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Church Service
Church Service
Church Service
Ebook155 pages2 hours

Church Service

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About this ebook

I was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1961. At the age of seven
my family bought a beautiful home in Roosevelt, Long Island; New
York where I spent the rest of my childhood. I attended Washington-
Rose Elementary School and Roosevelt JuniorSenior High
School, I did not graduate from that school however; I received my
GED in a program called BOCES in Hempstead, L.I., New York.
There is a huge amount of talent from this very small town. Superstar
Eddie Murphy describes Roosevelt in full detail in his interview
with James Lipton on the episode Inside the Actors Studio. I am
very proud of my community back home and I just want to wish
everyone much continued success in their future endeavors . . .
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 19, 2014
Church Service

Jeanette Lynn Bailey

I was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1961. At the age of seven my family bought a beautiful home in Roosevelt, Long Island; New York where I spent the rest of my childhood. I attended Washington-Rose Elementary School and Roosevelt Junior- Senior High School, I did not graduate from that school however; I received my GED in a program called BOCES in Hempstead, L.I., New York. There is a huge amount of talent from this very small town. Superstar Eddie Murphy describes Roosevelt in full detail in his interview with James Lipton on the episode Inside the Actors Studio. I am very proud of my community back home and I just want to wish everyone much continued success in their future endeavors

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    Church Service - Jeanette Lynn Bailey

    Copyright © 2014 by Jeanette Lynn Bailey.

    ISBN:   Softcover              978-1-4931-9657-9

                  eBook                  978-1-4931-9656-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 10/06/2015






    Chapter # 1 Bad news

    Chapter # 2 Welcome to Canon

    Chapter # 3 Pastor makes an investment

    Chapter # 4 It is Sunday

    Chapter # 5 Let’s go to church

    Chapter # 6 I’m hungry

    Chapter # 7 The Inn

    Chapter # 8 The same accord

    Chapter # 9 The second time around

    Chapter # 10 Wedding bells?


    To my mother Hattie Bailey-Lyons. Thank you Mom for your love and support all of the days of my life. You inspired me to be the best that I can be and not to take any wooden nickels along the way. When times were tough you always said, The tough get going! I will never forget that. You also instilled in me, Only the strong survive! You always saw a brighter side to everything and for that I am truly blessed and thankful. So here, I dedicate this book to you Mom, for always wanting the best for my family and I. Thank you Mom and I love you so very much.

    Your daughter,



    I was inspired to write Church Service because I thought it would be hilarious and interesting to write about a congregation that engages in everything in the church you are not supposed to do. Life learned lessons from a really caring pastor who decided that God gave him this calling to get this congregation all on the right accord. The church gives him a hard time, but Pastor Williams is steadfast and determined to turn his church around in the name of Jesus. With prayer and intense counseling Pastor will give it his all, but will the church return the favor?

    The Author


    Bad news

    Pastor Williams asked his wife, Did you enjoy the service today? Mrs. Williams replied, Yes I did, your message of love was extremely moving to everyone however; while we are on the subject I must be quite frank and honest with you as far as our relationship though. Oh really? Pastor asked, Please elaborate. Mrs. Williams simply confessed, Well you see I am going to get straight to the point I don’t wish to be Mrs. Williams any longer. Pastor Williams paused, I see, so tell me how long have you been feeling this way? Mrs. Williams replied, Honestly Larry for quite some time now. I’m not in love with you anymore Larry. She starts to cry. Pastor Williams snapped, Hold it right there! There is no need to cry! You are telling me that you are no longer in love with me. I will accept that. Just tell me why? I am a provider, I take care of my children and I take good care of you. I work hard with church. What else do you need? Mrs. Williams shouted, You! I need you Larry! We hardly spend time alone with one another. You are always so busy with the church. Pastor Williams shouted, Wow! I give you my all lady however; I must tell you once again God comes first. Mrs. Williams blurted out, Well Bruce spends quality time with me! She gasped. Pastor Williams snapped, Bruce Taylor our Senior Pastor? He slams his fist down on the table. You have been cheating on me with my pastor? My God, my God, how could you do that to me? Our family, our life you are willing to throw all of that away because you say you are lonely? Mrs. Williams replied, Yes I am. Pastor Williams can’t believe his ears. Fine good luck with that. God does not condone your behavior you know that is one of Ten Commandments, Thou shall not commit adultery! You have really hurt me woman. I am out of here. You can have the house, furniture and the car. I am keeping mine and you can keep Bruce Taylor too. I don’t want to see either one of you again. Oh and one more thing, my children, my children, you had better take care of my family! I will call my attorney on that and if my children want to live with me I am fine with that too! He shouted. He went to his bedroom, he packed his clothes. He walked out of the house. He finds himself driving down the road. He says to himself, why did she do that to me? I gave her everything. She did not have to work. I gave her my paycheck every week all she had to do was pay the bills and take care of the children. I loved her and I made love to her. I suppose that was not enough though man! What does she have a white liver? I just can’t believe that she and Bruce? He’s been seeing her behind my back all this time, he is a lying snake in the grass man. How could he betray me like that? I worked hard running the church for him and he was running with my wife! My partner, my pastor man oh man! Never in a million years would I have guessed he would have done me wrong like that man! He hit the steering wheel. After hours of driving, he noticed the gas gauge is getting low. He saw a sign that says Canon, 12 miles. Hmm… Canon? I need to stop for gas.


    Welcome to Canon

    Pastor drove into the outskirts of town and he stopped to a gas station for gas, he walked in. A clerk asked, Hey, how are you today? Pastor Williams replied, Hey man, I’m alright how about you? The clerk responds, I’m good bro. What’s wrong you look like you lost your best friend? Pastor replied, I did she was my wife! The clerk said, Oh man true. That’s tough well you know life goes on man women come and go. Pastor Williams replied, Like I said, she was my wife. There is a big difference I have children with her and I still love her. It just hurts man. The clerk said, My bad, I understand though. Well if you ever change your mind, there are a lot of women here in Canon you can just pick your own plum! He laughed. Pastor Williams replied, Well thanks, but no thanks man. I just need to clear my head. Give me $75.00 on pump #1 please. Can you recommend a good restaurant or lodging around here? Pastor asked. The clerk answered, Oh yes! There is a real fine restaurant about 10 miles in downtown Canon and Hotel Canon will be just a few miles past the restaurant. You can ask someone when you get there, they will be very happy to help you out. We are all good people here. Well, some of us. He laughed. Pastor Williams asked, What do you mean by that? The clerk answered, You will see if you plan to stay with us. Pastor Williams said, Well I’m not sure exactly what my plans are however and whomever you are talking about surely can’t be that bad. The clerk laughed, Well I guess you are right people can change if they have the right person influencing them. We don’t have that here. We don’t have any spiritual guidance. Pastor Williams exclaimed, What you have no church here? No sir, the clerk answered. Pastor Williams asked, Why not? It’s a long story sir however; to make a long story short our pastor just couldn’t handle the church members, everyone has problems you know. He just gave up on us. You see after our pastor left the church no one has dared to reopen it. It’s just sitting there we have no church sir, we have no church. The clerk said. Pastor Williams sighed, Wow that’s deep. Everyone deserves a second chance. My God have your way! This path this journey use me Father just use me. Take care my brother and thank you for sharing your thoughts. The men shake hands. The clerk nodded, Welcome to Canon. Pastor walked to his car and he filled his car with gas. He drove into town, as he looks around he waved to different people as he drove by. He says to himself, this is not a bad place I can’t imagine why the pastor would just up and abandoned his congregation. He came across a sign that says Canon Baptist Church. He decides to turn down the street. He stopped at the church. He stepped out of the car and he looked at the building before him. There is a for sale sign in front of the church. Pastor Williams smiled, She is beautiful! He knelt down and prayed. My God, my father in heaven here I am, do with me what you will and I will obey. He prays. Pastor wrote down the information, he got back in his car and drove over to the restaurant. He entered. A waitress walks up to him. She said, Hi my name is Stephanie, welcome to BBQ Bailey’s how are we doing sir? Will you be dining in with us today? Pastor Williams replied, Yes, I’m pretty hungry. I understand that you have good food here. I am ready! Stephanie laughed, Well, yes we do! We have the best food in town, you can sit anywhere you’d like. Pastor Williams smiled, Oh bless you child. Where are your restrooms? Stephanie replied, Right around the corner sir. Thank you, replied Pastor Williams. Pastor returns to his seat. He opens up the menu. Well let’s see, what’s the special for today? He said. Pastor waves to the waitress. She walks over to the table. Stephanie asked, Yes sir what will you have? He replied, What do you suggest my dear? What is the special for today? Stephanie replied, Well you can help yourself to the buffet or the special for today is meatloaf, mashed potatoes, cabbage, rolls and lemon cake. Pastor Williams exclaimed, Man that sounds great! I will have that! Also I would like to have a large sweet tea. Stephanie replied, Very good sir, coming right up. Pastor says to himself, my wife used to cook for me like that. I miss my family already Lord knows I really do. I know I made the right decision to leave her however; my children I am really going to miss my children Lord. He starts to pray. Stephanie arrives with his food. Stephanie smiled, Here you are sir. She placed the food on his table. Okay, is there anything else I can get for you sir? Stephanie asked. Pastor Williams said, No, I’m just fine everything looks great. Thank you.

    Pastor ate his dinner other patrons begin to whisper about the stranger in the restaurant. The waitress walks over to him. Stephanie asked, How is everything sir? You don’t have to keep calling me sir though, my name is Pastor Williams, he said. Stephanie replied, Oh! Hey that’s really nice. Are you just passing through or will you stay with us? You see we don’t have a church here at all. Well, we had a church, but since our pastor left we have all grown apart. Sad story isn’t it? Pastor Williams replied, Well yes I heard about that too however; it doesn’t mean it has to be the end of the story. Stephanie nodded, You are absolutely right Pastor Williams! It would be really nice if you would stay with us. We need our church back. Pastor Williams agreed, Yes you do! My God in heaven thank you Jesus! Just passing through this town I am overwhelmed and overjoyed of this path set before me. You have never failed me yet. Lord have your way with me, Lord Jesus have your way! Patrons in the restaurant applaud Pastor Williams’ prayer. Pastor finished his dinner, paid his tab and he left the restaurant. He saw a sign that says lodging 5 miles. He checks into the hotel. He knelt down to pray. Oh Lord, please show me the way. I just came to this town not knowing the need of the people here. I believe the need for me here is so strong, so powerful have your way with me Lord and I trust in you and you only, he cried. Pastor took a shower and he went to bed.

    The next day he says to himself, I am going to take a look at the church today! He called the number listed on the for sale sign. A woman answered, Bright real estate agency, how may I help you? Pastor Williams replied, Yes, my name is Pastor Larry Williams and I am interested in looking at the church property you have up for sale. The secretary replied, Yes, one moment please. She switched calls. Ms. Tracy, you have a call on line # 2 church property. His name is Pastor Larry Williams. Ms. Tracy said, Good morning Pastor Williams, Ms. Tracy here. I understand you are interested in looking at the church property. Well, that property is still on the market and I do have appointments available when would you like to see it? Pastor Williams exclaimed, Yes! I am available right now! Ms. Tracy said, Sir I can meet you at that property in about an hour. How does that sound? Pastor Williams smiled, Sounds good Ms. Tracy. I will see you then. Ms. Tracy replied, Very good sir. See you soon.

    An hour later, Pastor Williams and Ms. Tracy met at the church. The building and grounds are dirty and unkempt. Pastor sighed, There is a lot of work that needs to be done here. Ms. Tracy smiled, "Yes sir, you are right. Our pastor just

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