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Thy Kingdom Come: Exploring the Kingdom of God Lifestyle
Thy Kingdom Come: Exploring the Kingdom of God Lifestyle
Thy Kingdom Come: Exploring the Kingdom of God Lifestyle
Ebook139 pages2 hours

Thy Kingdom Come: Exploring the Kingdom of God Lifestyle

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The Kingdom of God is from eternity past to eternity future. The Kingdom of God is embodied in Almighty God Himself. The authority of God that rules the universe has always existed beyond the realms of time and space and rules in the realm of the spirit as well as the physical universe. It is this kingdom which God chooses to establish in the hearts and lives of His people throughout the ages. Our lives are dictated by choices, which God intends to correspond to His will and His purposes for His creation.
When Jesus Christ came to the earth, He introduced the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is a dispensation within the Kingdom of God, which includes the church (the building of the Body of Christ) and the millennial age (which begins at Christs return to earth). We will reign with Jesus as rulers in Gods Kingdom for all eternity.
We hope that this book gives some insight into the Kingdom of God, as described in Gods Holy Word, the Bible. We hope that we gain a greater relationship with and a greater understanding of Jesus Christ as Gods appointed King. We pray that we gain a greater understanding of our spiritual authority as joint heirs with Jesus Christ in Gods Kingdom. We will use this divine authority to tear the devils kingdom down, to reclaim territory, to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and His Christ, to heal every sickness and disease among people, and to restore the Kingdom of God back to its rightful place of highest supremacy in the earthly realm. Pray with us as we move the Kingdom of God agenda forward during this age in which we now live.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 17, 2015
Thy Kingdom Come: Exploring the Kingdom of God Lifestyle

Michael A Price

Michael A. Price is a retired nuclear power plant operator. He is a husband, a father of six children, and grandpa to thirteen grandchildren. He is a freelance writer, mainly writing humorous short stories. Price is active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is a community volunteer.

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    Thy Kingdom Come - Michael A Price


    "Out of Darkness and into

    His Marvelous Light"

    T HIS THEN IS the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).

    Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of lords;

    Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen (1 Timothy 6:15, 16).

    But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. (1 Peter 2:9 KJV).

    As we look through scripture, especially the King James Version of the Bible, we discover that there are some lexicons which specify three hundred and fifteen (315, 3 + 1 + 5 = 9) verses with the word kingdom. Some versions suggest three hundred and sixteen verses or three hundred and fourteen, but for our purposes (and this chapter), we’ll choose to focus on three hundred and fifteen (315, 3 + 1 + 5 = 9) verses. Either way, we have spiritual significance in all the numbers; 314 = 3 + 1 + 4 = 8 or 315 = 3 + 1 + 5 = 9, or 316 = 3 + 1 + 6 = 10.

    Also, there are fifty-five (55, 5 + 5 = 10) verses with the word kingdoms. When we add fifty-five to three hundred and fifteen, that is a total of 370 verses (3 + 7 + 0 = 10). The number three (3) is the number of divine perfection and completion; it is also the number of manifestation and resurrection. The number seven is the number of spiritual completion and perfection; it is God’s personal number of perfection. The number zero lets us know that God’s Kingdom is perfect in and of itself. Nothing can be taken away or added to it. Three plus seven plus zero equals ten, which is another perfect number. Ten is the number of ordinal perfection. Three perfect numbers; divine, spiritual, and ordinal signify the perfection of God’s Kingdom.

    Also, the number ten is the number of the law and of the tithe; it signifies the number of everything that comes from God and everything that belongs to God. There are many examples of the number ten in the scripture, with one of the most notable ones being the Ten Commandments. We must understand that the concepts of the Kingdom come from God and belongs to God. It is without a shadow of a doubt His Kingdom. There are many kingdoms in the world and therefore many kings. But the God that we serve is The King of kings; He is the Lord of lords. His Kingdom is the supreme kingdom. It is the sovereign kingdom. It is the kingdom that is above every other kingdom, and most importantly, it belongs to God Himself. When we talk about the increase of God’s Kingdom, we must keep in mind that His Kingdom must increase in our hearts and spirits first. When we receive Christ into our hearts, we receive God Himself; and because we receive God, we receive the Kingdom of God.

    The number ten denotes ordinal perfection, another new first, after the ninth digit, when numeration commences anew. The Kingdom of Heaven, described in the book of Matthew, denotes another new first. It is only mentioned in the Book of Matthew, which is the first new book of the New Testament. The number ten also corresponds to the number of the commandments in the two tables of the law. Ten is five plus five (5 + 5 or 5 × 2). This implies the witness of God’s grace to fulfill God’s law. It also implies the responsibility to obey God’s commandments. These implications of the meaning of the number ten are inherent in our understanding of God’s Kingdom. God’s Kingdom requires the witness of His grace in our lives in order to live out His legal and divine commands. We know that the commands of God are graciously summed up in two responsibilities, which include loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves.

    Again, ten denotes what belongs to God. It signifies the perfection of divine order. It commences an altogether new series of numbers. It signifies the completeness of order, marking the entire round of everything. It implies that nothing is wanting, that the number and order are perfect; the whole cycle is complete. Also, ten signifies the completion of a certain dealing, and it signifies a divine transaction. We must know and understand that the kingdom belongs to God. It is God’s perfect government of the universe. It is divine, spiritual, and righteous according to God’s standards, plans, holiness, and justice. Its destiny has been placed in the hands of Jesus Christ and His saints. The number ten is the number of commandment, law, order, restoration, responsibility. The significance of the number ten is that it is one of the spiritually perfect numbers. It corresponds with the numbers three (3), seven (7), and twelve (12). So it is the third number of ordinal perfection; there’s the number three again.

    We can also do this with the other numbers as well. However, we like the way the number 315 fits the ideas and principles of God’s Kingdom.

    Thus, when we consider the Kingdom of God, we must consider God as Creator and the glory and majesty that accompanies that distinction. Scripture tells us that God is light, not that he has light or that he will be light but that light is what He is. Through science, we understand that light is the fastest stuff in the universe. We have to record distances in space in light years. Light travels at over 186,000 miles per second. Light can travel around our earth 7.5 times in one second. In one year, light can travel almost six trillion miles. The closest star to our sun is over 4.5 light years away. That is over twenty-five trillion miles away with light traveling at such great speed. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has over a billion stars in it, and there are over one hundred billion galaxies. The universe is expanding at the speed of light, and the God that we serve and worship is the Creator and Sustainer of it.

    Heaven is His throne. The heavens declare the glory of God. There could be no creation without the Creator. It is the Creator God that we acknowledge and worship. We ascribe all majesty, glory, and honor to Him. There is no other beside Him, and He doesn’t even know of another God like Him. His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Word, upholds all things by the Word of His power. The Word is the ultimate ruler destined by God to enact His Kingdom. The Word is a person, both human and divine.

    By the Spirit of God, I have been taken into the spirit realm on several occasions. One of the first times the Spirit of God took me into the spirit realm was when I encountered a great red dragon. This dragon circled me and told me that the only way I would see God was to go through him. I remember being struck by fear, and immediately I returned to the physical realm. Another time, when I was in the spirit realm, I glimpsed the gates of hell, and I glimpsed this bright white light that was pure. The light was so pure that I was afraid to approach it. Again, I returned to the physical realm. A third time, I was taken into the realm of the spirit. This time it was like I was floating above the universe. My spirit encompassed the realm that I was in. I could only perceive light, but this light was in the form of many colors (like a rainbow). There was nothing else there. I asked God what that was, and He told me that that was the spirit realm, the realm of creativity and innovation. He told me that whatever appeared in that realm was the consequence of the spoken Word, that nothing could appear there until it was divinely spoken there and granted permission to exist there. There is a place in the Spirit where there is no satanic, demonic, fleshly, worldly, or negative activity. It’s a place of absolute, peace, and

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