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End Time Scenario: The Picture Is Getting Clearer
End Time Scenario: The Picture Is Getting Clearer
End Time Scenario: The Picture Is Getting Clearer
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End Time Scenario: The Picture Is Getting Clearer

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The world can expect to witness the following events unfolding in the days and years ahead:
@ The USD losing its reserves currency status
@ The collapse of the global financial system
@ America further weakened by earthquakes and internal revolution
@ The great tribulation
@ Regional war between Israel and her neighbors
@ The Third World War and the rise of Russia
@ Russia invades Israel
@ The rapture of the saints
@ Israel rebuilding the third temple
@ The reign of the Antichrist through the New World Order
@ The second coming of Christ
Treacherous times are coming. However, there is safety and hope for the righteous. King David, the ancient king of Israel, had once said, "I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread." The righteous will find their way as they seek the face of the Lord. The righteous will be delivered.
Release dateAug 13, 2015
End Time Scenario: The Picture Is Getting Clearer

Moses L.H. Tay

Moses LH Tay is the pastor of Penang Emmanuel Tabernacle, Malaysia. He developed a keen interest in eschatology since becoming a believer and follower of Jesus Christ in the 1970’s. He conducts seminars in relation to the end times as part of his pastoral ministry. He and his wife Swee Lan have two children, Aileen and Edward.

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    End Time Scenario - Moses L.H. Tay

    Copyright © 2015 by Moses L.H. Tay.

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    Unless indicated otherwise, all Scriptures are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    Part 1    The Beginning of Sorrows

    Chapter 1    Opening Of The Seals

    Chapter 2    The Four Horses Of The Apocalypse

    Chapter 3    Living Between The Seals

    Chapter 4    The Jews

    Chapter 5    Have The Christians Replaced The Jews? (Replacement Theology)

    Chapter 6    Jewish Global Influence

    Chapter 7    The Shemitah

    Chapter 8    The Blood Moon

    Chapter 9    America

    Chapter 10    Moral Decline & Changing Of God’s Law

    Chapter 11    Economic Decline & Collapse Of The Usd

    Part 2    Some Major Events Leading To The Second Coming Of Christ

    Chapter 12    Coming Judgment Of America

    Chapter 13    Coming Russian Invasion Of Israel

    Chapter 14    Rapture

    Chapter 15    70Th Week Of Daniel

    Chapter 16    7 Years Reign Of The Antichrist

    Chapter 17    7 Trumpets And 7 Bowls Judgment

    Chapter 18    Second Coming Of Christ


    To Yeshua,

    The Beloved of the Father, to You He had committed all things. As the heir apparent, You must shortly bring all things under Your feet. Lord Jesus, come for the Church, Your Bride that You have been preparing these many years.


    I want to express my appreciation to the following persons for their permission to quote from the visions and dreams that God had given them. Without their contributions, this book could not be written.

    First, I want to thank Michael Boldea, on behalf of his late grandfather Dumitru Duduman, for the revelation that the Bible does mention or do have references to America. It came to my knowledge many years ago as an answer to a major puzzle in my understanding of eschatology.

    I want to thank Prophet David Edward Owour for the realization that the countdown has begun with the release of the four horses of the apocalypse. It put to rest the confusion that arises from conflicting opinions concerning the opening of the Seven Seals. With the inauguration of the Seals, the runway is now cleared, and we are finally on the way to taking off.

    My thanks go to Pastor T D Hale. To you the Lord had shown America has a President, who will commit the final abomination. Moreover, he did just that a couple of weeks ago, working through the U.S. Supreme Court. This development should quell any remaining hope that the nation could turn around from its moral decline.

    Thank you, Pastor Shane Warren, for the vision God gave you of the coming collapse of the USD followed by a major earthquake to hit the nation. It is a comforting thought that God cares and has informed His people to prepare. The Church will arise like a giant to face the challenging times.

    Last but not least, I want to thank David Jones and Dr. Mary K. Baxter for the certainty that the rapture will take place soon. By showing them the Rapture in visions, God seeks to encourage the faithful who are eagerly waiting for the coming of the Lord.


    God has a big redemptive plan for mankind, and the program is broken up into several phases. Each stage has a starting point and an end. We are presently in the phase that coincided with the Seven Seals mentioned in the Book of Revelation. This period starts in the year 2001, and will close sometime in the next few years.

    There is much talk about end times these days. End times does not mean the world is about to come to an end. The truth is; the world is not ready to stop anytime soon. The Bible says the earth will be made new one day, and it will carry on existing for an eternity. However, end times is upon us, time in which God brings to a close the current phase of His dealing with mankind. The present phase is an important one, although not the last. After that, He will initiate the next stage that will culminate with the second coming of Christ to set up His Millennium kingdom.

    Humanity needs compass and direction. The God, who created us, has revealed His plans and purposes so that they may be a guide for us. It behooves the people of this generation to find out what the Most High has prepared, and that we may seek to flow along with His plan. God place the inhabitants of the earth into three groups: the general populace, the Jews, and His Church. Irrespective of which group one may currently belong, He is calling everyone to turn to Him in repentance, and to live holy lives as proof of one’s repentance. Turn to Him while there is still time.

    However, not everyone will turn to Him. If we do not put our faith in His redemptive plan, we resist Him. Even nations are rebelling. America, the world superpower is going down the path of defiance. With recent development in that country, what will become of her? Who can effectively resist Him and get away with it? Prophet Daniel of old said to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon that God had allowed certain matters to happen to his life so that he (Nebuchadnezzar) may know …that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever He chooses (Daniel 4:25). It is God who establishes a nation, and it is Him who can bring it down. History has shown that nations rise, nations fall, and kingdom rise and kingdom falls―all these happened with His approval.

    When powerful nations rise or fall it creates tremendous upheaval in the world. It is so when accompanied by a global war. In the next few years, the world will witness the fall of America and the rise of Russia. Shortly after that, it will be Russia’s demise and the ascension of the Antichrist kingdom (European Union). Eventually, the Antichrist kingdom will collapse when Christ returns to install His eternal kingdom on the earth.

    From the current vantage point, all these events are still in the future. Regarding what lies ahead, there is a cacophony of man’s opinions that are not in line with the Bible. However, God wants to make plain what He had written in there. For this reason, He has spoken through His present day servants, prophets and ministers of the gospel. He is doing this to clear out confusion from man’s interference, and mishandling of His word. With regards to the subject of end times, He has been releasing bits of information here and there through visions and dreams. Each bit is a piece of information that when put together collectively will form one big jigsaw puzzle. In this book, we seek to bring as many pieces of information together, and by God’s grace, attempt to put each piece in its proper place. A clear picture would emerge after that.


    The Beginning of Sorrows

    Chapter 1


    And he said, Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.

    [Daniel 12:9-10]

    We commence with the Book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible. It contains visions and revelation of Jesus Christ given to His servant the Apostle John. Elderly by then, the Romans banished him to the island of Patmos c.AD 95. What were shown to John were events that had already taken place and those in the process of unfolding in his day. That is not all; he also saw prophetic events, that is, events that would be happening hundreds, even thousands, of years into the future.

    In Chapter 4, we read that John heard a voice saying, Come up here, and I will show you things that must take place after this (Revelation 4:1). Immediately he was caught up in the spirit to heaven before the throne of God. He saw the appearance of God, four living creatures and twenty-four elders sitting on their thrones. Added to his amazement, he witnessed an assemblage of millions of angels worshipping God before His throne.

    On the right hand of God was a scroll or book sealed with seven seals. An angel proclaimed with a loud voice saying, Who is worthy to open the scroll and to release its seals? At first it seemed no one was worthy. John was greatly comforted when Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, stepped forward, He who was the only one worthy to open it and to loose the seven seals (Revelation 5:4-7).

    What is inside the scroll or book sealed with seven seals? It contains God’s program that He had prepared for the Church and the world. When the Lamb of God opened them one by one, the program will be launched, assisted by His holy angels.

    What is the program all about? The program comprises two parts. The first part is to prepare and bring His people home to heaven. The second part is to judge and to pour out His wrath on the inhabitants of the world for their rejection of Christ and mistreatment of His people. The first six seals covers the first part of the program. The remaining seventh seal covers the second part of the program.

    The true Church is His Bride, and He is preparing to bring her home to heaven. The Lamb of God is the Bridegroom, and He is ready to come to lead her to her eternal home. The situation on the earth is being prepared for that glorious day.

    The Scroll contains God’s program. First part of the program is to bring the bride of Christ home to heaven

    The mass exit of God’s people from the earth resembles the mass departure of the children of Israel from ancient Egypt, an event the Bible called the Exodus (Exodus 3-14). Following their exodus from Egypt, the children of Israel journeyed into the land of Canaan, the promised land (Joshua 1-4). In this generation, the world shall soon witness God’s people exiting the earth and making their journey to heaven, their eternal abode that God had promised. This event of the mass departure from the earth is called the Rapture (See Chapter 14). However, it could not take place until the situation on the ground has been prepared.

    Up till the time of the Exodus, the children of Israel dwelled in Egypt for 430 years. In the early years of their sojourned they were welcomed and well-treated by Pharaoh and the Egyptians. In those days, Joseph was appointed the Prime Minister of Egypt by the Pharaoh. However, with each new Pharaoh, who inherited the throne, the attitude began to change from favoring them to mistreating them. The day came when the children of Israel were treated as slaves by the Egyptians under the cruel rule and control of the Pharaoh. As slaves, they had lost their civil rights. They were forced to make bricks from straws given to them. They were expected to meet a certain quota of bricks each day. The heavy burden exerted on them caused them to cry out to their God; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In response to their pathetic cry, God Almighty sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to let MY people go that they may hold feasts to worship Him in the wilderness. Instead of relenting at Moses’s initial request, he refused and hardened his heart. He even demanded the children of Israel to fulfill their daily quota of bricks without supplying them the needed straws (Exodus 5:6-14). Obviously, Pharaoh was unwilling to let the children of Israel go because they could make bricks, using them as a form of cheap labor.

    It was dangerous to resist God the way Pharaoh did. Since he was adamant, and God knew he would continue to be adamant, the Bible said God hardened his (Pharaoh) heart. Would Almighty God harden Pharaoh’s heart if he had an iota of humility towards God and respect for His people? He had said, Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel go (Exodus 5:2). Callous disregard for the wishes of the God of Israel firmly set his heart. He had no intention to back down. God began to initiate judgment on the land of Egypt with the first plague by turning river water into blood, killing all fishes in them. With more plagues following, Pharaoh showed a little remorse but was not truly genuine. His heart secret intention was exposed completely by the time the ten plagues judgment ended.

    God’s judgment on Pharaoh’s kingdom wrecked his royal household and the subservient Egyptians. Taking on the attitude of their king, the Egyptians ratcheted up their mistreatment of the children of Israel as hard taskmasters. The more Pharaoh hardened his heart; the more the Egyptians hardened their hearts, increasing the oppression of the children of Israel. As the ten plagues judgment fell one after another, the tension between the Egyptians and the children of Israel reached a critical point. On unleashing the tenth plague where all the firstborn sons of Egyptian families died, the grip held by Egyptians over the children of Israel had broken finally.

    Although the children of Israel were being treated as slaves by the Egyptians, the former were not at all ready to give up their homes, farmlands and businesses to travel to an unknown land introduced to them by Moses. Among the over two million men, women and children who left Egypt, many would have decided not to leave their familiar surroundings. At the end, the unbearable situation with the Egyptians disrupted their comfort zone. Finally, they have no choice but to leave Egypt.

    Today, the Church of Jesus Christ is being prepared together with the world for the mass exodus of the faithful believers, the Bride of Christ. Judgment is upon the world, on the modern Pharaohs and the Egyptians. The resultant side-effect is the oppression and persecution of the Church. Apparently, the Church needs to be loosed from the grip of the world. Scripture has said the Church is in the world but is not of the world. In fact, the Church which is the body of Christ comprised believers who are called out from the world. If called out then, she should not return to be re-entangled. Carnality has rendered the Church earth-bound. For this reason, the Church will be led through a short period of persecution. It will be the great tribulation when the fifth and sixth seals are opened (See Chapter 3). Through tribulation, the Church will be purified. Those willing to submit to cleansing will be set apart as the Bride of Christ ready to exit the earth in the event of the rapture.

    When will the seals be opened? Throughout the lengthy period of Church history, many have studied and enquired as to its timing. Evidently, it remains the prerogative of the Lamb of God to announce its opening when the time is right.

    Indeed, the time is right now as He had already announced the opening of the seals to one of His servants, Prophet David Edward Owour.¹

    Who is Prophet David Edward Owour?

    It would be beneficial to know a little about the person whom the Lamb of God had entrusted with the announcement of the opening of the seals.

    Dr. Owour is a Kenyan whom the Lord called in 1996 while he was pursuing his doctorate in Israel.² One night a glory cloud appeared to him in his room, and he heard his name called out three times. At the time, he did not respond to the ministry calling to follow and serve God. After his graduation as a scientist, he went to work in the United States. While pursuing his career there, the Lord reminded him about the call but he tried again to run away from the Lord by moving from city to city.

    In the third city where he lived and worked, the Lord finally caught up with him on July 3, 2003. He saw a vision of these two verses of the Bible projected on the wall, in this sequence:

    Isaiah 43:11

    I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior.

    Isaiah 43:1

    But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel; "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.

    The Scripture verses were a revelation of Who God is, and who he (Owour) is to God. Convinced, he surrendered his career and life to answer the call of God.

    Soon, in one of the many visions God gave him, he was shown Moses and Daniel on one side of the Ark of the Covenant, and Elijah and himself (Owour) on the other side. He heard a voice said, Now I’ve My four prophets. Also he heard, Power has been given unto you.

    The Lord commissioned him to preach to the Church the message of repentance and holiness because the Church is in dire straits and is not ready for the coming of the Messiah. The Church is experiencing decay: messages are adulterated, the presence of sexual sins, rampant falsehood and general lack of holiness.

    In a vision on April 2, 2004, he saw the throne of God. John the Baptist came and spoke to him and said, Go and prepare these people for the coming of the Messiah. In another vision on November 1, 2006, he saw two wedding rings appeared in the sky. The message is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is ready but is the Bride of Christ ready?

    So far, God showed him over sixty earthquakes, tsunami and other judgments fallen on the earth before they occur. Many of these prophesied events had already come to pass while some are still pending. Below are some major earthquakes, tsunami and powerful storms that devastated our planet in the recent past:

    » Indian Ocean Tsunami prophesied on November 24, 2004, which was fulfilled on December 26, 2004. This tsunami, generated by a powerful earthquake registered 9.2 on the Richter Scale, resulted in the death of 230,000 people from fourteen countries, mainly Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, and Malaysia.

    » Hurricane Katrina prophesied on July 20, 2005, which was fulfilled on August 29, 2005. It was a Category 5 hurricane but weakened to Category 3 when it made landfall in southeast Louisiana, USA. Nevertheless, it was one of the deadliest hurricanes in the nation’s history which resulted in at least 1,833 deaths and the costliest in terms of property loss.

    » Kenyan post-election violence prophesied on February 12, 2006, fulfilled in January 2008. The crisis erupted after the incumbent President Mwai Kibaki was declared the winner of the presidential election held on December 27, 2007. The violence unleashed by groups along political and ethnic lines. Eight hundred to 1,500 people were believed killed, and 180,000 to 600,000 people displaced.

    » Haiti earthquake prophesied on November 28, 2009, fulfilled on January 12, 2010. The earthquake registered a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter Scale, resulted in deaths estimated at between 100,000 to 160,000 people.

    » A massive flood in Austria prophesied on July 9, 2012, which was fulfilled on June 1, 2013. After several days of incessant rain in Central Europe, many areas were inundated with flood waters. Not only Austria but at least six other European nations were affected, resulted in total estimated loss of €12bn, albeit with a low fatality rate.

    Will the Church and the world-at-large wake-up and take heed of the message of El Elyon before it is too late?

    Chapter 2


    Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, is the only one worthy to open the seven seals. At this point (early 2015), the first four seals are already opened. When the seals opened, one after the other, the four horses representing each seal proceeded from the presence of God in heaven and made their way down to the earth.

    Of the seven seals, the first four seals were represented by four colored horses. In chronological order, the horses are colored white, red, black and pale and are known as the four horses of the apocalypse.¹

    There are similar colored horses mentioned elsewhere in the Bible. If we take a look at these other references, it will help our understanding to know who they are. Are these horses the spirits from the kingdom of darkness or spirits from the kingdom of heaven? Who are the riders? Are they demons or angels?

    Now, similar colored horses were shown to Prophet Zechariah. It happened one day when the Jewish remnant had returned from the Babylonian exile. It was in the days of the rebuilding of the second Temple in Jerusalem.

    Zechariah 1:8-11

    8 I saw by night and behold, a man riding on a red horse, and it stood among the myrtle trees in the hollow, and behind him were horses: red, sorrel, and white9 Then I said, "My lord, what are these? So the angel who talked with me said to me, I will show you what they are." 10 And the man who stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, "These are the ones whom the Lord has sent to walk to and fro throughout the earth." 11 So they answered the Angel of the Lord, who stood among the myrtle trees, and said, We have walked to and fro throughout the earth, and behold, all the earth is resting quietly. (Emphasis added)

    Zechariah 6:1-8

    1 Then I turned and raised my eyes and looked, and behold, four chariots were coming from between two mountains and the mountains were mountains of bronze. 2 With the first chariot were red horses, with the second chariot black horses, 3 with the third chariot white horses, and with the fourth chariot dappled horses—strong steeds4 Then I answered and said to the angel who talked with me, "What are these, my lord?" 5 And the angel answered and said to me, "These are four spirits of heaven, who go out from their station before the Lord of all the earth. 6 The one with the black horses is going to the North country, the white are going after them, and the dappled are going toward the south country." 7 Then the strong steeds went out, eager to go, that they might walk to and fro throughout the earth. And He said, Go, walk to and fro throughout the earth. So they walked to and fro throughout the earth. 8 And He called to me and spoke to me, saying, See, those who go toward the North country have given rest to My Spirit in the north country. (Emphasis added)

    Notice that Zechariah was having a conversation with the rider on one of those horses, and the identification of the rider is that he was an angel. We believe all the riders on the colored horses that Zechariah saw were angels. Those angels riding on those horses (spirits of heaven) walked to and fro throughout the whole earth surveying the regional situation and keeping watched over the people of God.

    Based on what Prophet Zechariah saw, we believe the he or him (Revelation 6:2,4, 5, 8) in the Apostle John’s vision were angels riding on those horses. They were not human beings or demons as some have mistaken them to be. They were sent out from heaven, as there are no demons found in heaven.

    The angels on their respective horses were sent out on missions to execute God’s plan for the earth. At this critical period, God’s plan involves executing judgment on the inhabitants of the earth. With sobriety, we acknowledged that God’s judgment will always be tempered with His mercy unlike the case with His wrath. Upon being warned that God will judge sins, the one who repents will receive mercy and experience redemption. The one who refuses to repent will be hardened.

    Now in the following few pages, we shall first look into the description of each of the horses, and what their respective missions are on earth. We shall make reference to the time of their release as shown to God’s servant. Finally, we shall determine what the outcomes or evidence of the angels’ activities were as far as we can determine, since the time they were released.

    First Seal: Angel on the White Horse

    Beginning in the Book of Revelation Chapter 6, verses 1-2, we read that when the first seal opened, the white horse² was released to the earth. The angel who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

    The bow in the angel’s hand refers to an ancient projectile weapon. Normally an arrow or a spear is mentioned together with the bow as in bow and arrow or bow and spear. In this instance, only the bow was cited. Is this peculiar and has a hidden meaning? Or is it just a shortened form of expression? We shall take our cue from a passage of scripture in Genesis 49:22-26.

    According to the passage, Jacob (Israel) was advanced in age. Before he passed away, he called all his twelve sons

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