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Captain Alexander Coleman and his crew are racing against the clock to locate a planet for mission Repopulate. This seven-year journey has cost them dearly but when an unknown planet shows up on the scanner, they are in for a whole other mission. The trees are red, the grass is red, the dust that blows through their very lungs is red, but nothing can be seen except for the one treasure that promises to destroy everything this team has built. Greed, lust, and insanity terrorize the Survivor crew as they battle those they once trusted with their very lives
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 10, 2010

Chris Harrison

Chris Harrison has been the host of ABC’s hit series The Bachelor since it began in 2002. He’s also the host of The Bachelorette, Bachelor in Paradise, and The Miss America Pageant. Chris has had the honor of hosting several Bachelor weddings and has spent his career helping men and women navigate their journey to love. He lives in Southern California with his two children and this is his first novel.

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    Survium - Chris Harrison

    Copyright © 2010 by Chris Harrison.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Dedicated to Amber, who never grew tired of listening

    to my constant book updates

    Chapter 1

    H EY ALEX WOULD you like another burger or do I have to eat this one too? A deep, coarse voice came from across the yard.

    Hank was stooping over the grill covered in what appeared to be sweat and grease as patty after patty was slightly overcooked above the flaming charcoals of the grill. His hands had been wrapped up in a few bandages from burns he had received from setting up the grill. Alex lay quietly on the pool chair taking in the warm rays of a mid-summer day without a care in the world except choking down another dry flavorless burger.

    Over near the birch tree sat a Scarlet Tanager which occasionally woke Alex up in the morning from its constant singing, but today its music was pure melody. The sounds of Sam and Rachel, Alex’s two youngest, could be heard way off across the yard building up speed toward the pool with the expectation of splashing their father with a tidal wave from their cannonballs.

    The concrete base surrounding the sides of the pool had been drenched with multiple layers of water from hours of childish horseplay; the sun radiated its warm shine off the reflection of the buildup and gave the cold stone floor a diamond edge tint. Hank had to move the grill a few feet back, risking his burgers from the recurring showers wasn’t part of his relaxing weekend at home. The sky presented a deep blue setting, with only the occasional cloud dotting small areas around the calm ocean above.

    Rain had come and gone on a few instances and had left the air mildly damp and warm, the water pulled the enriching sweet smells from the trees and flowers and drifted them off through the air. Alex’s skin took in the deep rays of the sun and was beginning to fade from their mystic pale hue that the winter had brought into a liquid bronze, just the shades that made all of the women give second glances when he walked past.

    * * *

    Captain Coleman… Captain Coleman, you are needed on the bridge.

    Captain Alexander Coleman strained his eyes to the dim empty room of the Survivor Space Shuttle, still confused and pondering if it were all a dream or if time had just sped up.

    At last he realized his imagination had gotten the better of him and that this seven-year expedition to explore the Final Frontier was all too real and the thought of risking life with one of Hank’s burgers didn’t sound so bad at the moment.

    The crew of the Survivor Space Shuttle had been set out seven years ago to explore the unknown of space in hopes of discovering a livable planet that could support the overpopulation that had surmounted on Earth. No luck so far in finding a said planet and with no high hopes of any positive reports the team was on their way back home with the news that no reachable planet in the galaxy was worth the expedition for Plan Repopulate.

    Back on Earth, the birth rate had skyrocketed thanks to the rid of most pesky diseases and starvation problems. Homes had been tightened down to small two room apartments that rose hundreds of feet to the sky in order to support the high demand for housing. Countries had done away with suburbs and quiet country living, for there was no open country to settle in.

    Pollution was just a myth most parents told their kids about, how life used to be back when times were harder, when no one could walk down the street without coughing or wheezing themselves to death, sometimes in literal terms. Most kids still went to school but hours had also been shortened in order to keep the tremendous sized classrooms of students in order before a lack of attention eased into their minds. The sidewalks were cramped. The Transport Mobilization Units were crowded into the lateness of the night, with people desperately trying to move about the endless miles of city.

    Alex sat up in his bed, his feet dangled off the side trying to get back the feeling after the blood flow had ceased. His short brown hair sticking this way and that was lazily matted down in an effort to try and regain his composure as the Captain of this vessel.

    The black shirt he was wearing had somehow been turned backwards; obviously the night wasn’t as peaceful as he thought. His long brown pants were wrinkled and slightly dirty but no energy to worry about their appearance was relevant.

    Captain you are needed on the bridge in case you didn’t hear Allie, said Jennifer as she floated into the room, making sure the Captain was prepared to solve whatever problems that today could dredge up.

    Jennifer Crum had always been the lollipop girl in the group, as she had been nicknamed from the crew on a few occasions. Her long caramel hair flowed smoothly down her head until it came to a slight curve and flipped up. Even with the constant closure of the cold dimmed vessel her skin still retained the warm melting tan that always gave her face the shine that drove the few men aboard to catch a second glance.

    Her personality was what dramatically set her apart from the rest. It ran with the situation, but never in a sense to instigate an even worse outcome, with many struggles that the space mission had brought along. She was never one to complain. The melody that danced from her sweet gentle voice soothed the frustration and anger that would buildup in any of the crew member’s hearts. Every ounce and strand of her being was set on others, even her enriched smell that always seemed to somehow emit from her body was enough to relax those around her.

    All right Jennifer, I heard her. Just give me a minute to get myself back together before I slug through another day on our fancy cruiser that I haven’t been able to lay eyes on since yesterday. His thoughts were exhausted and worn, no true feeling in any words he spoke.

    The statement, while halfhearted and drained, still managed to give Jennifer a reason to smile. Yes Captain, but I assure you that you’ll have another nine months to get your fill of this place until we make it back home. The words struck deep in her mind, the very meaning of home had grown distant and almost fantasy like from the long journey they had taken. Wow Captain just think, in just nine more months we’ll be home, we’ll be able to see our families and start back into our normal lives. A sweet feeling passed through her every time another comforting relaxed vision of Earth appeared in her eyes.

    While the Survivor Space Shuttle was very well suited to sustain the seven passengers for several years, the frozen hard metal of the walls never became homely, at least not mentally. The sounds were constant and exasperating down the corridors from various mechanical hookups and components. Fresh air was something they had left behind as well; the clean fragrance of pine needles or even just the delicate zephyr from an early spring afternoon had all become faint to their memory.

    As the Captain stood up and stretched his legs Jennifer stepped near, her hands rested soothingly about the rough beaten shoulders that he had carried about himself for too long. A soft tender, almost rhythmic, set of lips eased the pain, bringing back bits of encouragement and alertness before the day really got started. The velvet red lipstick left traces about the Captain’s lips leaving evidence of love passing through the crew, or more likely lust, it didn’t really matter to either of them.

    The pair walked through the dimly lit corridors to the bridge. The grid-like metal floors were discomforting and repetitive. Lying in between the thin rails were small openings leading down about a foot, to long thin strands of pipes and copper wire. Multiple broken toes had occurred through the trip from careless feet getting caught from barefoot walking.

    Thin piped lights streamed halfway down the wall and headed through the long metal hallways winding across corners and passages but only releasing a bare minimum amount of warm pale yellow color. The temperature inside always remained a steady seventy-six degrees, a few attempts at lowering or raising the perpetual feeling had been made but the controls were set in the computer for safety purposes so the crew had to make due with what they had.

    Finally after weaving through several small corridors the two made their way into the bridge where Allie was seated at the Main Computer with tirelessly focused eyes pinned to the mass amounts of texts and calculations that appeared on the screen. Inside the outstretched window at the far end gave off the white sparkles of the infinite unknown.

    The thin tubes releasing their guidance abruptly ended only to be overpowered by countless glowing numbers and messages appearing all across the room. In the center sat the main controls to the entire operation, including a subtle red handle which had been renamed the Threatener by the crew, or the Cargo Hold Ejector Tab to the men at Headquarters.

    Near the edges of the walls a sudden drop descended down into the floor, which crept around the room to the other end, filled with ignored equipment designed for a larger crew with a shorter mission. Most equipment on the bridge had been dubbed obsolete after the installations of the Main Computer, which gave complete access over the entire vessel.

    The Captain paid no attention to her intense focus as they faced the monitor. Well Allie, what’s the damage today? Don’t tell me we’re out of fuel already. The lack of much emotion was enough to divert Allie’s attention.

    Her eyes met the pair and immediately strained shut. Thin dark jagged veins lined the insides of her eyes with a pool of water building on the bottom of her eyelids, only to drip down her face with every rapid blink. Captain, scanners have picked up on a nearby planet which appears to contain the proper atmospheric conditions to sustain life. The hopefulness began to rise with each word she spoke, growing more energetic as well as silky.

    Silence spread throughout the room.

    What? But that’s impossible. No planet yet has been anything more than a desert or a damn crater valley. The Captain’s eyes raced across the screen. Are you sure you checked everything? We’ve been through this before and can’t afford to risk more fuel from another goose chase?

    While the words were cynical and harsh they made no impact on the bright gleam in Allie’s eyes. No Captain I’ve checked and rechecked and even rechecked my recheck and this planet may be the exact type we’ve been searching for this entire time, we’ll have to land so I can make some final tests so just give the word and I’ll plot the course. Her hands were shaking steadily, ready for the orders.

    Allie Murphy had always been the type of girl to get too overanxious from any sort of good possibility. From one possible chance after another the visions of a successful mission only stirred more furiously inside her mind, but rarely were any situations the ones her expectations could meet.

    With her long rosebud hair, her deep satin green eyes and the gentle subtlety of her powdery violet lipstick, she did not look the part of a co-captain of a world breaking space exploration. But her skills with the controls and navigation had proved their worth on multiple occasions but her stunningly transcendent beauty was far greater than what most of the crew had experienced in the past, even Jennifer showed slight signs of jealousy from time to time. The Captain had grown partially used to her breathtaking appearance but still his eyes would get the better of him on more than one occasion.

    All of the failed attempts to planets that they had visited in their past seven years faded into his thoughts. Silence, black dry open landscapes with nothing to show, except mile long craters and dehumanized atmospheres. Stars were visible during each night they stayed atop a lifeless rock which was the only comfort they could find bearable around the planet, small bright balls of hope that somewhere out there was their dream, like a signal welcoming them to their mission and their success.

    Well we have our orders to take any risks to complete our mission if it looks doable and I’m not about to be demoted because of a fuel scare. Finally life had appeared in his throat but still defeat lingered. Plot the course and check the scanners again, make sure everything you can gather is in our database before we get there.

    Understood Captain. Determination gradually flowed off the fragile smile.

    Allie returned her attention to the controls, her hands stretched far across the complex set of buttons and dials. With nothing left to distract her, nothing that could possibly move her eyes from her duties until they set ground, the other two made their way to the Mess Hall.

    Captain, are you sure we should risk the amount of fuel on another planet? Jennifer stayed close behind the Captain as they walked. We can always return home and Headquarters can send another team out to explore with enough fuel to safely make it back home. Her voice cracked through his ears.

    We have to Jennifer, we swore to check every planet that we came across whether it looks sustainable or not, so we can’t stop now just because of a fuel shortage. The Captain finally began acting like the leader of the ship as the thought of a succeeding planet became more comfortable. We’re out here to do our jobs and damnit, we’re going to do it. Whatever we find, we’ll send back to Headquarters just in case we aren’t able to take off.

    Jennifer’s shoulders slumped, which didn’t go unnoticed. Aye, aye Captain.

    Inside the Mess Hall Mack and Christine were seated at the table focused on a game of Chess. Their abandoned gourmet breakfast burritos in a tube lay half squeezed near them. Mack was covered in a thin layer of sweat which dripped softly down his forehead. Christine on the other hand stared cunningly at the board without any hint of stress.

    As the two newcomers were sitting themselves on the sides with a fresh tube of breakfast, an outburst broke the eerie silence of the room. Hey I already took one of your Rooks, how do you still have both of them?

    Christine’s sly expression sat unmoved, possibly expecting the sudden outcry. No, you didn’t. You’ve only taken three Pawns and a Knight, and you haven’t touched my Rooks. Her quick half broken smile appeared under her face as she looked up at her steaming opponent.

    Yes I did, you see that Queen of mine, that’s the exact spot where she took your Rook and you can’t deny it. His glare couldn’t turn away from her smirk. You put it back when I dropped my pieces didn’t you?

    The smile widened. Just because you’re a sore loser doesn’t mean I cheated Mack. How about we start over so that you can keep a nice eye on all of my pieces? Christine gave a quiet glance to the smiling onlookers.

    The thought of the embarrassment at losing two games in a row in front of a crowd didn’t sit quite well with Mack. No way, I’ve gotten the strategy all figured out and I’m not going to let one little Rook ruin that for me. His voice grew wearily with confidence, as false as it seemed. Keep playing.

    When are you going to just admit that Christine is better than you Mack, I mean it’s only chess? Jennifer squeezed a slight drop of her burrito into her mouth before cringing under the grainy texture.

    Mack’s eyes stood firmly placed on Christine, her hands sat unmoved underneath the table, hidden from his sight.

    The only reason she’s won every game is because she cheats, she’s put back pieces when I wasn’t looking, taken away my pieces when I somehow keep dropping mine. A white Bishop was carefully placed in close distance to the enemy. But not this time, I’ve gotten it all figured out and there’s no way she can beat me. His face folded as a smile finally arose. His strategy was set.

    No intimidation could unsettle the keen spark in Christine’s eyes. I’ve heard that many times from your Mack, but until you finally claim my King I won’t believe any talk of yours about big strategies and mind boggling moves. She gave another quiet glance to the Captain.

    Jennifer tried to hide her grin.

    Hey Mack, are you done with your food or are you going to finish it? The Captain waved the half-eaten tube until Mack’s attention was caught.

    He turned his head and reached

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