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A Tuesday Evening
A Tuesday Evening
A Tuesday Evening
Ebook373 pages5 hours

A Tuesday Evening

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About this ebook

Alice Kelson, a twenty-fi ve year old Broadway actress, has an ideal life: a job she loves, friends she can count on, a supportive family... Everything seems to be perfect for her in New York City, until one evening outside the theater, a short yet captivating encounter with an admirer shows Ali there is a hole in her heart that needs to be filled.

But can she handle her own success mixed with the ups and downs of a relationship that will test her strength and ultimately teach her to fi nd hope in darkness?

Join Ali as she faces the unique challenge of balancing her budding career and an intense, life-changing romance.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 20, 2012
A Tuesday Evening

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    Book preview

    A Tuesday Evening - Gema Sola

    Copyright © 2012 by GEMA SOLA.

    Library of Congress Control Number:  2012920174


    Hardcover  978-1-4797-3983-7

    Softcover    978-1-4797-3982-0

    Ebook        978-1-4797-3984-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

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    Chapter one

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter six

    Chapter seven

    Chapter eight

    Chapter nine

    Chapter ten

    Chapter eleven

    Chapter twelve

    Chapter thirteen

    Chapter fourteen

    Chapter fifteen

    Chapter sixteen

    Chapter seventeen

    Chapter eighteen

    Chapter nineteen

    Chapter twenty

    Chapter twenty-one

    Chapter twenty-two

    Chapter twenty-three

    Chapter twenty-four

    Chapter twenty-five

    Chapter twenty-six

    Chapter twenty-seven

    Chapter twenty-eight

    Chapter twenty-nine

    Chapter thirty

    Chapter thirty-one

    Chapter thirty-two

    Chapter thirty-three

    Chapter thirty-four

    Chapter thirty-five

    Chapter thirty-six

    Chapter thirty-seven

    Chapter thirty-eight

    Chapter thirty-nine

    Chapter forty

    Chapter forty-one

    Chapter forty-two

    Chapter forty-three

    Chapter forty-four



    New York was a big city, but it wasn’t too big for her. She was a tiny little woman, a petite brunette who had lived in New York for almost her entire life.

    She was only five foot three tall, so if she walked among a big crowd people would easily miss her. But her height had nothing to do with her big career and her gigantic voice. New York was a big city, but she was definitely bigger.

    Alice Kelson was a complex girl. She was twenty-five years old and had been working on stage since the age of eleven. ‘She was born a star’, people used to say about her in the newspaper reviews every time she participated in a new play. Her life was Broadway and she didn’t care if she had nothing else apart from her work, she loved it and wouldn’t want it any other way.

    Her schedule required her to work six days a week, and on her day off she usually chilled in her apartment, cooking some delicious meals for herself, watching movies while cuddling with her cat and singing random songs without straining her voice. Some nights after work she would go out for drinks with her cast mates or friends, or they would go hiking in the morning. But apart from that, Alice’s love life was kind of lonely.

    She was okay with that, though; she didn’t want a successful career and a busy personal life. Alice didn’t do chaos. She had her family and friends, who actually helped her stay down on Earth and not inside the bubble that was her job. And although she somehow enjoyed being inside that bubble, not worrying about anything else but the script she had to learn, sometimes one just can’t do anything when a random stranger pops that bubble, breaking into your life all of a sudden. Now, would Alice be ready for that? Would she let anyone into her life that easily?


    Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

    The moment the play was over and the audience started to cheer and clap their hands, Alice grabbed her mates’ hands and walked over to the edge of the stage to bow and say goodbye. She looked down at the content crowd, and her eyes were adjusting to the bright lights of the big theater when she saw him. There he was, in the front row, like every Tuesday evening. He was wearing a black suit, a black shirt underneath and a blue tie; like every Tuesday evening. He was looking directly at her, only at her, clapping his hands while nodding his head slightly; like every Tuesday evening.

    Alice focused on his smile: not too wide, not too weak, just… crooked. Sweet, but weird, she thought. She had seen that man every Tuesday since the play had premiered the first week of August. Same seat, same suit, same crooked smile for the last six weeks.

    The play was being a success so far. Alice had gotten one of the main parts after auditioning for it twice. She played the youngest of four brothers and sisters who had to take care of their old and handicapped mother; lots of drama among the siblings, arguments between their parents and a funny dialogue took part in this Broadway musical that Alice had learned to love so much. The tragic story was set in the 50’s, and although the book had been originally written in French, they performed and sang in English.

    Later that night, once the show was over, Alice stepped out of the theater through the stage door, pen in hand, and started signing autographs. She was used to meeting fans after every show and she actually loved doing so. She usually took pictures with them and signed their programs or photos they had brought; she would talk to them if they had any questions and would thank them for coming to see the play.

    After writing her name on one woman’s program, she moved on to the next and last person there and, taking only a quick look at their face, she asked:


    Yours is more than enough, the voice replied.

    Alice finally looked up and met those hazel eyes that she recognized were the ones that followed her around the stage every Tuesday evening.

    The man was staring down at her, his big hand holding the program waiting for her to sign it. He was a really tall and huge guy, his broad shoulders and strong arms visible under his suit. Alice got scared for a moment as she noticed his size and height, and actually realized he would be able to push her down to the ground with his index finger if he wanted to. But as she looked up at his face again, she relaxed a little; he seemed sweet and was, in fact, really cute. In that moment, he gave her his famous crooked smile, the one he showed every Tuesday after the play.

    It’s really nice to meet you, he said, reaching out his arm, opening his hand for her. You did a great job in there, he wouldn’t take his eyes off hers.

    Alice didn’t hesitate and moved her hand up to his and shook it. Thank you, she replied, looking down as their hands pulled apart slowly. I’ve seen you before, she added, her eyes desperately wanting to meet his again.

    Yeah, I’ve seen the show a few times, he chuckled. It’s really good.

    A few times? He had seen it once a week ever since it’d started. Alice couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle. Glad you like it. Were you in the front row? She decided to ask, even though she knew the answer to that question. Any kind of conversation would work, as long as she could keep talking to that strange yet interesting man.

    Always am. I like to be close to the stage and have a good view of everything and everyone.

    Fair enough, Alice nodded. So, the rest of the cast is still inside, you can wait for them if you want, she said as she signed his playbill and handed it back.

    It’s all right. I just wanted to meet you, he said, his lips curling into a smile.

    Oh, thank you.

    Nervously, Alice smiled back at him; her eyes were glued to his, her hands feeling her bag trying to put the pen inside of it without looking.

    No problem, he glanced down at the ground before redirecting his eyes back at her. Anyways, I should go, you must be tired. Thanks for the autograph. I’ll see you soon.

    He walked away before she could say anything. As she stood there, she watched him go down the street, her eyes finally blinking when he disappeared around the corner.

    Alice’s mind got pretty busy on the way to her apartment, examining every detail of the man’s cute face, his mental image stuck in her head. Her eyes were fixed on the ground as she walked, her footsteps echoing in the street as her mind focused on the guy’s huge body. Alice couldn’t get over how tall he was. She was a very short girl, she was aware of that, but that mysterious man was so freakishly tall she had to stretch out her neck in order to get to see his face; his lovely, adorable face. And then his hands, those two big hands that… Wait. Not everything about him was big. He had very tiny eyes, she had gotten to see. A pair of tiny and hypnotizing eyes in a hazel, caramel tone that had caused her to stare, to hold the gaze, to drown. If she could take another look at them, perhaps she…

    No. Alice shook her head quickly and forced herself to stop. No. He was a random stranger who had happened to see her play and wanted to meet her afterward, but that was all. He got his program signed; she probably wouldn’t see him again.

    Shutting her mind down, Alice kept walking until she reached her building twenty minutes after leaving the theater. Once home, she tossed her bag onto the couch and took off all her clothes, jumping into the shower straight away. After that, feeling all fresh, clean and relaxed, she slipped into her comfy purple pajamas and got into bed, where she curled up with her black cat and called her mom.

    The relationship Alice shared with her mom, Judith Kelson, was kind of like the one people would have with their best friend. The tiny brunette girl told her mother basically everything; fun moments from work, a healthy recipe she had come across, critical comments on their favorite reality shows… They would laugh and share stories and catch up on their lives every few nights.

    Judith was also a short woman, her height being probably the same as her daughter’s. She had a cute, round face and black hair resting on her shoulders. She was a dentist in her mid forties and had been happily working in the same clinic for the previous twenty years, taking some time off every now and then to take care of her family. The light of her life was Alice, and with her husband’s help and effort, Judith and Eric had done a great job raising their only child. They had turned her into a strong, mature woman they couldn’t be more proud of.

    Needless to say, Alice was much more than a woman; she was a Broadway actress who lived on her own in a not too small apartment in Manhattan, in the Big Apple. She was strong, independent, decisive; her family was her number one priority, her biggest support, her comfort zone. And when it specifically came to her mom, her maturity and independence disappeared for a while and she could feel like a little girl again. She felt safe and cozy when talking with her; some lonely nights after work, Alice would even long for her mother to come home and tuck her in, like Judith used to do until she was eleven.

    That night, mother and daughter chatted nicely for a while and promised to call each other in a couple of days. Alice didn’t tell her about that strange guy she had met earlier that night, but when she hung up and got ready to sleep, she realized she couldn’t take him, or his eyes, for that matter, out of her head. No matter how hard she tried to keep her head blank, to close her eyes and sleep, his body, his eyes, his presence wouldn’t go away.

    And then, she remembered he had not said his name after all.


    Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

    The following morning Alice was woken up by her phone, vibrating on her night stand. She rolled over and reached out her arm, answering without opening her eyes; but her best friend’s loud voice didn’t let her keep them closed for much longer.

    Hey babe!

    She quickly put the phone away from her ear after that loud greeting. God, Jordan, it’s… she checked the clock on the bedside table, not even nine…

    Get your lazy ass out of bed, missy! Just kidding. Sorry I woke you, I’m just bored at the office, she sighed loudly, placing her elbows on her messy desk.

    Don’t you have any story to cover? Alice yawned as she sat up on bed. Although she would have liked to stay in bed a little bit longer, Jordan was right; she should get up and do something productive, like some exercise.

    Nah, my freaking boss isn’t here yet and I finished this report due today like an hour ago.

    It was not like she hated her boss, but he was the kind of man people would not want to have around. He basically told everyone in the office what to do, something all the bosses do, but then he never gave a damn about their final reports or articles. Hence Jordan always felt anxious before handing in a new article. I wanted you to come over so we could have a coffee or something before your matinee show but you’re still in bed.

    Jordan was the type of friend everybody would like to have. She was crazy, yet caring and sweet. Her listening skills were amazing and she was a great hugger. She was a reporter and, fortunately for Alice, worked in an office next to the theather. She was one of the smartest girls Alice had ever met; she was only twenty-six and had already gotten her degree in Journalism two years before, getting a job in one of the most important newspapers in the city right afterwards. Her boyfriend, Patrick, this cute, skinny, twenty-eight year old guy, had become a close friend of Alice’s too, and the three of them hung out and went out for drinks as often as they could.

    Yeah, sorry. You can stop by the theatre later between the two shows, it’s Wednesday so… Alice added.

    The Broadway schedule was okay; she worked eight times, six days a week, making an eight-performance week. Tuesday through Saturday she had an evening show at seven; on Wednesdays and Saturdays a matinee show at two, and on Sundays a matinee at three. Broadway actors tended to regard Sunday evening through Tuesday evening as their ‘weekend’.

    Will do.

    All right then. I’m gonna go. I feel like jogging.

    Yes. Something productive, she convinced herself. See you later Jor.

    Alice hung up and tossed her phone to the messy sheets, but after yawning one more time, she crashed back on her bed. She stayed there with her eyes open, staring at the ceiling.

    After a few minutes of complete silence and not knowing how her sudden urge to do some exercise had disappeared so quickly, she pulled the covers back over her body and curled up, closing her eyes and going back to sleep.

    *     *     *

    The coffee place was packed. Alice and Jordan were sitting in the same spot they always sat when they hung out together: right next to the door but not too far from the counter. The small but cozy place was located on the corner of the same street the theatre was so as soon as Jordan got off work at five every Wednesday, she would go and wait for her friend to join her after her matinee show.

    He’s been so busy lately, working at night, doing extra shifts… Jordan sighed loudly, looking down at her hot chocolate while stirring it aimlessly.

    Her boyfriend Patrick was a male nurse in the Roosevelt Hospital, located in Tenth Avenue. He had worked in another two hospitals over the previous years but he had finally found his place in the Roosevelt. Taking advantage of him for being new, some doctors and nurses were making him work extra hours and take his mates’ shifts when they were sick. He knew all the newbies had to go through that so he didn’t complain, but Jordan hated to see him like that, getting home so exhausted every single night that they barely had time to talk about their day, or even worse, getting home so late that Jordan was already sleeping.

    He’ll be all right, Alice patted her friend’s arm soothingly. Soon they’ll get another new guy and all the extra hours and night shifts will be for them. They’ll leave Patrick alone.

    Yeah, they better. Or I’ll have to kick their asses, suddenly, she tilted her head. Maybe not, because they’d probably call Patrick in and he’d have to be the one to pull my heel out of their butt holes, Jordan snorted.

    Alice burst out laughing. Oh girl, you crack me up. But don’t worry, okay? Everything will go back to normal soon and, who knows, perhaps you two can get married? I mean, once he settles down and gets a normal schedule.

    I’d love to. He’s mentioned it so many times. We’ve actually talked—Wait a minute, Jordan lifted up her head and fixed her eyes on her friend. Oh my god, has he said anything to you? Is he planning on proposing?! Ali, for the love of god, tell me! she sat still on her chair, looking at her friend with wide eyes, waiting for a response.

    What? No! Alice shook her head quickly. I haven’t talked to him lately, unfortunately. Besides, he wouldn’t tell me, he knows I’d tell you.

    Jordan knew she had a point. You’re right. Okay then, I’ll just have to wait, she sipped her drink, a little bit disappointed, and then asked: What about you? What’s with your life?

    Alice almost choked on her coffee. She placed her cup on the tiny plate where she had been served a small cupcake and looked at her friend. After taking a deep breath, she got ready to tell her everything about the mysterious man from the previous night.

    When she was done, Jordan stared at her friend with a blank expression.

    Let me get this straight. He has no name, no last name, and no number? Just a pair of deep hazel eyes and a big and strong body? Girl, how did you let him go?! she was not joking.

    Alice lowered her head, unable to look at her friend while talking about him. She didn’t know why. He just walked away. He’s a stranger and, as sweet as he was, he’s still a fan. And I do not go after fans, she clarified as she finished her coffee and checked the time on her phone.

    As much as Alice wanted to pretend she was done talking about the guy, Jordan knew she could spend another twenty minutes describing his eyes. She giggled at her friend’s sudden shyness. He better go talk to you again then. Next Tuesday, right? she winked playfully at the tiny actress, who was, in that moment, busy looking at the door.

    Alice’s eyes sparkled for a second when she recognized that man walking inside the coffee place. That body figure, those hands holding the door handle, that smile, that hair… She couldn’t help but get up quickly and run to him, throwing herself at his neck.


    I knew I’d find you here, he squished her tightly and almost lifted her off the floor. How’s my girl? They finally pulled away and smiled widely. Anyone could see by their expressions that they were thrilled to see each other.

    I’m good! How are you? I thought you were in LA, you should’ve told me you were back in New York, Alice grabbed his hand, kissing it, dragging him to the table she was sharing with Jordan.

    Daniel was Alice’s best male friend. They had known each other for years, ever since they worked together in a small play off Broadway, over nine years before. They had both gotten small parts in the play, but thanks to those they got to meet each other, made it into the Broadway world and became the best of friends. Daniel was an actor and a singer too, and had gone to Los Angeles for a few weeks to audition for some possible roles.

    I came back last night. I didn’t call you because I wanted to give you a surprise, he followed Alice to the table and hugged Jordan gently. Hey Jor.

    Hey LA guy. How have you been? she patted his back and kissed his cheek once they pulled away.

    The three of them sat around the tiny table, Alice not letting go of Dan’s hand. He explained he had spent the last couple of weeks auditioning for TV shows and other stuff, and he had finally ended up shooting a commercial for a men’s cologne. Both girls got really excited as he talked about the details and such; how he had been taken to the mountains, where they had faked a waterfall so he could go beneath it while the cameras recorded him, how all he had to do was stand quietly under the water without having to say a word in the entire commercial…

    Neither Alice or Jordan could wait to see him on TV.

    You should’ve come with me to LA, Ali, Daniel said, stroking the back of her hand as he talked, They would love you there, you would get a job in two days.

    But I have a job, she pointed out quickly, here, in my home city, next to my family and friends. I couldn’t ask for anything else. Besides I’m no material for TV, my nose would look twice as big as it already is, she said while laughing at her own comment.

    Alice had always been aware of her not so small nose, hence she made jokes about it every now and then, but she would never get into surgery to make it smaller or anything. A nose job was not on her to do list. She was a Broadway star and she had learnt to love her nose as much as the rest of her tiny body and, after all, nobody had ever had a problem with it.

    I know you’re kidding, but please, Ali, your nose is perfectly fine and super cute, Daniel leaned over to kiss the tip of it.

    Guh, you two, the dark skinned reporter snorted, if you weren’t gay, you two would be married already at this point.

    Daniel and Alice giggled softly, and then he spoke again, turning to his petite friend with a serious face. You know what I think? I think you keep using your nose as an excuse. We all know here you’d make it in LA if you tried there, but something’s stopping you; you’re scared, Ali. You’re scared to give it a shot, to leave your city and friends and parents, to leave your comfort zone. To leave everything behind and go all alone to Hollywood, Dan kept talking since Alice was clearly not ready to reply. But you know what? I understand. It’s fine, take your time, babe.

    Alice didn’t need to say anything; she knew he was right, and so did he and Jordan.

    In that moment, as they let Dan’s words fade away, he smiled and they both squeezed each other’s hand, looking deeply into each other’s eyes.

    But Daniel’s blue eyes were not the ones Alice urged to see in that moment. She had missed her best friend, obviously, but she wanted those deep hazel eyes that had turned her world upside down just the night before. She wouldn’t see them again until next Tuesday though, she remembered, and it was only Wednesday.

    Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

    Alice walked towards the theater that chilly morning in New York City. Her coffee cup in one hand, her bag in the other one, she was looking down at her feet while stepping on the autumn leaves on the ground.

    She was excited it was that day of the week; excited, nervous, curious, she didn’t even know. He might not show up tonight, she thought, but quickly shook her head, knowing the mysterious man would come. It was Tuesday and if she’d done the math correctly, he had never missed any Tuesday show.

    On the other hand, she felt silly, too. Her mind kept wandering around, thinking of a man she had only met and talked to for just a couple of minutes. But he was different, she admitted to herself; he was a fan, for sure, but he was not like the rest of them. She felt shy when he was close, and Alice was definitely not a shy girl, just the opposite; but with him, it was like she let her guards down on purpose. At the same time though, she felt secure and safe. She pictured herself being wrapped by those big arms and she knew, she just knew, how protected she would feel, how good she would feel in those arms.

    She shook her head once more as she entered the theatre; she was getting ahead of herself. Slamming the door of her backstage room, she sat on her chair in front of the mirror, letting a deep sigh fill the silence in the spacious room. What was she doing? She barely knew the guy, yet she couldn’t keep him out of her head. She knew what was going on: she was desperate. In the back of her mind, she knew that she basically needed someone; someone that made her feel special and safe. Alice was not used to that, to needing anyone; she had never needed anyone before. Her last boyfriend had broken up with her because she was too focused on her job and career and didn’t really pay much attention to him, which was true, she had come to admit once he had left her. So then she simply accepted the fact that there was no place for a boyfriend in her life. And that didn’t matter to her at first; not until that moment. At this point, Alice thought to herself, I’m willing to not focus on my job so much and actually try to make a relationship work. Because she was the type of girl who wanted a long term relationship. She did not hook up with guys just for a night. She wanted a partner and, in a hopefully upcoming future, a family.

    Promising herself that she would try her best to find a good guy, Alice prepared her work clothes for later and got ready for the two following hours of singing with her voice trainer.

    *     *     *

    After the exhausting singing lesson followed by a relaxing shower at the teather, Alice thought she would go out to take a walk, maybe eat something and hopefully meet someone new. Strangers weren’t her favorite thing, but she was willing to give it a shot. If she wanted to meet someone special, she would have to look for them herself.

    She walked past a few blocks until she found a Portuguese restaurant she knew she would like. She stepped in without hesitation and asked for a table. The place was pretty busy so she was told to wait for a few minutes. While she did so, her eyes wandered around and found a man sitting by himself, eating while reading a newspaper. Without waiting to be taken to an empty table, she walked decisively towards him and sat down on the chair right next to him.

    Hi. Mind if I join you? I’m hungry and the waitress just told me there are no empty tables available, Alice said, with a big smile on her face, showing off her perfectly white teeth, putting some strands of hair behind her ear.

    Hey, the man looked at her as she sat down. What an unexpected surprise. Noticing how beautiful she was, he put the newspaper down and focused on her. Of course, it’d be a pleasure. I’m Mick.

    I’m Ali, she shook his hand after taking off her coat, hanging it on the back of her chair.

    Mick was surprisingly handsome. He had tiny green eyes and a small mouth; his hair was nice, wavy and completely black, and his ears stuck out a bit, although not too much; he was really attractive. His suit proved that he was probably on his lunch break from work.

    Then, with no deliberation, he raised his hand and motioned for the waitress to come over to their table, ignoring the sweat on her forehead, showing how stressed and busy the poor woman was.

    And what would the hungry lady like to eat? he said, chuckling a bit.

    Uhm, a vegetarian wrap with teriyaki sauce would be nice, thank you, Alice replied.

    And some white wine for the lady as well, he added as the waitress wrote everything down and walked away.

    Hm, white wine, love it, Alice bit her bottom lip sexily. It had been a while she hadn’t flirted with anyone, but she knew she was good at it. Or at least everyone said so and, she was not going to lie to herself, it worked every time.

    I knew you were the white wine kind of girl, he was taking her for granted.

    I love both white and red wine, actually, she was, in fact, the red wine kind of girl, but whatever. She didn’t want to fight him, but she didn’t want to sound like the typical stupid girl that agreed with everything, either. She placed her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hands, looking deeply into his eyes.

    Even better, Mick smirked a bit.

    He turned out to be an accountant that worked in an office down the street; he had gotten a divorce two years before and was very much single and ready to mingle. Alice really liked him right away. He was polite, funny and really cute. But then he must have noticed she was looking for something

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