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Stories from Around the World
Stories from Around the World
Stories from Around the World
Ebook55 pages34 minutes

Stories from Around the World

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The Rainbird - The land is in drought. There is danger that the herds of goats may die because there is no grass to eat and no water to drink. Gideon has heard of the Rainbird that lives high up at the top of a mountain in Kenya in East Africa, and if seen could bring his tribe rain. Gideon climbs to the top of the mountain against his parents wishes to try to save his tribe and the animals. After he climbs the mountain trying to find the Rainbird, he comes down the mountain not sure if he has seen it. His feet are torn and bleeding from the climb and waiting for him at the bottom of the mountain is his little brother Peter who helps him get home to their hut safely.

Shanti Means Peace - This is the story of a baby tiger whose parents are man-eaters and have beenkilled by the villagers. Kallu, a small boy befriends the little tiger and names him Shanti which means peace. Even though Shanti has proven himself trustworthy, Kallus father and the other villagers plan to kill him. Kallu warns his friend the little tiger to stay away. This story has a surprising ending.

Gideons Dream - Gideon and his brother Peter are out exploring the forest. On that day, they comeupon a monkey who is severely injured. He has fallen from a tall tree. They stop what they are doing and carry him to the medicine man. He gives them potions and advice on how to help the monkey. At the same time, one of their fathers goats becomes ill and the medicine man helps to heal him. The medicine man checks all of their fathers other goats for illness. As Gideon watches the medicine man heal the animals and people, he wants to learn his secrets so that one day when he grows up he, too, can help his tribe.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 29, 2012
Stories from Around the World

Marvin Paracuellas

Gabriel Santiago was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He writes many types of books and genres, yet now he has extended to his list of novels and to his career children books as well. Math was a subject Gabriel enjoyed in his academic years.

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    Stories from Around the World - Marvin Paracuellas

    Copyright © 2012 by Nancy Garfield Woodbridge. 123277-WOOD

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012923246


    Softcover 978-1-4797-6548-5

    Hardcover 978-1-4797-6549-2

    eBook 978-1-4797-6550-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    The Rainbird

    Shanti Means Peace

    Gideon’s Dream

    About The Author


    This book is dedicated to my husband, George Woodbridge, my sons, Maurice and Josh, and to Katie and Sarah, to Stephanie B. and CC, to Mike G. and to my father, Sol, a most wise and caring artist.


    The grass was brown and withered. The Athi Plains were dry, parched and dusty. It was a time of sorrow for Gideon’s tribe, the Kamba, who lived in Kenya, East Africa.

    Each day, the young boys of the village would take their fathers’ goats far away to the plains to graze. Every day, Gideon also took his father, Okolo’s goats out to the grasslands.

    One afternoon as Gideon looked out at the dusty plain, he quietly watched the goats searching for grass. The sun beat down on the dry, cracked earth. The air was still. There was a drought. Gideon was worried. His tribe, the Kamba were living on food reserves, and the animals were very, very hungry.

    As he sat near the dried, leafless mchungwa tree, Gideon felt deep sorrow in his heart. He watched the half-starved goats sniff at the parched grass stubble as they tried desperately to find something to eat. The dry grass crumbled in Gideon’s hand. The sun had dried the riverbed, and there was no grass to be found anywhere. The goat bells continued to tinkle as the sun set and the night air grew cool. The stars hung like huge fireflies above the grassless plains. Sadly, Gideon gathered his father’s goats together and wandered home.

    Each afternoon, Gideon returned to the plains with Okolo’s goats. He prayed for rain to come, but the drought continued. Each day, Gideon watched the goats grow weary from hunger and thirst.

    One afternoon, as Gideon looked after the herd, he saw a baby goat, mtoto wa mbuzi, fall to the ground. He ran to it. The little, spotted goat was very weak, but, still alive. He lifted the small goat into his arms and held him close to his body.

    "Do not worry, mtoto wa mbuzi, I, Gideon, shall find a way. You will not die of hunger, you will not …"

    As Gideon held the little

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