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Snick, Snack and Sneck
Snick, Snack and Sneck
Snick, Snack and Sneck
Ebook70 pages31 minutes

Snick, Snack and Sneck

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About this ebook

The characters Snick Snack & Sneck challenges children everywhere to look at new environments and places as an adventure. This book will hopefully help children who have gone through a transition in life, either with the death of a loved one, or having to uproot and leave ones familiar surrounding, as with those who suffered and died in hurricane Katrina, to understand that change can be positive with prayer.
The genre used plays on verse and sound, allowing children to increase their knowledge of S words, as well as enunciation while enjoying their reading experience.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 28, 2006
Snick, Snack and Sneck

Gloria Crews

Author's Biography Gloria Crews has over twenty-five years of teaching experience in electricity /electronic. She has been instrumental in developing training curriculum for organization such as ACCESS FOR WOMEN, housed at New York City Technical College and WIDER OPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN based in Washington D.C. A (NASA) Certified Instructor in Universal Repair? and, has trained other instructors for certification. My contribution , is in the areas of program development, research, massage therapy for our special needs person and writing stories.

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    Snick, Snack and Sneck - Gloria Crews

    Tx 6-362-251

    Date of Registration April 24, 2006, Year of Creation April 2004

    Copyright © 2006 by Gloria Crews. 34097-CREW

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2006908511

    ISBN 10: Softcover 1-4257-3499-5

    ISBN 13: Softcover 978-1-4257-3499-2

    ISBN: ebook 978-1-4771-6529-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or

    by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by

    any information storage and retrieval system, without permission

    in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product

    of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any

    actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Book Designer: Jerome Cuyos

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    Xlibris Corporation



    Snack and Sneck



    Gloria Crews©

    April 2004


    My name is Snick and on school days at 3 o’clock was my favorite time of the day because school was over and I couldn’t wait to go home to play in my tree-house. As soon as I got home I would run to the backyard where the tree-house was. There were a lot of fun things to do. Sometimes I stayed up there until it was time for bed. Oh Boy!

    Every now and then I would act like one of those security guys. I had my binoculars to look at the house to see who enters and leaves. When my mom stroll out the storm door I would yell Stop! This is security, and she would smile at me and say, Snick, you are so silly, as she walked across the grass to tend to her sunflowers along side our shady picket fence.

    However, the supper times I had at the tree-house was spent with my dad. When I first asked him if I could have a tree-house his eyes sparkled up like a shinning star and he smiled at me. Sure son. That’s a splendid suggestion, since there are several trees surrounding the house, and it’ll give me the stimulation to show you how to use a sledge hammer, saw and some other supplies, he said.

    Wow, was I full of-spirit.

    Soon as my dad came home from a striving day of work he and I would go out to start work on the tree-house. He speak to me about all of the satisfying things he did when he was a small child, and the time him and his dad spent structuring his tree-house when he was my size. Just like his dad, he told me to steadily be safe

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