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Deception: Book Ii in the Protection Series
Deception: Book Ii in the Protection Series
Deception: Book Ii in the Protection Series
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Deception: Book Ii in the Protection Series

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About this ebook

Rachel is tired of all the secrets , the betrayals and
the lies. She is tired of being part of the Protector and
she is going to change all of that. She will have her
revenge on them. However, something is bothering her.
An exhilarating read readers will surely enjoy. Deception
Is written by Candy Coppola , is book two in the Protection series,
a science fi ction novel about Rachel Tristan, an ordinary girl
who is a member of the Protectors, a secret and very powerful
group . But this time around , she went with Jared , an Imperian
who made her believe that he will protect her. Little did she know,
treachery is on its way as she continues to fi nd her own destiny
Look for more titles form Candy Coppola in 2013.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 9, 2012
Deception: Book Ii in the Protection Series

Candy Coppola

Author Carmela (Candy) Coppola is a seventeen year old high school senior whose second novel, Deception, is the sequel to her fi rst work entitled Existence, published in 2010. Deception follows the “Protectors“ characters introduced in Existence and explores their development based on an exaggeration of the author’s own personal experiences. In addition to her passion for writing, Candy is an accomplished musician, singer and composer. She is currently searching for a college which will combine her love for music with a strong business background so that she may realize her aspirations to own and operate her own music studio. During her free time, Candy plays soccer and lacrosse, and enjoys cooking for her family. She resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her parents and 5 siblings.

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    Deception - Candy Coppola


    Book II in The Protection Series

    Candy Coppola

    Copyright © 2012 by Candy Coppola.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2012914796

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4797-0061-5

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4797-0060-8

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4797-0062-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    About the Author

    To my mom, for everything she’s done to help make this book possible. I don’t know where I would be without her.

    Chapter 1

    Like some insanely impossible dream, I was staring right at him. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears at a quickening pace. My fingertips were encountering a very odd tingling, and my insides were soaring. Wind blew past me, rustling the leaves of the tree I stood by, but that wasn’t the reason for my shivering.

    Ryan? I gasped, staring with utter disbelief at the blond-haired, blue-eyed boy standing in front of me. It was him; I was sure of it, just Ryan, nothing that resembled the lifeless body I had said good-bye to in Denver.

    Yes, Rachel. It’s me, I’m really here, Ryan said in his smooth voice that was exactly the same.

    It’s really you. You, you’re still the same, but I saw you… your body disappeared, Jared shot you. I was rambling now. There weren’t words to describe what was going on in my head at the time. Ryan, you died. How are you here right now?

    Rachel, there is so much we haven’t discovered about the world we are a part of, and I’m having trouble understanding this myself. Rachel, I love you, and that necklace around your neck is a symbol of it. You needed me today, and somehow our Creator has given me the chance to come back to you.

    For good? I asked. Ryan hung his head.

    No, but when you need me the most, I will be there. You can count on it, he promised.

    I need you now, I said, staring him directly in the eyes. A small smile formed at the edge of his lips, but it wasn’t genuine. I could see the sadness behind the blue eyes that wouldn’t quite meet mine.

    I’m here now, aren’t I?

    You know what I mean, Ryan. I’ll always need you, don’t leave, I begged.

    I’m not leaving you yet, he whispered, pulling me into a tight embrace.

    Like two puzzle pieces, we fit together perfectly. I didn’t want to go and face reality again. For that very moment, I was in my comfort zone. Ryan was my comfort. With him, I was safe, and all my worries seemed insignificant. Almost all of them did, anyway.

    Ryan, there’s something I need to ask you, and you have to be completely honest with me even if you think the truth will hurt, I said seriously, pulling away from him.


    Do we exist?

    I studied his reaction, and the way he was pulling on his shirt sleeves was making me uneasy.

    No, he said so quietly that I had to lean in to hear him.

    I was waiting for the moment that Ryan would burst out laughing or make fun of me for thinking something so far-fetched to be true, but it never came. We both just stayed silent for the longest time as I processed my thoughts.

    How long? I asked eventually.

    What do you mean?

    How long have you known? I was trying to stay calm, but the secrets and lies associated with Ryan that I’d forcibly buried were resurfacing.

    A while, he said in barely a whisper.

    Before or after Denver? I prompted.


    Why haven’t you told me?

    Rachel, you have to understand. We had a mission to complete, and you were a major part of it. If I had told you the moment I found out, it could have jeopardized everything. It isn’t as bad as it seems, Ryan said hurriedly. A million things were going through my mind at that moment.

    Not as bad? I repeated, my voice rising. Ryan, you’re the one who doesn’t understand. What is the point of having saved a world that won’t even remember us? Why should I strive, I mockingly emphasized the word in my hysteria, to be some great leader when it means losing my family?

    Rachel, Ryan began softly, stepping toward me with his arms outstretched.

    No, I said, putting a hand out to stop him. I’m tired of the lies, Ryan. I’m done being a Protector.

    Rachel, you don’t mean that. A Protector is part of who you are. You can’t change that.

    No, a Protector is something that you and Kayle made me to be, and I will change that, I said forcefully.

    You can’t, Ryan disagreed in a quiet voice. You can’t hide from that symbol on your ankle, and I’m pretty sure you’ll have trouble hiding from the Protectors. If you try to run, they will catch up to you every time. You’re too valuable to lose.

    Why did you even bother coming back? I asked darkly, and turning on my heel, I headed deeper into the woods.

    Rachel! Ryan called.

    Go away, Ryan! I yelled back, and once more, Ryan was disappearing in front of my eyes until I was more alone and empty than ever.

    One, two, three claps, and my body froze. Footsteps were drawing near, coming close up from behind me.

    Very well done, a voice drawled. Remember back in Denver? I really thought we had you beat, but you are just full of surprises, Rachel Tristan.

    I turned in record time to find myself face to face with Jared. His features were nothing at all like Ryan’s. In every detail of his appearance, there was a cold, bitter edge. From his dark-blue eyes that looked blacker than was normal for a human, to the hard lines etched into his expression, Jared was easily told apart from his twin brother.

    What, no ‘hello’? No ‘I’m so glad to see you’? Jared went on in a sarcastic tone.

    I didn’t have it in me to give some witty retort. I simply stared back at Jared through blurred eyes. The fear and hate I usually felt when around Jared was gone. In fact, I felt some kind of guilty pleasure seeing him.

    Jared cocked his head to one side and studied me for a long moment.

    What did he do to you? Jared asked, for once actually sounding sincere.

    He lied, I breathed, wishing the words weren’t true.

    People lie all the time, Jared said, quietly stepping closer.

    I shook my head, keeping my eyes focused on his plain black T-shirt, not wanting our eyes to meet.

    This wasn’t just a lie. He kept everything from me. I don’t know who I can trust anymore, I whispered, still shaking my head.

    What exactly did he say? Jared asked, sounding mildly curious.

    It’s what he didn’t say, I mumbled. Did you know that we didn’t, we don’t exist?

    Yes, Jared said when the silence became agonizing.

    Would you have told me if things were different? I asked.

    Meaning if you and I were fighting on the same side? Of course, Imperians don’t keep secrets, Jared said proudly.

    Apparently, Protectors were born to live lives of secrets and lies. That’s all they know, I said bitterly.

    They? Jared asked me as he began to circle me slowly.

    I’m done being one of them, I explained.

    But they won’t just let you walk away? he asked.


    Will you stay, then?


    Where will you go?

    Anywhere, as long as they never find me, I said in such a definite way that startled me.

    On your own? he asked, not meeting my eyes.

    If I can only trust myself, then obviously I’m going alone, I said in irritation that wasn’t completely directed at Jared.

    What if you decided to let someone else in? he asked very carefully, stopping in front of me. What if you let me in?

    You tried to kill me, I said, puzzled.

    We were on opposing sides. That was to be expected, Jared said easily.

    Why should I trust you? I asked.

    That is a very good question, he said, pausing after every word. And I don’t have the answer. Take a leap of faith, Rachel. Let someone new in.

    I was hesitant, but as Jared continued to whisper words of persuasion, my common sense slipped away.

    Without much thought, without much rationality, I nodded very slowly. A shadow of a smile spread across Jared’s face.

    You will take me somewhere safe? I asked in a hollow voice.


    But not to the Imperians?


    And the Protectors will never find you, he promised, taking me by the hand and leading me away from the woods where the Protectors were gathered, away from the school.

    What if this is a mistake? I wondered aloud as he pulled me with a gentle but somehow still vice-like grip toward his shiny silver Nissan Altima.

    ◦     ◦     ◦

    Let’s go, Jared said, opening his car door.

    You’re coming in with me? I asked, looking skeptically from him to my front door.

    Did you think I would let you go alone? he asked, seeing the look on my face.

    I was kind of hoping you would, I admitted.

    Too bad. Now let’s go, he said, stepping completely out of the car and shutting the door.

    I led Jared to the front door, muttering all the while. As I lifted my hand to turn the knob, the door opened.

    Rachel, you’re back! Ashley cried, wrapping her arms around me.

    I told you I would be. I laughed, hugging her back.

    I know, but—

    You didn’t trust me, I completed for her. Ashley grinned up sheepishly at me.

    Trying to push the annoyance from my thoughts, I looked her up and down, taking in the fluffy bathrobe, slippers, and pajamas.

    Skipping school today? I asked, unable to keep a smile contained.

    Blame Mom, Ashley said with a sheepish grin.

    Rachel, my mom began, walking swiftly from the kitchen, her eyes locked on Jared, who is this?

    This is Jared, I said quickly. Jared, this is my mom.

    Nice to meet you, he said, extending a hand toward her although he didn’t sound the least bit pleased. Rachel, can we?

    Jared? My mom repeated. She looked at Jared and then back at me. But Rachel, you said. I heard you. You told me Jared killed his own brother.

    Sorry, Mom, I must have gotten the names a little mixed up, I said, turning toward the stairs.

    And where exactly is it that you two think you’re going? she asked in a protective manner.

    My room, I have to pack. I said simply, and with Jared at my side, I headed up the stairs.

    I sat down on my bed as soon as we entered the room and laid my head back on the memory foam pillow. I wanted to stay in that moment. The complete ease of being able to lay back and just close my eyes, breathing in the air around me, I was tantalized. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the luxury of being comfortable for a moment and relaxing. I had to leave again.

    With a sigh, I pushed myself up from the bed and restraightened my caramel-colored sheets. I didn’t know how long I would be gone for or if I would even end up coming back, so I grabbed a large black gym bag and stuffed clothes for winter and summer into it. I paused when I had been about to pack my favorite dark-green shirt that had the cursive words faith and hope repeatedly printed over every inch of it. It was one of Ashley’s favorites, and if there was even the smallest chance of me not coming back, I had to leave her with something.

    That was cute. Jared smirked, getting up from my desk chair and coming to stand in front of me. But you know what’s cuter?

    With the back of his hand, he brushed the side of my cheek and let it trail down the side of my dress. I pushed him away.

    I don’t know what I was thinking, I said quickly. You should just go. I’ll be fine on my own. Jared laughed, never once taking his eyes off me.

    You either walk out of this door with me, he said, his eyes suddenly becoming cold again, or I make you.

    I knew you would never change, I scoffed.

    No, Rachel, Jared said, quickly slipping back into a smooth, lighthearted tone. I only meant that if you don’t come with me the Protectors will find you. You know they will. I apologize for coming too close, that was wrong of me, but it’s for your own good. We need to hurry and leave.

    I don’t know.

    Look, you aren’t thinking straight right now. So many things have happened, that your mind is having trouble processing it all. But you need to come with me, Rachel. Trust me, he said, and as I stared at him, his eyes seemed to grow, to almost be taken over by the blue, and it mesmerized me. Of course, he just had to be right.


    Wait, Jared cut in, can you hear that?

    We both stayed silent for a moment. There was a soft buzzing from my dresser by the door.

    Oh, that’s my phone, I said. "Don’t worry, it will go straight to voice mail.

    After a few more moments, a cool female voice said, Message from Kayle. And after that, a distressed voice filled the room.

    Rachel where are you? Is everything okay? You just disappeared without a word, and we’ve been worried sick. I’ve been terrified, thinking that maybe you were right about Jared, and maybe he did survive even though it’s impossible. Anyway, now I’m all freaked out, so meet me at your house. I’m on my way there. Bye.

    A loud beep sounded, and Kayle’s voice was gone. The only sound to be heard was my heavy breathing and Jared’s footsteps as he paced my room.

    Leave with me now, or I will drag you out by your neck, Rachel, Jared whispered, with his index fingers pressed hard against his temples. Face it. I’m the only one who can keep the Protectors from you.

    Jared, I—

    You have exactly three seconds to decide.





    Fine, I agreed, letting out a long sigh. It was reckless, and I knew it, but Jared had a point. If I had to choose between returning to the Protectors or doing the last thing Ryan would want and leaving with Jared, well, the choice was too simple.

    Good, I’ll take your bag, he said, slinging the bag over his shoulder. There isn’t any time for you to change, Jared added, eyeing my dress."

    I’ll survive, I sighed, slipping on my brown boots so that I mismatched completely.

    Together, we headed out of my room only to find an agitated Ashley rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet by the stairs. She looked up quickly at the sound of our approach and blocked our path down the stairs.

    You lied down there, she scoffed, staring straight into my eyes. He is the one who killed Ryan.

    Ashley was pointing an accusing finger at Jared, and I pushed it away.

    Give it up, Ash, I said. You must be thinking of someone else.

    No, no, it’s fine, Rachel, Jared whispered, and then he turned to face Ashley. You’re right. I did kill my brother.

    Rachel isn’t leaving with you, Ashley said loudly, stamping her foot like a little child.

    Ash, you don’t understand, I said in a very low voice that choked off at the end.

    I understand completely, Rachel. He’s manipulating you, can’t you see?


    If you leave with him, you’re dead to me, Ashley said darkly, brushing a long brown curl from her face.

    Ashley! My cheeks were beginning to burn, and my heart sank several inches. How can you say that?

    How can you betray Ryan? she retorted.

    Don’t you dare, don’t even… you don’t know what he did to me! Ryan betrayed me, Ashley!

    I was losing it. My body was burning, but it was something like an icy burn as tears fell from my eyes. I glanced out the window and noticed the soft rain beginning to fall.

    Time to go, Rachel, Jared said, putting a hand on my arm to help calm me.

    I mean it, Rachel, Ashley threatened as I looked from her to Jared. Me or him?

    Ashley, I mumbled, taking

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