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Sereena Nighshade Defined
Sereena Nighshade Defined
Sereena Nighshade Defined
Ebook226 pages2 hours

Sereena Nighshade Defined

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Sereena Nightshade Defined is the book, which in a sense, defines this author from the making of Nightshade, the history, knowledge, wisdom, positions, the how(s) and why(s), descriptions of the three different types of humans upon this planet, the underlying meaning of many of the photos in Black Market as well as the reason for the very name Nightshade. Numerous bold unique full color photos and everything Nightshade fans would look for in such a book is granted in spades in Sereena Nightshade Defined. Please note readers are cordially invited to Sereena Nightshades website created by RDH Designs. Web address:

Upcoming books of interest: Soul Sister, Legacy, Ain't Nothin Like That and Fin.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 19, 2014
Sereena Nighshade Defined

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    Sereena Nighshade Defined - Sereena Nightshade

    Copyright © 2014 by Sereena Nightshade. 543311

    ISBN: Softcover 978-1-4931-7296-2

    EBook 978-1-493-17295-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 02/11/2014

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    Peppermint Snap Ranch

    A Good Horse

    Pulling No B.S. Punches


    The Achilles’ Tendon



    Look At You



    The Small Truth

    The Panda Effect

    The Middle Finger Salute



    True That


    Three Kinds


    Get It

    The Coveting and

    Human Nature

    The Granting of Permission

    What I got



    A Dominant Warble in Sight

    Which Way


    Hell’s Films


    The Way of the World

    Sheets of Rubble


    The Price

    Vijf Zes:

    Purposes Perhaps

    A Dance in Place of Value

    Three Wishes

    Witch Hunts

    The Secrets of Common Humans in Want


    The Proverbial Black Eye of a Sheople Wanting to Bestow it Upon an Innocent

    King Pin

    Expanse as it Shouldn’t Be


    Black Market

    Zeven in Tips or Een Red Popsicle Stick

    The Meaning of a Name

    Wackadoodle Noodles






    Someone Once Said: I will place a weak lamb before each of you and if you slay it or neglect it till its life force subsides I will know your true heart. If each of you keep this lamb safe and nurtured and well all men shall profit and all men shall be saved by the grace of this one being fulfilled in the multitudes of the lambs placed everywhere before all of mankind.

    By Sereena Nightshade

    Whoever saves one life, saves the entire world.

    By Itzhak Stern.

    I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

    By Nelson Mandela

    Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but noting consistently without courage.

    By Maya Angelou

    Courage is being scarred to death… and saddling up anyway.

    By John Wayne

    Courage is huge and failure to protect is the ultimate deal demolisher.

    By Sereena Nightshade

    The police think that just because he didn’t kill you he didn’t somehow end your life…

    Author: Unknown.

    Regarding false allegations: First rule of the witch hunt; don’t limit yourself to the witches.

    An adult male predator’s mainstay quote: It’s not me, her daddy done it. This holds true even if her daddy didn’t do it. The same wording can be used to pass the blame onto another from the victim’s past who is reasonably to completely innocent while the abuser is guilty.

    By Sereena Nightshade

    Pretty is as pretty does, and while it’s true that money makes the world go round, nice is what makes it habitable. Please keep in mind that in Old English times nice meant foolish as in basically stupid or retarded.

    By Sereena Nightshade


    Above: Underwater swimming photo of Sereena Nightshade taken January 2014. Photo taken by RDH Designs. All such photos are basic underwater snapshots, raw, unedited, and not touched-up in any way.


    Sereena Nightshade Defined is a compilation of poetry, informal essays and quotes spawned from a variety of sources; however, in the final analysis of it all there is the world as it is seen by this writer. This book delves into the three kinds of humans which reside in the world as well as what they do, why they do it and what the consequences of their actions ultimately are. By the term Defined within this book’s title Nightshade is not asserting that she is all of these types of people as Nightshade has been identified as one of the multitudes placed before all of mankind in the short work Someone Once Said. There is no pleasure or pride in this categorical placement. The placement is a matter of fact as observed through reality. Nightshade utilizes her vast observations, interviews as well as experiences through stationary life and extensive travels to compile the material which in the end unravels the factors of what people do and why they do it.

    The revelations in this book, like so many of Nightshade’s works, are not entirely complimentary to all readers though most readers have a choice to change their judgments as well as their actions through time. While it is surely easier to continue as is, blind to one’s reality when that reality is not pleasant or complimentary, that continuation is a choice others make each and every day. No one is perfect, perfection is not within the human capacity, but improvement is entirely possible. Some examples, human examples, in Nightshade’s books, loom as ideal role models of what not to be while other examples may lead the way to enlightenment for some or a roadmap to ideas which could improve insight, wisdom, reactions or behaviors, when applicable, for others. In Nightshade’s depictions of Sweetie-Baby, she is clearly stating Look at this. Do not be like this guy.

    In Sweetie-Baby the samplings are a roadmap for young boys or young men of what a man should never become as to become that is obviously the lowest level of cowardice, narcissism and the consequences to anyone in such a man’s path, the easy-hard way plus some more senselessness added in as a seasoning mixed into that recipe’ for disaster. Additional collateral damages reign on within whatever life or family such a man is likely to create in his future as well. Not everyone in the upcoming disaster’s path deserves the approaching backlash of the cowardly self-centered fool and his arrogantly crafted decisions. There are many who repeatedly err as this individual did or likely always will as The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior and in this there is the Panda Effect, or what the POA pony Panda did, racing into a tall brick wall head first even though there was an entire open field with all of its options available to this POA. While few are as grossly mistaken to the same degree the pattern exists making this individual an example for many to ponder or learn from.

    There are lessons herein. Take them for what they are worth. The definition of Sereena Nightshade resides in good part in the ability to see these variables for what they are or in the ability to hold onto that comprehension through relevant events. Readers confused by the meaning of the works presented within this book are urged to read other books by Sereena Nightshade. In short the judgments and choices of most humans saddens this writer in all of the senseless tragic outcomes for nothing other than short-term gain or the proverbial easy-hard way in life, the inoculation theory of how those who have been harmed are seen as duly inoculated and thus it is no big deal if it happens again or if far worse occurs in view of the reality of The Achilles’ Tendon Factor. Add to this the predominant view that we are nothing other than inanimate cogs stamped out of a machine in the assembly line of life. Repetition: Someone Once Said: I will place a weak lamb before each of you and if you slay it or neglect it till its life force subsides I will know your true heart. If each of you keep this lamb safe and nurtured and well all men shall profit and all men shall be saved by the grace of this one being fulfilled in the multitudes of the lambs placed everywhere before all of mankind. Pretty is as pretty does, and while it’s true that money makes the world go round, nice is what makes it habitable. Please keep in mind that in Old English times nice meant foolish as in basically stupid or retarded."

    Indeed there are three primary groups of people: The predators (major predators and low-level predators), the sheople (people that function like stereotypical or cliché form defective adult sheep in a herd), and the smaller remainder who are the innocents, angels, pure-hearted, defenseless quality ones, sacrificial lambs or quality sweet ones as these are the best or the ones of greatest rare value. None of the terms utilized to describe this minority group are meant to be taken in a Biblical context. Please use context clues when reading this material which was written and/or compiled under a tight time frame.


    Above: A photo of the second ranch referred to by this writer as The Peppermint Snap Ranch. Photo taken by Sereena Nightshade.

    Peppermint Snap Ranch

    I grew up on a series of two ranches, one smaller ranch and then many years later a larger custom built version of that same ranch in a more rural part of town. I opted to call both of these places The Peppermint Snap Ranch because this was my life, the beginning that molded me into the person I became. Amongst animals of such overwhelming nobility as the Arabians we had as well as horses of other breeds lessons were imparted which others who have not grown up within this type of environment likely cannot begin to fathom. My time was in the middle of those years where Arabian horses were being marketed as Living Art, while droves of the super wealthy were purchasing horses via private sales/auctions offering specialty bred, conditioned, body clipped, sculptured animals. To attend the major auctions, and there were many, each potential bidder had to undergo a thorough credit check to prove he/she could easily spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a horse. It was a unique world outside of mainstream America. During these spectacular sales horses were featured prancing through massive indoor venues with the sawdust beneath their hooves dyed red while it was also mixed with generous amounts of glitter. Glitter was also slicked onto the horses themselves, over the thin sparkly coat of oil upon their fur.

    Beyond the platform where the horses where shown there was typically an active sale theme of carnival, disco, casino or classic formal wear event. Disco was no longer the most popular music on the radio; however, it was the music of many of those people hosting the sales. The demonstrated sale/auction themes were a mesmerizing display just beyond the sale platform itself and these were absolutely maxed out, fully functional to whatever degree they could possibly be within the limits of the local laws (i.e. actual gambling is not permitted in this state). This portion of the lifestyle was utterly dazzling. The common sale attire was always either high-end business clothing or formal dresses for women and Armani business suits or something akin to that in appearance for men. Many of the major sales thus had the entertainment area (i.e. a theme of carnival, disco, casino or another popular atmosphere) within the same indoor building as the actual sale’s platform, yet outside the room where the sale’s runway existed. Runway is truly the correct label as horses were brought onto an auction platform which resembled a runway where

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