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Sophisticated Soul
Sophisticated Soul
Sophisticated Soul
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Sophisticated Soul

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About this ebook

Sophisticated Soul is a book filled with passionate, emotional, and mentally stimulating poetry. The words written between these pages form pieces of art for the mind to feed upon. It will challenge you to open your heart, mind, body, and soul and connect with the subliminal message within. With a poem that can fit every person and situation, each reader is sure to find something in this book that will attract them to not want to put it down. Sophisticated Soul is the grown and sexy version of modern-day poetry.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJun 5, 2014
Sophisticated Soul

Council Jones

Council W. Jones is a native of Northside Huntsville, Alabama. He is currently in his seventh year of active duty service in the United States Air Force. A graduate of James Oliver Johnson High School, class of 2002, Council is pursuing a bachelor of arts degree in criminal justice at the University of Maryland University College. Council is married to Angela Jones, and they share two daughters that are eleven and seven years old. He can be reached by e-mail at, Twitter/Instagram (MrPoetic4u), and Facebook (Council Jones/Poetic Minds).

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    Sophisticated Soul - Council Jones

    Copyright © 2014 by Council Jones.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4931-4234-7

                    eBook         978-1-4931-4235-4

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    Rev. date: 03/26/2014

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    I Am a Poet

    A Real Woman

    A Real Woman

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    About the Author

    Book Summary


    Most people would say that writing poetry is a hobby. But I would say anyone that authors any poetic piece regularly would agree that it’s far from a hobby. Writing poetry is therapeutic, a written form of meditation or a dose of some well-needed medication if you will. It allows you to go to a place in your mind and connect with an emotion that is either dancing on the surface of your brain or buried deep under an array of cloudy thoughts. When your words speak on the paper, they speak the truth. They can sometimes cut like a sharp blade or be as dull as a butter knife. Either way, they have a purpose and a meaning meant to rest upon the ears of their listeners.

    Poetry is the cool breeze coming off the ocean and a fresh ray of shine off the high noon sun. There isn’t anything that can replace what poetry does to a poet along with an in-tuned listener. The ability to take words and form them to tell a story, but not just any story, a rhythmic story—that ability alone is breathtaking. A story where the words come together and can challenge your mind not just to think and understand but to feel as well. To feel every word as it rolls off your lips. To be made to go to a place that mirrors where the writer was when he or she wrote that particular piece. Hobbies are used to pass the time, but therapy, therapy is used to calm the heart, mind, body, and soul as well as set the spirit free.

    As you read these poems, I have provided a short introduction to help you understand where I was mentally at the time when I wrote that specific poem. These stories come from my own personal experiences or the experiences of others, but either way, you will see that they are close to someone’s heart. Thank you, and may God continue to bless you all.

    Spoken Word Poems

    I Am a Poet

    It is my job to massage your brain with verbal lyrics recited off my lips that leave you begging for more… It’s my job to have you on the edge of your seat, clinging on to my every word, impatiently waiting for just what next I have in store…

    Because I am a poet

    I am a thrill seeker through the fashion of wordplay… I am a deep thinker; analytical thoughts have completely taken my mind away…

    Because I am a poet

    You see, I take what you see and mix it up with how I feel… I add a little flavor of reality, and I bring to life just what your mind would consider to be surreal…

    I engulf myself in the emotions of the things that matter most in this world to me and to everyone in it… I take a simple emotion felt by the world and transform it so that everyone within earshot can feel it…

    Because I am a poet

    I express myself by the words that flow through my brain begging to be released and to be set free… Allow me to paint a verbal picture with my tongue, using my words as colors and your mind as my canvas, to decorate a beautiful image for your eyes and the inside of your mind to see…

    Because I am a poet

    The things that you are missing in your life, I can promise to give them to you verbally… I can release you from the restraints that bind your mind from experiencing that mental ecstasy… With just mere words as they roll off my tongue verbally…

    I will arouse you, I will stimulate you, and I will make love to your mind with my words until your frontal lobe goes into a series of spasms… I will stimulate you with words that will massage every inch of your being from the inside out until you will have an intellectual orgasm…

    I will do all of these things that I promised, and you know it because my words, they will show it, your mind I will own it, your thoughts I will never let go of it, this chance I can’t blow it… Why? Because I am a poet!


    A Real Woman

    Please don’t fall into that mindset that you’re a real woman if you have your own house, job, and car. If that’s the definition of a real woman, then I’ll take a fake one any day of the week. Investing yourself in all those ornamental aspects of your life leaves very little room for the functional characteristic, and I can’t think of one person that wants to be ornamental and not functional. I asked a few people what their definition of a real woman was. And this is what I got.

    My brother Clarence Jones III wrote: A woman who speaks her mind on the better end of situations… keeping her head up for what she knows to be true… She must have a want for more… and if she is willing to accept the role as the predominant breadwinner in the household… she’s still woman enough to let her man be the man in the eyes of others.

    Brandon Weaver wrote: Someone who has a strong relationship with God and can bring you closer to Him if needed.

    Charles Newsome wrote: A woman that can be a teacher, mother, and a wife and be the one who keeps the family glued together.

    Bianca Gambles wrote: "A real woman is true to herself and others. She takes great care of her family as well as herself. I would like to think that a real woman is God-fearing. A real woman is resourceful and nurturing. A real woman is not perfect, but our greatest gift is that

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