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Lumi: Towards an Ecology of Love
Lumi: Towards an Ecology of Love
Lumi: Towards an Ecology of Love
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Lumi: Towards an Ecology of Love

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Who am I? What do I want? What is the deeper purpose of my life on Earth? How to flow with our true nature so that we can live an effortless and fulfilled life? These are the questions that the author keeps asking herself every day. After long soul-searching and various experiences, one simple answer pierces through the fog of mind and sheds light on her heart: LOVE. Following the mystic dialogues between Lumi (a female voice) and Lux (a male voice), with a ray of light that travels through time and space, this book invites us on both a personal and collective journey of love between humans, animals, and nature, in which we might find answers of our own questionsor rather, more questions. For those who wish to learn to love oneself and others better, this book is delicioussimple yet deep with wisdom that readers aged from eighteen to eighty-eight can find resonance and insight in her/his own journey of awakening.
Release dateFeb 24, 2015
Lumi: Towards an Ecology of Love

Pu Ling Lai

Ling is a daughter of universe, mother of a miraculous baby, and wife of a Bohemian. After 20 years in China as a silent rebel, she left home and roamed in Europe while studying literature and searching for ‘herself’. She later drifted to MSc in Holistic Science in Schumacher College, where she embarked on a grandiose pilgrimage of love.

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    Lumi - Pu Ling Lai

    Copyright © 2015 Pu Ling Lai. All rights reserved.


    978-1-4828-3007-1 (sc)

    978-1-4828-3008-8 (e)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.






    First conversation: Origin





    Second conversation: Light


    Growing with love

    ‘I see you’

    We are light

    Third conversation: Darkness

    lumi I imul

    Science of darkness and light

    Practice of dying

    Fourth conversation: Vision

    Fifth conversation: Freedom

    Sixth conversation: Nature



    For Love

    --the space that holds everything together in the universe.


    It is very difficult for me to make acknowledgements as there are simply too many souls to thank. Furthermore, it is impossible to describe the reason to thank them in one sentence: when you love someone, there is not really a logical reason. Here I still describe one out of millions of reasons to thank them, but that is not the reason why I love them—I just love them and thank them for who they are.

    So, love to you all who make my life so wonderful:

    My nature family: Northwoods the Mystic Forest who teaches me the importance of leaving the path and finding a new way in the journey of life; Great grandma River Dart who nourishes and purifies my soul; Great grandpa Oak, Grandpa Scots Pine, Grandma Plane Tree and Brother Chestnut who shelter and inspire me; Father Sun and Mother Moon who shine on me; Brothers William, Prince Harry and Arthur (horses) who whispered love into my ears; Esther, Poo and Charlotte (cows) who sucked my fingers and listened to my harmonica; Black beauty (sheep) who touched me with her strong will to live.

    My Schumacher family: Poppa Gaia (Stephan Harding) who rescues me every time I feel like giving up, Mama Gaia (Julia Ponsonby) who fills my body and soul with love through her food and care; Snowdrop (Phillip Franses) who gives me so much wisdom and laughter, Minni who inspires me with her flow; Patricia Shaw who enlightens me like a pure flame of love; Voirrey Watterson who is my bosom friend and second mummy; William Thomas who has profound eyes and is always the first to notice and take care of me when I am physically or emotionally sick; Satish Kumar who is my mentor of love and inspires me in walking the land; Heather who allows me to stay in the college and gives me cuddles and love; Jane Pares and Glen Edney for sharing their love of whales and animals with me; Jon Rae who is the most amiable head of college I’ve ever seen, Ruth Rae who was my Secret Santa; Sarah who cooks me special vegan food.

    My Holistic Science family: Veronique Severjiins, my elegant Belgian sister who allows me to speak from my heart; Gabriella Franco, my funny Mexican sister who is my great supporter and healer; Evelyn Roe, my African wild flower who makes my African dream firmer; Sterling Parks, my American best-pal-in-childhood who makes my heart warmer and bigger; Bernardo Bravo, my nasty Mexican brother who serenades me with his guitar; Alex Jelly, my English lioness sister who makes my heart gayer and stronger; Mike Bekin, my nasty Brazilian brother who always hides my shoes away; Grant Riley, my English monkey uncle from whom I learnt the names of trees and birds; Tomas Lindrestrom, my Swedish papa who teaches me how to dare to speak and sing; Vivienne Hill, my Australian aunt, who teaches me how to be a perfect mum; Felipe Viveros, my Chilean shaman, who heals me without words; Paul Pizzala, my Anglo-Indian uncle, who always surprises me with his jokes; Ingrid Cozma, my Romanian aunt who teaches me to be authentic and ‘eccentric’ without feeling ashamed of it; Karen Gazley, my New-Zealander sister, who is as gentle as a deer; Karen Fulcher, my Scorpio sister, who has the depth to listen to my scorpion darkness.

    My teachers and mentors: Sue Blagburn who initiated me into the universe of horse-whispering; Jeremy Thres who initiated me in vision quest, rites of passage and other Native American practice; Martha Blassnigg who guides me with love and her wonderful advice in my dissertation-writing pilgrimage; Kit-Fai Naess who gives me love like a parent;

    My beloved in heaven: Grandma who raised me up; my baby who taught me so much about love; Arne Naess who talks with me in spirit; Kirsten who is an amazing woman, an inspiration and a huge help in my journey of love.

    My beloved places and special friends: Northwoods Room 12 who spread my dreams with stardust; Steinway piano in Schumacher College who consoled my soul when I feel alone; Dartmoor National Park who witnessed my death and rebirth; Tvergastein who lifted my life to a new altitude;

    My Czech boy Tomas Faltin, who ‘chodime spolu’ (which means ‘is in love with me’ as well as ‘walks with me’ in Czech) in my pilgrimage of love.

    Finally, my friends and family in China: Mummy, Daddy, Grandpa, all my uncles, aunts, cousins, who support me with all that they have in whatever I am doing, and without whom I will not be here.


    (Photo: The first and only bread that Lumi made so far in her life in the kitchen of Schumacher College, thanks to the recipe of love she learnt there.)


    It is a quiet night in Schumacher College. In the accommodation block Northwoods, Room 12, the window is wide open for the songs of owls, winds, conifers, the moon and the stars to come in. On the bed next to the window, a girl named Ling is sound asleep.

    Deep in her dreams, she sees a girl with fair skin, light-coloured hair in a stunning white robe standing in the void between heaven and earth, looking down on her with an indescribable nobility and calmness. ‘She’s irresistibly beautiful,’ thinks Ling, ‘it seems that she’s detached from everything that’s earthly.’

    She does not know how it happened in between, but Ling ends up making love with this mysterious being.


    Ling woke up with a start, horrified: ‘What’s this all about? Does it show that I am potentially a lesbian? I’ve never thought about that before…’

    She once talked about this with one of her classmates, Karen Fulcher. Karen said, ‘Could it be that this girl is the Ling that you want to be but have not integrated yet?’

    Ling woke up with a start again. Karen was absolutely right. Ling realized that she loves the dream girl so much because she is everything that is opposite of who she knows herself to be. The girl from her dreams is light, detached, ethereal…everything that she needs to make herself more whole. ‘Making love is a metaphor that expresses the desire of integration with this potential within me,’ thinks she.

    While writing her dissertation on love, Ling decided to make this shining, ethereal girl whom she named ‘Lumi’ her avatar¹ in her expedition of love which happens both in

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