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Behind Every Dark Cloud: The Critically Acclaimed Novel the Second Edition
Behind Every Dark Cloud: The Critically Acclaimed Novel the Second Edition
Behind Every Dark Cloud: The Critically Acclaimed Novel the Second Edition
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Behind Every Dark Cloud: The Critically Acclaimed Novel the Second Edition

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Detective Alonzo Cunningham races against the clock to rid the city from a serial rapist. A beautiful woman unwittingly aids the widowed detective in his investigation as well as a clairvoyant college student, James Dexter, and his underworld connected father, Reese Dexter, Jr. Richmond, Virginia is the backdrop for this fast moving novel that brings back some powerful characters from For Better or For Worse, and introduces Shelley Clarke and Sylvia Montgomery into this suspenseful thriller. In addition to capturing the serial rapist, the Dexters are searching for the long lost son of a family friend until the novels breath-taking and jaw dropping conclusion.

I have never been so captivated.

~Wilma Cross, Las Vegas Nevada


~Audrey Neal Thrift, New Orleans, Louisiana

Wow! Otelia Christian, Richmond, Virginia
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 18, 2012
Behind Every Dark Cloud: The Critically Acclaimed Novel the Second Edition

Charles Carroll Lee

Charles Carroll Lee hails from Petersburg, Virginia. He is the author of five fiction novels and currently serves as the webmaster and social media manager for a local government agency.

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    Book preview

    Behind Every Dark Cloud - Charles Carroll Lee

    Chapter One

    I’m Detective Alonzo Cunningham. How May I Help You?

    Dressed in a pair of black tattered pants and a dark well-worn sweatshirt, Troy Parham slithered up the stairs within the 7 th Street parking deck on a cloudy night. This was the second parking deck that Troy had visited within the past week. He noticed a few beer cans and soda cups during his flight. Troy angrily kicked one the beer cans out of his way and opened the heavy door leading to the second level. He scanned the deck which was littered with cars, SUV’s and motorcycles.

    He walked around the parking deck as though he were the proud owner. Troy peeped inside of cars and SUV’s and touched a few of the motorcycles—constantly looking over his shoulder. Nothing sparked his interest on this level. So, he jumped over a railing in the center of the deck until he landed on the spiral exit ramp. Troy ran as fast as he could up the ramp until he reached the third level.

    Catching his breath, Troy heard the elevator signal that it was releasing or admitting a passenger. He quickly hid next to a pick-up truck. Once the elevator door had closed and realizing that the deck was still void of human life; he eased out of hiding and surveyed his surroundings.

    Walking around the parking lot, a shiny, black vehicle caught his attention. Troy peeped inside the driver’s side window and figured that it belonged to a female. He decided to hide until it was time.

    The Richmond Coliseum waited to host another sold-out event under a dark and cloudy late fall night. Thousands of cars, SUV’s and mounted police officers surrounded the coliseum in the vibrant downtown district. Vendors who were busy selling t-shirts of tonight’s performers, candy apples, and cotton candy lined the streets surrounding the illuminated building.

    The coliseum serves as host for hundreds of concerts and conventions for the City of Richmond, Virginia. Country-western, rhythm and blues and rock singers in addition to the WWE Smackdown, Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus and regional basketball tournaments have graced the gigantic edifice with heart pumping action and excitement. Tractor pull and monster truck shows have also stirred some noise for interested fans. Jehovah Witnesses and various other groups also schedule their conventions at the coliseum year after year. Holiday on Ice, usually the last scheduled show of the year, will display precision and grace immediately after Thanksgiving. However, on this night; the coliseum is the host for another sold out concert featuring national recording artists—Anthony Hamilton and Earth, Wind and Fire.

    In the midst of a mild roar within the coliseum as fans scurried to their seats and carried on lively conversations; Shelley Clarke sat alone and without a date. She is a cool, casual beauty. Shelley was dressed in a brown leather jacket with matching leather pants and three-inch pumps. Her outfit matched her caramel colored skin and her stylish haircut fell to her shoulders. She was beside herself because her male friend had stood her up—once again.

    Shelley had arrived at the entertainment venue fashionably late when she realized that her date would be a no-show at ten past eight. The concert was scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. Shelley had thought that it was too late to ask someone to accompany her and everyone that she thought of asking had other plans for the evening. Besides she did not want to miss one single note sung by Anthony Hamilton or Earth, Wind and Fire. She was relieved that the concert was delayed by one hour due to audio and other technical problems. Shelley thought that those things were checked ahead of time.

    When the lights had finally dimmed, the announcer proudly announced Anthony Hamilton to the audience. Before the lights had dimmed, Shelley had waved toward several people that she knew and hoped that they thought that her date was in the men’s room or went to the concession stand. She also thought that she had a great, full, direct view of the stage on the front row of Section F. Fans of the performers were also seated near the ceiling.

    During the evening, the two musical performers had mesmerized and entertained its longtime fans. After Earth, Wind and Fire had responded to the cheering crowd standing ovation by performing Fantasy, hundreds of fans exited the entertainment center laughing and singing some of their favorite tunes by the popular performers. Dozens of people, dressed in different styles of leather and suede, stood in front of the coliseum waiting for family and friends that were lost in the crowd. Shelley weaved in and out of the crowd of people and made her way into the cool night to retrieve her vehicle from a nearby parking deck.

    Stepping onto the elevator, she was a little nervous that she was now alone in this parking deck. She surmised that the other concert-goers had parked in a deck closer to the coliseum.

    Earlier in the evening, she had tried to park in the deck next to the coliseum, but due to the sold-out crowd; it was full for at least one hour prior to the start of the concert.

    If that jerk hadn’t stood me up at the last minute and made me late, I could have parked in the closest deck before it got too full, she had said, stepping off of the elevator.

    Shelley spotted her vehicle straight ahead on her right. She reached for her keys in her leather jacket pocket while increasing her pace to safety. As she placed the key in the door, an arm grabbed her around the neck as a knife came into her peripheral vision. Her heart began to beat rapidly and her mouth became as dry as cotton. The slender attacker turned her around in one movement and punched her in the face. She fell to the cold, dark ground. When Shelley took a deep breath, she realized that she was about to be raped.

    Through teary eyes, she said, Take my pocketbook and my keys!

    I want something better—bitch! the attacker announced as he unbuckled his pants. He waved the knife with his other hand.

    The frightened woman quickly stood to her feet after which the attacker gave her a backhand slap across the face. Shelley found herself being hurled against her vehicle with tears streaming down her face. The attacker turned the woman so that they were facing each other and pressed his large lips against hers. She became nauseated at the taste of his foul breath.

    Deciding to return her attacker’s foul kisses, Shelley said, Wait. Let’s do this right!

    Shut the hell up, bitch! the attacker demanded, trying to remove his victim’s jacket.

    Take your clothes off! Let me see what you have to work with! Shelley commanded in her best seductive voice.

    What the hell’s wrong with you? I’ll cut yo’ ass up! the attacker asked in disbelief.

    I’ve always fantasized about being taken advantage of in a dark deserted parking deck—especially at knifepoint.


    Moving closer to the criminal, Shelley began to unzip her attacker’s pants. Shocked and surprised, he slapped her hands away from him and then slapped her across the face—once more.

    Ooooo! That felt so, so good! she said.

    You a freak or something? the attacker asked. He still could not believe the demeanor of his victim.

    No! But, I think that you are a ‘freak or something’ for attacking women! Shelley retorted.

    With the speed of light, Shelley placed both of her hands on her attacker’s shoulders and gave him a swift knee to his private parts as the knife left his hands. The attacker grabbed his crotch, doubled over in pain, and screamed some expletives that the woman had never heard before. While the attacker was doubled over in intense pain, Shelley grabbed him behind the neck with both hands, pulled him in a downward position and kneed him several times in the face. She then pushed him away from her and delivered a right and then a left punch directly into his young looking face. The attacker staggered in the middle of the parking deck until Shelley presented him with a martial arts kick directly onto the chin. The attacker fell onto his back and lay motionless on the concrete deck.

    Shelley quickly opened the rear of her black Volvo SUV to retrieve some duct tape and rope while keeping an eye on her assailant. When the attacker unsteadily stood on his own two feet, she rushed toward him and delivered another quick round of punches to his abdomen along with another swift kick to his private area. As though she were a rodeo queen, Shelley bounded the attacker’s arms and legs with duct tape and tied the rope around his torso and arms. She dragged him by the rope and shoved him into the passenger seat of her vehicle. Shelley then took her position behind the wheel. Her breathing was hard and heavy.

    I’m going to sue you for assault and battery and kidnapping! the attacker yelled from the passenger seat. He noticed that her car smelled of perfume and car deodorizer.

    Shut up all the damn noise! Shelley shouted.

    She made a winding exit from the third level of the parking deck and sped through the Pay Here sign breaking the red and white lever. Shelley connected with the street like a police officer on a high speed chase and had wondered where was the police that she saw when she left the coliseum.

    Oops, I guess I should’ve paid the parking attendant. I’ll come back and pay for the damages, Shelley said aloud.

    Interrupting Shelley’s statement, the attacker yelled, I’m going straight to the cops!

    You’ll have your chance to do that real soon! Now, shut up all that noise! I mean it!

    Shelley sped down Leigh Street past the main entrance of the Richmond Coliseum and noticed that the crowd had thinned significantly. She made a right onto Eighth Street and proceeded past the John Marshall Courts Building. She ran the red light at Eighth and Marshall Streets, crossed over Broad Street, and made a sudden right turn onto Grace Street. She drove with haste until she found the Richmond City Police Headquarters.

    Shelley parked directly in front of the renovated granite building. She got out of her vehicle, opened the passenger door, and pulled her attacker by the rope until he fell onto the sidewalk.

    Damn it, bitch you’re abusing me! the attacker yelled as he fell on the concrete sidewalk.

    Oops. Sorry. Please excuse me. Now, get up and walk! You can go tell the police about your assault and battery complaint!

    Let me go bitch! What’s wrong with you! I can’t walk, you taped up my legs! the attacker shouted as he struggled for freedom.

    With all the strength that she could gather, Shelley dragged her attacker up a slight incline and through a set of double glass doors by the rope. Facing a little difficulty getting through the glass doors, the duo appeared as though they were performing a comedy sketch on television. The glass doors had closed between the victim and attacker. Shelley was pulling on the rope on one side of the closed door while Troy repeated, Stop it! You’re hurting me! from the other side of the door.

    While Shelley was trying to bring her attacker to justice through the glass doors; a burly desk sergeant, who sat at a two-foot high desk that was very neat and organized, was engrossed in paperwork. His blond crew cut matched his reddish skin color. When he heard the commotion, he peered over his reading glasses at the sight now before him.

    Pointing to her attacker on the floor, Shelley stated, Good evening. I was attacked just a few minutes ago, and here is my attacker.

    The burly desk sergeant stood and leaned over his desk. He picked up the telephone receiver and called for assistance. The attacker was now crying in a fit of rage.

    Shelley yelled, Didn’t I tell you to shut up all that noise? Huh?

    Emerging from an unmarked door, Detective Alonzo Hubert Cunningham, in his mid-thirties, tall, physically fit, with a golden brown complexion, and medium close haircut gazed at the woman in the brown leather attire. Detective Cunningham is responsible for investigating homicides, rapes, and robberies in the city. He was dressed in a starched white shirt with a tasteful printed necktie. The detective carried a gun in his shoulder holster while his police badge hung on his leather belt.

    I’m Detective Alonzo Cunningham. How may I help you? he asked the woman. He could barely take his eyes off of her.

    Oh my! Well, hello! I was attacked just a few minutes ago in the parking deck, and here is my attacker, Shelley said, pointing once again to her attacker on the floor. She hoped that her facial bruises and cuts did not make her less appealing to the detective.

    What happened, exactly? asked the detective.

    Shelley gave the detective a somewhat humorous account of the last several hours to include being stood up, a full parking deck, and the attack near her SUV, while the desk sergeant laughed silently. He pulled some tissues from a box to wipe his tears of laughter. Detective Cunningham had mustered enough will power to suppress a chuckle at Shelley’s recount of the evening.

    Studying the heap on the floor, the desk sergeant moved from behind his desk to take a closer look at the alleged attacker. Shelley thought that even though the desk sergeant was a man with a large body frame, he displayed a flat stomach and large biceps.

    Do you know who this is, Cunningham? the desk sergeant asked, knowing the answer to his question.

    Taking a closer look at the whimpering heap, Detective Cunningham replied, Well, I’ll be damned! It’s Troy Parham, the alleged Parking Deck Rapist! We’ve been trying to catch you for a mighty long time!

    Let’s book him! the desk sergeant said, eagerly. He then summoned some of Richmond’s Finest from his desk phone to incarcerate Troy Parham—the Parking Deck Rapist.

    After reading Troy Parham his Miranda Rights, Detective Cunningham said to the young woman, We need for you to fill out some paper work. Please, follow me.

    Detective Cunningham began to admire the woman’s strength, courage, and cool beauty as he led her through the door he had entered moments ago and through a maze of cluttered desks, empty coffee cups, and cursing victims. The detective sat her down next to his unorganized desk and punched a few keys on his computer.

    Searching for an electronic form on his PC, Detective Cunningham asked, Do you need to go to the hospital? I noticed that you have a cut on your lip and a bruise near your eye. Now looking at the beauty seated next to his desk, he offered, If you prefer, I can have a female officer take your statement, and we can refer you to a rape crisis center.

    No, thank you. I don’t feel a need to go to the hospital, and you can take my statement. I wasn’t raped, so a rape crisis center won’t be necessary, Shelley replied.

    I need to take some pictures of your face for the prosecutor’s downtown after I type in your statement, the detective stated.

    All right. He can’t really press charges against me for what I did—can he?

    Are you kidding? We’ve been trying to catch Troy Parham for months, and all of his victims decided not to press charges or they were too frightened to fight back—until you came along.

    Trying to concentrate on taking the woman’s statement, Detective Cunningham typed her account of the attack on his computer; he then led her to another room where he snapped several pictures of her face. There was a police officer on duty assigned to take pictures of rape and assault victims. However, Detective Cunningham gladly offered to take the pictures while the officer completed a task for the Police Chief. The detective realized that even with the bruise and cut lip that the victim was indeed a gorgeous woman.

    After the photo session, Detective Cunningham led Shelley back to his desk inside the room of ringing telephones and dirty coffee cups. As the detective and Shelley walked through the room, the on-duty police officers and detectives gave her a standing ovation for her courage and bravery along with words of praise and loud cheers. She had not seen a standing ovation nor heard loud cheers since she left the concert several minutes ago. The desk sergeant had leaked the news of the Shelley’s heroic efforts to his colleagues in person and via email.

    While the woman was waving and blowing kisses at the admiring police officers and detectives as if she were riding on a float in a parade, Troy Parham entered the room handcuffed and escorted by three police officers. He was en route to the city lockup.

    Bitch! I’m going to sue you for kidnapping, assault and battery! Troy yelled toward the woman.

    Shocked, Shelley replied, You are going to do what? And stop calling me a ‘bitch’! as she leaped toward her attacker.

    Get her away from me! Get her ass away from me! Troy yelled as the police officers hurried him out of the room.

    Detective Cunningham had practically caught Shelley in mid-air and held her until the Parking Deck Rapist was out of the room. She clawed at Troy as if she were a caged animal.

    I’m sorry about that! They should have taken him out the other way, Detective Cunningham said with great concern.

    The nerve of him. He wants to sue me!

    Don’t worry about it. He’s just venting. I need some more information from you.

    And what might that be? Shelley asked as she sat next to the detective’s desk.

    Your address, telephone number, and full legal name, for the record—of course, the detective, replied.

    Yes, of course, for the record. I don’t have a permanent address yet. I’m staying with some people until my place is ready.

    Can you give me their address and telephone number or your cell number in case I have some more questions and to let you know about the court date? the detective asked.


    What is your name? the detective asked, as he began typing on his desk top computer.

    Wonder Woman, she said with a smile.

    So, Wonder Woman drove to her temporary residence after giving Detective Cunningham her temporary address, telephone number and full legal name. She was forewarned by the detective that the media would be calling her for a story on capturing the Parking Lot Rapist and that she would probably be known as Wonder Woman by every newspaper, magazine and news program in Virginia, if not the country.

    Shelley parked her car in front of her temporary residence in the north side and found the key to the house on her key ring. She unlocked the door, turned off the security system by the front door, walked past the seldom-used living room and dining room, and then to the family room. She walked to the wet bar, poured a stiff drink, sat on the leather recliner and sipped the potent liquid. She felt her leather outfit adhere to the leather recliner. Is this recliner made out of pleather or is it my suit? They are sticking together, she thought aloud.

    While she was savoring her drink, she heard the owners unlock the front door and laughing toward the family room.

    Hey! the homeowners, Reese and Sable, said in unison.

    Oh, I’m so glad you two are home! What a horrible evening this has been! I was nearly attacked after the concert! I subdued that low-life and took him to the police station. The rapist also called me a bitch! When will all this violence and name calling end? Shelley asked. She then released what sounded like a fake cry for sympathy.

    What happened? Sable asked as her husband removed her coat and then his.

    Shelley walked to the leather sofa and lay on her back as though she were talking to a psychiatrist. She gave a recap of the evening’s event to include her being

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