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Conversations with My Grandfather
Conversations with My Grandfather
Conversations with My Grandfather
Ebook170 pages1 hour

Conversations with My Grandfather

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These first hand stories reflect the actual true-life experiences of a prominent Louisiana statesman, Civil War veteran and District Judge, L.B. Claiborne of New Roads, La. These are stories, as told to his granddaughter during a two-year period, reflecting the strength of character that has been passed onto his decedents down through generations.

The stories cover the time Judge Claiborne spent as a Georgetown Military Academy cadet in Washington, D.C., the four years during which he served as an infantryman in the Civil War, and the many following years as a prominent legislator, district judge, educator, newspaper owner and statesman. Through his fathers friendship with two different Presidents of the United States and other prominent national personalities, he enjoyed many unique experiences involving fascinating people covering many yet untold stories.

These stories, as shared with his granddaughter, reflect the strength of character that has become a hallmark in the lives of his descendants. It is fascinating to be taken back to another era, as seen through the eyes of a true Southern gentleman.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 30, 2011
Conversations with My Grandfather

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    Conversations with My Grandfather - Wink Dameron

    Copyright © 2011 by Wink Dameron.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Chapter 1: Biz’s Civil War Memories, Dictated to his nine-year old Granddaughter

    Chapter 2: Biz’s Life Before the Civil War

    Chapter 3: Biz’s Passionate Support for the Confederacy

    Chapter 4: The War Begins

    Chapter 5: The Army Life

    Chapter 6: The Siege Of Vicksburg

    Chapter 7: The Outrage Of A July 4th Surrender

    Chapter 8: Survival Techniques

    Chapter 9: Biz’s Relationship With Abraham Lincoln

    Chapter 10 (Wink Speaks): The Claiborne Background—Who We Are

    Chapter 11: Gom Claiborne Was A Real Lady

    Chapter 12: The Claiborne And The Damerons The Way We Were

    Chapter 13: Claibornes And Damerons—Where We Were

    Chapter 14: Keeping Biz’s Secret

    Chapter 15: What I’ve Learned From My Grandfather

    Chapter 16: Clairborne And Dameron Families—Growing Up

    Chapter 17: In Memoriam

    Afterword: Coming Of Age Discoveries and Gifts From My Grandfather

    Gifts Of My Grandfather

    Genealogy: The Claiborne Family

    Walking In His Footsteps

    Kissing Cousins: Descendants of Governor William Charles Cole Claiborne)



    The following words are affectionately dedicated to all my Claiborne relatives of the past, present and future.

    For me, the historic name Claiborne has always been a source of pride… a pride which has been mightily

    reinforced as I searched through family files

    to bring forth these stories.

    I hope the reader will enjoy these true-life tales, and share

    with me the exploration of family values,

    family pride and personal growth,

    all woven throughout these pages.


    Creating an accurate account of historic moments of a great man has been a loving task. It could never have been accomplished however, without the talent and gracious assistance of several people much more capable than I.

    My good friend Genie Hendry was a magnificent source of information and kind assistance, and I am sure the project could have never been completed without her.

    She and her husband Ron purchased the former Dameron home called Sandbar, lovingly renovating and caring for it for many years. Genie became so interested in the history of the home and the life stories of our own family that she worked to assure that Sandbar Plantation House be placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

    She conducted intensive research on our family history, producing a wonderful work entitled Puffy’s Legacy, honoring our mother, Ethel Claiborne Dameron. She continues to be supportive of the activities of the West Baton Rouge Library and Museum in Port Allen, La., which my mother helped to create.

    Through the years, she uncovered many valuable historic records and photographs and was most generous in sharing many with me for use in this book. I still laughingly admit, Genie knows more about my own family history than I do.

    For her gracious help during this entire project, I am eternally grateful.

    Historian Brian Costello went out of his way to encourage me, and to provide extremely valuable information for this project. He is the author of several historical books, and it is felt that Brian knows more about Pointe Coupee parish than does any other current resident. He is currently in charge of the Historical Material Collection at the Pointe Coupee Parish Library in New Roads.

    He was kind enough to bring me up to date on all the locations where my various Claiborne ancestors had lived and to the exact spots where some homes had subsequently been relocated. I needed many blanks to be filled in. Brian and his wife Mary were most kind to supply lots of answers!

    Thomas H.Richey, M.D., Zachary General Surgeon, and prominent historian. Dr. Richey is a great source of information relating to Civil War Activities within Louisiana, and is frequently asked to speak at historical events. One of his books is the first definitive history of the Fourth Louisiana Infantry, CSA, containing over 1600 references to men who served in the company!

    He has been most gracious in helping with my project, occasionally sending information about my grandfather’s military career; including data he uncovered from various Louisiana library sources. Despite his busy schedule, he continues to send me encouraging letters.

    Pointe Coupee Banner. Several newspaper stories involving my grandfather had first appeared in the still existing New Roads Banner, the wonderful newspaper that Biz Claiborne had founded and published for many years. Its current owner and publisher, Ms Tootsie (Mary Catherine Roy LaCour) could not have been more welcoming and kind when I visited her busy office. It made me fall in love, not only with her, but also with the town of New Roads all over again.

    Time and time again, I relied on back issues of the Point Coupee Banner to provide accurate Claiborne information.

    Lastly, my husband Richard Sutz. He helped greatly with his constant encouragement throughout my work on the manuscript, and was of assistance with many technical requirements on the book.


    "The man who feels no sentiment of veneration for the memory of his forefathers, who has no natural regard for his ancestors or his kindred, is himself unworthy of kindred regard or remembrance . . .

    Daniel Webster

    This was one of my grandfather’s favorite quotes. Those oft-repeated words were also part of my mother’s belief system. Now that same quote holds a special meaning for me, as I embark on one of my own lifetime goals—to tell the Civil War stories of my grandfather, Judge Louis Bingham Claiborne, distinguished member of the prominent Claiborne family of Louisiana.

    "We who respect our elders and ask them to tell their histories are reinforcing the oral tradition that is at the heart of all history. Those stories . . . . do make history come alive."

    Fay Vincent, former commissioner of Major League Baseball, author of It’s What’s Between The Lines That Counts (Simon & Schuster, 2010, final volume of an oral history of baseball.)

    I hope you will find it appropriate that I share my grandfather’s lifetime stories with you at this particular time, since this year marks the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War.

    I also write these lines in celebration of the power of one individual’s influence over a young person’s life, as I show you the ways in which my Grandfather’s life impacted my own goals and lifetime actions. Each year this realization comes into sharper focus for me.


    In the history and culture of the American South, few names have risen to such prominence in so many realms as Claiborne, with several members of this remarkable family making significant contributions in law, government, politics, the military and the media.

    One of the most noted scions of this illustrious clan was Louis Bingaman Biz Claiborne, native of Natchez, Mississippi and longtime resident of New Roads, Louisiana. Scholar, patriot, attorney, judge, journalist and friend to many, the multi-talented and versatile Biz Claiborne was a recognized leader in 19th and early 20th century Louisiana and his legacy remains vibrant in the 21st century.

    Granddaughter Wink Dameron was privileged to spend many of her formative childhood years in the presence of her adoring grandfather who, in turn, inspired in her a love for the history and traditions of the family and the community in which they lived.

    This chronicle, Conversations with my Grandfather, is Wink’s loving account of their conversations, supplemented with genealogy, anecdotes and a wealth of heirloom family photographs. Though primarily a biography of L.B. Claiborne, this enchanting work is a tribute to the entire Claiborne family, whom Louisianans have been proud to call leaders and friends for so many generations.

    Brian J. Costello

    Historian, Author, Archivist

    New Roads, Louisiana


    Chapter 1

    Biz’s Civil War Memories, Dictated to his nine-year old Granddaughter


    The following is the true story of Judge L.B. Biz Claiborne’s memories of his life during the Civil War. He started his dictation to me when he was 89, and I was nine. I have not altered a single word. Wink Dameron

    "I was born at ‘Soldiers’ Retreat’, in Adams County, Mississippi, the ancestral home built by my grandfather, General, F. L. Claiborne. The date of my birth was 24th of August 1842.

    My father’s parents came from Virginia and my mother’s parents came from North Carolina. Both families settled at Natchez while Mississippi was a territory. My first schooling was under a governess (Miss Rose Hall) who was a very sweet and young lady.

    When I was six years old I was afflicted with sciatic rheumatism and the family physician recommended plenty of exercise. Therefore, my father gave me a light single-barrel shotgun (muzzle-loader).

    He also gave me a dog and assigned one of the old slaves, who had a crippled leg, to go hunting with me every day. I became quite

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