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When the Earth Shall Melt: A Prophetic Vision - 05.05.5050
When the Earth Shall Melt: A Prophetic Vision - 05.05.5050
When the Earth Shall Melt: A Prophetic Vision - 05.05.5050
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When the Earth Shall Melt: A Prophetic Vision - 05.05.5050

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The author is a poet a writer and a social activist who has written various essays, articles and books. Some of his well-known books on social issues include, A Tribute to the Prostitute (On sex workers) Because I am a girl child (on the girl child), Homes Aflame (on domestic violence), A Mute Refute (violence against women), Adults amused but Child Abused (On Child Abuse). The author has a number of poems dealing with nature, romance, and spirituality, some of which have been published in various leading magazines, while the rest are being compiled for publication.

Have you ever imagined how the world would be when you and I would not exist on this planet apart from the future generation? As Christ put it, no one knows the day or the hour of the second coming. In whose time the prophetic visions would actualize is difficult to predict, but as the Spirit who has revealed these Prophetic Visions, to the author, he suggests that it will not be before 5050! The day, probably the fifth of May, 5050 would be when the whole globe has the same season because of the irresponsible way in which the caretakers, bring about an imbalance in the way nature controls the seasons. By then, it is estimated that different regions that enjoyed different climates would have the same, static very hot climate. The Sun would shine at its peak, melting the remaining snow on mountain tops, evaporating the sea waters, stopping the rains; in a nut shell the fiery heat would convert the planet into a furnace-drying all the water bodies, scorching trees and causing wild fires and thus the fertility of the soil would be lost leaving no scope for humanity and any creature to survive!
Release dateJan 15, 2015
When the Earth Shall Melt: A Prophetic Vision - 05.05.5050

Sunil Solomon Ghazan

The author is a poet a writer and a social activist who has written various essays, articles, and books. Some of his well-known books on social issues include A Tribute to the Prostitute (on sex workers), Because I Am a Girl Child (on the girl child), Homes Aflame (on domestic violence), A Mute Refute (violence against women), and Adults Amused but Child Abused (on child abuse). The author has a number of poems dealing with nature, romance, and spirituality, some of which have been published in various leading magazines, while the rest are being compiled for publication.

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    When the Earth Shall Melt - Sunil Solomon Ghazan


    A PROPHETIC VISION - 05.05.5050]



    Copyright © 2015 by Sunil Solomon Ghazan.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Chapter 1 The Melting of the Earth Signaled

    Chapter 2 The Call Centre Employee & Angels from Heaven

    Chapter 3 The New Christian Creed

    Chapter 4 The Change in God’s Attitude towards Believers

    Chapter 5 The Strange Wednesday

    Chapter 6 The Worship Fatigue

    Chapter 7 God Reacts to Human Rudeness

    Chapter 8 God Urges Priests to Remember Why They Were Ordained

    Chapter 9 The Priests Go On Strike – Refuse To Conduct Worship Services

    Chapter 10 The New Firm Run by Giants

    Chapter 11 The Challengers of the Living God are Turned Into Ash

    Chapter 12 God Urges Humanity to Honour & Obey His Word

    Chapter 13 The Layer of Ice

    Chapter 14 The Universal Heavenly Music

    Chapter 15 The Direct Telecast from Heaven

    Chapter 16 The Mobile Phones Switched off Automatically

    Chapter 17 The Ships Are Pasted To the Sea Waters

    Chapter 18 God Is Affected & Moved More By No Worship Than BY Regular Worship

    Chapter 19 The Thick Black Clouds

    Chapter 20 God Conducts The Audit & Reconciles Records Kept In Heaven With Records Kept On Earth

    Chapter 21 The Baptism, Burial And Marriage Registers Are Carried By Angels To Heaven For Audit & Reconciliation

    Chapter 22 It is Confirmed That Humans Are From Heaven Sojourning On Earth

    Chapter 23 God Notices The Misdeeds of Humanity

    Chapter 24 The New Moses

    Chapter 25 The Effect of Total Peace –Lawyers Unemployed

    Chapter 26 The Empty Prisons

    Chapter 27 The Churches Overflow with People

    Chapter 28 The Identical Twelve Thousand, Twelve Feet Tall Men

    Chapter 29 The Giants Proved Bad Pied Pipers For The Believers

    Chapter 30 God Removes the Soil’s Fertility

    Chapter 31 Mass–Destruction, Death & Decay

    Chapter 32 The Spiritual Begin To Hate what is Material

    Chapter 33 People Stop Building Physical Bodies Stress On Spiritual

    Chapter 34 The Supreme God Squashes The Smaller gods And Takes Over Charge

    Chapter 35 God Smiles at Humanity

    Chapter 36 Drastic Changes In Social & Health Care Systems

    Chapter 37 Physical Eyes Closed in Order To Have the Spiritual ones Opened

    Chapter 38 The Fiftieth Century

    Chapter 39 Christ’s Arrival Preponed On Human Insistence

    Chapter 40 Christ Returns Disappointed – Humanity Is Not Prepared To Meet His Standards

    Chapter 41 The Heaven Disowns the Unregistered Believers

    Chapter 42 The Flames of Life Are Caught On Camera & Caged

    Chapter 43 The Last Census of the Saved

    Chapter 44 The Earth Begins to Melt –The Repentant are given a second chance

    Chapter 45 God Starts The Process of Re-constructing the Melted Earth

    Chapter 46 The New Formed Earth

    Chapter 47 The new Earth is peeled out


    While seeing may be a biological need, foreseeing is a spiritual, emotional and intellectual need. One sees the immediate with caution along with others but one sees visions leisurely without caring for its significance in any way. But when they appear with so much power that they force one to pen them down; they are no less than a prophesy.

    Because the verbal is momentary and can be forgiven and forgotten but what is written down becomes a risky business for the one who writes. In case it is not fulfilled one goes down into history and people curse the author for misleading. Therefore it is precisely a fictitious imagination of what it would be like WHEN THE EARTH SHALL MELT.

    I take this risk on the basis of such powerful visions/fictitious imagination for readers to enjoy how these possibilities could realize one day as powerfully seen in a vision or fictitiously imagined, whatever be the case, it makes an interesting reading.

    It is a shared-fictitious-imagination or seen as a vision is left up to the reader to decide but the sacred moments spent with the Divine who showed me what is here classified as fictitious imagination is what transpired between me and the Unseen and divine creator of this universe which has a limited life span believe it or not. How he has revealed to me and promised its fulfillment of its like is what one reads and discovers as one turns the pages of this compilation of fictitious imagination.

    All this may surely happen is what the spirit in me convinces me; which will happen at a time when you and I will be gone and no more tread this planet.

    These visions have repeatedly appeared and some how convinced me about the sequence of events which would be the ‘Celestial Signs’ before the plane Earth finally melts and evaporates. All these things would prove that the Creator is moving from point ‘A’ to point ‘Z’ and we are en-route to completion of something that the Creator created and began with a purpose or shall we say in the middle of the process of heading towards the end; or towards melting. Let us be convinced that it is His mercy and grace which has so far kept the Planet Earth condensed for our sake, lest it should melt and creation perish. The Earth shall surely melt and it is eminent as death for the living is imminent. Creator who is supreme and works on the principle that since He is the Generator, Operator and Destroyer of the Planet He is still in control of everything’. All these things will happen to remind the inhabitants that they are His creation whom they have forgotten. Though the celestial signs seem improbable now but Spirit says: with God everything is possible.



    The reader must apply his extra imagination in order to enjoy the book. It is a revealed lot that could not be contained within and had to be released on the pages as they follow. The constant flow of visions, dreams and imagined collection has been responsible for what follows in the pages which contain never thought of. Mr. Anjan Mukherjee, a Senior Secretary of the National YMCA who helped me in editing what I carried to him for correction as he happened to be the Editor of the ‘Youth of India Magazine’ which was internationally distributed and read, The pages soon were converting into a book, and it was at his suggestion that the compiled pages were to be arranged into a book which he said are thoughts and visions never heard of and should not remain for my own reading but should be published or else I was concealing this prophesy.

    The visions seen are unusual, prophetic, scientific fictions and what not. The power with which they came were simply to force me to pen them down or else never be able to catch what was scattered before me.

    So; the idea of publishing this under the title WHEN THE EARTH SHALL MELT. Based on 2 Peter

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