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Abraham Father of Atheism: Believers, Stop Saying “Father of Prophets” or “Father of Faith”
Abraham Father of Atheism: Believers, Stop Saying “Father of Prophets” or “Father of Faith”
Abraham Father of Atheism: Believers, Stop Saying “Father of Prophets” or “Father of Faith”
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Abraham Father of Atheism: Believers, Stop Saying “Father of Prophets” or “Father of Faith”

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Dear non-believer,

I like that when the infuriating alarm clock yells Wake up, theres a challenge waiting for you today, rousing you from a pleasant dream, you do not smash it. You simply slap the off button and head to work. Lets establish this: Your boss doesnt care how you view your alarm clock. He or she only cares that you show up at work on time with a smile on your face.

Saying, Scientists have figured it out ... There is no god; and there is no need for one, is common nowadays to counter Christians, Muslims and Jews, who turn up saying, Wake up, atheist. Theres a challenge waiting for you in the afterlife. Unfortunately, that response can be illogical: Ask any scientist, Is the scientific community sure there is no creator? and the likely answer will be, No, we are only about 99% sure. Anyone could be wrong, as Richard Dawkins said.

The common response makes you a 1% gambler and frames you as defending personal conclusions instead of facts. It makes sense to defend statements such as that DNA decides biological characteristics such as eye and skin color and that chimps are our biological cousins, because these are facts. However, defending the statement There is no creator; after reading Adams story has nothing to do with defending facts. The only fact in the Adam story is that if we have a creator, he paid no attention to science while introducing himself to our ancestors. Instead, he preferred to focus on teaching them how to overcome the challenges of life.

There are atheists who believe in science, but do not use it as the base of their arguments, they say We dont care when there is no evidence. Be careful using this kind of reasoning. It is true that sometimes the problem is that there is no evidence. But sometimes, the problem is that there is no desire to see the evidence. There is a story about a police officer who released a murderer despite having video of him committing the crime. What was the officers rationale for dismissing the evidence you might ask. It was made by the victim;. Maybe the difference is little between the police officer and atheists who label the books, in which the Abraham story and the Mary story are written, as man-made rather than possible evidence or product of divine intervention.

The troubling situation, if youll allow me to call it so, is easy to solve. Do you remember what we established about your boss? Think about it ... The creator, if he does exist, should not be less understanding or less open-minded than your boss. So what if you view todays Christians, Muslims and Jews as infuriating alarm clocks? What you should care about is leaving this world with a wide, confident smile similar to the smile of a confident employee when he or she says, Good morning; to their colleagues and boss.

I am aware that you dont deem books worth reading, unless their titles are such as God Is Not Great; or God Is So Bad, but I kindly ask you to make an exception. I want to draw that confident smile on your face. Considering the ignorance of contemporary Christians, Muslims and Jews, nothing should be easier than drawing that smile.

Always remember that there is 1% probability that a creator does exist. It is not good form for you to look disoriented if the Creator says to you, Okay, numb-skull, I appreciate your refusal to be a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew, but tell me: Why did you think I was less understanding and open-minded than your boss? Have I not made from an atheist a role model for you? What more did you want from me? Also, tell me why you have released me although I left in your hands books in which I admitted committing crimes against your kind?

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 30, 2015
Abraham Father of Atheism: Believers, Stop Saying “Father of Prophets” or “Father of Faith”

Mohammed Musa

Mohammed Musa is an expert in social maturation stations as well as “no problem” believers’ affairs, including their stories of failure. He has just finished a journey lasting fifteen years that involved studying, in depth, the mentalities of contemporary believers, agnostics, and militant atheists. He wants to send a very important and useful message to atheists worldwide.

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    Abraham Father of Atheism - Mohammed Musa

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    About the Author

    Who Should Read This Book?

    Sometimes You Just Need to Pick Yourself Up and Carry On… Don’t Wait for Others

    Preface: The Journey Begins

    Part One

    Social Convictions Analogy

    What Do You Do When Your Clients Misunderstand the Name of Your Property?

    1: The First Stage

    2: The Final Stage: Give a Rating

    3: The Release, User Manual, Updates, and Customer Service Crew

    The Documentary Movie

    Spiritually Inactive Human

    Have I Served My Customers Properly?

    How Do Contemporary Believers Analyze Abraham’s Story?

    Part Two

    Excite the Angels as Abraham Excited Them

    Option 1: Contemporary Judaism

    Option 2: Contemporary Christianity

    Option 3: Contemporary Islam

    The Curse of Pronouns

    Bullets of Mercy

    Summary of What I Have Achieved So Far

    Alice and Her Group: The Similarity between the No Problem Believers’ Gods and Alice, the Bitch

    The Social Maturation Station

    Still, I Have to Be Thankful for That Old Man’s Lesson

    Part Three

    At the Beginning: The Story of the Human Race and Its Creator

    Why Has That Status Been Imposed on Humans?

    The Angels Objected to the Creator’s Decision

    The Creator Does Not Have a Twitter Account… You Have a Brain

    Do Not Bully Me with Your Explanations; I Did Not Bully You

    Misinterpretation of the Social Maturation Stations and Other Things

    Carl Sagan’s Social Maturation Station

    Comments in Carl Sagan’s Social Maturation Station

    My Fantasy vs. the Creator’s Fantasy

    A Message to Those Who Didn’t Heed What I Wrote on the Cover of the Book

    A Meeting between a Member of the Scientific Service Crew and the Creator

    The Social Constant for Intervention: Why Does the Creator Engage Himself in Humanity’s Social Life?

    Biological Atheism Is Not a Faith or a Different Kind of Belief System

    Part Four

    The Story of Adam

    Comments on Adam’s Story

    Satan’s Policy in Spoiling the Social Coherence of Humans’ Social Lives

    Don’t Mix Wrong and Sin

    Primitive Societies Are Restaurants That Serve Garbage

    Monkeys Are Important for Humanity

    The Template for the Social Atheist Notification and the New Religion! Commandments

    Part Five

    Jesus: What Was Going On with You, Buddy?

    Mary and Joseph: The New Baby Shall Not Spoil Your Love

    Jesus Grew Up Like Any Normal Kid

    Jesus’s First Conversation with the Creator

    How the Filthy Jews Reacted to Jesus

    Filthy Romans Asked, Where Will We Go with Our Beloved Coins?

    A New Rationality and a New Challenge for Satan

    What the Angel Told Mary Came True

    Part Six

    Everything Is a Question of Expressing Yourself, So Do It Correctly

    When I Admire Biological Atheists

    When I Don’t Admire Biological Atheists…

    Until They Put the Verb Like before the Verb Believe

    Contemporary Spiritual Service Crews

    Hell: Who Will You Take with You, Satan?

    The Creator’s Feelings Are a Forbidden Area; Hell Is the Creator’s Agnostic Masterpiece

    Your Safety Comes First

    Dedication… to My Little Kids

    The Workshop of Idiots and the Filthy: The Islamic Fata Morgana

    What Is the Solution?

    The Likable and the Unlikable While Living among Contemporary Muslims

    Straightforwardness and Clarity

    The Enforcement Aspect

    Children Have to Decide for Themselves

    Glossary of New Terms


    Author Bio

    About the Author

    People’s current intellectual trends and interests, which are derived from their definitions of wisdom, are often related to personal freedom. I do not find pleasure in debating these issues. I am usually content with observation. I consider this better for me and more pleasurable. Why should I cause headaches for others, whether the person in question is an atheist, a contemporary Muslim, a contemporary Jew, or a contemporary Christian? The issue is simply a matter of self-expression, and people are free to choose how to express themselves. Regardless of the situation, changing someone’s social conviction must not be a task on my to-do list is what I tell myself every time I feel the desire to humiliate someone’s ego by asking him, How does your social conviction work with you? Are you OK with that? In some cases, it is better for a person to be careless with people’s ignorance. I never wanted to write a controversial book that discussed people’s thoughts, touched their symbols, and changed their views toward life until writing such a book became a question of fulfilling a personal obligation.

    Fourteen years ago, I decided to change my lifestyle. I said to myself, Enough, man! Try to find some way to change yourself. Live your life and stop caring about what others think. No one wants you to think on their behalf… People are happy with their minds. Why would you do their homework for them? The next thing I did was decide to start a new family! That was the biggest, but most fortunate, mistake of my life, so here I am, paying for that mistake by writing this book.

    Nevertheless, you, dear reader, are invited to join me while I pay my bill. First of all, let me tell you about my qualifications. The one I feel most proud of is simply being human! Another qualification, which might not be clear to the reader unless you read the book, is the fact that I am an expert in social maturation stations and no problem believers’ affairs.

    In terms of my intellectual leaning, I would like to state clearly that I am not an atheist. At the same time, I’m not a believer or an agnostic. I am a complicated mixture of believer and atheist. Truthfully, complicated mixture of believer and atheist doesn’t actually have any real meaning. Therefore, in an attempt to remove the boundaries of communication in this book, the reader may consider me an atheist but one who follows a specific style of atheism. I call this style social atheism, and it will be the basis of many arguments presented in this book.

    Who Should Read This Book?

    Although I am captivated by the wisdom and intelligence of contemporary believers, I do not recommend that contemporary believers read this book. In fact, out of sincerity and honesty, I found myself obligated to write the following on the cover of this book: The contents of this book are not appropriate for contemporary Muslims, Christians, or Jews. A contemporary believer will not be able to comprehend this book or feel any joy by reading it. I recognize that it’s slightly unusual to tell a large group of people not to read your book, but I believe that should be the case when its content is inappropriate for certain people. We follow this etiquette in our TV shows by displaying ratings such as PG, PG-13, 18+, etc., before a show, so why not apply the same policy to books?

    This book is the first piece of a longer series, which is intended primarily for people I view with admiration: atheists. Let contemporary believers live in their rosy imaginary world. My atheist friends hate them and are no longer able to tolerate their words and actions. They are convinced that believers are the source of all evil, and I agree with them.

    Sometimes You Just Need to Pick Yourself Up and

    Carry On… Don’t Wait for Others

    Dear atheist, please don’t think that the only thing separating you from heaven is writing down your name on the notification slip that you will find in this book. Don’t be silly! I don’t know if there’s even a heaven in the first place. Anyhow, although I don’t have a ticket to heaven, I should admit that this is not exactly the same case with other people. Some people do have tickets! Or to be more precise, some people have semi-tickets (notification slips). Let me clarify what I mean by semi-tickets. I want to briefly describe to you what is truly happening in life. I’m sure you are familiar with what idiotic contemporary spiritual service crews do. Each spiritual service crew from each contemporary religion distributes notifications slips to collect a ticket to ordinary believers. This notification is printed on letterhead indicating, in bold letters to emphasize their wisdom, the name of the godhead system from which the prospective ticket receiver has come. Then, there, in a world that some people call the afterlife and that I do not know anything about, each believer will receive his ticket. Throughout this book, I will refer to the afterlife as there.

    The following is what the notification for believers of Contemporary Religion 1 looks like.

    Notification to Collect a Ticket

    Name of Religion: Religion 1

    Name of Bearer: _______________

    Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY

    Spiritual Service Crew’s Comments: The bearer of the notification was a good human. He listened closely to us. The believer named above was completely confident and supportive of the way his God expressed his love and wisdom.


    For Official Use Only: God will grant the bearer of this notification a ticket.

    This is what the notification for contemporary believers of Contemporary Religion 2 looks like.

    Notification to Collect a Ticket

    Name of Religion: Religion 2

    Name of Bearer: _______________

    Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY

    Spiritual Service Crew’s Comments: The bearer of the notification was a good human. He listened closely to us. The believer named above was completely confident and supportive of the way his God expressed his love and wisdom.


    For Official Use Only: God will grant the bearer of this notification a ticket.

    This is what the notification for contemporary believers of Contemporary Religion 3 looks like.

    Notification to Collect a Ticket

    Name of Religion: Religion 3

    Name of Bearer: _______________

    Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY

    Spiritual Service Crew’s Comments: The bearer of the notification was a good human. He listened closely to us. The believer named above was completely confident and supportive of the way his God expressed his love and wisdom.


    For Official Use Only: God will grant the bearer of this notification a ticket.

    Do you now see, my atheist friend, how busy the gods there with the distribution of tickets to contemporary believers? Everything seems perfect; supernatural powers are jogging around, notifications to collect tickets are being given out, and wise believers fully accept the way their God expresses his love and wisdom. For them, it is only a matter of time before they get a ticket.

    However, I’m sad because you, my atheist friend, are an exception to this situation. You do not have a notification slip to collect a ticket, nor will the crew of any contemporary spiritual service agree to give you such a notification unless you admit that you are totally convinced by, and like, the way their God expresses his love and wisdom. Why do you need to like something that you aren’t able to like? Why do you need to accept something that seems unreasonable and unlikable to you? I don’t think that any human should be forced to like something that he is unable to like. Additionally, you, as an atheist, and I, as an author who wants to gradually present an idea to you, do not acknowledge the probability of more than a 0.0001 percent chance of a Creator’s existence in the first place.

    However, the question remains: Despite that very low probability of 0.0001 percent, if there ended up being a Creator, how would you earn a ticket? I know that you consider the ticket collection event to be highly improbable, but don’t forget that anything is possible. Think about it: if you cannot accept that it’s actually possible, albeit highly improbable, for a Creator to exist, then how can you justify your belief that the first living cell on earth was formed from scattered chemical components? What were the chances of that happening? Also highly improbable.

    I promise that I will not speak to you in this book as foul believers usually do. I know that you are tired of people insisting that you believe humans and dinosaurs lived together on earth or that the universe is only ten thousand years old. In fact, I admire your knowledge, confidence, and appreciation of scientific findings.

    However, as I stated, being a human with a passionate dislike for contemporary religions, I want to put you in the place that you really deserve. It is true that contemporary believers hate you because you don’t like the way their God expresses his love and wisdom to faithful believers, but I don’t see that as a reason to lose your chance to win a ticket. This book will attempt to show you a way to earn a ticket. It is a shame that contemporary believers are able to look at you and maintain such absolute selfishness in their minds. Should those selfish people really enjoy heaven while you are left behind without any hope?

    You are lucky, my atheist friend, because I’ve found a way for you to get a unique notification slip to collect a ticket even though you do not like, or accept, the ideas and beliefs of contemporary religions. This notification is based on a very interesting story found in some of the holy books that are carried by millions of people who are unable to understand them. However, before offering you the notification slip to write your name on, you need to truly understand what it means. After you have gained the necessary knowledge, you can then decide whether using it will be beneficial. This notification is titled with an atheistic letterhead, but it is a social variety of atheistic thinking or reasoning. Obviously, you need to learn more about this new notification slip and can do so by reading this book. At this stage, your notification slip, which may grant you a ticket to heaven, if there is such a place, looks like this:

    Notification to Collect a Ticket

    Name of Religion: Social atheist (was not part of any contemporary religion but is still asking for a ticket)

    Name of Bearer: Listen, it is not important what my name is. I was living with very little belief that a Creator exists, but I heard the story of someone called Abraham. I admired Abraham’s reaction toward how his God expressed his love and wisdom. I assumed that Abraham was the Father of Atheism. My opinion was, rather than going there without a notification slip, that I could hold this notification in case I meet someone in charge. Maybe it would help me collect a ticket. I was a good person. I have a police clearance certificate. I didn’t expect to be here. I completely believed in natural selection, not intelligent design. I’m so surprised!


    For Official Use… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    For the atheist reader’s benefit, I will explain through this book what the Official Use section, which I left empty, will entail. I will discuss the strategy to get a ticket without following any contemporary religion. Yes, I am proposing a notice to collect a ticket for an atheist, regardless of whether believers agree or disagree with this notification. I have a good heart and cannot stand to see someone going there without some sort of backup plan; it isn’t a good idea.

    However, I would like to remind you, dear atheist, that this book is also an invitation for you to abandon a certain branch of atheism that I call biological atheism and, instead, follow the socially atheistic branch. Some elements of this book may make it seem like I’m insulting or humiliating your intellect, but when you feel that way—and you will—remember that I took this approach to save you from a filthy way of thinking that dominates and monitors you but doesn’t value you. I want to introduce you to a branch of atheism where you will be valued and respected far more. In the end, your personal definition of self-esteem will decide which branch you choose to embrace.


    The Journey Begins

    Atheists express their rage against God, although in their view he does not exist.

    —C. S. Lewis (1898–1963)

    Four thousand years ago, the being believers call the Creator or God announced an emergency status in heaven. All of the angels were asked to gather in a stadium and watch a huge digital screen showing a particular human on earth.

    Creator, I have amazing news, announced Angel K. One human said, ‘I do not like this.’

    I know. How many times do I have to tell you that I am all-knowing? replied the Creator. That’s why I announced this emergency meeting. I instruct all the angels to watch this human until the end, the Creator ordered.

    Creator, what should we do now? Will you allow me to go down and help this human? asked Angel H.

    No, Creator, do not let Angel H go to earth. Let us wait until the human examines all the options available to him. Let’s make sure that this human really deserves to be humanity’s role model, pleaded Angel K.

    You’re right, Angel K. I want to wait until the human observes all the other options available to him. No angel is allowed to leave the stadium until the last option has been observed by the human! the Creator commanded.

    All the angels in the upper world obeyed and remained in the stadium, waiting patiently for the human to examine the next three options.

    I do not think this human is going to say, ‘I do not like this,’ again. The star will seem like a good alternative to him, Angel D said to Angel L.

    Time passed, and the angels continued to observe the man’s actions.

    Look, he is bowing down to the star. I told you that he was going to fail. Humans are failures when it comes to expressing their feelings honestly and wisely, Angel D said and laughed.

    Wait, do not judge the human yet. He needs time to assess his feelings, Angel L argued calmly.

    After a while, all the angels leaped up from their seats, cheering, Hooray! The human said, ‘I do not like this,’ again. This is not a human. This must be an alien. What a brave man he is!

    After the initial excitement dwindled, the angels turned their attention back to the screen and continued to watch how the human was going to react to the second option.

    This time, the Creator’s love is greater, so I do not think the human will say, ‘I do not like this,’ again. I’m sure he will find some way to persuade himself, Angel D said to Angel L.

    More time passed.

    Look, he is bowing to the moon. I told you that he was going to fail, Angel D said triumphantly to Angel L as they continued to watch the human.

    Wait, don’t judge him yet. Give him enough time to properly assess his feelings, replied Angel L hopefully.

    Eventually, all the angels once again jumped up from their seats and applauded. Hooray! The human said, ‘I do not like this,’ again. This is not a human. This must be some sort of mutant. He has the critical mind that we’ve been waiting for.

    The angels returned their attention to the screen to see how the human would treat the third option.

    This time, the Creator’s love is hotter and appears only during the day, not at night. I do not think the human will say, ‘I do not like this,’ again. I’m sure the human will persuade himself, Angel D said to Angel L.

    Time passed, and the angels continued their silent observation.

    Look, he is glorifying the sun. I told you that he was going to fail, Angel D said to Angel L.

    Keep waiting. Don’t judge the human prematurely. He needs time to assess his feelings, Angel L said confidently.

    As with the first two options, all the angels eventually jumped up from their seats, saying, Hooray! The human said, ‘I do not like this,’ again. This is not a normal human. This is definitely a mutation. I didn’t think humans could be sensitive to that degree!

    What should I do now? Will you send me to this human, Creator? asked Angel H.

    Yes. Now he has proven that he is an appropriate role model for humans! the Creator said with a smile.

    What should I tell the human? Angel H asked.

    Say to him, ‘Your Creator, whom you challenged and felt angry with, would like to thank you for being honest about your feelings. Your Creator appreciates these feelings and asks that you never deceive yourself. You are being given the chance to be humanity’s role model,’ replied the Creator.

    Now what was that fictional story about? Who was the human that instigated such an uproar in heaven and held the attention of all the angels with his behavior? Could this story be useful for modern atheists? In this book, I hope to answer these questions. I will also explain the previous story in greater detail and expand upon its significance.

    You may have thought that the title of this book was a bit strange, right? Could it be true that Abraham was an atheist? How has this fact gone unnoticed for so many years? What’s wrong with the clerics of the three Abrahamic religions? (I will refer to such clerics as spiritual service crews for the remainder of the book.) Why are atheists not informed about the different classifications of atheism? Why are atheists unaware of the truth about Abraham? Why do spiritual service crews not tell atheists that, according to the golden rule of wisdom, which commands us to put the verb like before believe when talking about ourselves, Abraham could be compared to someone such as Steven Weinberg?¹ I am aware that there are a number of differences between Abraham and Steven Weinberg, but there are also numerous similarities. Are all contemporary spiritual service crews hypocritical? The manner in which believers judge atheists is certainly unfair! It is not only unfair to the atheist but also to Abraham himself. I assume that the reader would like to know what these similarities and differences are. However, I must ask the reader to be patient and keep his curiosity under control until I finish explaining a few introductory points.


    Social Convictions Analogy

    What Do You Do When Your Clients Misunderstand the Name of Your Property?

    Two ladies decided to go shopping. Both entered a shop named Abraham for Selling Ladies’ Bags. Out of the many colors available in the shop, one lady picked up a red bag, while the other picked a brown one. To better understand his customers’ motivations, the shop owner decided to talk to them about the reason for their color choices.

    As the ladies paid for their purchases at the cash register, the owner asked them to tell him why they chose the colors they had.

    One answered with confidence, I must choose red because this is a hair salon.

    The other said with just as much confidence, I must choose brown because this is a garment shop.

    The owner was shocked when he heard their answers. He went outside the shop and examined the name on the sign. Then he came back inside.

    Ladies, I appreciate your feedback, but my shop’s name, as the sign says, is Abraham for Selling Ladies’ Bags, the owner said.

    Well, can you defend your shop’s name? they asked.

    Yes, of course. I have a useful documentary movie for you, replied the owner. He then went into his office and came back with a DVD and put it into a DVD player. It was a movie depicting a lady, much like them, waking up on a weekend morning and going out for an interesting shopping day. First, the woman prepared to leave; she took a refreshing shower, applied makeup, and so on. Then she called a taxi to take her to a shopping mall. She went into a hair salon and had a short chat with the barber. While she was sitting in the chair, the woman asked the barber questions such as What are the services provided by this shop? and Can I buy a handbag from this shop? Through this conversation, the actress was able to assist the two ladies, the audience, in understanding the main service a hair salon provides and why hair salons don’t carry ladies’ bags.

    Then the movie showed the same woman going into a garment shop. As she tried to find the best-size garment that fit her, she had a brief chat with the salesperson in the shop. She also asked some questions about the garment shop, including What do you sell in this shop? and Can I buy a handbag from this shop? Finally, she asked, Can you recommend a good handbag shop for me?

    The last part of the movie showed the woman entering the same bag shop the ladies were currently in. Moving from one display to another, she asked the owner questions such as May I cut my hair in this shop, and if not, why? She selected a handbag and paid for it. Pretending that she had changed her mind, she came back an hour later to replace it with a different color. (It is a strange thing that the owner keeps such a DVD in his office. It seems as if he knew that the two weird ladies would visit his shop.) This second trip helped both ladies exclude the word must when it’s not appropriate. I guess using the word must when the owner asked them about the reason for their choices was a bit odd. Why should a person use must when something is a matter of personal taste, like the color of a bag? Other words such as like or prefer are more appropriate in these kinds of situations. After the two women finished watching the short movie, they called the owner of the shop the best customer service provider.

    Like that shop owner, I want readers to give me the title of best customer service provider. Unfortunately, unlike the shop owner, I don’t have a DVD or a movie to demonstrate my point. That’s why my documentary movie must be presented in words. In order to describe the movie clearly, I need to simplify people’s journeys from childhood to the moment when they become totally convinced of something by not delving into the details of what happens in between or whether the conclusions they have made are right or wrong. Whether you are a believer or an atheist, at the end of the day, you’re convinced of something. Simplifying the journey will allow the actor in my movie to start his shopping day with an activity that the reader is familiar with. (I will mention the actor starring in my documentary movie later.) In order to achieve this goal, I had to borrow one popular activity, installing and uninstalling mobile applications, from daily life and use it as a metaphor. I need the movie to be full of excitement and action. Hopefully, this will improve my customers’ differentiation skills in much the same way the shop owner educated the ladies.

    I’m assuming that the reader knows what a smartphone is, so you will be aware of apps and app stores where they can be downloaded. However, this analogy talks about a unique smartphone. Consider it the first gift that any parents in the world could give to their beloved baby.

    In order for Mom and Dad to be able to call it a real smartphone, rather than just a toy from a store, a particular app has to be installed. However, the app that Mom and Dad must install has to be installed from a particular store because they can’t find the app in the Apple Store or the Google Store. This app has to be downloaded through a unique store called the Booble Store, an amazing and popular store. In the past, people called it the Supernatural Powers Marketplace, but recently, since Charles Darwin’s trip and subsequent revelations, some people have begun to call it the Market of How to Make Life Better and More Meaningful.

    Let’s take a closer look at what will happen during the installation process for this unique app.

    1: The First Stage

    This is what happens in the first moments before giving a baby this unique smartphone. Mom is screaming from pain in the delivery room, while Dad and other family and friends are outside in the waiting room. Dad is holding the smartphone required to install the religious application that the baby will need.

    1-1: Search Criteria. I recently read an article from the British Daily Mail Online newspaper, which stated that according to a US study, atheists tend to be more intelligent than religious people.² I continued digging into research and found a number of other studies that also support this claim. However, despite such studies, which atheists are proud of, most parents still install this app for their baby, as if they are doing a favor for their child. However, while religious people try to find explanations for the results of these unpleasant studies, I will put the app that parents are going to install in the baby’s unique smartphone under the spiritual services category. To continue, we must first answer the question, what exactly are these major religions? They are spiritual services; their function is to serve people spiritually and enable them to feel safe and wise every time they go to a cemetery and leave with one less person than they started out with. Religions allow people to feel wise and safe because believers are under the protection of a wise and loving supernatural power.

    1-2: Options. When Dad searches in his typical smartphone for a social app, he will be bombarded with many options, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other apps available from the Google or Apple Store. However, when searching for a spiritual service app in the Booble Store, Dad actually finds no options. Or we shall say that Mom and Dad cannot find another supernatural power to submit their baby to who is better than their wise and loving supernatural power. It is assumed that parents will not recommend a supernatural power other than their perfect God for their baby because they are confident that their supernatural power is the true God and that life can’t be wonderful, meaningful, or amazing without believing in their God.

    1-3: Installing in the Mind. After the only option (a godhead system) is located, Mom and Dad tap the install button to start installing the unique app. Once the installation finishes, they put a necklace with this unique smartphone, installed with the spiritual app, around the baby’s neck. Of course, no newborns will be able to download this app. However, the point is that how this baby will serve himself spiritually after he grows up and sees people going to cemeteries and coming back with one less person has already been decided on his behalf. At this point, some sort of relationship between the baby and a supernatural power has been established and will begin to develop.

    Mom and Dad’s role does not stop at deciding the chosen religion for their baby. They should also supervise the baby’s progress. The baby has to develop feelings of love for the assigned supernatural power. But how will these feelings of love be instilled in the baby’s mind when the baby has no prior knowledge of anything? The answer is easy: parents will exploit the baby’s ability to learn and begin teaching their baby, step-by-step as he grows, the things that prove how wise and loving their supernatural power is. Parents will start to tell the little boy what I call spiritual love stories. These stories discuss the ways in which the supernatural power has expressed his love to his worshippers in the past. For example, ask a contemporary Christian, What is your spiritual love story? How do you think your God was successful in making life better and more meaningful? and the contemporary Christian will answer you by saying, The sacrifice… he died for me. Similarly, if you ask a contemporary Jew, What is your spiritual love story? How do you think your God was successful in making life better and more meaningful? he will answer you by saying, The chosen tribe… he chose me. Finally, ask a contemporary Muslim, and he will start to tell you his love stories. Of course, every contemporary believer from a religion (or with a social conviction) has love stories to share. Their answers reflect that Mom and Dad have done their job and fulfilled their responsibilities toward their baby.

    2: The Final Stage: Give a Rating

    Eventually, it is the baby’s turn to express himself. At this stage, the baby is no longer a completely dependent child. The baby becomes a mature human who is able to express himself in a wide range of situations. At this concrete stage where a human becomes intellectually independent, the Booble Store sends the first give a rating message. The purpose of this message is to ask the mature human, who has had no control over what Mom and Dad believe and has had no choice in learning how their God expresses his love and wisdom, to independently decide whether he is satisfied with how their God expresses his love and wisdom. This message comes in the form of a simple question: Dear user of the Booble Store’s app, according to what you have heard and seen, do you like how this God expresses his love and wisdom to you?

    This message resembles the one we receive on our typical smartphones from the releasers or providers of our typical apps. Standard app releasers send this message to ensure that users are satisfied with the service being provided. However, while a typical app’s give a rating message consists of five stars, the message sent by the Booble Store has only one star. The user of the Booble Store’s app should tap the star if he likes how the God expresses his love and wisdom. If he does not like the treatment, the user can uninstall the app.

    According to what has been observed, humanity is divided at this stage into two groups: the agreeable and the disagreeable.

    2-1: The Agreeable (New User [Customer] Is Welcome). Yes, I like what is being imposed on me… Thank you, God. I like how you express your love and wisdom. I do not mind awarding you a socially influential definition as a wise God. Clearly, this answer means that the user has tapped on the star in the Booble Store’s give a rating message.

    Congratulations! Those app users who tapped on the star have become real believers who are totally convinced. The new real believer is going to read the spiritual love stories about the supernatural power that was imposed on him with affection and will begin to view his world accordingly, trying to understand the current interests of his supernatural power in order to fulfill them. Certainly, the new believer should try—as much as he can—to fulfill his God’s interests because life will only be better through such action.

    Dear atheist friends, think of the believer as a car; his supernatural power’s current interests resemble the hand that grips that steering wheel and turns it right or left. I am telling you this because whenever you see a contemporary believer who has difficulty with car insurance companies, don’t blame the companies if they have decided to increase the believer’s premium. The car probably had many collision reports. That is why you see some people in the United States and other countries preferring someone other than a faithful president; instead, they prefer a president with as little sincerity as possible to make sure that his grip on the steering wheel is not too strong.

    2-2: The Disagreeable. No! I did not like my experience. I am totally unconvinced and unsatisfied. Clearly, this answer means that the user has not tapped on the star in the Booble Store’s give a rating message. Hence, this person decided to uninstall the app, declaring that he is no longer interested in keeping the spiritual app that had previously been downloaded by Mom and Dad due to their low IQ scores. This message receiver has refused to be a car steered by the supernatural power’s hand. Consequently, the user does not want to affectionately read his parents’ spiritual love stories and does not want to praise their supernatural power by giving the being a socially influential definition.

    Because the user uninstalled the spiritual app, every believer in the community scoffs at him, shouting, Hey atheist! How dare you dislike our app? How dare you refuse our spiritual love stories through which our supernatural power proves that he is loving and wise? Do you not want a notification to collect a ticket? Well, fine! Get lost! Unfortunately, some members of spiritual service crews begin to criticize those who uninstall the app in this manner. For example, C. S. Lewis scoffed at those who chose to uninstall the religious app by saying, Atheists express their rage against God, although in their view he does not exist.

    We have finally reached the stage in this book where I will present my personal definition of atheism: Atheism is specific logic accrued through observation that leads people to refuse the religious convictions imposed on them.

    3: The Release, User Manual, Updates, and Customer Service Crew

    The Booble Store controls the lives of most people, and most people are happy with the store or are at least happy with how the store deals with and handles them. Now, dear atheist who refused to tap on the star, allow me to take you on a tour and tell you more about the Booble Store.

    3-1: The Release: Types, History, and Circumstances. The good thing about the Booble Store is that it is impartial and always open. The Booble Store does not restrict any person who would like to promote his thoughts and ideas. From the time people were able to use their brains and independently decided on the best way to make life better and more meaningful, the Booble Store clearly declared, Everyone is welcome. This is the Booble Store’s motto. Since then, the Booble Store has carried endless stocks of religion after religion and philosophy after philosophy.

    According to what I have observed, the following are the types of social convictions as well as their associated criteria that are available from the Booble Store for people who want to feel wise, smart, and convinced.

    1. Noncelestial or Nonangelic: There is no trace of angels in a given story. For example, there is no trace of the so-called angels Gabriel or Michael. In other words, revealed wisdom, as we called it, does not exist. An enlightened man came up with an idea about how to make life better and more meaningful all by himself. Then this enlightened man uploaded his app to the Booble Store so that people could download it. In my opinion, Buddhism is one of the best examples of this type of release.

    2. Celestial or Angelic: The releaser in the Booble Store is the supernatural power himself. People refer to this supernatural power as the Creator. The Creator released the spiritual app to express, but not necessarily impose, his wisdom. Unfortunately, because the Creator prefers to stay in the shadows (unseen or invisible), he assigns an angel to contact a special human. Then the anointed human has to contact other people and deliver the revealed message. I will call the anointed

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