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Mr Fluff and His Magical Adventures in the Enchanted Forest.
Mr Fluff and His Magical Adventures in the Enchanted Forest.
Mr Fluff and His Magical Adventures in the Enchanted Forest.
Ebook138 pages2 hours

Mr Fluff and His Magical Adventures in the Enchanted Forest.

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This book is about a tiny caterpillar of the sycamore moth family who was granted a unusual request. He always wanted to become a butterfly. So the more he ate of the sycamore leaves he thought that he would turn into what he wanted. He was being watched by the faires in the trees and they could see him and one fairy put a spell on him to turn him into a fairy! His face turned to being dainty and the magic had begun. He glowed like glow warm and went to wriggle up a oak tree to change and undergo some magic. The oak tree told him to go in the cottages old garden. He nibbles at the petals of a rainbow rose that is growing in the cottage garden. He feels sleepy and goes crawling up the old oak tree to go to sleep. He undergoes metamorphosis and the magic of both the fairies and the rose transforms into a fairy through the winter time.The forest is under deadly thousand year bad spell. That two witches come to live in the enchanted cottage in the forest. Mr Fluff undergoes a magical transformation and goes on his adventures. He does not how know how long the forest will last. One of the witches finds out about certain spells and has to figure out a way of saving the forest.
Release dateJun 17, 2014
Mr Fluff and His Magical Adventures in the Enchanted Forest.

Veronica Kelly

Veronica MLKelly has done a lot of art courses and computer courses. I live in Lincolnshire and it has its own coast. I love reading books and this is my first book I have written for children. I love magical stories so this is my idea about a fluffy caterpillar that by magical means turns into a fairy.

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    Mr Fluff and His Magical Adventures in the Enchanted Forest. - Veronica Kelly

    Chapter one



    Mr Fluff was a bright fat yellow and orange moth caterpillar. He was very fluffy with white spots and a black along his back. He was a Sycamore moth who loved eating chestnuts and other leaves of the trees. His favourite wish was not to become a moth at all. He wanted to be a beautiful butterfly. So he eats as much food as possible. All the other fairies had watched this big caterpillar eat as much food in the horse chestnut tree as he could. One naughty fairy put a spell on the caterpillar. His little face appeared to be very dainty and he could find out that he could talk to this small flying people. It was quite a noisy forest full of wonderful things. At night time he wriggled out of his lodgings and he glowed very much in the dark! His tail was truly a bright orange colour that lit brightly.

    In the night Mr Fluff found himself wondering so far away from his Lodgings that he ended up crawling up an oak tree. The tree could feel something tickling his great big trunk. The trees eyes looked down below to see a tiny fluffy thing with a face. Looks like the naughty fairies had put a spell on you said the Oak tree.

    "What? Said Mr Fluff to the tree.

    Someone has turned you into an unusual fluffy caterpillar

    Silly flying fairies! remarked the caterpillar. I’m going to be a beautiful butterfly when I hatch out next spring!

    Mr Fluff decided to stay in the oak tree nibbling at a few leaves. The tree could hear him crunching for most of the evening. That the tree spotted a very bright rose bush in the distance of someone’s garden. It belonged to a very good witch called Hazel who had just purchased her house, for a good sum of money. What a delightful surprise to tempt that munching caterpillar to get it on that rose bush, thought the Oak tree smiling with a grin.

    My little fluffy friend said the tree. The caterpillar stopped munching at the trees juiciest leaves. With the trees looking just a bit annoyed at what speed that little thing was eating. Soon the caterpillar stopped and yawned and curled up in one of the leaves. He remained there for a few days’ munching at the leaves for a long while.

    Mr Fluff had found himself a hollow in the oak tree while wriggling quite high in the oak itself. The tree had dozed off into a sleep till mid afternoon. He had known that little thing had been there for quite a long time. He was quite a big caterpillar with a fairy face.

    One day the tree told him that if you looked in someone’s nice flowered garden, there is a nice rose bush that you could nibble at! The caterpillar looked into the garden and he lost his balance seeing a magic rose bush.

    That same evening that rose bush, had bloomed all its roses for the witch Hazel. She popped out of her nice little cottage to collect a few magic petals to make some kind of magic spell.

    The magic rose bush showed all its magic colours like a rainbow. This caught the attention of the fluffy caterpillar. Mr Fluff yawned as he wriggled from his cosy spot, and tried to wriggle down the tree. He was licking his lips with such excitement, that he tumbled right down to the bottom of the oak tree.

    You poor little soul said the tree.

    Mr Fluff found himself at the bottom of the oak tree and he told the tree he was ok and not hurt. So off he went to visit this beautiful garden full of flowers and that gorgeous rose bush. So he found the rose bush and wriggled up it to try a small bite of the petals. It tasted so delicious and fruity that he eat two petals and almost fell asleep in the rose. The witch came out into her garden to look at her roses. She spotted something very orange, and fluffy all curled up in a big ball.

    My, what a big orange caterpillar! she said. She thought that she would leave the little thing alone.

    Mr Fluff woke up with a surprise to see someone peering at the rose, and him. The witch and her mother giggled at the tiny caterpillar and saw his tiny little face. The little caterpillar saw the witch and her mother looking inside other roses for other caterpillars. It seemed that he was the only one. The rose bush had scattered some gold magic dust on the caterpillar, and Mr Fluff sneezed. He almost blew himself off the rose bush. The witch turned around as she was admiring her newly planted pots with geraniums with bright red flowers. When the rose bush giggled about what had landed in its magic rose. The witch thought she was hearing things. As you see, that nice cottage was built in an enchanted part of the forest. She had heard about some strange things in that part, but not much fairies that did some spells in the summer on some caterpillars. Mr Fluff decided to wriggle home to his beloved Oak tree. So off he went down the stem of the rose bush, covered in magic gold dust and over the garden wall, feeling rather tired and full over his meal. Mr Fluff stopped for awhile for a rest, in just a short distance from the oak tree and sneezed again and the gold dust went up his nose!

    Soon he spotted the old oak snoring away. Mr Fluff went up its trunk to pop into the hollow. He had found himself such a cosy spot that he was ready to weave himself a silken bed. He made himself a fine bed of silk and soon fell into a magic deep spell cast by those naughty fairies.

    Soon the summer had gone and Mr Fluff was fast asleep in a magic cocoon. The autumn had come. So the tree had shed some leaves. The tree had seen many tiny little things buzz around his branches, with birds and fairies gathering some leaves that had fallen down to the ground. The tree, knew something magically was going off. That the little caterpillar might turn into something else, but not a moth! The fairies did scatter some fairy dust in the hollow of the tree, and it was so pretty. That they also did it all around that caterpillar!

    The winter came, covering the land in a thick carpet of snow. The tree was fast asleep till next spring. Many magical trees were sleeping and sometimes you could hear them snoring. The Oak tree was dreaming about last summer and the comings and goings of the wood. Sometimes the witch popped out of her cottage gathering winter fuel. The garden looked empty with no colourful flowers. Most of her plants went indoors for the winter. She had put some decorations outside of her cottage to brighten it up. Soon it would be Christmas. Soon there were lots of snow drops and people bring merry. The witch had lots of presents of strawberry jam and marmalade. She peered out of her window to see some blue bells and some tiny fairies buzzing around them. Soon buds began to appear on the magic rose bush and spring was around the corner. The snow had gone and the sun started to shine and the plants soon started to sprout out of the ground.

    Mr fluff was changing inside his cocoon and he was dreaming of being a fairy instead of a butterfly. He had to wait all winter before he cracked open his cocoon to see what he had turned into. It was such a funny surprise for him, that he had become this orange sycamore fairy. He was such a happy soul! That it was better than being a butterfly. He soon discovered he had two tiny hands and two tiny feet. He stepped outside of his hollow and sat on the edge, trying to dry out his orange wings. Mr Fluff was a handsome little fairy, and the tree was happy to have a little friend in his hollow. Normally he got little birds nesting in it. This little thing would be a bit of a change to have a fairy!

    Soon his wings were dry and he tried his best in flying into the witches garden. He saw that magic rose bush and he went to visit it. The rose bush had given him some more gold dust for his wings. So he buzzed around the witches’ garden from one flower to another. To the witches surprise almost landed on her prized geraniums for a summer flower festival. Oh look! she said. "It is a bright orange fairy in my garden! Her mother came to look, but he was quick and vanished back over her garden wall.

    Chapter two




    Mr Fluff fluttered his wings as the sun popped out of the white fluffy clouds. Some fairy dust fell in his shell and on his cosy bed. It all seemed to glow with the magic dust. A common garden snail called Brian had stopped the night in the fairies hollow and got some dust scattered on his shell. He popped his little face out to see what it was. Brian wasn’t a very big snail. He was only a little snail. The fairy dust made this shell glow in the hollow. He found that the little fairy was curious about snails and told the little snail about the seashell he found on a tropical island. He also told the snail that he wanted a magic wand, because he was now ready for a bit of magic! The snail Brian couldn’t speak to the little fairy. Mr Fluff didn’t understand why. The little snail popped himself back inside his glowing shell. Mr Fluff didn’t know how long the fairy dust would last on the common snail. The glow worms where laughing at Mr Fluff trying to talk to the snail. These magic glow worms had eaten the petals of that magic rose! The magic rose thought it would be a busy summer for magic roses. The witch Hazel sometimes collected the petals of the rose for some magic potions.

    Mr Fluff flew out of his hollow wondering where he could find something to make a magic wand. So he flew to the magic rose bush to as it questions. The heads of the rose turned around to look at the fairy talking to the other roses. One rose head answered, You will have to look deep within the forest to find something of a magical weeping willow tree that would give you something towards making your magic wand!

    Why thank you very much said Mr Fluff

    So Mr Fluff was being naughty again! He picked a petal up and shot off in the direction of his hollow tree. He popped the petal down in front of the common garden snail. The snail was snoozing. So he tapped on his shell, and the snail woke up and popped out his head. His long snail eyes clasped eyes on the fairy that offered him something that looked very worthwhile eating. So he went to taste the magic petal. What a delightful surprise! It was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted in his snail life. He took one nibble at the beautiful leaf and soon it put a spell on him! He soon was able to talk and his very own words was, "My goodness me, that

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