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Kenneth Alexander Beresford: My Supposed Bi-Polar Life
Kenneth Alexander Beresford: My Supposed Bi-Polar Life
Kenneth Alexander Beresford: My Supposed Bi-Polar Life
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Kenneth Alexander Beresford: My Supposed Bi-Polar Life

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About this ebook

This book is the autobiography of my life up through present. It
covers my whole life up to turning 30 years old. I have tried to be as
detailed and factual as possible, without using an overabundance of
names for liability purposes. It covers my childhood, coming of age
from joining the military (Marine Corps), and my diagnosis of Bi-
Polar and thereafter. The reason I am writing this book is to put to
words my life experiences and give hope to others with Bi-Polar that
there is a chance for all of us. There is a reason we all have this issue.
I have made mistakes in my life and had regrets. I can only hope that
others can read and learn from my experiences. Thank you greatly for
taking the time to read my book. Also, I feel it is necessary to warn the
reader there are sexual situations and contents in my book in certain
chapters 17 through 20. I would like for everyone and anyone to be
able to read my book. I just want to include this warning, especially to
parents. It may be better for readers 18 and up.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 20, 2012
Kenneth Alexander Beresford: My Supposed Bi-Polar Life

Kenneth Alexander Beresford

My name is Kenneth Alexander Beresford. I was born in Brooklyn, New York to Kenneth Albert Beresford and Chandrica Drepaul. I have lived in many places including but not limited to New York, North Carolina, Florida, and California. I consider myself a strong leader. I gained my leadership skills from my military service. My ambition is to possibly return to the military as an offi cer or obtain a government job. I have other dreams and ambitions. This is to start. I wanted to make this book about my life and what I have gone through. I feel I have gone through a lot in 30 years. I wrote this book to cover my childhood, military, and Bi-Polar experiences. I hope this book can and will open doors for me and others who read it. Thank you very much.

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    Kenneth Alexander Beresford - Kenneth Alexander Beresford

    Copyright © 2012 by Kenneth Alexander Beresford.

    Library of Congress Control Number:      2012920592

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    I would first and foremost like to thank my father, Kenneth Albert Beresford, and all of my immediate and extended family. This book would have been impossible for me to do on my own without his help. He helped greatly with recounting memories of my early life. I would not be here today without love and care from the rest of my family.

    I would also like to thank all of my friends that I have met over the years. There are a lot to count out individually.

    Last but not least, I would like to give thanks to my Mother. Wherever she is, I feel her watching over for me.


    I would like to take a moment to tell about myself and my personality. Ch. 1 through Ch. 31 is all factual based information in a first person narrative of my life, except for the first few chapters. Those were written in my father’s perspective.

    My mother supposedly died when I was just about a year old. Sometimes I feel I have vague memories of her. I honestly and truly don’t believe she died based on the circumstances. I have a gut feeling she is out there somewhere. When I was younger, I thought to go so far as to exhume her grave. That is still in the back of my mind.

    My life has molded me into the person I am today. I wouldn’t be here without my family and friends. I have met a lot of people in my life. I was advised if I used anyone’s name in particular, I would have to get permission of the individual verbally and possibly written. For that reason, I have changed names and avoided using names in excess as much as possible.

    As stated in the title of my book, I have supposedly been diagnosed as Bi-Polar. I received this diagnosis in September 2004. Prior to that I had experienced slight periods of depression. However, during my military duty and since high school, I have had regular bouts of insomnia. Psychologically speaking, when one does not sleep properly, they might act strangely and manic.

    If I have Bi-Polar or not, I will not let my diagnosis stop me from experiencing life to the fullest. I want to realize my dreams. I am very ambitious. I have always felt different and special, since I was a kid. I know I am meant for great things.

    There are a lot of people being diagnosed with Bi-Polar all over the world consistently more and more. Chances are anyone who reads my book knows someone who has Bi-Polar. There are a lot of famous people that have it. I feel it will get to where it could possibly be a large minority of people in the world and the United States being diagnosed with Bi-Polar.

    Symptoms are always the same. People are seeing and talking about aliens, government conspiracies, feeling super powered, etc. What if Bi-Polar was the norm? Aliens are here and have been forever, throughout human history. Vampires and Werewolves are real. There are people with superpowers that hide their abilities. I guess we will find out soon.

    I think December 21, 2012, will be a very important day in human history. It will change everything we believe. I am ready. I hope others feel the way I do.

    Ch. 1

    Year 1

    October 1, 1982; New York

    Kenneth Alexander Beresford was born in Brooklyn, New York at Victory Memorial Hospital. He was scheduled to be delivered during early morning Saturday after 12 midnight. His birth time and date was October 1, 1982 at 8:36pm. The attending gynecologist was Dr. Carnazza. His office was 1 block from our apartment at 1625 Rockaway Parkway, New York 11236. Kenny was a very healthy baby. He was very spunky and active. He only breast fed for 6 months. He stopped breast feeding at 6 months. He did not use a pacifier at all. I (Dad) went along with Mom (Chandrica) for all of baby Kenny’s visits to Dr. Carnazza, the gynecologist. As Kenny ate and was healthy and strived to survive, Mom’s health began to decline. We pleaded with Dr. Carnazza for help with whatever was affecting her. For whatever reason, Dr. Carnazza was not helpful at all. He did not have any or very few minority patients besides us. He gave no referral, suggestions, or any significant help during this serious health issue facing us. Kenny was born by Caesarian (C-section). Dr. Carnazza did not allow adequate time for a natural birth. We called our baby Kenny, short for Kenneth Alexander Beresford, or K A B. His birth weight was 8 lbs, 1 oz. He was the only non-white baby in the hospital out of 55 babies delivered that Friday night. His parents’ names were Kenneth Albert Beresford and Chandrica Drepaul. Mom and baby Kenny came home to 1625 Rockaway Parkway, Apartment 6U, Brooklyn, New York 11236 on Tuesday, October 1, 1982. Mom was getting very sick. The doctors finally said they thought it was lupus.

    I (Dad) was working multiple jobs. I worked at Admiral Plastics through everything, Monday through Saturday. The job gave very little to no time off. Mom’s family resided in Brooklyn, New York. They did not offer much help at all. By force, I decided to take Chandrica to spend some time (2-3 weeks) with them. Mom (Channie) was in and out of Brookdale Hospital and very sick. My brother Woolworth and his wife Patsy lived in Queens, New York and were of no help to us. We attended Grace Protestant Church before marrying and throughout our short marriage. Pastor Kit was the church pastor. He and his wife did not give us any substantial support, except for my Haitian friends (church family). During all this time, early mornings and late afternoon, a haitian family gave me, Chandrica, and Kenny unbelievable support. After constant pressure, Channie’s mother decided to help me out with Kenny but it was very little support. The Haitian family combined with Mama’s help. I was greatful to have this help with Kenny. He was bouncy and strong and constantly making great progress. This health crisis ordeal from Easter (March) through October 14th was severe. Channie was in and out of the Brookdale and Kings County Hospitals. After months, the medical team from Kings County Hospital diagnosed Channie with Lupus.

    God truly and really worked behind the scenes for baby Kenny, his mom (Chandrica) and me. I am forever greatful for the help from my Haitian church family

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