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Africa, the Origin of Life and Black the Color of God
Africa, the Origin of Life and Black the Color of God
Africa, the Origin of Life and Black the Color of God
Ebook180 pages3 hours

Africa, the Origin of Life and Black the Color of God

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THE BOOK: Africa: The Origin of Life is a 10-year painstaking research on the Bibles story of mankinds cosmogony of which 7 out of the 10 years spent on the research were on full time basis.
The Bible says that God created one man in the beginning and went ahead to describe the location of the habitation of the first man. Two important issues in the Bibles story were of great interest to the Author for which he set out to research. These were:
? If the Bible story were taken to be true, it then means that the multi-races and colors in humanity today only came to be years after the creation of the first man, which means that originally, humanity only had one race and color from that man to a certain point in its history. That being so, what was the original color of that man? In other words, was he a Caucasian, a Mongolian, a Negro or an Amerindian and when did the multi-races and colors of people that we have today come to be?
? The earth has gone through so many changes through earthquakes, landslides, tumults, ocean drifts and desert encroachments, and etc., over the years since the creation of the first man. Taking all these into consideration, is it still possible to establish the location of Eden where our first parents lived? In other words, was Eden in America, Europe, Asia, or Africa? And if we are able to establish the continent which Eden was located, is it not correct to say that the first man was a native of that continent?
? Africa is poor and backward today, what are the causes of Africas backwardness? Is there any hope for Africa, or has God forsaken Africa?

These and more are the salient questions that this book has biblically, scientifically and historically found answers to. The book is highly explosive and revealing. It would cause so much ripples and likely going to change some of your Biblical beliefs.
Release dateMar 24, 2016
Africa, the Origin of Life and Black the Color of God

Tiebet Joshua

Tiebet Joshua was born in Abiakpo Ikot Abasi-Inyang in Obot Akara, a local government area of Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. He had his undergraduate work in accounting in the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Tiebet is the CEO of Tiebet Nig. Ltd., a company established in 1997, which specializes in production of agricultural products for export. Tiebet is also an astute politician. He is a Christian of long standing who got baptized in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in 1973. He developed an unusual love for Bible studies/research as a result of the activities of the lay ministry of the Episcopal Church in Nigeria, which has now given birth to this book and other unpublished works by him.

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    Africa, the Origin of Life and Black the Color of God - Tiebet Joshua

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    Published by AuthorHouse  03/23/2016

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    Chapter 1:   Welcome To Africa: The Origin Of Life

    1.0 A Dozen Posers For The World

    1.1 The Misconceptions About Africa

    Chapter 2:   Africa In Her True Perspective

    2.0 Africa Is The Origin Of Life

    2.1 Adam And Noah Were Black Men From Egypt

    2.2 The World After The Flood

    2.3 The Original Landmark Of The African People

    2.4 Noah Returned To Egypt After The Flood.

    2.5 Man Never Lived outside Africa Until the Scattering at Babel

    2.6 God Scattered Men to Other Continents from Africa

    2.7 The Genesis of Multi-Colors and Races.

    2.8 Black Is The Original Color Of Man

    Chapter 3:   Evidences That Life Started In Africa

    3.0 Biblical Histories

    3.1 Bible Places, Names, And Events

    3.2 Bible or Natural Laws

    3.3 Secular Histories

    3.4 Scientific Evidences

    Chapter 4:   Africa’s Glorious Days

    4.0 Africa, Headquarters Of Christ’s Millennium Reign

    4.1 Africa, Not Heaven Is The Abode Of The Redeemed

    4.2 Who Shall Dwell In The City Of God In Africa?

    4.3 Black Shall Again Be The Color Of All Men On Earth

    4.4 Black Is The Color Of God

    4.5 Africa Shall Again Be The Abode Of God


    1. The World Of the Children of Noah Before The Scattering

    (Gen. 9:19-10:25)

    2. The World After The Scattering At Babel Before Abraham

    Came To Canaan (GEN.10-12:3)

    3. The Location Of Eden

    4. Headquarters Of Christ’s Millennium Reign

    5. The Location Of New Heaven


    The Lovers Of The Truth


    I am thankful to the Holy Spirit, my teacher who helped me immeasurably in the course of this work.

    My profound gratitude goes to my late mother, Mrs. Jenny Joshua, a praying mother whose prayers have made this book possible.

    To Mrs. A. O. Adeyeri, I say thanks for sacking me from paid employment without which I wouldn’t have known I could write a book.

    I am really indebted to my Christian brothers and sisters in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in the USA, especially, Dr. Victor Taylor, Bishop Carter, Sisters Vanessee Burns, Mary Campbell McKinney and the rest I cannot mention for lack of space for their encouragement.


    Many stories have been told of Africa by Europe and these stories can be likened to the ideas of the blind men of Hindustan on the elephant. It is said that the early white men who came to Africa went home to paint pictures of how Africans were living on top of trees like monkeys.

    Today, Europe jubilates that without her Africa would not have had a civilization. But Europe forgets that without the invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar in 55 BC, Britain, and indeed Europe would not have had a civilization.

    Arising from the fabricated stories about Africa were the notions that Africa had not education or religion of her own. Our songs were considered rudimentary and our religion fetish. For Africa to survive, Europe felt that Africa had to forget her past and tread a new path along European history. The self-imposed task of colonial Europe was to brainwash Africa and make her forget her dark past.

    Africa was not given an education that was relevant to her culture. It was not necessary for Africans to learn about and even bear African names with their beautiful significance. African children went to school to learn how to spell JOHN BULL. They learnt about coal in Newcastle and knew nothing about coal in Enugu.

    The climax of the brainwashing came when Africans denied themselves and attributed everything good in their culture to the white man: The nut that was sweet was known as the white man’s nut (ISIP MBAKARA), a good road was known as the white man’s road (USUNG MBAKARA) and a boy that was handsome was known as UDO MBAKARA etc. Idiong, the most venerable and highest priesthood in Annang land had been overcome by the white man with the song MBAKARA AKAN IDIONG. The European trinity of the missionary administrator and the merchant connived to rob the Africans of their body and soul. For example, the best arts work in Nigeria – The Benin Ivory Mask and many others had been stolen to British museum. When Africa needed this arts work as the symbol of Festival of African Culture (FESTAC 77), Britain would not release it. Chinua Achebe has captured the picture of the African – European drama when he observes that The white man has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart. This is how African history was mangled by Europe.

    So deplorable was the situation that the late Pope John Paul II had to apologize to Africa for the injustices meted to her by Europe. African history needed some straightening up and that job has been undertaken by Mr. Tiebet Joshua who combines a deep knowledge of history and the Bible to prove to the world that Africa is the cradle of civilization and human existence. Adam, Eve and Noah were all black people from Africa. The Garden of Eden was located in Africa. The African family is a priestly family.

    The work is an interesting research which is scientifically, convincingly and persuasively written to the Glory of God and the edification of mankind.

    Dr. Joseph Udondata

    Obong University

    Obong Ntak, Nigeria.



    1.0 A Dozen Posers For The World

    Do You Know That Evidences From The Bible Support The Fact:

    1. That black is the color of God and the original color of man?

    2. That life started in Africa?

    3. That up to 2247B.C. there was no other color in the human race except black and that other races, including the Europeans started emerging only after 2247 B.C.?

    4. That originally, the earth was a one-mass earth and not divided into continents as we have them today, with everyone or children of men living only in what was later known as the land of Ham - Africa?

    5. That God had a visible dwelling place in Africa stocked with tangible household furniture?

    6. That God had made a banquet for men before in this house of His and therefore, Jehovah is a God from Africa?

    7. That the boundary of Africa was originally at River Tigris?

    8. That the black color shall again become the color of the human race when God shall remove everything that brought about confusion, division and disunity in the human race and shall reunite us once again back to our original oneness?

    9. That the righteous shall not spend their eternity in the third Heaven as wrongly believed today, instead, a city of God (New Heaven) shall come to be located in the land of Ham (Africa) where the redeemed shall spend their eternity?

    10. That Noah was a black man, and lived in Egypt when God commissioned him to build the Ark?

    11. That Noah and his family returned from Armenia to his home in Africa after the flood?

    12. That it was from Africa that men went out to people the rest of world?

    Please read on for details and for the truth you had never been told before. It is a ten-year Bible research work and a must read for all who want to know the truth. Surely, no black man could afford not to read this book.

    1.1 The Misconceptions About Africa

    I am proud of my color, whosoever that is not proud of his color is not fit to live. I am proud of my African heritage. From what I have seen of you, I will tell the good African to remain a good African and not copy the poor fashion of the Europeans. John Tango Yabovu.

    If there is any continent of the world that the world has misunderstood and has known a little about, that Continent is Africa. Not only is a little known about Africa and her people in terms of her contributions to the development of the world; her past, present and future are left in darkness, to the detriment of all.

    Consequently, a lot of misconceptions and negative statements have been made concerning Africa. Some of these statements are very funny while some are made out of the lack of understanding of the continent and what God’s plans for her and her people are. Some of the funny statements are that Africa is a dark continent and comprises nations of beggars. As a matter of fact, all the continents of the world hold one negative view or the other about Africa.

    The harm done to the world by consciously or unconsciously playing down on the importance of Africa to the world (via her past contributions to the development of the world and her future position in God’s plan for the world) is that the world today is moving anti-clockwise. This is because by knowing only a little of Africa’s past, the world has lost a great deal of her past since Africa is the origin of life and the custodian of the history of man.

    Secondly, by knowing only a little about Africa’s future, the world again is missing her direction because the future life that many thought would be spent in heaven shall be in Africa like Eden that was in Africa, for Africa, and not heaven, is the future home of the redeemed.

    Thirdly, by knowing only a little about African people (the blacks), people of the world no longer remember who their ancestors were for Noah, the father of all the races in the world today, did not only live in Africa but was black- the original color that God created man with.

    This brings us to the first purpose of writing this book, which is to trace the origin of man; using the BIBLE as the main source of material and to discover, which of the continents of the world man lived first and which of the colors of man did God create man with since He created one man first. In other words, our first task is to ascertain whether our first parents (Adam and Eve) were living in Europe, or in Asia, or in Africa when they were created. This is taken care of in Chapter Two, which is called, Africa in Her True Perspective.

    The second purpose for writing this book is on the future abode of the natural man. This become necessary because just as so many people are ignorant about their past, so are millions today confused and ignorant about their future. Surprisingly, the Christians who hold the compass of man (the Bible), who should know better, are daily becoming confused about the future of man because over the years, Western Christianity has taught the world that man would either spend his eternity in heaven or in hell while the earth will be destroyed by fire. The result is that today different sects hold different beliefs as to where man shall spend his eternity. While some hold the view that the redeemed or the righteous shall spend his eternity in the third heaven with God and the sinner in everlasting hell fire, others say that man is neither going to heaven nor hell fire. By the time other religious sects add their beliefs to the various Christian beliefs, the confusion as to what are the plans of God for man eternally becomes more alarming. Here, again, the book shows all men, especially, all that strive to live godly lives where their eternal home shall be.

    The future home of the redeemed would be the New Heaven, which shall come out from heaven and be located in the land of Ham, Africa (Rev.21:1-3, 16-24). I know that this is a shocker to modern Africans, who have been following God in borrowed patterns today and have accepted the Europeans views that Africa has been forsaken by God and that the black man is inferior to the whites and a second-class citizen anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, since the black man has forgotten his past, coupled with his ignorance of what is God’s plan for him; he walked with a bowed head believing that he is nobody, and

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