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Revelations of the Fallen: The Blasphemy of Astrial Belthromoto
Revelations of the Fallen: The Blasphemy of Astrial Belthromoto
Revelations of the Fallen: The Blasphemy of Astrial Belthromoto
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Revelations of the Fallen: The Blasphemy of Astrial Belthromoto

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Revelation of the fall: The Blasphemy of Astrial Belthromoto
The name of the book is called Revelation of the Fallen: The Blasphemy of Astrial Belthromoto. The story begins at the end of creation, the end of our lives in this universe and the destruction of them by a being called Eversor. The main character Astrial is a fallen angel telling the story from his perspective beyond the creation of this universe and into a reality where the a Creator of all Creator resides. He was the angel of intelligence and the most high scribe before he fell himself. He takes you through his torment by Evil and how he is forced to chose between these world that he doesn't really belong to. He shares insight into how evil was born and most importantly how everything we think we know about good and evil is really motivated by agendas. He introduces you to the four Eternals that have a lot to with how this story plays out. He then gives you insight into the war in heaven, the fall of the angels and how a small decision by a being led to this obsession with man. He gives you the history of the earth and the makers of mankind and their civilizations that still exist today. He leads you out of the garden of Eden and shows you the very rocky relationship between Adam and eve. Astrial finally leads you into the final wars of mankind when there was ordered a mass exodus from this planet leaving us totally alone.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 31, 2012
Revelations of the Fallen: The Blasphemy of Astrial Belthromoto

D.E. Phoenix

D.E. Phoenix is a freelance writer and poet in different genres. He has been a religious buff for over twenty years extensively studying and learning about ancient cultures. He has attended many formal classes about ancient cultures and discussed in many forums about the ancestors of mankind. He is a spiritual person who believes that we have not introduced ourselves to all the possibilities of other theories about our existence. He lives is St. Louis, Missouri where he currently works for the military and government.

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    Revelations of the Fallen - D.E. Phoenix

    Copyright © 2012 by D.E. Phoenix.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Chapter 1 The Omega

    Chapter 2 The House of Hel

    Chapter 3 The Kingdom of the Heavens

    Chapter 4 The End of All Things

    Chapter 5 The Blasphemy of Astrial Belthromoto

    Chapter 6 The Alpha—The Source and the Four Eternals

    Chapter 7 The Children of the Source

    Chapter 8 Belthromoto’s Rising

    Chapter 9 The Creation of the Universe

    Chapter 10 The Divine Mother

    Chapter 11 The Upper and Lower Realms

    Chapter 12 Veleda the Mother

    Chapter 13 The Rise of the Planet of the Humans

    Chapter 14 Agendas and Motives

    Chapter 15 Paradise Lost

    Chapter 16 The Complexity of Humanity

    Chapter 17 End of a Dream

    Chapter 18 A Whole New World

    Chapter 19 The Fall of Cain and the Rise of Seth

    Chapter 20 Reckoning

    This is book dedicated to my grandmother. You are always in my mind spirit and soul. Thank you for the lessons you taught me in my life from a child to an adult. Thank you for forging me into a sword that imperfectly flawed but balanced. Until we meet again in another life time. I will always cherish the memories of you, and you will always live within my heart… forever…

    Darkness will grow

    The blood will flow

    And all the faces of evil man shall know

    True evil within every one shall begin to show

    The race of men eventually shall go

    And the evil shall reach heaven’s door.

    The halls of hell shall glow

    and bring all to woe

    For vows of destruction shall bring all species low

    You shall see our legions in columns and rows

    all my daemons will begin to crow

    and all heads shall bow and beings pay homage to Beymoto.

    Revelation of the Dark



    Every great story has a prologue, and this one shall not be an exception. It is a way to establish the opening of a story and set the setting to the audience. It gives critical background information on the cast, characters, and what happened up to a certain point. It is said that the human Euripides should be given credit for creating this wonderful concept of literature. I would concur that this is a wonderful creation from a mortal; but as all things with mortals, it is undone. The knowledge base that you have is incomplete. A prologue can exclusively apply to certain stories; but to ones like this one, it is somehow irrelevant because in order to get the back-story, you have to know the whole story. There isn’t a being in the history of existence that can tell you the entire story. There isn’t a list or stream of events for you to note, for within this story everything is fluid.

    Within the prologue, you get introduced to the cast of characters and the surroundings of the story. I have to ask what is a prologue when your story has no beginning. Are you left to tell it up to the point when you entered the story? How do I introduce a back-story when the story is already beyond time itself? How do I introduce characters when some have no end or beginning—they just simply exist? The world we live in, the story you reside in, is one that has no boundaries or limitations. So how do I inform you fully of what has transpired? How do I inform you of your death, a fact that would seem insane to some? I find the prologue interesting because it has no real place to start or end. It, however, can establish a foundation of a past story that is sometimes directly or indirectly associated with a new current story. So I start this new story at the very end of it, with a prologue to guide you until it ends and the new story begins. This story shall be fluid as time; therefore, I shall make it as tolerable for mortals as possible.

    At some point, all stories have to end because within their shadows are new ones waiting to be born. That’s the cycle of reality, a cruel fate in which for something to exist, something else has to die. Like life, stories too must reach their climax, their resolution, and then their end. It is fundamental for their evolution to take place for the writer, the reader, and the characters of the next story. For within all life, there must be a balance; and while there can be many stories associated with the main story, there can be only one true story. One would consider our story to be simply about angels and demons, good and evil, and obedience and disobedience, but that is far from the truth. This is a story about an idea, an idea to crush a dream and destroy the will to fulfill it. It is about ego and supremacy, dictatorship and ambition, wrath and consequences, and order and chaos. Mainly, unmistakably, this is a story about motives, and the thing that is out of the sight of mortals called the gray of reality that many don’t realize exist. This is a complete story unlike any story, past, present, or future, that you will ever read that gives our side of the details and events that took place our intertwined past. What I reveal will be the story of the legends of past, of the pain, and of the turmoil of existence. You will see the beauty and grace in the existence of its birth. Thus, that is the way we always see our beginnings—in this romantic state, a state of harmony and passion, with beauty around every corner. It is only later that it is exposed to the truth. When you were born, it was a nightmare both ugly and dirty. Life entails pain, agony, and suffering. It is the cost to be born; its is the price that all in existence must pay.

    So the question I ask is, are you ready for the real and unpleasant truth? Not the truth of your religious books but the truth from someone who was there. You are trapped between three wars: one with the gods, one of the Creators, and one with yourself. The battle you face and fight with these three forces will ultimately determine your life and your destiny. This is the time now where if your ignorance is bliss, so then there is no need to continue further in the book. But if knowledge is what you seek, then we are finally here, finally at the truth that has been hidden from you. To begin, all of your works of prophecy are corrupt. We have had our hands, man’s hands, and even the council’s hands into them. The divine presence, as you have been told you were formed for, is in its entirety a blasphemous lie. Allow me to shed some light into your origin.

    You are not as divine as you have been told. All those books have been manipulated to make you believe that you, out of all the species, were the chosen people of the Creator. If that were true, then you would be above all the heavens, now worshiped, adored, praised, and even considered godlike yourselves. You would have powers beyond yourselves and have access to all of the universe and not just one miserable planet. But where are you? You are down on a dusty rock, still at your birthplace, where this whole story started. You have not left the womb you were born in with all this greatness you have. You are still lying in your embryonic sac, afraid to embrace the blessings and curses of life. You are still waiting to be rescued from this world, fighting each other over trivial things instead of banding together despite differences and all the war that is upon your doorstep. You can wait all you want for a savior, but no one will come—no one wants to come.

    You see, what transpired all those many years ago brought down not only this world but also the whole kingdom of the Creator. Those wounds are not easily forgotten. Within your own inspiration story of greatness, you have made yourselves the sons of the Creator. However what every other being see’s are the gods of pestilence. We see dirt and water made into flesh. We see cells and very basic dna. We see the lesser of you perfectly through our unbiased vision. You now see the extent of your reach; you see the extent of your power. You are all damned, and anything or anyone that comes in contact with you shall be damned too. Look at your destructive nature as you pollute, desecrate, and destroy your own egg. You destroy the very thing that gave you life. Although many of you try to do the noble thing and save it, your very nature, which you cannot avoid, is to destroy. It was genetically placed in you during your birthing process. It is who your father and mother are. It is how we have always controlled you.

    Some of you may question the fact that the author of this story is fallen. Therefore, I am contaminated myself and an aspect some would consider this unclean vessel a demon. Well, you are right on one account that I am fallen; but as for the latter, I am far from a demon just as you are far from the images of the Creator you portray yourselves to be. This whole process started with one being on the account of his love. You have a name for him; he is called Lucifer. Yes, that very one that was once the prince of this particular galaxy among many galaxies. He originally was not always as evil as you have portrayed him to be. He was born in purity and light, yet took an unadvised turn toward a being whose intentions were less than honorable. He and a few gods wanted to spare you from the injustices of the council and your creator gods. But alas, he learned a valuable lesson for his troubles. He could not save you, as no one can.

    You are an ignorant species, easily influenced and easily scared into what another wants you to perceive, and that’s why he fell. It was not on the account of some crazy story of counting and naming animals but on the account of trying to save you. He tried to humble and save you, save her but intentions got in the way. When that happened and his focus changed all was lost. He lost Skyla, Eve and eventually himself. So here we go. Are your popes, priests, and pastors ready for this truth that they already have assumed and possibly even known? When I am done, they may try to use their religion against me; but in the end, we wrote those same books. Those great works of fiction in the end shall not survive this deluge. Even they shall fall in the end when the veil is lifted from your eyes and you see the reflection of your true selves in the pool of truth. I shall open those eyes to that dirt around you, that impurity that’s within you. You will see your true face and you will know it. In time you will come to fear yourself just as others do. I shall open our journey with the next paragraph. This is my truth, my revelation. So it has been written, so it shall come, and so it will be.


    The Omega

    Swan Song

    (Ω) The death. Doom has been written into our destiny. Death is our fate, death is that doom. Within those two parallels stand eternity and we the rejected, the stolen, and the forfeited of existence. As I watch everything around me start to change and begin the process of ceasing to exist. I realize we may have always been fading thought from a powerful deity. We may have always been cursed to be a lost memory or a quick chapter of a book. One has to, at some time, ask, is this all real or just an illusion of another dreamer? One has to ask if we, or were we ever truly alive. Does our existence really count for something. Are we just pieces on a board to be moved at someone else’s will? Are we just fictional characters of an imagination or simply words on a piece of galactic paper. Maybe we all are in the end perfectly constructed choice words or perfectly crafted ideas, thoughts, and suggestions on a piece of paper. Maybe we are all forsaken and destined to end up on a floor as time, age, and condensation washes us from existence. What awaits us now is life after the pen. It is a journey that many don’t want to see but we all know will eventually come. What comes now are the blank pieces of paper in the book after the ink has run out. That perhaps has always been our destined end to this journey. Even if that is all true we still are the indentations on that paper, the inspirations, idea, and thoughts that have yet to be written. We are a part of existence where no one knows our path, our journey, and that we are there except the writer. We are waiting to be born but without ink we can never truly live, truly be seen. If this ink that supplies us life ceases to exist then we will be just a thought, a memory or perhaps a forgotten dream. Our death is now near as it has always been written upon the star and pages of life. So it is written, so it will be, and so it shall come.

    The death of our world is staring me in this vast place. It shows me a reflection that challenges every possible thing I could ever conceive. The breaking away of matter has just begun to take place in the freezing temperatures of space. Evil is all around us, among us the living, yet invisible to our sight. It is mocking our lives, our worlds, and our existence. All the rules that bind us to life have been changed, altered, and some destroyed, sending us on a collision course with oblivion. I can feel doom’s hot breath around us as it whispers on our cheek. Death on a page of written work is often quick. Once minute you are alive and the next you are gone. This one seems to start slow like it wishes to feed off the agony. Nevertheless the death spiral is beginning. The instruments have begun to tune.

    I, the only one of my kind that exists, stand here before the prelude to our destruction. I stand here in the cold silent darkness of space, alone at the end of existence inside all of its destructive winds. I reside inside this concoction of maelstrom and mayhem, dwelling on the blade’s edge of chaos, devastation, and oblivion. I watch as this illusion we call reality begins to fall apart right before my eyes like a shattered piece of glass, with the frame broken into many pieces. I watch as this existence, our existence, begins the transition from giving birth and life to bringing both death and endings. I observe it as I sit upon the stars, just outside the edge of these realities, before this cosmos, and before all the beauty of life ever present, before its brilliance. I and many like me and different from me are awaiting something that is lurking outside of this existence. This being that haunts our existence has summoned us all here at this moment, at this very historical event. While others have been called here just out of a feeling, an intuition, or an instinct, I have been summoned here for a particular purpose or reason by this being whom I can hear but do not know of yet. I can hear it scrambling all around our existence as its nails hit against the wall of our realities like a wooden floor.

    I was here at the very first chapter of this saga. I am one of the few who can say that I was in the presence of the Creator, for it seems I have always been a part of this never-ending story. I proceed to think that perhaps I will be able to live to see the end of this. I want to think that I can guide or give others instructions so that they won’t repeat my mistakes. As I look around at the ones that have been gathered here with me, I want to think that perhaps I could be useful and be able to offer assistance to those gathered with me because within me sits an abundance of knowledge. It may be possible that I may know the beast that calls us through my works with other dimensions, realities, and universes. Even though I have not set eyes upon it, I can still feel this creature’s deep and powerful presence stirring all around us. It is very strong, perhaps nothing like anything I have ever encountered before. Who or whatever it is, it will not go quietly or easily into the night if we find the need to attack. If we do find a way to suppress, subdue, or destroy the creature, I fear Out. You will know that it was here through the scars and destruction it leaves. It will go out the only way it can where all can witness and hear its demise.

    A brief amount of time has passed. I can still hear the beast roar, and I can sense a deeper connection to it. The evil presence of this being, which beckons us all, is clear to me now. It is a feeling that I have never had before. This being is beginning to make sound outside our world. It has given me visions like I have never heard or seen before. As the stars begin to shift and all the matter begin to speak to me, a sense of fear is upon everything. What all of the stars, planets, and matter around me tell me about it, which to this point I can hear, I have a grave feeling about this monster and assume this creature to be hostile. I do not know yet of its ultimate purpose, plan, or direction, but I do assume that in any case, it will not be in our best interest and possibly to our eventual demise. I do feel deep within me that this being that calls us here may possibly be something outside the thoughts of anything that has ever been conceived. I think it is possible that this is a parasite of life, a devourer of universes, and a super predator of worlds. This thing could be in the whispers of forgotten time and misplaced history. This thing could be something very unique to life and often not seen. This thing could be a destroyer or the apex predator of all life.

    While it scrambles around outside of our reality, we the few reside here in the void of forgotten time, waiting on that which is to come. This is a place where the beginning to the beginning was born. We are at the ancient’s beginning, the ancient’s home, the place before creation and life, the prelude to our reality. While this space has existed in this realm for the longest time, we have not. We are at the place of our birth, that catastrophic beginning that brought us forward into being. Now no stars have existed here for eons, and life no longer gives witness to creation or birth. What I do perceive is something unlike our beginning; something unlike anything we have ever witnessed is coming, possibly to destroy us. I not only can now feel it in my essence but can feel it in everything around me as the cold dark chill of space begins to descend upon us to embrace the cold freeze of death. The fabric of our world is breaking down, and we the few find ourselves at the cusp of our destruction. What we knew as our reality, our certainty, our actuality, and our truths is shifting to something more perverted. As this reality is coming to an end, I fear, only death knows, how this new story shall begin.

    A few more moments have passed, and all of the stars are starting to move out of their assigned places. Gigantic solar storms are beginning to spring forth, becoming the sizes of galaxies, and chaos has been born. I can hear this supernatural creature that haunts our abode call deep from within another reality as it wails and moans in the void of energy outside of our existence, scratching at the surface of our home. I can sense the beast’s saliva burning away at the protective matter around us. I can sense the beast’s presence as it scrapes its blade-sharp talons across the membrane of our universe like a predator that has caught its prey, awaiting that dying wail. I can feel the power of this beast salivating with anxiety and impatience. This monster dwells along that same ocean of energy as every other universe does, preying on maybe some unsuspecting realm that passes by it.

    We are one of many in a multiverse that has existed before time was even born. We travel through our existence on one of the oceans of the Source. However, this creature that has caught her, our mother, our universe, and is maybe more ancient than her. Our universe is in its very grasp, and it seems like we are defenseless. She is its prey, maybe the next in line or the weakest one of the pack and could not get away. Whatever is created must have a destroyer. Regardless of all the possibilities that has taken place, it seems that the time of our universe has come. Her card has been punched, and now doom is upon her. The anticipation is in the air as everything and everyone is uneasy.

    I try to use my foresight to see past this dimension and world to the reality just outside this one. I break past all the boundaries and now can see the sea she floats on. However, when I finally break through the black gates and layers of our universe to her outer skin, I witness this huge black mouth from our attacker coming toward us at a ferocious speed on a collision course with our world. This creature is spinning its massive body toward us. It is so big, so dark, and so huge that its stretches so wide, blocking and obstructing my vision, causing my foresight to go black. All of my eyes enlarge as I gasp from the impact. I now have seen its purpose and now know of its will.

    The next thing that happens is the quaking, the first sign of war, the first shot that is heard throughout the universe, and the beginning of our end. It is a violent universal quake from the impact caused by the creature. It begins to shake the entire foundation of our universe. Our mother screams in pain like an animal caught alive, screaming as the predator takes the first bite. The creature is outside of her attacking, rumbling, and shaking the walls of reality, our universe, and our entire existence, trying to infiltrate her, to become one within her. As the creature screams a more frightening sound than that of a banshee, it finds no chance to penetrate within her as she begins to fight its presence with all that she has. The monster hits her again, this time with a celestial punch, trying to stretch her fabric so far beyond its elasticity to cause a hole, a crack, or a break. This tactic fails, and the creature finds no entry or doorway into her yet again. This enormous beast screams louder in frustration, yet it doesn’t abandon its cause.

    The monster furiously looks for another entry point, yet stalking her at the same time. Our mother tries to move away, anticipating a weakness to come at some point throughout her. She tries to move all worlds and reality from this beast’s grasp, but it has some powerful chains of energy that it has attached to her. These chains are pulling her closer and closer to its grasp, and its realm like a fish caught on a hook. Realizing it must wound her further, it takes another bite, a deeper bite this time, trying to break her first level of protection as if also trying to inflict the fatal wound. This time, I am not alone in hearing and witnessing this chaos. Not only the universe quakes this time but also the stars, planets, and dust within her, moving violently. The attack rocked her foundation and may have given it entry. I may have just witnessed the kill shot.

    There have been a few more moments that have passed after that attack, and all is silent. We the chosen are looking at each other, all wondering if she may have fought the monster off, fought it away, or if it has possibly lost interest. Silence normally means the invasion has begun but in this instance I am not so sure. Suddenly, the attack begins again, this time the creature more tenacious. Its intent is greater, its attack is less merciful, and its resolve is strengthened. This creature at our gates has us trapped like common fish in a darkened bowl, hearing but not seeing our fate to come outside our world. I stand in the middle of space, listening to the pounding and striking while hearing all around me the clawing, scratching, and biting like caught rats in a can. The monster picks up its pace, and the fight to get into her intensifies. Another scream and quake from our mother signal another possible incision that may have breached her. Our universe fights back; but after a combination of attacks, the creature finally rips through the first protective layer of her fabric. She wails in pain, shaking the worlds and galaxies within her. I hear a grand explosion, yet I see no fire, smell no sulfur, or feel no debris. She is now exposed. She begins to whine as if she is calling to someone or something. Unless someone or something stops this monster, breaching the second layer of her skin will be much easier than the first one. Her galactic elements from this ruptured first layer of broken skin are now spewing out of her and into this massive pool of raw energy she drifts upon. She is continually screaming out in her voice with moans for help, but none still has come to her aid in her calls. She sounds like a calf calling out to its mother or father for protection, help, or assistance against a predator.

    When all her pleas for help go unanswered, she calls the ancient name that I have only heard a few times before this call. She calls the ancient name of the Creator, but it doesn’t appear to give her assistance. The creature hears that appeal and waits. It doesn’t see the great flash of the Creator’s light upon the sea of energy. Its resolve has just been strengthened once more; and in some sadistic way, it manages to bring a gigantic sinister smile upon that huge black mouth. It rises up and tunnels down into her again, taking another colossal bite, shaking her foundations. She jolts once more as she tries to shake the creature off of her. It has become unshakable as the chains are beginning to wrap around her tighter and tighter. It is starting to dig into her like a drill, gaining confidence every wall it meets and crushes to get to her center. Suddenly another powerful explosion happens, and now powerful galactic shaking ensues. The creature has ripped the second skin, the fabric of the astral plane, as it too begins to spew out into that pool of raw energy, setting off massive explosions and gigantic waves in the sea of energy.

    The other universes move away as they see the monster about to feast upon our universe. Twice wounded, our universe continues to fight, but the monster is trying to burn and burrow through her. It awaits its destiny, which is on the other side of this last wall. This wall is all that stands between it, us, and total annihilation. If it succeeds in its quest, we will fall quickly. For this monster, this beast, this creation of chaos, this all may be perhaps a game or a hunt for food to consume. But for all that reside inside our universe, our purpose has changed. It is something much more basic than the sport or hunt. Our interest is not for sport or nutrition; it is much more basic than even that. Ours is one for survival.

    Our mother is now being attacked more and more ferociously. She finally begins to transition into shock, rendering her almost defenseless. The blades of chaos and destruction from this damnation of a being are spinning upon her now, for it senses weakness, smells fear, and feels she may be abandoning the fight within her. Still the creature continues its quest, cutting into her like a saw grinding meat. The universe jolts again from another incision, like a woman in labor, screaming louder than the last time. I can hear the beast now scrambling all around us, more loudly and stronger than before, moving with such vigor and anticipation to get through quickly as if we were caught inside some tunnel it is burrowing into. It is as if it’s salivating to finally taste her molecules, her matter, and her gases from deep within her.

    Finally, she screams a terrible silent scream, with none able to hear except myself. The scream is terminal, as if all hope has died. It is one that a wounded animal would scream if it has finally given in to its killer that was successful in conquering it. Our universe screams another scream of a protective mother trying to fend off something from getting to her children. She screams one last time for her dying life. The wound has ruptured her fabric. The monster has finally found it, and finally this killer has the entrance it desired. It has, after its struggle, finally tasted her after its persistence. She has now given birth to our death, and its eyes are upon us. The monster is shifting and crying out the most gruesome of wails as it fights hard like an infant exiting the womb through the wound it inflicted itself to be born into our world.

    No longer am I the only one capable of hearing this travesty, for it just opened the door of pain. The beast is entering our world through the crack in our reality where now everyone can see this massive darkness against the black background of space. They can feel the difference in balance in our universe. From the deepest galaxy to the shallowest one, they all take notice of the monster roaring and pouring itself into our universe like a liquid filling a glass. It is here within her, just a small part of its huge mass in the darkness of space, spinning like the biggest black hole with massively electrically dark energy charged within and all around it. The monster has come to feast on our lives, and a song is about to begin. It will drink deep in her substance like milk to give it strength. It will eat her matter voraciously to kill its hunger. It will taste her, savoring her sweet matter to satisfy its greed. The doors of existence have closed, and the doors of death have been opened.

    This intruder that has entered our world is a supernatural terrifying creation spinning within the darkness of our space, filled with destruction, hate, resentment, fury, and rage. It is a beast, a world breaker beyond the parameters of the extreme, a monstrosity beyond words and imagination, which seems capable of destroying anything it chooses. It has the power to destroy universes, realities, and even the gods themselves. I watch as the creation of evil begins to feast on our mother without any objection or intrusion to stop it. You can hear the loud sounds of her matter and molecules crackling and crunching in the beast’s mouth as it is smacking in a fury to devour her. It is slurping up her gases, digesting her dust, and eating her matter to satisfy this insatiable hunger. I abhor watching this transpire at my home and being totally helpless to stop it, so I decide to leave the killing field this monster has created. That however is easier said than done.

    I have the ability to move through time. I make the decision to find the future and see if it is still alive. I shift to it, trying to escape the destructive killing field this monster has created. I am returned to the present. I am flabbergasted by the direct outcome of these events. Now I watch as the streams of the past, present, and future are coming together. Our time is warping into a single unrecognizable strand. This creature has grabbed hold of all the streams of time, and the streams are starting to enter its massive mouth. The future is being devoured along with our past. I assume this creature has found a way to be at all of these places at the same time, entering the present, the past, and the future like me. But to my dismay, I realize that as it eats the present, it has also eaten the past. The streams of the future flow into his mouth rapidly and uninterrupted, causing all that could escape to be brought back to this present allowing them no escape. With no way to intervene, the future is all but dead, for it will never be. Our present is all that we have left, and we are losing our grasp on that too.

    I suddenly feel a cold chill upon my essence. A voice deep from within the dark mouth of this destroying monstrosity begins to laugh a gruesome laugh. It seems as if our destroyer is more than a devouring abyss of madness. Could it be that it has cognitive thoughts and reasoning that help it move and understand the direction it wants to proceed in? Does it mock me, knowing that I tried to escape and it adverted it, trapping me here with it? Whatever reason it may be, why do I hear this laugh that comes from within it? Is it the beast, or is there something deeper within it, something I never accounted for? I am puzzled, wondering if it knows what I have tried to do or is preparing me for what it is going to do with mockery. Either way, I now realize that this monster that is attacking us may be in the presence of its puppeteer.

    A few more seconds from the initial entrance have passed. The beast begins pouring more of itself into this universe, spreading its essence throughout our home like a disease. This infection is ravaging and raping our world, our time, and our existence while it has begun swallowing hope. It is leaving nothing behind but a trail of pain and memories before they too are consumed by its hunger. Anything that gets near this spinning monstrosity of pain and torment finds itself at its mercy before it is sucked out of existence. It has begun manipulating the winds of space to its own advantage. The creature roars and the foundation of our world shakes so violently that it is shifting the entire galaxy.

    I watch as the gases of a star nearby become unstable and engulf one of its orbiting satellites. The liquid gases from the star pour onto the planet, splashing fire and superhot plasma out into space as it hits the rocky terrestrial planet, killing all that reside there. The planet is a glowing fireball cracking and melting from the pressure of the heat as it is being incinerated. I watched the agony and horror of those beings trapped on this occupied world find themselves to be consumed by their stars wrath., I am watching mountains of flames like tidal waves scale across the planet. The screams from this world echo from the planet into the quiet of space, reaching out into their solar system only to be devoured by the silent vacuum of the universe. Their deaths were both quick and painful as they had to witness the star that gave birth to them bring trillions of tons of liquid gas upon them like a galactic tsunami of hell to kill them all. Their task now is a simple one which is to die.

    The creature screams again, shaking the foundation of our universe, and the matter within her is beginning to swirl like water entering a drain. Our mother is in unimaginable pain, yet no being or power is in any position to help her. The monster has created a whirlpool effect within her, causing all of her particles, nearby galaxies, and matter to consolidate together and spin before funneling into its massive size black hole of a mouth. You can see all the protons, neutrons, and electrons charging nearby particles and things hitting and exploding against each other as they flow into the mouth. All of the electrically charged molecules and gases are creating the most beautiful rainbow effect of colors and explosions as they enter into its mouth. The stream of light from the collision and explosion of elements begins to illuminate the monster like a signaling lighthouse. While all of this is happening, the mass of the creature continues to pour in from the reality the universe and it floats on. It pours in faster giving the creature girth and more power. As it gets bigger, the creature is sucking more of our universe into its mouth. The words and thoughts that have been running through my mind since this began have begun to process this and may possibly ring true maybe for all of us. We will not survive this invasion, for the scales have measured our fate and we are all doomed.

    I watch this transpire along with the beings that have been called here with me as they occasionally wince at the actions of this beast. There is no talking between us, no dialogue of any kind. There are only stone-faced looks of horror to see a monster of this kind with so much unimaginable power on full display for the cosmos. One of the beings that have been summoned here with me is positioning itself beside me. It asks the question that all of us wondered and would want to know: How did this happen? My best estimate right now is that out of nothing it came to be, possibly from a mutation or genetically altered world. It is not of this fabric or any other fabric of life that is known. Its origins are unidentifiable to me, to us all, as it seems to be an outlier, an anomaly of life itself. A simple small mutation in an atom may have caused this being to be breathed into reality, causing it to develop and eventually noticing us prey to feed on, giving birth to our demise. However, it may be that what lies deep within the mouth of this spinning darkness of blackness with the sinister laugh is truly its creator. This may be what has given birth to it and opened the doorway to our world. Whatever the case, the cause of our demise has not been reached or assumed because right now, they are all of no consequence. What is of consequence and concern is that our day of reckoning may be here to take hold of our hand gently. The beast before us is now killing us slowly, transporting us to oblivion.

    This tragedy of life continues to rage on through our existence, feasting on every single particle of the universe. Every second and every minute is devoured like every particle and element. This creature stretches the vacuum of space, smashing atoms and matter as it is coming forth from a massive light from the outside realm, the other world, and other existence. The energy stream is the gateway but it belongs to another existence which pours from that world and onto the energy stream and now into our world It is now trying to get inside our world, but the beast’s body still blocks it. We have been shielded like an egg in our own shell, within our yoke and reality. Now that it is cracked, the other world awaits us. With only the passing of minutes, the monster has spread and multiplied its presence in our realm by a million times. The dark matter and energy of our universe strain to patch up the rift the creature has created, but it is too late. It seems that this being exploits every weakness it finds, slaying everything around it until it eventually kills the host. And that host, that reality, is our home. So our reality moves quickly from being healthy to being ill until this creature completely takes over our world to bring it to death. Our descent now looms over us because death has answered our calls and found our door. The road to destruction begins here. As for the possible thoughts of this being, our extermination has already begun.

    The feast upon our mother is now in frenzy. The best appetite is voracious. The sickness grows bigger and bigger with every passing moment, from the initial size of a planet to now the size of ten galaxies. Our universe jolts as if it has collided or stricken something hard. She can’t get away because of the elemental chains of energy the creature has attached to her to anchor her to her death. She is being sucked dry of her elements and fabric. She is slowly dying as the fangs of this creature run deep and true into her like a vampire. An explosion goes off around the wound as it has become bigger and incurable. A light beam from the realm of this creature now has passed through the sea of energy and deep into our universe. These strong, intense focused beams hit planets like a laser, exploding gas giants like balloons and crumbling terrestrial planets like sand. These focused beams of light from the world outside of ours have cut through the gases, clouds, and dust of our galaxies, causing them to lose some of their spiraling arms. These arms fall away from their orbits and host galaxies, sending them on death spirals toward chaos.

    This event causes another event as one galaxy spirals directly into another one, causing them to mix; planets and stars begin to collide with the other galaxies. Massive black holes from these events begin to suck up stars and anything near them, illuminating them in the cosmos. A beam of light from this other realm hits the center of a galaxy directly, entering a nearby black hole. The black hole fills up with light illuminating it like a light bulb in total darkness until suddenly it explodes. The black hole ruptures, causing the most powerful force in our universe to crack open doorways to the absurd. The energy from this powerful force is no longer fluid but solid. A piece from this creation of destruction falls onto a galaxy, sucking up the entire solar system. Another beam from outside our reality shatters a huge planet, shooting to its center, hitting five stars, exploding them one at a time on contact, causing the galaxy to implode. The pieces from the destroyed galaxy shot into the orbit of an adjoining galaxy, punching bullet like holes into its dust, knocking off orbits, and morphing the gravity. Another beam breaks through and shoots the opposite direction, causing all kinds of chaos and calamity in the other directions. Massive explosions of gas and particles are gathering, stretching far from their normal reaches, causing them to obscure the view and alter the path of other faraway galaxies.

    The chaos and mayhem continues for a spell, causing raging infernos the size of galaxies. Bright explosions of all kinds are erupting with different colors of gases mixing, causing a thick fog of elements in these star systems. Residue from terrestrial planets forms giant asteroid fields, while the smaller pieces begin to clump together. There is destruction and obliteration everywhere, taking place with our now corrupt matter. Pandemonium, anarchy, and turmoil are sprouting roots here and everywhere. Scenes of chaos and the most gigantic fireworks display are the backdrop to this commotion. There is no longer calm or order. The tranquility of our universe is missing, that is, until a small but faint serene sound begins to play faintly. I look around for the source only to understand it is coming from the universe itself. It is a tone a mother sings to calm or pacify a stirring child. With all the chaos within her, she still tries to care for us all, her children. She is trying to block all of the destruction from our minds and eyes; but all of a sudden, flashes of explosion went off within her, all the impact and noise of colliding worlds. She attempts to drown out the silent agonies of her children, trying to cause us to focus on the tone. Her patience and persistence pays off, for all these things happening within her are all deadened, dulled, and diluted.

    Out of all the races, species, and galaxies within her, one thing has become clear and very apparent, no matter what or how she knows her children. All is quiet in the emptiness again, for she now provides an illusion for the many within her to concentrate on. The monster feeds voraciously but quietly with the crackling of matter and exploding elements in the background, silencing out its moans. The small tone continues to echo throughout the universe, bringing comfort and solace to our demise.

    Explosions continue to erupt in the passing minutes, but they have in some ways become oblivious to us all. The tone has taken over all species that can hear it, almost putting us in a transient state. The tone was born dal niente, coming from out of silence of confusion, from nothing at all to the steady and vibrating melody that we all hear. The world breaker, this invader thrust harder forward into the crack it created, like a rapist trying to force its way inside a woman. Our universe jolts again like a woman in pain and distress. The tone reflects her now silent screams, her immobile lifeless body drifting and her disposition dying. The tone gets louder and louder while she listens to the monster eating at her body. It begins playing around all this evil as if to ward it away and evict it from its path, its set course. The beast hears this music, this sound that is pacifying her inhabitants, and gets bolder and greedier, thrusting harder and quicker into her to intensify her pain, trying to disrupt the song and return the song of chaos. It is eating her more voraciously and gripping her tighter than any embrace so as not to let her go or lose her. It is enjoying her fight and wants more of her quicker. Like any kind of atrocious or sadistic being, it is becoming obsessed with her. The beast is persistent, and no obstacle it has faced thus far has been a deterrent. It has become overconfident in its position and viewpoint about our universe, almost to say that her fate is sealed, with no help to come to her and all that she loves. This creature has the character of a serial killer, if not that of a megalomaniac. It will is unbreakable, resilient, and indestructible.

    A figure from the world outside ours travels through this monster, as if it is swimming inside a tunnel or ocean. Even in the darkness of space and the darkness of the beast pouring into our world, this being is darker than all of these events, but his physical presence is bright, full of light. The puppet master and cause of that laugh has come forward to see the fruit of this monster. The being desires the beast to assault her again. It pulls the strings of its puppet; and once again, the beast begins to dance. Another violent gigantic thrust follows. It tastes her again deeper, savoring her flavor followed by another gigantic thrust to be inside her more. The beast knows it is only a matter of time before it will break all the way through and be fully within her. It knows that its destiny is fait accompli. Its victory has been predetermined. With no help in sight, the song goes on playing loudly, transitioning from a cry of pain to a weep of sorrow. With every galaxy, shaking at every thrust forced upon her, the beast’s objective moves closer and closer to fruition. Repeatedly, it attacks. Louder and louder becomes her wail for someone, some savior or hero, to help her. However, her cries again go unanswered. She is alone in this battle. However, in her death, she shall not be alone, for we her children shall all follow and suffer the same fate in the quietness of darkness.

    This attack seems like it has been going on for years, but it has only been a short collection of minutes. The universe fights back with all that she has each time but to no avail. The song, once a short tone, has now become a melody that is both beautiful and constant with each attack that is driving our coherent universe to the brink of insanity. The melody has changed from a song to pacify to possibly a song to say goodbye. It is a song I know all too well. This is not any ordinary song, tone, melody, piece of music, or works that have ever been displayed like this before for all of the masses. This magnificent voice is our universe crying out the most breathtaking of harmonies as she fights for her life, for her survival, and for her right to exist. This enemy at her gates is stronger and more powerful than she. As she continues to battle, the monster wounds her gigantic frame, causing her terminal harm. This tone is no longer faint, and it becomes clear where everything within our universe can hear it. This delicate tune plays over the chaos while the beast begun mutilating her wound and body. This masterpiece of music is hypnotic and calm, as if you can lose yourself in its rhythm. This song has even constrained my rage and hate that I feel toward this black abomination of life now tearing into our home. It has soothed the beast within me as I now see the final overture of life to come. The intoxicating piece that she wails, that our mother cries, is called a Swan Song.

    A Swan Song is unique. This piece of music is a larghissimo melody, a very slow, seducing, and lovely tempo. It is a song that is gathering all the pain, guilt, torment, and suffering in our existence to be unleashed out in one massive, brilliant, and beautiful ballad. There is only one moment in time that any being or thing can hear this song. It is unlike any other piece of music where it is played for pure pleasure, pageantry, or performance. It is not a song you want to hear as a living being, for it draws the life force from you. It is not a song to console you or comfort you in your greatest loss. It is not a song of love, joy, birth, or struggle; it is a song of pains, endings, losses, regrets, and grief. This song is truly unique, so as its conductor. For no one other than this being can master or even understand its chords. No one other than the conductor of this song can play or lead the singing of the song. What now plays these beautiful chords of music is the facilitator of endings, the god with dominion over pain and suffering, the maestro of the fallen; this music that plays is the song of death. This song is playing for all of us now. Inside this moment, we see our final performance and our last show. With each passing moment and each note that is played, our demise will come closer to us. We all shall experience and share our grief of the end in many ways. We shall cry, laugh, and even lose our minds as we come face-to-face with the maestro. We shall also witness the concluding performance of our existence, of our universe, and of life, as it all becomes vanishing pictures on a canvas. The stunning chords of this song are deceiving, if not found to bring you to your imminent peace and departure. As its melody plays, visions of broken dreams, failed ambitions, hope, cruelty, and life’s regrets play to the bars of this song like cinema. Nightmares and unspeakable acts become reality as they slaughter the dreams of life, kill hope, and murder love. Time itself becomes a prisoner to this song; for when the song stops, so does our time, followed by the heartbeat of our universe.

    In a Swan Song, the music starts beautiful, starts serene. However, as with any moment, things can become unstable and transfer that chaos into the song. When the dreams have all been murdered and the nightmares assume control, the dynamics of this piece of music, like that of any song, change when devastation crescendos into havoc, mayhem, and disorder. The devastation in our universe has increased, causing our song cadence to change, moving it to adagio, then andante, and now allegro as the beast continues to surge into our mother and eat into the fabric of her body. It wants to become entrenched inside of her, to become one with her, and then plague her from within like a parasite. It claws and bites her life stream, draining her and forcing a connection with her. The more of this monster enters her, the more chain events start to take place everywhere.

    The stability of the stars are being stripped off of their electrons and neutrons, causing them to become unstable. Cosmic dust is warping into something never seen before. Black holes have a reverse polarity, forcing particles outward on a massive scale. The destruction is spreading, and the universe now shrieks louder, screaming into a chaotic fortissimo as all that is within her transitions into dying. Like a lion attacking its wounded prey with blood on its teeth, this creature now tastes the blood of our mother, sharply biting and eating into her from within her. Its savage nature and fearsome personality personify it as a destroyer.

    Events in space are moving very quickly again into a ferocious prestissimo. The fires, the flames, and the broken rock add to the pulse of this song like natural drums. The fight within the universe is strong. She will not fall. Her tenacity, diligence, conviction, and determination are unwavering. While most would find these characteristic favorable and inviting, these are used to her detriment. She opposes an opponent that cannot be overcome and loves to break the will of an adversary. The more she struggles, the stronger it becomes. The more she fights, the more violent it becomes. The universe escalates things by one degree, but this monster escalates things by thousands of degrees, forcing her to adapt and to fall into its plan and its trap.

    From her wounds dealt by this monster that is tearing and shredding her fabric, a bright light appears in the background of the other world outside of ours. It has begun entering our world. It is bright, it is pure, and it is beautiful, like a distant star. It comes through the monster that is attacking our mother and into space. It is a light that I know but have not seen since my birth. It is a being that I know and have shared many things with. This being is intelligent, strong, and courageous. This being is sincere, caring, and compassionate. This being is both the source of knowledge and wisdom. This being is a relative of mine; this being is my sister, Damia.

    My sister is the angel of eternal knowledge called Damia. She has always been restrained from entering different universes, yet she comes to me. Since the time of her creation, she has been bound by the Creator to stay in the realm of the Source, yet she is here in this chaos and destruction. I call out to her in the vastness from afar to greet her, yet she does not answer. It is as if she is ignoring me. I shout louder in all of this confusion, thinking she did not hear me, yet she turns and looks into my eyes and moves toward our universe’s beginnings. She seems to be in a hurry to finish some sort of mission or quest that must be completed. She is whispering something into the heart of our universe as if no one else is to hear it. She then pulls back from it, looking at our mother and gliding away from its center. It is erupting, and she makes her way back toward the entrance. Our mother begins quaking, rumbles, and roars like this ideal or verdict that my sister has spoken to her has caused her such pain and agony. My sister looks my way once again with such worry upon her many faces, as if she knows some fate that I do not. She suddenly disappears back into the darkness of this world breaker and into the other realm.

    Another loud roar ensues from our mother, this time the loudest I have ever heard since this invasion began fully breaking the silence of the vacuum. I can hear her moans of distress, failure, disappointment, and letdown as she is shaking from within as planets bounce around her like marbles. She lets out one giant roar that encompasses the universe, followed by a smaller one. Finally, a grumble of acceptance follows them all, and suddenly this plane shifts. The universe ends her struggle with the monster, which she seems to be battling for billions of years. The will to fight within her has departed and she has finally yielded to the monster, which is almost entirely within her. The beast within her sounds a deafening howl of victory and joy throughout the universe. It has finally conquered its prey, as it knew

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