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The Day the Preacher Was Silenced
The Day the Preacher Was Silenced
The Day the Preacher Was Silenced
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The Day the Preacher Was Silenced

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Some doctors are baffled at the fact that Rev. H. Meredith Hinds is still alive today. They are saying he is a living miracle. Twelve years ago, this preacher was diagnosed with cancer of the throat and was not expected to talk again, far less preach. The chief surgeon told him that during the operation, he could not remove much of the tumor because the cancer cells were so aggressive, that they had already spread to the main artery of the brain, as well as the spinal cord. This man was told that the only help available for such a condition as his was radiation treatment. However, he refused to accept the radiation treatment his doctor had prescribed and decided that he would trust God for his healing instead. You will be greatly challenged by the faith of this amazing man of God.

This work is a vital reading for all. It should provide inspiration to those who find themselves in testing situations, and also those in search of faith.
Prof. Curwen Best BA (UWI), MPhil (UWI), PhD (Birmingham)
Professor of Popular Culture and Literary Studies
UWI, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados

Quite frankly, your story should be a "bestseller" here in the USA and abroad. It's not only a great book, but it's personable and genuine and it probes at the heart making you want to seek God's face even more. I also enjoyed that you were not puffed up and afraid to talk about your weaknesses.
New Jersey
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 10, 2012
The Day the Preacher Was Silenced

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    The Day the Preacher Was Silenced - Rev. H. Meredith Hinds

    Copyright © 2012 by Rev. H. Meredith Hinds, DipTh.

    Revised Edition @ 2012, First Edition @2002

    By H. Meredith Hinds

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2012915914

    ISBN:          Softcover                                 978-1-4797-0843-7

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4797-0844-4

    All rights reserved.

    Written permission must be secured from the author or publisher to use, store in a retrieval system or reproduce any part of this book except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles.

    All scripture quotations used were taken from the New Scofield Reference Bible (The King James Version) and The English Standard Version unless otherwise stated.

    Revised Version Edited


    Mrs. Ruth Hinds, BA (Hons.) MA

    Cherry-ann J. Pilgrim, BA, MA

    Cover designed by

    Peter Woodroffe

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    Xlibris Corporation




    About The Author




    Chapter 1

    The Day My Soul Was Saved

    Chapter 2

    I Believe In Miracles

    Chapter 3

    The Day My Life Was Saved

    Chapter 4

    My First Experience In Hospital

    Chapter 5

    The Silent Preacher

    Chapter 6

    Standing On The Solid Rock

    Chapter 7

    A Lonely Road To Travel

    Chapter 8

    Walking Faith

    Chapter 9

    Those Fervent Prayers

    Chapter 10

    We Frightened Men

    Chapter 11

    Taking Life For Granted

    Chapter 12

    When God Doesn’t Make Sense

    Chapter 13

    Lovest Thou Me More Than These?

    Chapter 14

    When God Says, Wait!

    Chapter 15

    Thank God For My Family!

    Chapter 16

    I’ve Come This Far By Faith


    The Doctor’s Progress Report

    A Book Review—Received Via Email On October 20, 2010


    This book is dedicated to my sweetheart, Ruth, and my loving mother, Eurla who have been a constant tower of strength to me, especially during my illness. It is also dedicated to my children, Kevin and Natalie, Janelle, Rommel and Sherene, Daniel, Glenville, my foster son, and all my spiritual sons and daughters.

    Quotes from the pages

    001_a_jason.pdf I tried desperately to stop the car as it plummeted towards the tree in front of me, but the brakes did not respond on the grassy surface. Instead of coming to a sudden halt, it decided to recklessly embrace the solitary tree in front of it, choosing it as its final resting place.


    001_a_jason.pdf The day was like any other Caribbean day; the sun was shining brightly, and the trees swayed gently in the breeze, which softly caressed my face. However, my body felt awful, as if to confirm that I had an appointment with the hospital.


    001_a_jason.pdf As a young evangelist, and very early in our marriage, I had one of the most humbling experiences to date. Payday was about a week away and suddenly we discovered that all our monies had gone. Yes! Gone! Not stolen, but gone!


    001_a_jason.pdf We never sought Him in respect of a miracle for our daughter, concerning this condition, but we were now at our wits end and we realized that having enough money to buy Isomil was only a stop gap measure. What we needed more than anything else was a miracle from God!


    001_a_jason.pdf That was two weeks after Dr. Ametewee placed the yoke on her neck. Did I say yoke? I meant brace. As soon as I removed my hand from around her neck, the brace became loosed as the swelling disappeared and she discovered that she was totally healed by the power of God.


    001_a_jason.pdf They inserted the tube in my trachea that night. You ask me how I know they had inserted it? Well I was wide awake and bawling for blue murder, while Dr. Vincent Clarke and his team kept assuring me that they will soon be finished. Just hang in there!" he said. I have since asked God to forgive them.


    001_a_jason.pdf The combination of brilliant minds and modern technology are breaking new ground in the medical field every day. There is very little that scientists have not done in exploring the human body. Yet I am convinced that man does not and will never have all the answers. However, we need not fear, because when men do not know what to do, God still has the final say. He still works all manner of miracles.


    H. Meredith Hinds is an Ordained Minister and the founder of Touching Families International Ministries. TFI Ministries was launched in July 2001 as a family ministry. Its aim is to reach, educate, and empower families through counseling, seminars, conferences, workshops and crusades, as well as assisting needy families through its benevolent arm.

    Meredith has been a Christian for the past forty-two years and is a member of the Goodland New Testament Church of God, St. Michael, Barbados where he sits on the Pastor’s Council and conducts a vibrant weekly Bible Study. He served as the New Testament Church of God’s (Barbados) National Life Builders’ Director for twelve years. He was also co-host of their National Radio Broadcast, Words of Life, with Pastor Sandra Johnson and served in that capacity for thirteen years.

    He attended the Barbados Bible College where he received the Diploma in Theology. He also completed a course in Advanced Counselling at The Erdiston Teachers’ Training College. For the past forty years, he has been preaching to various congregations throughout the length and breadth of Barbados. He has also ministered in England, as well as a number of Caribbean islands, including: Jamaica, St. Vincent, and Trinidad and Tobago.

    Meredith and his wife, Ruth, were both trained at the Open Campus of the University of the West Indies, as Family life Educators, and have been involved in pre marital and post marital counselling for over twenty years. They have been conducting counselling sessions with Network Services Centre Inc., one of Barbados’ leading counseling centres, for over ten years. They have conducted sessions with church congregations, couples’ ministries, youth groups, retreats, camps, etc. on family life issues. They have also conducted similar family life sessions in England, Trinidad and Tobago, and St. Lucia.

    They are the proud parents of Kevin, Janelle, Rommel and Daniel. Meredith is one of Barbados’ leading Calligraphers and he teaches the art, as well as inscribes certificates, books, etc., on the behalf of companies, educational institutions, organizations, and individuals.


    Rev H. Meredith Hinds is a man of God. His first major literary work represents an attempt not only to share the truths of his past and present experiences, but also to demonstrate the continuing relevance of God in post-modern Caribbean society.

    Caribbean literature today boasts of having established a tradition of writers and writings who/which have confronted the issues we face in our secular existence. Although writers like Kamau Brathwaite and George Lamming might dispute the claim that their writings have a particular secular orientation, the deeper truth is that they do. This is not a condemnation, since; a writer like Brathwaite is also concerned with issues of humanity and spirituality.

    But the kind of work that Rev. Hinds produces in The Day The Preacher Was Silenced, falls into another category. It is a work about the Gospel. It is a work about contemporary Caribbean Life. This book is a landmark in some respects. It is a treasure because too few of these kinds of books are being published in the Caribbean region, and/or by Caribbean writers.

    It is a shame these many years after our Independence that we have not moved as a regional Christian community to liberate ourselves from the over reliance on the Word and experience of God as narrated by people in the Metropolises. This is another reason why Rev. Hinds’ work is such a democratic document. It challenges us to declare the word of God in our own tongue, in our own language. It reminds us to be honest about our feelings, and to centre God in our experiences.

    Rev. Hinds writes with a certain candour, knowledge of the scriptures, and a sense of humor. It is these very traits that undermine our preconceptions of the man of the cloth. This is not a failing of the work. On the contrary, this is its strength, since we see the man of God as a human being. He is no greater really than ourselves. But like us, he has to negotiate his way through life with the help and guidance of God.

    This work is vital reading for all. It should provide inspiration to those who find themselves in testing situations, and also to those in search of faith.

    Professor Curwen Best

    BA (UWI), MPhil (UWI), PhD (Birmingham)

    Professor of Popular Culture and Literary Studies

    UWI, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados


    I would like to express sincere thanks to:—

    My greatest and most dependable Hero and Friend, My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who has not, and will never make my face ashamed, but has kept me without any radiation treatment, or medication from the time I left the hospital, until present.

    My beloved wife, Ruth and the immediate family who gave me my greatest support and encouragement, as well as put up with my constant dreaming and talking about this book from the day it was birthed into my spirit.

    My extended family, who have been a source of strength during and after my hospitalization.

    Sis. Jan Parris, who has been a God-send and an answer to prayer when I needed someone to retyped the manuscript for me.

    Pastor Albion Wiggins, and the entire Goodland New Testament Church of God family, for their love and support during the journey.

    Dr. Vincent Clarke who has walked with my wife and I through this illness and has continued to show interest and concern during the journey.

    Dr. Gillian Clarke who created history by admitting me to hospital on my 45th birthday. It was my first experience being hospitalized, but her intervention saved my life.

    Prof. Curwen Best, author of Barbadian Popular Music and Roots to Popular Culture, for offering his expertise and giving valuable assistance and guidance in reviewing this text, and writing an excellent foreword.

    Henderson Seale who recommended that I market the book electronically and provided valuable support along the way.

    Mr. Kelvin Springer who provided transportation and ensured that our family’s car was replaced without any disruption, during my hospitalization.

    Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Allman for arranging and providing the pictures taken at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the day after my major operation.

    The doctors, nurses and support staff of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, who contributed quality patient care, so I could share some very valuable experiences with my readers.

    To all my many friends and well-wishers who encouraged me when I told them I was planning to write this book.



    The Day the Preacher Was Silenced was written because of one of my biggest spiritual examinations to date. As a result of the experiences I have been through, I felt that there were some valuable lessons to be shared with those who are facing any type of adversity.

    From the awful experience of being dumb for approximately three weeks, to the full restoration of being able to preach again—this experience has taught me that God will be with me through every situation, especially in my period of adversity. It has also caused me to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

    My main objectives are to encourage every Christian to develop a sound faith and deep spiritual maturity in Jesus Christ. I should hasten to remind us however, that this development usually comes through much adversity. I am also hoping to confront every non-Christian to have an encounter with an in-touched God who is actively working in my life, with a desire of bringing them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

    God’s Word tells us in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 11 that no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous; nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them who are exercised by it. Yes, no normal human being likes pain, but as the saying goes, no pain no gain.

    Like any loving and concerned parent, God’s intention is to help His children to develop spiritually, physically, socially, and psychologically. This is usually a very gradual process, but if the lesson is well learned, it eventually makes us well rounded and more mature than we were before. However, this can only be achieved, when we learn how to submit to Him, even though He permits certain adverse situations to affect our lives.

    For too long, the church has been plagued with members in its body whose growth has been stunted. Very few of us want to make the sacrifices that permit us to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The process by which God develops us is usually a very painful one. However, in spite of the pain, the Holy Spirit seeks to mature us specifically for His glory, as well as for our development.

    Paul was hurt because he could not really share deep spiritual truths with the church at Corinth. In 1 Corinthians 3 verse 1, he said, And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with solid food; for to this time ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

    God desires to take some of us to a higher level, because He wants to use us in specific ministries, but we can lose the blessing by resisting the method He chooses to achieve His ultimate goal. He finds it difficult to use milk Christians, that is why He permits some adverse situations in our lives, so that He can introduce some solid foods into our diet.

    When I was in the hospital, I was on liquids for just over three weeks and although I lost desired weight, I was very weak as a result. I could not help myself, or anyone else for that matter. Therefore, milk is for a time, but God wants us to get some teeth so we can eat food and add some solidity and strength, not only to our lives, but also to the body of Christ. Whatever you are currently going through, remember that God did not bring you in the middle of the ocean to drown you, but He brought you there, so He can teach you how to swim.

    The chapter entitled Taking Life for Granted is compulsory reading for everyone. The lives of the two fictional characters, Tom and Liz, who are supposed to have died in one of the planes that crashed into the World Twin Towers, challenges Christians and non-Christians alike, to a conscious level of preparing for our unexpected date with eternity.

    In this revised edition, I have updated my readers on my present condition as it relates to the miracle God wrought in my life, as well as the family I am blessed with. The additional chapter is entitled I have come this far by faith.

    I guarantee you that this book will challenge you to take a stand for Jesus Christ and it will also help you to see adversities in your life, as important ingredients towards your own spiritual development.

    Rev. H. Meredith Hinds, DipTh.


    The Day My Soul Was Saved

    If any man be in Christ he is a new creature . . .

    2 Corth. 5:17


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