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Seven Stars
Seven Stars
Seven Stars
Ebook51 pages21 minutes

Seven Stars

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Seven Stars, A Quirky Horse, is a heart grabbing story about a horse born under the worst of conditions. Her mother died in her birthing. Unwanted, she is given away to a family with two little girls who love her and convince the young horse that she is a beautiful race horse. Unfortunately, the girls family has to move away and Seven Stars is passed from rancher to rancher as a work horse that just will not work. Finally, she ends up sold at auction. Seven Stars will thrill you. You will not be able to put the book down until you find out what happens after Seven Stars enters herself in a championship horserace and wins it! Not knowing her triumph, her new owner takes her back to yet another auction house, where this time, she possibly may end up at the glue factory. What will become of Seven Stars?

Release dateMay 14, 2014
Seven Stars

Mary Margaret

Mary Margaret was born in San Antonio, Texas, to Italian-American parents. Her talent for creative writing comes from being surrounded as a child, not with luxury, but with art, literature, architecture, poetry and love. “Whenever our family gathered, there were stories to be told. These were great stories of the old and new country, and of the exciting and remarkable lives of relatives alive and passed. Each story was vivid and you could visualize its characters and places because it was told so eloquently and with great passion. Mary Margaret is the recipient of the “Editor’s Choice” Award from the National Library of Poetry; 1995. Look for her book: Seven Stars, A Quirky Horse

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    Seven Stars - Mary Margaret


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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/13/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-1218-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5223-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-1219-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014908808

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    To My Father

    You survived the eruption of Mount Etna and

    The tsunami that followed which left you an orphan;

    You survived scarlet fever when abandoned on a beach in Sicily, with hundreds to survive or die.

    Your childhood years were spent in a military orphanage in Rome;

    You worked your way to America as a merchant marine;

    Your appendix was removed without anesthetic.

    They changed your beautiful first name from Gaetano to Thomas Guy at Ellis Island;

    You joined and served in the United States Army during World War II;

    And still,

    Your heart was filled with poetry and song.

    You created beautiful surroundings for us even in hard times.

    Your spirit of adventure and fear-nothing attitude

    gave each of us strength.

    You taught us that no one can tell us that we can’t do something… 

    We just have to believe that we can.

    You are the wind beneath my wings.


    On a cold November evening in Kentucky, an old rancher by the name of Mel

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