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The Mask Behind My Make Up
The Mask Behind My Make Up
The Mask Behind My Make Up
Ebook85 pages58 minutes

The Mask Behind My Make Up

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This book was written through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I believe that many of us, if not all, have had an encounter with a mask of some kind. Your mask might be the seed of corruption due to the very standards of your mind-setthose things that you have allowed to creep in and take a place of residence. It could be the tears from a broken love and the hate that you carried quietly within. The mask hides you within due to the hurt or pain from your mother, father, sister, or brother. The pain may have been concealed by the makeup you wear.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 22, 2017
The Mask Behind My Make Up

Beverly Jean Thomas

Jesus I know I could not have done it without you. Thank you for being a part of my life. I pray that this book will draw those with problems to seek you for solutions.

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    Book preview

    The Mask Behind My Make Up - Beverly Jean Thomas

    Copyright © 2017 by Beverly Jean Thomas.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-5434-2204-7

                    eBook         978-1-5434-2203-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 05/16/2017







    Chapter 1     My Make Up

    Chapter 2     The Strange Feeling

    Chapter 3     Where Will It Lead Me?

    Chapter 4     Confession Time

    Chapter 5     The Lie And The Conversation

    Chapter 6     The Book

    Chapter 7     Looking At The Sin

    Chapter 8     Church

    Chapter 9     The Fellowship

    Chapter 10   Morning Service

    Chapter 11   Naaman’s Make Up

    Chapter 12   The Lesson

    Chapter 13   Looking Beyond

    Chapter 14   It’s Preaching Time

    Chapter 15   The Teaching, Behind The Preaching

    Chapter 16   Obedient For The Christian

    Chapter 17   The Testimony

    Chapter 18   Reflections

    Chapter 19   Closing Remarks

    Chapter 20   1 Corinthian

    Chapter 21   Final Words

    The Dedications




    I would like to thank the Holy Spirit for the given words to write. All those who are connected to the Sneed’s family, especially my mother, Mrs. Essie Sneed Thomas, Mr. Michael Birdine who believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Mrs. Nannie Winstead, Mrs. Jeriline Green, Mr. Award Ayesh, Minister Brenda Lloyd and my Pastor Rev. William J. Everett. I love you all! A very, very special thank you Mrs. Lois Bullock for reasons I dare not say. Thank you



    This book was written through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I believe that many of us, if not all, have had an encounter with a mask of some kind. Your mask might be the seed of corruption due to the very standards of your mindset. Those things that you have allowed to creep in and take a place of residence. It could be the tears from a broken love, the hate that you carried quietly within. The inter mask that hides within due to the hurt or pains from a mother, father, sister, or brother. The pain may have been concealed by the Make Up you wear.

    Therefore, the Make Up formed a mask that you use to cover hurts inflicted by a friend, a neighbor, a son, a daughter, an aunt, an uncle, a niece, a nephew, a grandmother, a grandfather or maybe an in-law. Perhaps it came because of a visitor; a co- worker, a church member, a nurse, a doctor, a lawyer, or even from a pastor who minister the word of God. If so, I pray that this book will help you to find some cracks in your mask so that when you look into the mirror your hidden secret will be revealed.

    We all have secrets of some kind but the worst one I found to be is the one that keep me bounded because of my own chains. Chains that come with two sets of keys. In fact, there may not be a secret at all, just the sin that has founded a way to cover the mind and to keep the truth concealed from your heart by using lies, excuses, and ruses to make the mask live as truth. The mask is being used as the real you. The mask cannot give life therefore, you give the mask the life with the Make Up that you wear. The secret need not to be revealed to me; but to you.

    Perhaps the secret is a hidden sin that lies deep within, being covered with the mask of Make Up that can only be seen by the reflection of your mirror. If so, I pray that the mirror be broken, so that the cracks can be seen and the Make-Up be destroyed to the point that the word of God can enter in. I pray, there will be a reflection in His words to replace the broken mirror, the mask and the Make Up. Upon His words, there lies an image that will be a covering of protection, a covering of understanding, a covering of hope and a covering of strength that will point you to truth. The One who can give you hope and freedom from the world system of slavery that draws the mind into what appears to be satisfying to the flesh. But under the flesh is where I am locked inside a prison wall. When I try to escape, it seems that I only escape the wall that I am

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