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It seemed like only yesterday when she heard "JUST IN. Five men were killed during a shooting at Garrison and Park Heights. It appears to be drug related." Her heart stopped when she heard the news. She knew that is were he had gone. "Hes not dead!: She yelled at her girlfriend. "Shelly, we dont know that hes dead!" She refused to think that the love of her life "Bobby Big Youngen" Anderson was no longer going to be a part of her life. How could she make it without him.

It is now four years later and shes still waiting for him to come back. She accomplished her goal of becoming a Doctor. No longer was she erotic porn star "Pepper." No longer was she one of "Big Greasys Girls". She was now Dr. Morgan Anderson. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine life without him. What would she do now?

This book contains explicit language and sexual content


(B-more, Body-more, All day, Every day!)
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 10, 2012


"SLYCE" is back with G-4-LIFE. G-4-LIFE is book two of my four book series. The continuing tale starts where FOREVER A GANGSTA stops.

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    G-4-Life - Slyce

    Copyright © 2012 by Slyce.

    ISBN:          Softcover                                 978-1-4771-4324-7

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4771-4325-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    O.G. (Only God) PUBLICATIONS

    e-mail: mbrownhaines

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    A New Start… .

    The Beginning of the End… .

    Jamaica… .

    It’s a Wrap! . . . .

    Be Careful What You Ask For… .

    Planting My Seeds… .

    Trouble, in Paradise? . . . .

    It Ain’t Over, Til It’s Over… .

    Prayer is the Answer… .

    Going Home… .

    The Past, The Present, and The Future… .

    Skeleton’s in the Closet… .

    Storms Arising… .

    Turning The Page… .

    New Chapter… .

    Roll Out… .

    Building a Tribe… .

    Another One Bites the Dust… .

    Letting Go… .

    Hitting That B.A.(Bobby Anderson)

    Three’s a Company… .

    Wedding Day… .

    Surpise! . . . .

    Three’s a Crowd… .



    SLYCE, THE BOOK CLUB (Facebook)











    O.G. SLYCE

    I’m o.g. slYce and I’m eastside certified.

    I’d cut a bitch from ear to ass and I ain’t

    never lied.

    But today, I’m rolling with a different stride.

    I’m living right, praising god, seeking that

    eternal ride.

    But hold up shawty, I got one more thing to


    I rep b-more, all day every DAY!!!!



    Robert Anderson had been blessed beyond his imagination. Still he continued to live life on the fence. Knowing and loving the Lord, but living the life of a sinner. He was not able to rid himself of those demons. No matter how old he got. No matter how much money he had. No matter how many children he was blessed with. He somehow managed to allow that demon Bobby Anderson back into his life. This was the last time.



    Later that evening while they were cooking dinner the news came on. JUST IN—Five men were killed during a shooting at Garrison and Park Heights. It appears to be drug related. Shelly started screaming and crying. The children started crying. Morgan just stood there. He’s not dead. We don’t know if he’s dead. Stop Shelly! You are scaring the kids! Shelly tried to get herself together. I’m sorry. But Mo, how will we know? Morgan just stared. I guess we’ll know when we know.

    A New Start . . . .

    Four years had past. Morgan was in her senior year at Hopkins. She had started her internship at the hospital in the emergency room. One night a patient came into the emergency room with a bullet wound to his leg. Morgan went into the patient’s room. When she pulled the curtain back she was surprise at who she saw. It was Big Scouni. Morgan kept her composure.

    Big Scouni looked up and saw her. Pepper, is that you? Morgan remembered what Robert had told her Never answer to that name. She replied. Sir I am Dr. Anderson. Lay back, you may have a concussion. He laid back. She completed the exam.

    After Big Scouni came out of surgery, Morgan paid him a visit. She shut the door. Big Scouni smiled. You look good Pep! She smiled. I am Dr. Anderson. He laughed. Oh yeah, I ain’t trying to mess you up. She sat down. How have you been Scouni? Still running them streets I see. He laughed. Shit, the street is all I know.

    They continued to talk. Scouni said Hey, how that nigga youngen doing? Morgan looked at him. Are you serious Scouni? Bobby is dead. Scouni was shocked. What? She nodded her head. Yeah, he was killed when Big Greasy and them got hit. Scouni had a grin on his face. No he wasn’t. Morgan looked at him strangely. What are you trying to say Scouni? He smiled. I ain’t trying to say nothing. He ain’t get killed that night. I was there! Look, Youngen came down late that night. I was in the bathroom when he came. He walked into the office, had Greasy open the safe and that’s when he robbed him. He musta had a silencer cause we didn’t know Greasy was dead for a minute. I came out of the bathroom and looked at the monitor. I said Somebody check Greasy. Youngen walked up the steps and threw me ten grand. I let him go. The Nigga Black started the shooting. I started shooting too, but I was helping Youngen. You know me and his daddy is half brothers. Well, he took out two, I took out two. Bullets was flying everywhere. I was running shit for a minute after all of that. Then I started doing that dope. That shit will bring you down. Now, I’m playing stick up kid and that’s how I got shot. But as much money as that nigga had, he on an island somewhere chillin. Morgan didn’t want to think Robert was still alive. It wasn’t until last year that she finally came to accept that he was dead. Shelly thought she had lost her mind for thinking he was still alive all that time. She thought to herself, I can’t think about this, not now.

    It was two weeks later. Tomorrow was graduation day. Morgan still had to go to Medical School, but this part was done.

    Girl, tomorrow is your day! Morgan just smiled at Shelly. Finally. I thought I would never finish, considering we moved three times before we got to this house. Shelly smiled. Yeah, but at least we only had to move us. Robert took care of everything, like he said he would. Morgan smiled. Yeah he did. I followed that letter to the T. Shelly smiled. I know him and Motha are real proud of you, I’m proud of you too. Morgan smiled. Thanks Shelly. I couldn’t have done it without your help." Just then the phone rang.

    Morgan went into her room to answer the phone. Hello. The person on the other end of the phone was silent. Morgan hung up. She went back out and finished talking to Shelly. The phone rang again. Hello. The person on the other end said. I wish I could taste that pussy. Morgan was upset. What? Fuck you! Get off my phone! She hung up.

    Later that evening everyone was in the bed. The telephone rang. Hello. The voice on the other end said. I wish I could slide up inside that Kitty Kat. Morgan’s heart stop. She got silent. Is this you? He laughed a little. Who else? She couldn’t believe it. Where are you? He laughed a little. You’ll see me soon. She had tears coming down her face. I miss you. He smiled. I miss you too". They hung up the phone.

    She couldn’t believe it, he was alive. She wanted to wake-up Shelly and tell her, but she decided to wait. She laid back in the bed. She shouted I want you here with me, now! She cried herself to asleep.

    A couple of hours had past. She was awaken by someone who had their hand over her mouth. Her heart was racing. She start thinking that her past had finally caught up with her. She just laid there. A voice said. It’s me. He took his hand from her mouth. Morgan turned around. When their eyes met, all she could do was cry. It is you! They embraced. Where have you been? Robert smiled. I’ve been here. She looked confused. What? He put his finger over her lips. Don’t talk, just let me hold you for a minute. You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this. They made wild passionate love.

    A few hours later they both laid back exhausted on the bed. Damn girl, you trying to kill me. Morgan started laughing. I thought you were trying to reach my tonsils. Robert started laughing. She turned to look at him. Robert, where have you been? He laughed. I’ve been right here. She looked. Right here, where? He got up. Come on, come with me. They got up and walked into Morgan’s closet.

    At the end of her closet were four full length leather coats and two minks. They were there when they got to the house, like everything else. She never wore them so she never went down to that end of the closet. Behind those coats was a door. Robert opened the door and walked in, Morgan followed.

    She was amazed at what she saw. The inside of the closet was exactly like the outside. Every room she had in her house was duplicated on the inside of his house. What in the world? I always thought this house was big on the outside, but small on the inside. This is another whole house. He smiled. Yeah, that’s how I built it. I started building this house for you when we found out you were pregnant. Remember, Toni would threaten to put you out every other week? They both started laughing. Morgan looked at him. Yeah! Your ass couldn’t stay out of my bed. He kissed her. Shit, I had to have that kitty kat. You had a nigga climbing the fire escape trying to get to you.

    She turned around. Wait a minute. How could you be in here all this time and not let me know? He knew she was kinda upset. Baby, it wasn’t safe. It still may not be safe. I just couldn’t wait any longer. Plus, I wanted you to stay focus on your dream. He leaned over and kissed her. She started to cry again. I kept worrying about you. I didn’t know whether you were dead or alive. He hugged her. I’m sorry. He gently pulled her close to him. I’m here now. He laid her down on the plush carpet. I really missed you.

    After they finished they laid there embracing each other. Robert looked at her. Let me show you the rest of the house. They got up and walked in another room. Didn’t you notice that there is no alarm system. Morgan just looked. He was right, she didn’t have one. She never thought about it. He said. This house is like Fort Knox. If anyone tries to break in, the whole house shuts down, the windows, the doors, everything. I can get to my wife and children from anywhere in this house. The entire house is under surveillance. I see and hear everything.

    Morgan put her head down. So you heard me tell Shelly that your mom is dead? He nodded. Yeah. She looked around. Well how did you do all of this? He smiled. Oh, I had help from Master P. She looked at him. Who is Master P? He walked into another room.

    It looked like the headquarters for a computer company. There were monitors, computers, speakers, and cable cords. There was also a young man sitting at the desk with earphones on. He had long thick deadlocks. Robert walked up and tapped him on his back. Hey, look who I found. The young man turned around. He looked at Morgan and started smiling. Morgan looked at him. Paul! What are you doing here? Paul laughed. I came here to help my man out. Robert started smiling.

    They sat down and told her what really happen that night. See Morgan, the night I left to take care of Big Greasy, I ran into Paul. Paul nodded. Yeah, I was dropping off a package for my Uncle Mo. When I get down there I see my man popping caps. So, I took out my little shit and started popping. Him and Robert slapped each other five. Robert said Baby-girl, you know I went down there on a suicide mission. I had AK’s and 357’s. I had a small arsenal. I threw my man something real, and him and Scounie got me out of there. We came out here and put our plan into motion. Morgan was speechless. Well Paul what about Loyola? Paul smiled. What about it? I make more money working for Robert. I run my own business, right here. Plus, I’m in love with Shelly. Morgan was speechless. You in love with Shelly? Robert started laughing and shaking his head. This crazy mother fucker layup with Shelly every night, crying and shit. Morgan was dumbfounded. She never said anything. Robert looked at her. That because that hb3 (date rape drug), have her ass knocked out. Morgan started laughing. Oh my God. That’s why she’s always so damn happy. Everything is always that’s ok. Morgan started laughing. Well look, I better be getting back. Shelly gonna die when I tell her. Robert grabbed her arm. Morgan, you can’t tell Shelly yet. Morgan looked. Why not? Robert said It’s not time."

    He walked her back to her room. Baby it’s real important that you keep this to yourself for a minute. Trust me. Morgan shook her head Ok. When she got back to her bedroom, she tried to sleep. She tossed and turned. Her cell phone rang. What, you can’t sleep? She smiled. No, not really. Robert said. Lay on your back. She said What? He was getting agitated. Just do what I say. Lay on your back. Morgan layed on her back. Robert said Where is you Bluetooth? She hooked up her Bluetooth. He had a little grin on his face. Alright, pull that quilt back. She pulled the quilt back. She could tell he was smiling. Now, spread your legs open. Yeah, that’s it. Look straight up at the ceiling. Morgan laid on her bed with her legs spread open, looking up at the ceiling. Robert said. Now, slide you hand down inside of your thong. Play with her, make that kitty purr. That’s it baby. Morgan laid there playing with herself. Listening to the sounds her pussy was making. All of a sudden she saw Robert coming out of the closet like a Mandingo Warrior. He was tall, black, muscular with broad shoulders and he was hung like a horse. He climb on top of the bed. I need you now! He tore the thong off of her. He put his face between her legs and went to work. Morgan could hardly contain herself. Robert had her body doing things she forgot she could do. Put that pillow over your face. We don’t want to wake Shelly. Morgan laid with the pillow gently covering her face. She was enjoying the jolts of pleasure that shot through her body. Feeling his hot tonque licking and sucking on her made her even more arosed. She found herself grabbing hold of the pillow real tight. The lower party of her body was on fire. She started screaming. Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Robert couldn’t see her face, but he knew she was where he wanted her to be. He got up and slide between her legs. Yeah baby, that’s it. Move this pillow off your face. Hold me. Morgan held him tight. They had that bed rocking. All of sudden, Shelly was knocking at the door.

    Mo, you alright? Robert jumped off of her and onto the floor. There was about a four feet space between Morgans bed and the wall. Morgan got herself together. I’m alright. Shelly walked in. What you doing? Morgan was mad. I am trying to fuck my man. Shelly laughed. Well send him to my room when you finish. You need to spray something in here. Morgan rolled her eyes. You need to get out! Shelly walked back out the door. Morgan got up and locked the

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