new path of events that not even the Narrator knew about. Justin finds himself faced with becoming a hero or rising as a villain. In this informal narrative setting of a new coalition of religion, astronomy, and the human anatomy; youll get lost in the mind of a young teen thrown into the cataclysm of his true meaning of existence with a side of sarcasm by the Narrator. Enjoy.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 26, 2012

Joseph C. Meza

A first time author, Joseph C. Meza, started writing in late 2004 and spent the following six years continuously writing and evolving his novel. It wasn’t until his junior year of high school that Joseph met a literature teacher whom broaden Joseph’s spectrum for writing and before his second year of college Joseph had finished his first and only novel Undetainable. Joseph now resides in Russell Springs, Kentucky as a Fine Arts major at Lindsey Wilson College.

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    Undetainable - Joseph C. Meza

    Copyright © 2012 by Joseph C. Meza.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2012905230

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4691-8715-0

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4691-8714-3

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4691-8716-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 1


    To hold you is too much,

    To grab you aside,

    To catch you by surprise,

    Just so I may kiss you is not enough.

    I want you by my side,

    Until death tears us apart,

    I can’t say never,

    Nor can I say forever.

    So I want you here,

    With me when he does you wrong,

    When you need a shoulder to cry on,

    May not be forever,

    No matter,

    I’m here.

    Young as he may be, he sees what his heart conveys for this young blue eyed girl. This would be the start of his heartache, but not the point of bitterness. In this story will be a path of heartache, rage, and a boy who grows into a man. Do not fret; you still have time to return this story to the place in which you have received it. You can expect no happy endings, if any at all. In the end your opinion matters not to the person you’ve chosen to read about. He has no knowledge of you, so pity him not, but take this as a warning to the true power of the human aspects.

    Nervous, shy, almost pathetic compared to the person he is now. She walks past him; he acts not, nor does he even whisper a word her way. She stands alone he makes no attempt to neither give her company nor invite her over, so she isn’t alone. You can easily see how this story would usually go, a boy gets the girl after some major event that shows her how cool he really is, but not this one. In fact not only does he not get the girl, but he loses every chance he would have had to be just an acquaintance. He wastes an entire year of his life just sitting around watching her, but he doesn’t go un-noticed. A being that is no different from the rest of the world population, but he holds her with such high prestige and flawless features, standardizing her as perfect. The only three things that these two kids have in common are that they are in the same grade, same homeroom, and share band class together. For now we will refer to this insecure young child as Pat, yes as in pathetic.

    Every morning Pat sits at the far end of the gymnasium opposite of the stage area that is in between four of the six entrances to the gym. Three of the four doors around the stage were used for the kids to come in and sit on either side of the gym. On both sides of the basketball court were concrete bleachers in blue and red paint. When the kids entered the gym they were to either go to the left side of the stage or right. Left side of the gym was the seventh graders and the right side of the gym was the eighth graders. Pat at this point is a seventh grader and every morning after he takes his clarinet to the band room (which has its own building just outside the gym on the eighth graders side), he sits alone for most of the morning until about 20 minutes till the students are demised from the gym and to their homeroom like cattle or sheep. One out of the four friends that Pat has, good friends that is, comes in with his blue denim jacket and shorts, which were the two pieces of clothing you could always expect to see him wear, especially during the dead of winter.

    This was routine for Pat every Monday thru Friday, fall to the start of summer for two years straight. Pat isn’t prone to change, not a very daring person at all. He’s the kind of person who is still stuck on the hope that he might move back to his home. Pat has been living in this medium sized town close to the Cumberland falls since the fourth grade and he is still under the impression that he isn’t going to be here for very long. You can see why he only has four good friends; he only hangs with one of them outside school. His best friend since the fifth grade, ZaLaG a.k.a. Z, has always stood by Pat in any situation that he has gotten himself into and as this story progresses, Z will be the only person that Pat could depend on to stand behind him.

    Can’t really say that Pat is un-noticeable, he sits alone usually wearing a black jacket that actually belongs to his father, not exactly a find Wally puzzle. One random night while Pat sits in his room alone drawing random pictures and attempting to paint, his sister comes into his room with the phone and informs Pat that he has a phone call. Strange, it’s a girl . . . who could it be?

    Uh, Pat? a soft, nearly unsure voice response to Pat after he retrieves the phone from his sister’s hand.

    Yea this is him, who is this? Also unsure of whether or not this was the girl he’s been drooling over since the sixth grade.

    Hey, It’s Lee Ann and Ka! Excited response of two young eighth grade girls . . . Wow, way to go Pat you’ve got two chicks calling you . . . uh, how do they know you and umm, how did they get your number Pat?

    These calls come frequently for a few weeks and Pat lies on his floor every time they call. Not really caring whether they thought he was an annoyance or not, their conversation was enough for him, but like every good thing it had to end. Lee Ann and Ka decided that one morning they would hold up a sign for Pat. Pat was suppose to wave at them or at least that was the plan, but on his way back from the band room after putting up his clarinet, Pat ran into a fellow clarinet player who was a year older than Pat that knew Ka and Lee Ann. He, without knowing it, freaked Pat out by informing him that Lee Ann and Ka had a shrine of Pat in their home . . . creepy, so when Ka and Lee Ann held up their signs for Pat, Pat simply just laid his head back down on his crossed arms over his knees.

    Things go back to the way they were for the rest of Pats school year, even though he still sits and keeps an eye on the blue eyed girl sitting in the second file of seats at the first table of the second rank of tables. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce Pats dream girl. It looks like I am not being a very good Narrator if I’m not covering every important entertaining aspect of this story. Her name is Andria, or at least that is what we will refer to her as since we don’t want to give the story away just yet. O.K. next would be . . . description of her. I apologize it’s my first time as a Narrator (ha-ha). She stands 5’4 with long brown hair with bangs that she wears to the left of her face as if to expose her sparkling blue eyes where they are perfectly positioned on her angelic face. She wasn’t a master flute player in band, she played it almost as well as she played soft ball and yes she’s an only child. As a Narrator I’m supposed to be unbiased, but come on any mature psychologist can get an idea of what being an only child usually means about how it is that sort of being will develop.

    Pat is starting his summer like any other pre-teen would, sleeping in late and staying up all night. Except Pat is still dreaming of this Andria and thinking up ways to become more appealing . . . ok maybe that’s not all he is thinking about over his summer, but it has crossed his mind once or twice. He is wasting his summer just lying around while she out doing something exciting I’m sure, but Pat isn’t interested in figuring her out and what it is she is doing right now. In fact he spends his time hanging with his best friend Z playing video games and theorizing life.

    Pat isn’t your average teenager; Pat has a history of dis-functions in himself. Whether he is aware of the changes he’ll have to make to be a better person or not, Pat has a bit of an anger issue; he has had it since he was a young lad. In fact, it didn’t take much to tick Pat off at all, but then again he was only 5. It’s the summer of ’96 in a small desert town in the heart of Arizona. Pat remembers this down to the very address his outburst of regrettable action took place. Pat and his older siblings were just hanging at the house sense both Pat’s parents worked during the same time of the day. J.T., Pat’s half brother through their mother, was placed in charge of both Pat and Pat’s older sisters, who were full blood relation to Pat. Pat’s sisters, Kristal and Mia, were not always close, but for this particular situation of life or death they became quite protective of each other. Pat had been teased by Kristal several times a day, but everyone knows that everyone has their breaking point

    Remember that rage is a part of this story’s outline, so prepare yourself. Pat has had just about enough of Kristal’s constant annoyance and with one word, Pat loses every last bit of control he has over himself and just starts screaming at the top of his lungs with outrage and then begins to chase after Kristal. Now they are running in and out of this three bedroom, one and a half bath house in this neighbor knows neighbor environment. Knowing that those kids play loudly as it is, no one around thinks anything

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