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Universal Angel Star
Universal Angel Star
Universal Angel Star
Ebook46 pages42 minutes

Universal Angel Star

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About this ebook

I am thirty-eight years old and the mother of three lovely boys.
I had my first major spiritual awakening in 2004 when I started to see orbs. I then made a connection with my angels and spirit guides, and my spiritual journey has progressed and deepened over the years.
I write inspirational poems from peoples Angels and loved ones in spirit.
I am a Reiki Master and offer Reiki workshops. This work has been an amazing journey for me on many levels.
I am now offering spiritual awareness workshops with a goal of helping others to connect more with their earth and spiritual journeys and to help them breakthrough the illusion of life
The gift that I am always so grateful for is the energy shift photos. I work on the same principle as a trance Medium and use a normal digital camera. When doing readings or workshops, the client allows his or her loved ones energy to come through them and we see the loved ones face in the photo. This is very magical and blows me away every time I do these photos. I can never 100% guarantee we will get a result but normally we are very lucky and the universe gifts us with some magical and memorable experiences. Again my job is to help people break through the illusion of death, which is projected on planet Earth. The photos have helped many people deal with the grieving process and helped them heal on their journey. It will never replace their loved one, but many find peace and comfort in knowing their loved one is safe and well, sending them love and will always be by their side in spirit.
From doing the workshops we sometimes get photos of spirit guides and other Universal Energies, which is also a magical experience. What the people have experienced in their meditations throughout the day come through on the camera at the end of the workshop. This gives them more confidence and belief as others can see the magic as well in the photos.
All of my work is based on my own life experiences.
Release dateApr 25, 2014
Universal Angel Star

Phyllis Charity

I am thirty-eight years old and the mother of three lovely boys. I had my first major spiritual awakening in 2004 when I started to see orbs. I then made a connection with my angels and spirit guides, and my spiritual journey has progressed and deepened over the years. I write inspirational poem’s from people’s Angels and loved ones in spirit. I am a Reiki Master and offer Reiki workshops. This work has been an amazing journey for me on many levels. I am now offering spiritual awareness workshops with a goal of helping others to connect more with their earth and spiritual journeys and to help them breakthrough the illusion of life The gift that I am always so grateful for is the energy shift photos. I work on the same principle as a trance Medium and use a normal digital camera. When doing readings or workshops, the client allows his or her loved one’s energy to come through them and we see the loved one’s face in the photo. This is very magical and blows me away every time I do these photos. I can never 100% guarantee we will get a result but normally we are very lucky and the universe gifts us with some magical and memorable experiences. Again my job is to help people break through the illusion of death, which is projected on planet Earth. The photos have helped many people deal with the grieving process and helped them heal on their journey. It will never replace their loved one, but many find peace and comfort in knowing their loved one is safe and well, sending them love and will always be by their side in spirit. From doing the workshops we sometimes get photos of spirit guides and other Universal Energies, which is also a magical experience. What the people have experienced in their meditations throughout the day come through on the camera at the end of the workshop. This gives them more confidence and belief as others can see the magic as well in the photos. I hope to do another book in the near future with Inspirational Poems and Energy shift Photos combined with the stories that have helped so many. All of my work is based on my own life experiences.

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    Book preview

    Universal Angel Star - Phyllis Charity

    © 2014 Phyllis Charity. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Note: I have changed the names of the people in this story to protect their privacy.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/16/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7863-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7864-6 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

    and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Universal Angel Star Mission Completed

    Opening Poem for Universal Angel Star Events

    Here is the Closing Poem

    for Universal Angel Star Events

    Harry’s Story


    The Awakening


    I thought, Will I ever find love?

    My older son, Tim, was ten. I had been with his father for seven years, but he had been abusive towards me, so Tim and I went into a refuge when Tim was four.

    My younger son, Michaelwas now five. His father had left when he was two. He had constantly been seeing other women.

    The last three years had been full of difficulty and tests, and I had learnt many lessons, the main one being unconditional love—or so I thought.

    I had learnt to love myself and feel as sense of self-worth. I had learnt to raise my vibration in order to attract a loving and healthy relationship. I knew if I could not meet anyone who could give the children and me love and stability, then I would stay on my own.

    It was December 2007. Christmas had passed, and I was very lonely. I went for a walk up Glastonbury Tor on 28 December. This felt very meaningful to me. I felt an awakening. This was the first activation point for the alien encounter—an experience that will stay with me eternally.

    All I was asking for was a true and loving genuine man who would give the children and me stability so we could be a proper family. With two children to care for, I couldn’t go out much, and I wasn’t interested in going to pubs and clubs anyway. I worked night shifts in a care home, so I thought I would join an online dating site. At least chatting with new people might take away the loneliness of an evening. This is when my life changed, and I met what I thought was my true love… my soul mate.

    We finally met in person in January 2008. I felt as if I was meeting a long-lost love who had come back from a war. It was as if we had known each other for years and years. Before I knew it, in August, we decided to move in together. I rented my house so I could move into John’s house. It felt like a dream come true, as he lived on his own and had no children.

    On the day I moved in, the wardrobes were empty as if the house was there waiting for me and the children. All we had to do was fill the wardrobes with our clothes and make it our home. We would be a family.

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