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The Shocking: The Message
The Shocking: The Message
The Shocking: The Message
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The Shocking: The Message

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If you have an open mind and are seeking a much higher level of understanding the environment this book is for you. This book is for those who are environmentally conscience.
As a resident living in the Victory Heights West Pullman Community under the name Abbas Hassain aka Charles Fletcher, I lived in a corner house on 121st street and Elizabeth Street next door to the International Harvester and Old Dutch Boy contaminated waste site that was later identified as a Brown Field by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The International Harvester property was later sold to the Reverend Johnny Colman for one dollar and she built a church upon much of the contaminated site by sealing off all hazardous materials that was under the area where the church was built. As the Founder of Reduce Recidivism by Industrial Development, Inc. (R.R.I.D), I help organize the Environmental Committee along with Sarah Parran, Cheryl Jackson, and bought Illinois Environmental Agency, Chicago Department of Environment, along with the Chicago Department of Public Health, Illinois Department of Public Health, Owners of International Harvester, and Old Dutch Boy Paint Company and other Community organizations like Community for People Recovery with the Founder Hazel Johnson (The Mother of the Environment) and her daughter Cheryl. Hazel was called to Washington by then President Bill Clinton and Hazel also knew the present President Barrack Obama. Hazel lived in Altgeid Garden on the far south side of Chicago where President Obama had done his community organizing. Hazel Johnson knew both Presidents at a time where change was about to come to America. Hazel had been meeting at Chicago State University for years and invited RRID and the West Pullman Community to attend an environmental meeting and from that point in 1995 RRID help organize The Victory Heights West Pullman Advisory Council. As Chairperson of this environmental group we teamed up with Hazel Johnson at Chicago State University, my focus had been on the impact of environmental hazards associated with those contaminated elements that cause air-borne lead that affected many of the young students in and around the Edward White elementary school that was effected by the Brown Field Contaminated site causing illness, disease, behavior, death and the effects of magnetic energy fields. For many years we worked with Dr. Joseph Balogun now Dean of the Health Science Department at Chicago State University because of the impact of the environmental hazards that was affecting the broader community in the West Pullman and Pullman communities, later we brought in Roseland Community Hospital, Sharon Thurman, Southside Health Consortium Salim AlNurridan and Dr. Thomas Britt, Assistant Dean Balogun, Professor Daniel Block of the Geography Department, with Professor Mark Mauman and students who were interested in environmental education. Dr. Wayne Watson now President of Chicago State University, we met years earlier when he was President of Kennedy King College who help us to better understand how recidivist behavior played an infallible effect on environmental factors. We began to work with CSU on developing Environmental curriculum for students and professionals that did not have this form of education as part of their studies, rather than medical, nursing, psychiatry, psychology, etc, Today, Chicago State University has implemented the Environmental Curriculum as part of the Universities Environmental Program. This book is dedicated to all those individuals that help to make this program a reality and success. We will forever be grateful for their hard work. I wrote the following articles in an attempt to change the thinking and thought process of all those who read this book. It is my hope that each and everyone that reads this book will be able to see what the author has seen by turning their attention inward to show how our thoughts and the process of thought really works. Our public s
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 7, 2013
The Shocking: The Message

Charles Fletcher

Charles Fletcher is the author of The Shouting, a book for those who are environmentally conscious. He wrote several articles in an attempt to change the thinking and thought process of all those who read this book. It is his hope that each and everyone that reads this book will be able to see what the author has seen by turning their attention inward to show how our thoughts and the process of thought really works. The author believes that our public schools and many universities have never taught this imperative subject. This book will definitely show you how and what to look for.

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    The Shocking - Charles Fletcher

    Copyright © 2013 by Charles Fletcher.

    ISBN:          Softcover                                 978-1-4797-6577-5

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4797-6578-2

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    Polluted Thoughts

    This work is a Non-Traditional approach to the effects of the elements in the Environment

    Foot Note

    Secret Societies

    Home is Where the Heartache Is

    Lead and the Environment

    Asthma and the Environment

    Future Directions

    The Message

    Behavioral Science

    Thought Patterns In Behavior

    Religion a Form of Superstitious Practice?

    The Environment and the true meaning of worship?

    Religion is not a true Science

    The Mind and the Environment

    Where is Heaven and Hell in the Environment?

    Where is the Spirit in the Environment?

    Where is the Soul in the Environment

    Environment and The Life Force

    Environmental Education and Slavery

    The Implications of Slavery

    Study Creation

    The Environment & The Big Bang Theory

    Taking Responsibility for Our Environmental Thinking

    Environmental Ozone Health Effects

    President of The United States

    Barack H. Obama

    The Three Agencies

    Monitoring System

    Altgeld Gardens

    Presidents statements on Health Prevention

    Environmental Curriculum

    at Chicago State University

    The Development of the Delta

    Benzene / Air Born Quality

    Elements In The Environment

    Part 2—Elements In The Environment

    Energizing Creation Produce Constant Change

    Manipulative Knowledge in Religion

    Request for a Presidential Town Hall Meeting At Chicago State University

    Why We Desperately Need a Monitoring System

    Environmental education is an extreme necessity

    Religion Is A Unnatural Practice

    Environmental Education

    Environmental Education As A Curriculum at Chicago State University

    The Micro-Organism Factor

    The Harmonious Whole

    How do we change the dynamics of life?

    For The Record

    President Of The United States

    Human Behavior

    From the White House… Tell Us What You Think

    Environmental Curriculum

    Forces of Nature

    Absolute Power

    The Portal


    Winning with Hazel Johnson

    The Incest Bloodline

    The Brain Addiction

    Environmental Components in Religion

    The Woman

    What is Success?

    What is Success=II?

    Espionage The Art of Deception

    Genetic Chemistry

    Media & Politics

    President of The United States

    Barack H. Obama


    Death & The Here After

    Dodecahedron & Consciousness

    Disease & Addictive Behaviors

    Nostradamus After Shock

    What is your true self

    More Food for thought

    Energy in Every Level of Consciousness

    Complexity of Dreams





    Magic & Mythology

    The Creature

    Total Triple Darkness

    The Woman-ll

    Past Lives & Creationism

    Energy is in each and every single thing we can see and do

    If there was ever a God in Creation it must have Energy for it to exist

    Does Life End at Death?

    The Elusive Life of Energy

    Seize the wealth of the One Percent


    The Sociology of Jay-Z By Professor Eric Dyson

    Theosphere=Religious Theology

    Title 18 USCF Part 1 >Chapter 115=Acts of Treason

    The Acts of Treason


    Power of the Vagina=Power of the Penis

    Marlin The Magician

    The First Lady

    Human Sexual Appetite


    What is a PhD

    Internal vs. External

    Slavery of Our Forefathers


    The Kingdom=Energy

    Believe in Yourself



    Death of Whitney Elizabeth Houston

    Religion and Politics

    Why Should We Think?

    The Contraception Controversy

    Psychology of Money

    Health Care Bill & The United States Supreme Court

    Addiction in Human Behavior

    The Woman-Part III

    Part IV-The Woman

    Part V-The Woman

    Women Will Never Ever Become Priests

    Part II-Addiction In Human Behavior

    Part II-Addiction In Human Behavior

    Prayer Is The Acknowledgement Of The Power Within You

    Jealousy Can Be A Dangerous Behavior

    Power Speaks

    The Willie Lynch Concept

    Recognizing Change

    Cutting the Salaries of The United States Congress

    As A Father, What Should you Be Thinking About On FATHER’S DAY?

    We Are The True Time Travelers

    The Office of the President od the United States of America is not for sale

    Particle Higgs Boson

    Reality Challenge

    Terrorist Threats against the First Lady?

    To Heaven and Back

    Colorado Massacre

    Energy is the Architect & Archives of all History and Memory

    Implications of Change

    Who will climb the Mountain That is Steep?

    Energy is the true Olympian of Life

    Jezebel the Spirit of Manipulation and Witch Craft

    Jezebel the Spirit of Manipulation and Witch Craft-II

    The Transparent Power of Energy

    Balance=A State of Equilibrium

    Images in Dreams

    2012 Election

    Keep It Moving

    Understanding Sexual Behavior

    Religion in a Time Warp

    Music—The Great Communicator

    Obtrusive Behaviors

    Redistribution of Wealth

    Manipulation and Ignorance of Mitt Romney

    Stop, Put The Breaks On, The Nfl Refferees Make More Money Than Our School Teachers?

    Expansion of Education & Growing Power

    Part II—Money Influences

    Advancing Forward in Creation

    Was The Human Body Created In A Laboratory?

    Hurricane Sandy=The Many Arsenals of Energy

    What’s The Difference Between The Taliban and The Republican Party?

    Psychology In Dysfunctional Behavior


    This Book

    Is dedicated

    To the two women

    I love the most, my beloved

    Mother who nourished me to become

    Who I am today, my Beautiful Wife Vivian the

    One that really helps me to understand what I am today

    And to all of my wonderful Children and grand children and great grand

    Children that gave me the courage, inspiration, and the light to find the path to where I am today

    Polluted Thoughts

    By Torrance Holmes

    Please lend me an ear to something you need to

    Hear, about hazardous chemicals in the atmosphere

    Certain elements are causing environmental change and got us

    Acting strange, dangerous toxin chemicals are clogging our brains

    These chemicals make it hard to stay focus, it seems the fight

    For fresh air is hopeless, making violent behavior more explosive

    Unlike formally, we’re no longer breathing normally, our

    Children are being born with larger numbers of deformity

    The average citizens are blind or not paying attention,

    The government is aware of this fact but want mention

    Please listen and pay very close attention, we’re

    Victims of modern day slavery chemical lynching

    Chemical miscarriages to unborn daughters and sons,

    Over taken by toxin chemicals in the mothers lungs

    We’re having trouble breathing and don’t even know the reason,

    Every year it gets worst making it harder to adapt to change of season

    This situation is massively harmful to our nation polluting

    Our waters and vegetation. We have to rely on environment education,

    Or it’s complete chemical malfunction we’re facing

    This work is a Non-Traditional approach to the effects of the elements in the Environment

    This book contains information that will shock the consciousness of the reader and may change the way the individual think about life and the environment. This book is a non-traditional outlook on "the environment, what is the environment? What does the environment do?, why is it important to understand? What are the effects, how does it impact human behavior? What are the true effects? Where should you began to look? First and foremost, it began within your human self, within your brain, your mind, your conscientious and sub-conscientious thinking. The whole environment is made of Atoms and many other elements that we point to below, we now look at the who, what, where, when and how of the environment as to what is the whole environment? We conclude that the earth, all planets, stars, galaxies, space are all part of the whole environment.

    We call this the external workings of the environment. The human body was created from this same environment that is made up of flesh and bone. The skin or dermas is the outer layer of the human body and rightly so to cover the internal environment or the workings of the body that houses the organs, heart, kidneys, bladder, lungs, brain, blood, veins, vassals, Plasma, brain tissue etc. How does the body function?, It functions from the use of biological energy which is the same energy used to grow the many nutrients needed to support human life. It is the same energy that propels the planets to spin, the sun and stars to shin with high volumes of heat. This same energy that grows the food also supplies the food with the nutrients needed to energize the body once it is consumed.

    This should have a profound effect on your health and understanding. What we know about the environment is very little but after reading this book you might not look at the environment the same way again. Had we not written this book in the non—traditional style, it would not have the gravitas effect we wanted. Many Scientist today is baffled by the little they do know. This work examine many separate environments, the elements, Atoms=All matter such as solids, liquids and gases are composed of atoms. Any material that composed of only one type of atom is called a chemical element. The atom is the smallest particle of any element also implies the characteristic of that element. For clarity these elements such as Neutrons=an elementary particle having no charge, mass slightly greater that of a Proton. A Proton=is a subatomic hadrons particle with a positive electric charge of one elementary charge, generally one or more protons are present in the nucleus of each atom, along with the neutron. Then there is the Electron=a subatomic particle carrying negative electric charge and the electron has a mass that is approximately 1/18.36 that of a proton. This imply that atoms are found within the human body as well as the external environment all around us at every second, then there is the earth’s environment, the oxygen from trees and green foliage that we breath, the energy or air we inhale is to keep us alive, there is the environment above the earth, the atmosphere, ionosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere etc. The planets, stars, space, galaxies, the cosmos etc. As a connection to the whole of the environment. Everything is the environment and the environment is everything.

    Then there is Energy, this energy is created from atoms, hydrogen, oxygen and helium, energy is everything, everywhere and Omni-present, everything is energy, and energy is and will always be the controlling factor in the total environment. The intricate details of the elements in the environment begins with micro-organisms, they are always at work. The whole of creation is nothing more than a science project in active motion. The first is the internal environment of the human body, organisms this environment is totally separate from the external as mentioned above. The second is the external environment (see above), the third is the environment outside of the earth’s atmosphere, out of space all mentioned above and there is a fourth environment.

    The Fourth environment connects us with the next dimension and beyond or the afterlife, as it is called in religion, it may be called heaven or hell. The reader should beware that religion is not a science and could never become a science. All religions are unnatural from its original conception, religion was not created by the natural environment, such as atoms, neutrons, protons, electrons etc. It is an illusion and utterly impossible to take something from the natural environment and claim it as your own. To do this one must alter the elements from their natural inhabitant, meaning that they no longer function as they were intended, then we pretend to teach this unnatural behavior as a religion, it is no longer natural, it becomes unnatural and manmade. Energy is the teacher and provider of all knowledge and intelligence, like an alternating current, from energy we were created and to energy we will return.

    Foot Note

    In the practice of religion a great percentage of believers have never ever question as to who God was, what God is and where God reside. The antiquated teachings in religion barred the believers from ever questioning the word or the source of the term called God, but why? Who is God and what is God? Why shouldn’t the word of God be questioned? He or she who has an eye let them see. They who have an ear let them hear.

    Our first focus should be the focus within the human anatomy that causes illness, disease, behavior, death and the effects of magnetic energy fields. The process of thought through energy or the way one thinks or the process that develops thought are directly related to the environment that gives us the life we breathe. In no way have we tried or intended that this material should be the sole source of information that comes to a final conclusion. Much of the information contained in this book was taken from the many communications, newsletters we organized in Victory Heights West Pullman, the Hard-Times Newsletters written by the author. The reading flow may not be in the sequence of events but the message is the same and very clear. It is the elements such as the atoms, electrons, neutrons, protons that creates and feeds the environment and this environment feeds into everything and everything feeds into the environment. All information is complex and fragmented to where we obtain a huge amount of information not truly understanding what is happening with the information we obtain around us. Many will never ever research their own individual minds to find the answers to their own thoughts.

    We share this knowledge of the environment as it appears in the writers eye, much of it is not taught in the public school, colleges or universities. It is the energy in the environment that feeds into every single thing we do. There is not one single thing we can do that energy in the environment always produce the final outcome, NOT ONE. Many are born with intelligent insight on certain topics, in religion they say one is blessed. It is very true that you must be very careful as to what you wish for as it could be the very thing that will destroy you or elevate your thinking.

    When one reads religious scriptures the reader general fines that the prophets had requested from their God to give them something that God had never gave to any other human being. Especially reading about King Solomon and his wisdom, this should give us more courage to search for knowledge. How is it that certain knowledge is given to certain individuals and not to others? We must search for it, and it is hidden in secret places in the deep recesses of the subconscious mind…

    The Scripture states; seek and you shall find. These are merely forms of expression that individuals had tested over the centuries of time and they found that it help them to become what they wanted to become. It started out with their own will power to do what they wanted to do. Will power is energy, this energy provides the means of control, energy levels decrease it or expand it within one’s own being to achieve the final outcome. A Prophet in religion only means to prophases on things to come or to take place in future times. What the environment does is not only tell you what is to come but it provide you with intelligence to show you the way as to how it will come.

    Secret Societies

    Like the Knight Templar’s, Illuminati, Masonry, Skull and Bones just to name a few has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years and the more you read about them the more conscious we become of their presents all around us. These secret organizations are controlled by the Rich and Wealthy Slave Masters of the world today. They have systematically withheld certain knowledge from the masses as a control factor to instill fear into the minds of the people. Lets get straight to the point. I don’t know about you but when we look at workings of these energies like Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Tsunami, Earth Quakes, rain, snow heat in these disaster areas it always appear to happen in middle class and poor poverty stricken communities. You almost never see these disasters hitting rich wealthy communities, it almost never hit chateaus, mansions, the White House, the Pentagon, United Nations, The Queen of England’s Castle, the Kremlin, etc. The United States must be prone for these disasters. I have never seen or heard of big city disasters, they never hit prisons no matter where they are. We know that these systems are associated with energies that are produced by a mathematical system hidden from the eyes of the masses. Climate change is real and a factor of creation but these things happen based upon human use of the elements in the environment. They always say that this an act of Mother Nature to keep the masses from really looking at the root cause of these events. What is Mother Nature? An action always causes a reaction.

    As a researcher and activist on the environmental question we merely want to awaken the conscientiousness of the reader so that they might understand the living environment that we now breathe. It was once said: Why should we believe in another person’s facts? A history of all subjects is best qualified to reward research and study. When we gather facts to support our change of thought, it should but not always agree with our common sense and understanding. We have more than five physical senses as we were taught in elementary school. We develop many other senses that may or may not confirm the truth of which we seek understanding. We in no way try to discourage anyone to stop believing in whatever it is that they believe to be true, we simply share this information so that you may decide for yourself what is true or false. If this material is against what you believe to be true or against the tenets of your faith we urge strongly that you put this information down now and walk away from it.

    Home is Where the Heartache Is

    Mark Newman, NMA News Correspondent.

    Location, location, location is the mantra used to describe prime real estate.

    Unfortunately it also refers to an underlying cause of why the health of so many African-Americans-especially children-is adversely affected. From the inner cities to the countryside, African Americans are far more likely to have illnesses impacted by their environment-or in many instances, by what is located in proximity of their environment. In a 1983 study by the General Accounting Office, it was found that in the southeastern part of the U.S., 75% of all hazardous waste sites were located in or near predominantly African-American communities. This is a historical problem, said Dr. Jewel Crawford, Medical Officer in the Office of Urban Affairs at the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Anytime you have three-fourths of all dump sites near African-American communities, it’s not coincidence or happenstance; it’s racism.

    Dr. Crawford cited another study by the United Church of Christ, which found that in 1987, one in five of all African Americans lived within at least 1 mile of a hazardous waste site. And these are just the sites that they know about, Dr. Crawford said. There’s no telling how many people live close to more than one dump site. Dump sites are not the only perils of living in rural or under populated areas, according to Daniel Schwartz, Executive Director of the Children’s Environmental Health Network. Rural areas have shutdown farms and the pollutants are imported, he said. Whereas in industrial areas of larger cities they are in close proximity. However, there is also the problem of factory farms that are so prevalent in rural areas, especially the southeast. Factory farms are where meat packagers grow their "crops’, i.e., pigs, chickens, etc. In these factory farms there are hundreds of thousands of animals in a very concentrated area resulting in huge amounts of fertilizer and manure seeping into the ground water. Such seepage can greatly affect the amount of nitrates and nitrites found in the local water supply. These contaminants are of particular risk to infants as they interfere with the infant’s ability to absorb oxygen, which can lead to methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) and result in death.

    Lead and the Environment

    The most common of the environmental contaminants is lead. Lead levels were much higher in the environment before the advent of unleaded gasoline. Currently lead is most often found in paint and other construction materials. Lead is especially hazardous to young children where research has shown that 10 micrograms per deciliter of blood can result in lowered intelligence, reading and learning disabilities, reduced attention span, hyperactivity, and antisocial behavior. However, there is no safe level for lead in blood and lower concentrations can lead to other adverse health effects. For the years 1992 to 1994, the highest concentration of lead poisoning in children ages 1-5 were found among African American children regardless of poverty level. According to studies by the CDC, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, over 16% of African American children below the poverty level had elevated blood-lead levels compared to just over 6% of white children and almost 5% of Hispanic children. According to the March of dimes, 20 to 70% of all birth defects are related to the environment. Compare race and infant mortality, Dr. Crawford said. "why is the infant mortality rate so much higher in black children? It’s easy to say that the mothers simply don’t have access to adequate prenatal care, but the impact of the environment is often overlooked.

    When you have communities already impacted by racism, poverty, and lack of education, and those communities are often next to hazardous waste sites, it’s easy to see how the problems can be exacerbated. It’s hard to prove but the weight of evidence implicates the environment as a perpetrator".

    Asthma and the Environment

    Asthma also affects African Americans more adversely than other races, especially children. Almost 7% of all African American children under the age of 18 have some form of asthma according to the previously cited studies. When the study shifts to those children living below the poverty level, the percentage for African Americans rises to 8% with both white and Hispanic children’s asthma levels just over 5%. The death rate for asthma is on the rise and this is unconscionable, Dr. Crawford said. there is no reason why children should be dying from asthma. According to Asthma and the Role of Air Pollution published by physicians for Social Awareness, 5 million children in the United States have asthma. The death rate from asthma for children under the age of 19 has increased 78% from 1980 to 1983. Dr. Crawford cites the fact that so many African Americans who do not have health coverage do not seek treatment until their asthma has reached the critical stages, and by that point they often end up in the intensive care unit. Air pollution is an obvious link to asthma and is evidenced by the rise in emergency room visits for asthma-related causes when the out door air quality is lower. Children are especially susceptible because they tend to spend more time outside absorbing their environment. A study published in the September 2000 issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine further reiterated the environmental link to asthma, but firmly established a link to urban environments rather than race alone. Black populations living in Africa have very low prevalence, and the asthma that does occur is associated with environmental factors related to urbanization, according to Dr. Andrew C. Aligne lead author of the study.

    Future Directions

    The NMA is not oblivious to the effects of the environment on African American health and it has taken the first step to investigate the situation further by establishing the Environmental Health Task Force. one purpose of this task force is to educate and enlighten physicians in what to look for and how to treat and prevent exposure to environmental toxins. He added that physicians are simply not trained in environmental health and that when a patient comes in with a certain ailment, seldom will a physician take that patient’s environment into account. Dr. Crawford first saw the effects of the environment on patients’ health while working in Oregon. After 20 years as a family practitioner, I was not privy to information about the impact of the environment on health, and I’m no different from my colleagues, Dr. Crawford said. She noticed that several of her patients had thyroid problems, which she thought was odd. "at first I wondered if all these patients were related until one of them said that they were ‘down winders’—they lived downwind of a nearby nuclear power plant, she said. A patient gave me literature on the dangers of living near the nuclear power plant and that was my first exposure to environmental effects on health and its influence on illness". All physicians are inundated with information, Dr. Crawford added, but very little on the environment and health effects.

    Physicians also need to be aware of what industries are in their practice area because many toxins are specific to certain communities, according to Dr. Morris. The first is to determine what industries are in the community and use that industry as a guideline of sorts as to what to look for in the event that the environment plays a role in a patient’s illness, he said.

    While dioxins may be a problem in one community, asbestos and lead may be a factor in another community simply based on what industries and manufacturing facilities are nearby. Dr. Crawford and Dr. Morris both agree that the impetus is not just on physicians-the public and industries themselves need to take part of the responsibility as well. Doctors knowing what to look for and industry stopping these harmful practices are the answers, Dr. Crawford said. But people have to be aware what’s going on around them. All across the nation, advocacy groups are cropping up to fight back against the polluters while also getting the word out to the public. However, big business has not been so quick to get involved. Acknowledging this problem is bad for business, Dr. Crawford said. It will cut into their profit margins if they have to make their manufacturing processes more environmentally friendly. It’s a lot easier to dump waste in a river or landfill than to dispose of waste responsibly. The technology is there as other countries have demonstrated. The CEHN’s Schwartz also believes that communities need to be planned with the occupants’ health in mind. When you see low income housing in urban areas, you see no places to walk; everyone drives which in turn creates even more pollution, he said. These areas are ‘urban canyons’ in that the pollution rises to a certain level and stays there.

    Schwartz added that these areas have very few parks and playgrounds, which can contribute to the occurrence of obesity and high blood pressure. these areas need to include playgrounds, running tracks, and so on, but the sad truth is that most parks are in the wealthier areas. Aside from better civil engineering on the local level, the federal government needs to step up to the plate as well, according to Dr. Crawford. The laws are there, said. the EPA has been lax in enforcing the regulatory laws on big business but people are using civil rights laws to their advantage by claiming that their civil rights have been violated by these polluters. People have gotten tired of being put upon by the government and big businesses and are successfully dragging these companies into court. One very high profile example is the true story behind the Julia Roberts movie Erin Brockovich. Pacific Gas and Electric’s waste water was getting into the water supply of a California town. As a result, many residents had contracted various forms of cancer. However, they fought back against the utility giant and won a huge multimillion dollar settlement. Dr. Morris used an analogy to the Raiders of the Lost Ark when discussing the availability of the data on health effects related to the environment. When the Ark of the Covenant was found, it was tagged and put on a shelf, he said. that’s what’s being done with this information. The statistics are real and the information is out there, but we have to make sure that it gets to the people who need

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