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Steppin out of Hell with High Heels On
Steppin out of Hell with High Heels On
Steppin out of Hell with High Heels On
Ebook176 pages3 hours

Steppin out of Hell with High Heels On

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About this ebook

Simone Johnson has lived in hell and back again. She realizes
that living in Hell becomes a continuous life style for her. She
must love it because she keeps dating online meeting the same
types of men with the same types of problems. Simone is ready to
live a new life style with a different kind of love. She now has to pay
the price for all her past mistakes. She does not realize that the best
man for her has been sitting in front of her all along. Can she stop
looking for online love to see whats right in front of her or will she
continue paying the price to live in Hell? Simone has to change
her mindset and stop looking for Mr. Right Now in order for Mr.
Right to come along.
Gordon Wilson is a educated man and one of the most gorgeous
available men in the town of Rochester New York. Gordon is a
church going man, professional man and a successful business
man. He has a past like most of us and he allows his mother to
have a part in it all. He has to come to terms with living in hell
continuously or stepping out to conquer all things in his life. His
main problem is that he uses his church image to attract women.
Gordon is now on the hunt for a wife but he has some demons he
has to conquer before moving forth into yet another relationship.
Sinclair Rogers was totally out of control in her life. She starts out a
professional dancer and ends up a stripper. She wants out of the
game but does not know how to let go the glamor and the money.
She wants a normal life, children and a man who can truly love
her. Will she find a life of love in the strip club or will she have to
turn her life over to a higher power to get control of all the HELL
thats showing up in her life.
You shouldnt find someone else until you find yourself. - Will Koz
Release dateApr 24, 2014
Steppin out of Hell with High Heels On

Samantha T Joyner

Samantha is originally from the Low Country of South Carolina, raised partly in the Early Branch, SC and Brooklyn, New York. She is a little bit Country and A little bit Rock and Roll. She has lived in many states, and now resides in Columbia South Carolina. Samantha is the mother of one adult son. Samantha attended the University of South Carolina for Criminal Justice and worked in the Law enforcement field for over thirteen years. She went on to pursue her education at Kenneth Shuller’s Hair School of Design, and became a licensed cosmetologist and a beauty consultant. Samantha has been in the beauty field for over twenty years, and now continues in that field as a Beauty Consultant and make-up artist under her own company” Southern Gurls”. Samantha has continued her education at American InterContinental University, were she received a degree in Business Management. She is now employed with a Telecommunications Company. Samantha enjoys making people feel better about themselves. She loves God and enjoy church and working in her community. She enjoys cooking and traveling. Her motto is “Living Life and loving it”.

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    Steppin out of Hell with High Heels On - Samantha T Joyner

    © 2014 Samantha T Joyner. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse   04/22/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0600-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0599-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014907432

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    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1      The Hell Begins

    Chapter 2      Hell Get’s Hotter than This

    Chapter 3      Starting Over AGAIN

    Chapter 4      What Does Not Kill You Will Make You Stronger

    Chapter 5      Light at the end of the tunnel

    Chapter 6      Just When You Think You Won

    Chapter 7      Against All Odds

    Chapter 8      Tired of Being Tired

    Chapter 9      Who Do You Run To

    Chapter 10      Stepping out of Hell


    This book is dedicated to my grandmother, Lueveania Garvin, she has been a rock and still she stands. She has been so encouraging and regardless she keeps it together, and she always has my back regardless of my flaws. I love you and only hope to be the woman that you have become. I will always remember you saying, If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it. Thank you


    First I would like to thank God for allowing me to make this my third project. I thank him for allowing me opportunities I would not have without him. I thank my readers for continuous support.

    I want to thank my mother first and foremost, Apostle Ruby Martin. Thanks mother for your teaching and guidance and no matter what we’ve been through that’s behind us and God is in front of us.

    Thanks to my son, who I feel has allowed me to do my thing and still be supportive. Sterling Joyner you’re a son that any mother wish she can experience because you have made me stronger.

    To my family members that I love so much and have been so supportive, Shanta’, Shelanda and Annette, with cousins like these, what more can a girl ask for. Thank you all for your continuous support. To my siblings, Nile, Billy, and Janay I am so glad we are siblings and thanks for always giving me a word of encouragement. To My Cousin Cynthia Copland you have been there when I always needed you the most. Thank you for being my big sister and most of all my backbone. You have never let me down and always had my back. I love you.

    To Evette Elder, Bernice Mitchell, Rasheba Major, Camille Williams, and Dawn White, you are my ride or die chicks and the sisters I never had. You have given me so much encouragement, when I wanted to stop and did not want to move forward you ladies have always been on my side and I love you for it.

    To Don, you always keep me straight and my brother from another mother.

    To Carol Walker you have become such a dear friend and so supportive, whenever I need you, it’s done and I thank you.

    To James Jackson, you have been my friend and my confidant. I will always love you and for that you will always have a place in my heart, because we are down like four flat tires.

    Thank you to my Pastor Carolyn Moye’ for your teaching and allowing me to grow in Life Resurrected Ministries. I thank God for a mentor like Pastor Moye’ who has instilled living life with a purpose back into me, and I thank God for her organization Diamond & Pearls.

    I thank God for the best agent, Coretta Doctor—Allison thanks for encouraging words and support and always having your clients back.

    To all my fans, thanks for all you do and I will continue to bring more to you!

    Smooches, and love you all!

    Samantha T. Joyner


    We all have felt that we have been to Hell and back again, but do we really know what HELL is like? I don’t think so. We read about it in the biblical sense and it sounds like once we leave this earth, it will be nothing we want to live. So, why are we trying to live it here on earth? It is definitely a choice we have made. Most people want to blame Adam and Eve, because they made all things rough for us in the beginning of time by disobeying God.

    Well we can’t blame Adam and Eve. God gave all of us a choice however we made decisions in our life to be the people we are. I know me personally I have chosen my walk of life. All of it has not been the greatest and I realized I have been living life in HELL because I chose that walk of life.

    I always thought if I did things my way and not Gods way it would work out better for me. I felt I was the only person who knew how things needed to go in my life. When all Hell broke loose in my life I wanted to blame God and complain when it was no one’s fault but my own. My head could be hard as a brick and no one could tell me better. I had to find out things the hard way.

    We have all had that good Girl syndrome in which we could never do no wrong in life, and everything we do will work out for the best.

    Men have that I am a good Man syndrome and everything you do will work out good for me as long as I am game tight no one will realize just how bad I am.

    We all have to take credit for what we do in life and pay the price for what we do and the cost can turn out to be HELL!

    When I thought about this title I thought about all the Hell that we have gone through in life it was a price to pay. When you are not living right in Christ then we end up paying to go to Hell because we choose not to live right. I am so glad God is so forgiving. He allows us just to go through. He allows us to live life as we choose and sit back and let us choose the way we want to go. He wants us to learn from our mistakes. I realize sometimes it hurts but God will allow you to get burn to feel that the fire is hot.

    In this book Stepping out of Hell with High Heels On, doesn’t necessarily apply to just women wearing high heels; it speaks to men also. We both have lived Hell in relationships. It has been a choice for a lot of us. For some reason we all have gone through and are still going the same syndrome of always meeting, dating, or marrying the same type of person. We wonder why we fall for the same type of man or woman. It seems as though we wear a sign saying Looking for my past. We never get the understanding that we should not be looking for anyone. We should be looking for ourselves and learning to control our own life before trying to bring someone in our drama. We also have to learn to love ourselves before we love anyone else. Finding inner piece in you through Christ has been the answer for many. This is always easier said than done. The one thing for sure, Christians are not you should learn that all things are possible in life if only you believe, and trust in God and not yourself. My mothers always use to say, You can trust our own behind, you go to the bathroom to do one thing and end up doing something else. I have come to realize at some point you will Step out of Hell into a glorious life, if you just trust God and not yourself. It gets hard sometimes because we all want the same thing, love. We want it and feel we have to have it. We want a man to carry us women and take away all of our worries. The men, they want a ride or die chick who’s going to stand beside them and follow their lead. There is nothing wrong with wanting these things, but what’s the hardiest lesson is to wait until it is given and not pick it out by yourself.

    Simone Johnson has lived hell and back several times. She does not realize that living in Hell she must love it because she keeps running back to the same type of men by dating online with different men with the same type of problems. She might as well pay to go to Hell with gasoline panties on. Simone is ready to live a new life style with a different kind of love, but she has to pay the price for all her past mistakes. The best thing about it is she has a good man right in front of her, but she can’t see it. Can she stop looking for online love, to see what’s right in front of her or will she continue paying the price to go to Hell? Will she change in order to live a righteous life for herself and wait for God to send her the right man?

    Gordon Wilson is a educated man, and one of the most gorgeous available men in the town of Rochester New York. He was the most available bachelor that all the women wanted for themselves. Gordon was a church going man, he was very active in the church, professional man owning several businesses in the area, and also seem to be a loving man to everyone he came across. The only problem was he had a past that no one could believe. He was trying to change but it seems like it was impossible. He has to come to terms with living in hell continuously or stepping out to conquer all things in his life. Gordon’s main problem is that he uses the church to attract women and this is his down fall. His past can become his future because people can’t change until they repent from what he’s done in the past. Gordon is now on the hunt for a wife, but he has some demons he has to conquer before moving forth into yet another relationship.

    Sinclair Rogers was totally out of control in her life. She had so much Drama she did not know which way to go in her life. There was constant hell to pay because she always focused on the negative instead of the positive in her life. Would she continue living in hell or learn to step out and conquer all her fears. Sinclair being a professional dancer starting out as a famous ballot dancer ends up in a strip club. Who would have figured? Can she overcome and become the professional woman she once was; or will she allow her body to send her straight to hell?

    Chapter 1

    The Hell Begins


    I have always been promiscuous and always love me some me, but I could never find that Mr. Right to love me for better or worse. I guess that’s because I never looked for Mr. Right and settled for Mr. Right Now. God only knows what my problem is right now. I have a good career, I don’t have any baby daddies, I am attractive, and I have a lot to offer. Why in the hell it’s so hard to find the man who will truly love me for me and not waste my time? I often sit back and wonder what I could do different. I realize I am not a saint. I love me some man, whose good looking, smell good, and clean cut. It’s something about this type of man that really turns me on. This is where I guess I need to look at different options.

    For years, I have dated tall, dark and handsome, but they were also liars, losers, and a pain in my behind. I realize God don’t put any more on you then you can bare, but we allow the drama in our lives, and he will give you exactly what you ask for. At some point we are ready to roll out. I often wonder why am I not worthy of a good man to love me and be truthful about his feelings. It always starts out that way and then all Hell breaks loose and I really don’t understand why. One thing about it though, I love hard, so I hurt even harder. I am so glad I am a bounce back kind of girl, because truly I may have killed one of these men at some point!

    I can’t believe there is not a man out there who won’t come to steal, kill and destroy for me. I have to believe there is a man who loves me for me and won’t go out to hurt me in any way. I think it’s just some sick way that men often say they love you, but at some point realize they don’t love themselves. How can he love you when he does not know what the words mean?

    I always wonder how can a person just come out and say they love you when they really don’t, I think its infatuation. At first you get caught up in the sex and then all of a sudden they love you. Well, it also could be opportunity. These days, they see you have a car, house and a good job, and then they love you. It could also be that they love you at that time, because they are truly feeling it while in the back of their mind they feel they made a big mistake. I feel it’s all a state of confusion. What goes around definitely will come around, so be careful who you tell you love them.

    My first encounter was with Roger. He was the cleanest cut beautiful species of a man, I had ever seen. Roger came in my life right after I moved to Atlanta, Georgia and graduated from college with a Masters in Marketing. I had just landed the greatest job ever at a marketing firm. I met Roger in my building where he worked for one of the top financial firms in Atlanta. The man was not only paid but he was on top of his game. I ran into Roger in the downstairs coffee shop one morning getting my normal large cup of coffee and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese. This was normal for me since I moved into the building and started my new job. I had seen him for the last week checking me out in my short skirt suits and Italian leather pumps. I always dress carefully assuring I was sexy but yet professional. On this particular morning I decided to speak when I realized he was standing right behind me smelling so wonderful. I turned around and smiled, I’m Simone. He extended his hands out to me, and I was dumb founded. I just gazed in his eyes, and he asked me was I afraid to touch his hand and promised he would not bite. This was the icebreaker I stood to the side while he placed his order and made small conversation. I was smooth, finally I let him know it was nice meeting him and he said likewise so nice, what about lunch, dinner are both? That took me back for a minute. I agreed to meet him for lunch at the same little restaurant down stairs. This was the beginning of a great friendship. We met for lunch every day for a month, and then I decided I was

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