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The Truth That's Hidden from Women
The Truth That's Hidden from Women
The Truth That's Hidden from Women
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The Truth That's Hidden from Women

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The neutrality of knowing the true nature of men present situation of conflict between men and women is a complex, but the dream of finding the truth is here and it is a natural and normal human instinct perfectly achievable.


Is the things men dont want you to know about them, it is their desire, fantasy, and practice which is not normal, in this book is where all the women power lies to fight complexity, adversities, fear, and despair within a relationship, not to mention the lethal power you will achieve to balance every obstacle that rise up against you.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 17, 2014
The Truth That's Hidden from Women

Michael A. Bernard

Michael Bernard was born in Jamaica the first child of his parents, he have two brothers and one sister, didn’t finish his school years but self-determination led him to conquer the adversities of life, he has traveled to the Bahamas, Barbados, Haiti, and United States doing research on social mobility of relationship on human behaviour, and now invest his knowledge in this incredible book, he is now living in Jamaica with his wife and children.

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    The Truth That's Hidden from Women - Michael A. Bernard

    The Truth That’s

    Hidden From Women

    Michael A. Bernard

    Copyright © 2014 by Michael A. Bernard.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 09/16/2014

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    The Concept Of This Book

    Chapter 1 The insight of men behaviour

    Chapter 2 Morbid nature

    Chapter 3 Men have no respect for love

    Chapter 4 Gossip betray confidence

    Chapter 5 The identity of selfhood

    Chapter 6 Sex don’t carry symptoms

    Chapter 7 Cheating desire can’t change

    Chapter 8 Fantasy compensate for genuine love

    Chapter 9 The essence of women

    Chapter 10 The genesis of men

    Chapter 11 The product of interacting

    Chapter 12 Love is a fictionist philosophy

    Chapter 13 You cannot erase tragic events

    Chapter 14 The complex of cheating

    Chapter 15 The fear of the unknown

    Chapter 16 The challenge of your own discovery

    Chapter 17 Fight the adversities of men

    Chapter 18 Timeless immorality

    About the Author

    Publishing assurance

    No part of this book is translated from any book that was written or part written, published or part published in any form or another. I can assure you plagiarism play no part in my writing ability. I have done researched on over 118 relationships most of them I had come up with the same finding, men are the one who made the first move to cheat most of the time and they will never stop. The research which was done on over 118 relationships marriage and unmarried relationships and the part of the human psyche I dig deep by reading and studding a few psychological books about human behaviour and their attitudes and that gave me the prescription for writing this book.

    Lay out

    The first Edition of this kind, no part of this book is prohibited by any transmission, electronic, mechanical means or by any other medium without permission from the author; it will be prohibitedand punishable by the law, Printed in the United States.

    I dedicated this book to my mother whom I love so much Hortencia Hall


    I want to thank the fallowing people, who of course are my immediate family who gave me the unweaning support until the conclusion of this book. I must say thanks to my wife Bridgette, daughter Neasha, cordella, and son Givani, last but not lest my friend Aswald Ellis who all dream to see the success of this book.


    I have done researched on over 118 relationships to come up with all these findings. I have gone deep into human behaviour, deep in the human psyche to come up with all these facts about men. Men don’t know what they want because they always change from what they think they need, men gamble with life and resettle for nothing, human cannot fathom out what human want, it is just obvious that they want the more and there’s no stopping getting it. There is no such thing as love. Love is an abstract it flows around and hurt people, it’s not real that’s what I prescribe love as hurting women if something is real how then it changes? The human species is a combination of joining rivers that runs through one another, where there is no stopping; it washes away good and bad without any remorse. Love is the fathom of life, the social foundation of life is better than love itself people are drifting away over yonder from this abstracts thing call love, but social mobility of the human instinct per long better and more comfortable than love.


    The concept of this book is to tell the women why men cheat on them, how to deal with each situation, how to protect their emotion, how to balance their feeling and what to look out for when your partner is cheating. The whole concept of this book is an insight of men behaviour, fantasy and their desire that cannot change. The speed of women and men relationship is a complex that cannot define or fix in general, men rely on their psyche for protection and end up be a victim of their own action. This book is a lecture for women how to balance themselves in relationship.

    The truth that’s hidden from woman


    The insight of men behaviour

    For centuries after centuries, the question of cheating between men and women as become an infinitude question, it has never been answer truthfully, it has never been answer logically, so what is before the truth, and logicality? There is no relationship too good or sweet that the man won’t cheat on his wife or his girlfriend, it is ambiguity that it will happen. The truth of the matter is that the beauty and sexiness of a woman drags a man out of his comfort zone, even if the man don’t want to commit an act of cheating temptation has been flowing, there’s something call chemistry that react between man and woman, it is magnetize beyond this, the psychological part of the human psyche believe that woman nicer than woman, sex nicer than sex, love making nicer than love making, men always searching to find the things they think can satisfy themselves and they end up never to find it. That is not what the psyche of men nature is saying. I think it is full time now woman know the truth why men cheat, women are emotionally week most of them are not strong enough like men, women go through too much pain of emotion, all kind of people went to university and study about sociology, relationship, behavioural pattern of relationship and attitude etc. none of these graduate ever come out hitting the truth about why men cheat. They came with their profession and use it polish up the fact about cheating. I guess they don’t know what is the truth that causing this immoral behaviour the fact is simply curtails, trust is a mind set to balance morality, it’s not because you trust your wife or your husband that don’t mean that you won’t cheat, no! it is a moral balance within a relationship and the moralistic ideology of the human side is not saying that, it doesn’t matter how long a man and woman live in a relationship they cheat on each other at some pointing time, rather physically or in their imagination, it normally happen, most of the time it is several years are needed before

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