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The Penniless Millionaire
The Penniless Millionaire
The Penniless Millionaire
Ebook80 pages1 hour

The Penniless Millionaire

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About this ebook

While reading Dorothy Martell’s book, The Penniless Millionaire, I was forced to grapple with my own humanity and Christian pilgrimage. Ms. Martell has written an inspirational masterpiece that will captivate its audience to delve deep into its pages and be challenged as well as inspired to reflect and explore the author’s life journey both physically and spiritually.

The author has captured the essence of man’s real existence and God’s power, and how the two entities, when joined together, can reveal God’s greatness and glory through dedicated and motivated people who are sold out for God. This book will awaken the desire to experience God like he was portrayed in the Bible days.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 20, 2012
The Penniless Millionaire

Dorothy Martell

Dorothy Martell is an ordained minister and the mother of two grown-up children and six grandchildren. She believes God is the architect of every life. Even as a child, she realized that God’s blueprint for her life was not being followed. There were individuals in her childhood who violated her trust. She, herself, in some instances, built her own plans accordingly. But God in his goodness and mercies has revealed a beautiful edifice, in progress, fashioned by his own hands from the broken and misshaped pieces of her life. Dorothy’s story will not just warm your heart; it will change your life.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thank you so much Aunt Enid for writing this book.

Book preview

The Penniless Millionaire - Dorothy Martell




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11


This book is dedicated to my beloved parents, Percival and Margaret Martell, and my eight siblings have stood by me through good and bad days.

To Debra, my devoted daughter, who has been a pillar in the midnights of my life, and my son, Karl, whom I know the Lord will reward for his faithfulness.

To Reverend Mr. and Mrs. Guy Notice, who have been God’s super teachers and guidance counsellors; how could anyone ask for more? Your reward is awaiting you for your faithful service.

To Marian Salmon, who has taught and stood with me in prayer, which is my only offensive weapon. May God richly bless you.

There are some special people who have shared my joys and sorrows. You all know who you are. Stay faithful and true. Heaven will surely be worth it all. To Faylene Edwards, who devoted her time and energy to see to the printing.

Also to Cheryl Ivey, who motivated and challenged me in unbelievable ways—only the God of heaven can reward you.

To both my sisters—Pauline (Jean), who devoted her time with assisting with my editing, and Aldine (Sandy), my noble editor, whose contribution is invaluable in seeing to the completion; her dedication cannot be compared. Grace in abundance.

Daphne Seymore, my cousin, who has been like a sister and a tower of strength in my days of extreme needs.


This chronicle is a documentation of my life experiences, focusing on God’s call for my life. It captures the very first dream I had as a child—a link that from the beginning has meandered through a life time of experiences and has come full circle to maturity, a representation of God’s working in and through me.

My life has become like a tapestry on which God has been painting his design—a life filled with a history of mistakes and regrets, but a life that I now embrace, having discovered my true purpose as a servant of the Almighty God.

I have chosen to share my journey with you, the readers, in the hope that you will become more enlightened with regard to God’s call for your life and service as well as experience the magical and powerful miracles that God can bring about in your life.

I know that the errors and mistakes that occurred in my life were allowed to take place just so that others may take heed and come out of their complacency.

I pray that you will be able to recognize that you have erred and that you need to repent for your sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness. You do not have to make the same mistakes. Jesus told Peter in Luke 22:32, And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

Chapter 1 

The Materialization of a Dream

For the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

(Hab. 2:3)

The President of the International Prayer Center, Minister Dorothy Fay Martell (Enid Martell), was but a young child, younger than the seven-year-old Samuel of the Old Testament when she had her first vision of what is now the International Prayer Center in Golden Spring, St. Andrew, Jamaica.

I am Dorothy Fay, and I invite you to travel with me on this exciting and sometimes inexplicable journey of God’s amazing grace.

The Dreams and Visions

1. One night, I dreamt that I was standing at an open window of my home when I saw a small white house on my parents’ property. The house resembled a church. There, in my dream, I promised the Lord that when I became a Christian and was baptized, I would open the church for him. I never forgot the dream and my promise to God.

2. Years later, a friend of my family told us that she had a dream about their home. She said that in her dream she saw a huge tree on their property. It was watered by what looked like a river that ran through the property. In addition to the river, there was an eye over the property. In the dream, she heard a voice, which said that this was the eye of God watching over Golden Spring, the little district in which I lived. I was very young and not quite sure what this dream meant, except for the part about the eye of God, but I filed it away in my memory bank along with my own dream.

3. Not long afterward, my eldest sister had a dream similar to that of our family friend. She saw a crystal river running through my family’s property and emanating out toward our neighbors who were blessed because of the river.

4. A few years later, my youngest sister who was a teenager at the time also had a dream or vision. She was never quite sure which it was because everything seemed so real that she could not decide if she had been awake or asleep. In her dream/vision, she saw herself entering the living room to look for our mother, whom she couldn’t find elsewhere. There she found our mother with her head bowed and covered with a white shawl. She asked our mother what she was doing. Our mother told her that this was where she met with her Lord every morning at 5:00 a.m. At that moment, the room was filled with a great light that seemed to flow through the walls and radiate out to the entire neighborhood. Our mother forbade her to go in search of the force of the light, but in her great curiosity, my sister searched for the source of this light. Outside, she saw a golden eagle hovering over the veranda, from which the light radiated.

As a young adult, I began to feel that my home was pivotal in these four dreams and that there was something special in their interpretation,

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