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My Battle with the Forces of Darkness
My Battle with the Forces of Darkness
My Battle with the Forces of Darkness
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My Battle with the Forces of Darkness

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My Battle with the Forces of Darkness

By Betty M. Walters

My story shares with you my battle with the forces of darkness. It is my personal testimony of attacks by the demonic and numerous healings. It is to inform you Satan is real and has mankind in his bondage. He is out to kill, steal, and to destroy you. If you are lost, it will help you understand and see. If you are searching, it will open doors and give answers. It will tell you how to be set free, delivered from the demonic forces, and have peace in your life.

My travel leads to many things. It covers miracles of healing, attacks from the demonic, a quest for understanding God's Word, and deliverance from darkness. If it had not been for the love of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, and the prayers of my husband I could not have survived the journey. Satan tried to kill me many times. He wanted to destroy us both and has kept his demons busy trying to accomplish this goal, our DEATH! My husband and I became warriors.

We all have areas of darkness, as we are born into sin because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the garden. Disobedience opened the door to Satan. Demonic represents the darkness or dirtiness. Jesus gives us light. We had to be freed from the forces of darkness and you can also. My story tells you how to achieve this. As you become clean, and generational curses are broken and removed from your bloodline, you will begin to notice changes around you. If you have children and they are under twelve years of age, your becoming clean will have positive effects upon their lives.

The enemy will continue trying to get a foot hold back into your life. These are identifications of the demonic; Fear, bondage, infirmity, seducing spirits, deaf and dumb, anti-Christ, jealousy, divination, lying and familiar spirits, haughtiness, whoredoms, heaviness, perverse spirit, spirit of error and death. Satan will do anything to make you honor and worship him. He wants to laugh at God and show God his power and control over you, and the destruction he can bring into your life and the life of your loved ones. He hates you. He disrupts, distracts, and attacks, but he cannot conquer. He will tempt you in everything you hear, see, and touch. It is he that brings sickness, disease, and death to you, then whispers in your ear to blame God.

If you have questions and are interested in deliverance, my book shares how to make contact with Deliverance Ministers. You too can be set free.

The Holy Spirit revealed to us, "times are coming and people are going to be having some hard times. I do not wish for this to come upon the people of the Earth, but they bring it upon themselves. They allow Satan to enter into their lives and not Me. They keep themselves constantly in front of the T.V. Watching movies and listening to bad things filling their hearts and minds with everything in the world that is ungodly, instead of Me, the way it should be. It hurts Me so, it hurts Me so. I do not ask that much."

God is Calling You

Call to ME

Call to ME my children

I will come to you

I will always be there for you

I will never leave you

I will be your source, your strength, the one to love you

I love you so

I love all of mankind

I want to spend eternity with you

I give life to you not death

You may think and feel you are not worthy to b

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 28, 2012
My Battle with the Forces of Darkness

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    My Battle with the Forces of Darkness - Betty M. Walters






    Copyright © 2012 by Betty M. Walters

    Scriptures quoted are from New King James Version of the HOLY BIBLE.

    Copyright 1992 and 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012922711

    ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4797-5952-1

    Softcover 978-1-4797-5951-4

    Ebook 978-1-4797-5953-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 03/05/2013

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    Books Read To Obtain Knowledge And Growth


    Our Journey Begins

    Jesus Speaks To Me

    Betty’s Testimony Of Healing

    Signs And Wonders

    Force Of Darkness Is Upon Me

    Authority Over Unclean Spirits

    Drawing Closer To God

    My Stroke

    Obedience Always

    Betty Starts A New Job

    More Demonic Attacks

    Call Of Help

    Alcohol Bondage

    The Enemy Tries To Kill My Husband

    Conformation Of Healing From Doctor

    My Gift From Jesus

    My Friend’s Faith

    Awaken During The Night

    The Puzzle Is Coming Together

    Manifestations While Listening To Heavenly Music

    The Door To The Supernatural Opens

    Miracle For My Husband

    My Cry To God

    Breaking Caffeine Addiction

    Freedom From Generational Curse

    Attack While Worshiping In Church

    Words Of Knowledge From Holy Spirit

    Expecting My Miracle

    Get Clean, Get Clean, Get Clean


    Demons Devils Strongholds

    Scriptures To Build Your Faith


    I dedicate this book and give Glory to my LORD, my GOD, and my Heavenly Father, to Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Spirit, without them it could not have been written. I thank them for their direction, guidance, and love. They have touched and changed my life.

    I thank my loving husband for always being there for me and loving me unconditionally. Through all the turmoil in my life, he has always been beside me holding my hand and encouraging me.




    The Holy Bible, New International Version, Financial Break Through Spiritual Warfare Bible by Morris Cerullo containing The Old and New Testaments, King James Version; The Little Red Prayer Book, Edition 10a by Christian Word Ministries, How To Cast Out Demons by Doris M. Wagner, Evicting Demonic Intruders by Noel and Phyl Gibson, Healing Through Deliverance Volune1 by Peter J. Horrobin, Healing Through Deliverance Volume 11, by Peter J. Horrobin, Setting Yourself Free, Deliverance From Darkness and Targeted Prayers by Little Sparrow Ministries.

    Author's Website:

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    This book is Holy Spirit inspired for those who are searching and want answers. The events that occurred in our lives caused us to ask questions and seek information. As we left the church that our membership belonged, we knew there had to be more, and we wanted more spiritual food. We were hungry. We found answers to questions, our seeking led to discovery, and our knocking opened the door. Our journey reveals the discovery in our search and our battle with the ungodly. I hope my story will help you to begin your journey from darkness to freedom, peace, and love that Jesus offers to all.

    This gives an account of events that have occurred in my life and the life of my husband over the last two and a half years. As my story begins I am a retired housewife, age 70, and my husband is 60. We are an average couple who has spent the largest part of our marriage working. Our life style is comfortable but simple. We chose to live in the country, and wanted to be away from the noises, unrest, and problems of the city. We wanted peace in our lives.

    I had experienced many medical problems. My most severe problem was with my spine, twenty eight years suffering with pain. Both of my knees needing replacing and arthritis made it difficult to move and walk. Next I had a stroke and a long road to recovery. Another setback was unsuccessful foot surgery and bone graft. During this period when there was no recovery in sight, God showed me His love and power by touching and healing me and changing my life. My life has never been the same. I want others to receive the gift Jesus gave me.

    My travel leads to many things. It covers miracles of healing, attacks from the demonic, a quest for understanding God’s Word, and deliverance from darkness. If it had not been for the love of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, and prayers of my husband I could not have survived the journey. Satan tried to kill me many times. He wanted to destroy us both and has kept his demons busy trying to accomplish this goal, our DEATH!

    The desire that burns inside of us has become our calling. If you are searching, I hope my story will touch you, build your faith, increase your strength, and lead you to Jesus Christ. My desire is for you to receive your salvation, freedom from the demonic, and know the healing power of Jesus, and the authority you possess as a believer in Christ. There is nothing more powerful than the name of Jesus. He saves, heals, delivers, conquers and will give you true peace. He is the Light that conquers the forces of darkness.


    In the fall of 2008, times were very hard. My husband had just lost his job and I was recovering from a stroke that I had in 2006. My husband was at his lowest. Our family now had no income. Stress was almost unbearable. We live in the country and often we would build a camp fire and enjoy it. My husband was raised and grew up in the hills of Tennessee and he spent most of his early childhood enjoying God’s beautiful creations in the out of doors.


    My husband is telling his story. One evening I built a fire and was enjoying the beautiful night. My thoughts were what am I going to do? As I sat alone at the fire, I asked Jesus to come back into my life and He did. I had to deal a wrong that needed to be made right. My conscious was really bothering me and I was unable to sleep, rest, or think clearly. Normally I am asleep before my head would touch my pillow. I was under the convection of the Holy Spirit and there was no peace, nothing but unrest, unrest, and more unrest. I finally made a decision. This wrong must be corrected, regardless of the outcome to me. I chose to do right in the sight of the Lord, as time passed by pressure and stress became less.

    One day as I was walking to the mail box, a strong southwest wind was blowing about twenty miles per hour. The clouds were rolling fast across the sky and the birds were singing. As I approached the end of my drive way, everything began to change and slow down, as if in slow motion. The clouds had almost stopped moving, birds singing had become very faint, everything had almost stopped as though time was about to stand still. I thought am I having a heart attack? I had no pain and then I thought am I having a stroke? At that moment, I experienced an over whelming feeling of

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