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Bible School: [King James Version] (Version 1 of 2)
Bible School: [King James Version] (Version 1 of 2)
Bible School: [King James Version] (Version 1 of 2)
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Bible School: [King James Version] (Version 1 of 2)

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My book is not a substitute for reading the Bible; instead, it is a teaching tool of your knowledge of the Bible. It contains Pop Quizzes (Fill in the blanks, True or False quizzes and Questions) from all sixty-six Books in the Bible.
That shared, please read a Book in the King James Version of the Bible. Then, open my book and read the Pop Quizzes for that corresponding Book. For example, read the Book of Matthew. Then, read the Pop Quizzes for the Book of Matthew in my book.
I have faith that you will do phenomenally well!
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 23, 2014
Bible School: [King James Version] (Version 1 of 2)

Ricky Jackson Pitts

I work full-time as a Vouchering Clerk at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After an epileptic seizure on March 5, 2013, I strongly felt that I was on the brink of death. In fact, there is no doubt in my mind that my Heavenly Father forced me to bite my tongue to prevent me from swallowing it and choking to death during the seizure. With that wake-up call from God, I completely surrendered to Him. Shortly thereafter, I began reading the Bible and began writing Bible School on March 29, 2013.

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    Bible School - Ricky Jackson Pitts

    Copyright © 2014 Ricky Jackson Pitts.

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    WestBow Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-3798-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-3799-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-3797-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014909205

    WestBow Press rev. date: 06/26/2021


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    (1.) FILL IN THE BLANK: God removed a 37650.png from Adam and created a woman.

    (2.) TRUE OR FALSE: In the Book of Genesis, Abel killed Cain.

    (3.) QUESTION: How old was Adam when he perished?

    (4.) QUESTION: At what age did Adam’s third son, Seth, perish?

    (5.) FILL IN THE BLANK: 37648.png died at 969 years of age.

    (6.) QUESTION: How many clean and unclean beasts boarded Noah’s Ark?

    (7.) QUESTION: Including Noah, how many people boarded Noah’s ark during the flood?

    (8.) QUESTION: Where did Noah’s ark land?

    (9.) QUESTION: Noah sent a dove and a raven to seek land after the flood. Which bird came back with an olive leaf?

    (10.) QUESTION: What does the rainbow represent in the book of Genesis?

    (11.) QUESTION: How old was Noah when he perished?

    (12.) FILL IN THE BLANK: In the Book of Genesis, only one language was spoken on earth; but, God changed the language of all men when the Tower of 37646.png was being built to reach Heaven.

    (13.) FILL IN THE BLANKS: In the Book of Genesis, the Lord rained upon 37644.png and upon 37641.png brimstone and fire.

    (14.) QUESTION: Abraham and Sarah bore a child. What was his name?

    (15.) QUESTION: God commands Abraham to kill Abraham’s son, Isaac, only as an act of obeying Him. Did Abraham kill Isaac?

    (16.) QUESTION: Sarah, Abraham’s wife, died at what age?

    (17.) QUESTION: Abraham died at what age?

    (18.) QUESTION: Abraham’s son, Ishmael, died at what age?

    (19.) QUESTION: Isaac and Rebekah bore two boys. What were their names?

    (20.) QUESTION: Jacob and Leah bore four boys. As time progressed, two more boys were born. But, what were the names of the first four boys born?

    (21.) QUESTION: Jacob’s name was changed in the Book of Genesis. What was it changed to?

    (22.) QUESTION: Did Shechem rape Dinah, the daughter of Leah and Jacob?

    (23.) QUESTION: Judah’s firstborn was wicked in the sight of the Lord. As punishment, the Lord slew him. What was his name?

    (24.) QUESTION: Tamar and Judah have twins. What were their names?

    (25.) QUESTION: Joseph interprets two dreams of men in prison. What where their occupations?

    (26.) QUESTION: In which country was seven years of plentiful food immediately followed by seven years of famine and drought?

    (27.) FILL IN THE BLANK: Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt and told his sons to retrieve it in order to survive. Jacob did not send 37639.png , Joseph’s brother.

    (28.) QUESTION: Egyptians would not eat with a certain group of people. It was an abomination in their eyes. Who were those people?

    (29.) QUESTION: Judah lost two sons in the land of Canaan. What were their names?

    (30.) QUESTION: Jacob brought his direct descendants into the land of Egypt. Excluding the wives of Jacob’s sons, how many came?

    (31.) QUESTION: At what age did Jacob die?

    (32.) QUESTION: Israel stretched out his hands to two men, guiding his hands wittingly. What were their names?

    (33.) QUESTION: Abraham and his wife, Sarah, died in the Book of Genesis. Where were they buried?


    (1.) ANSWER: rib [Genesis 2:21-23]

    (2.) ANSWER: False [Genesis 4:1-8]

    (3.) ANSWER: 930 [Genesis 5:5]

    (4.) ANSWER: 912 [Genesis 5:8]

    (5.) ANSWER: Methuselah [Genesis 5:27]

    (6.) ANSWER: 7 clean male, 7 clean female; 2 unclean male, 2 unclean female [Genesis 7:2]

    (7.) ANSWER: Eight [Genesis 7:13]

    (8.) ANSWER: Mt. Ararat [Genesis 8:4]

    (9.) ANSWER: Dove [Genesis 8:6-11]

    (10.) ANSWER: God’s promise to Noah that he would never again destroy all flesh with a flood. [Genesis 9:13-15]

    (11.) ANSWER: 950 [Genesis 9:29]

    (12.) ANSWER: Babel [Genesis 11:1-9]

    (13.) ANSWER: Sodom and Gomorrah [Genesis 19:24]

    (14.) ANSWER: Isaac [Genesis 21:3]

    (15.) ANSWER: No! [Genesis 22:10-12]

    (16.) ANSWER: 127 [Genesis 23:1]

    (17.) ANSWER: 175 [Genesis 25:7]

    (18.) ANSWER: 137 [Genesis 25:17]

    (19.) ANSWER: Esau and Jacob [Genesis 25:20-26]

    (20.) ANSWER: Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah [Genesis 29:28-35]

    (21.) ANSWER: Israel [Genesis 32: 28]

    (22.) ANSWER: Yes [Genesis 34:1-2]

    (23.) ANSWER: Er [Genesis 38:7]

    (24.) ANSWER: Pharez and Zerah [Genesis 38:24-30]

    (25.) ANSWER: The Egyptian royal baker and butler [Genesis 40]

    (26.) ANSWER: Egypt [Genesis 41: 29-31]

    (27.) ANSWER: Benjamin [Genesis 42:1-4]

    (28.) ANSWER: Hebrews [Genesis 43:32]

    (29.) ANSWER: Er and Onan [Genesis 46:12]

    (30.) ANSWER: 66 [Genesis 46:26]

    (31.) ANSWER: 147 [Genesis 47:28]

    (32.) ANSWER: Ephraim and Manasseh [Genesis 48:12-14]

    (33.) ANSWER: In the cave of Machpelah, near Mamre. [Genesis 49:30-31]


    (34.) FILL IN THE BLANK: In the Book of Exodus, a child was placed in a basket and the basket was placed in a river. A Pharaoh’s daughter found him, nursed him, and named him 37636.png .

    (35.) QUESTION: Moses killed an Egyptian for smiting whom?

    (36.) QUESTION: Moses and Zipporah had a child. What was his name?

    (37.) QUESTION: God commanded Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into Canaan. Where did this commandment take place?

    (38.) QUESTION: God commanded Moses to drop his rod on the ground. On the ground, God turned the rod into a living reptile. What was that reptile?

    (39.) QUESTION: Moses had a brother. What was his name?

    (40.) QUESTION: The Egyptians could not drink from their river because God turned the water into a liquid that killed all of its fish. What was that liquid called?

    (41.) QUESTION: What were three punishments brought upon the Egyptians for not releasing the Israelites?

    (42.) QUESTION: What was the final punishment brought upon the Egyptians for not releasing the Israelites?

    (43.) QUESTION: How long was the Israelites’ Egyptian bondage?

    (44.) QUESTION: What ordinance celebrates the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?

    (45.) QUESTION: What sea does God divide for the Israelites to escape the Egyptians?

    (46.) TRUE OR FALSE: Murmurings are against the Lord.

    (47.) QUESTION: Moses smote a rock at Horeb. What liquid came out of the rock?

    (48.) QUESTION: Moses’ father-in-law blessed the Lord for delivering the Israelites out of Egypt. What was his name?

    (49.) QUESTION: At Mount Sinai (Mount Horeb), God gave Moses two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments inscribed on them. What were four of those commandments?

    (50.) TRUE OR FALSE: Graven images are acceptable in God’s eyes.

    (51.) QUESTION: For six days you shall labor. But, on the seventh day, you shall rest. What is the day of rest called?

    (52.) QUESTION: Where were the Ten Commandments stored for safekeeping?

    (53.) TRUE OR FALSE: A candlestick of pure gold was made with five branches.

    (54.) QUESTION: What oil was used to burn the lamp in the Tabernacle?

    (55.) QUESTION: What was used in the Jewish Tabernacle to cause the anointed persons to become divine or sacred?

    (56.) TRUE OR FALSE: Moses broke the tablets that contained the Ten Commandments. Then, he was instructed by God to make a second set of tablets.


    (34.) ANSWER: Moses [Exodus 2:1-10]

    (35.) ANSWER: A Hebrew [Exodus 2:11-12]

    (36.) ANSWER: Gershom [Exodus 2:21-22]

    (37.) ANSWER: The burning bush [Exodus 3:2-22]

    (38.) ANSWER: A serpent [Exodus 4:2-4]

    (39.) ANSWER: Aaron [Exodus 4:14]

    (40.) ANSWER: Blood [Exodus 7:17-18]

    (41.) ANSWER: Swarms of flies [Exodus 8:21-24], hail [Exodus 9:24] and locusts [Exodus 10:12-15].

    (42.) ANSWER: To smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt [Exodus 12:12]

    (43.) ANSWER: 430 years [Exodus 12:40-41]

    (44.) ANSWER: Passover [Exodus 12:40-43]

    (45.) ANSWER: The Red Sea [Exodus 13:18]

    (46.) ANSWER: True [Exodus 16:8]

    (47.) ANSWER: Water [Exodus 17:6]

    (48.) ANSWER: Jethro [Exodus 18:7-10]

    (49.) ANSWER: [Exodus 20:1-17]

    (50.) ANSWER: False [Exodus 20:4-5]

    (51.) ANSWER: Sabbath [Exodus 20:9-10]

    (52.) ANSWER: The Ark of the Covenant [Exodus 25:10-22]

    (53.) ANSWER: False (six branches) [Exodus 25:31-32]

    (54.) ANSWER: Olive oil [Exodus 27:20-21]

    (55.) ANSWER: Holy oil [Exodus 30:25; 30-31-33]

    (56.) ANSWER: True [Exodus 34:1]


    (57.) QUESTION: There were five basic Levitical offerings. What were three of those offerings?

    (58.) QUESTION: Many animals were sacrificed in the book of Leviticus. What were three of those animals?

    (59.) FILL IN THE BLANK: The remainder of flesh from peace offerings should be burnt with fire on the 37633.png day? If not, it is an abomination.

    (60.) FILL IN THE BLANKS (SAME WORD): You shall abide at the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation for 37631.png days and 37629.png nights.

    (61.) QUESTION: Aaron’s sons offered strange fire before the Lord, which He commanded them not to do. What were the names of Aaron’s sons?

    (62.) QUESTION: In the Book of Leviticus, God commands Moses and Aaron not to eat four beasts (domestic animals). What were two of those beasts?

    (63.) QUESTION: In the Book of Leviticus, God commands Moses and Aaron not to eat fowls (birds). What were two of those fowl?

    (64.) QUESTION: After a woman bares a child, she must bring two offerings to

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