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There Are Seven Houses on My Street: A Child’S View on Religions
There Are Seven Houses on My Street: A Child’S View on Religions
There Are Seven Houses on My Street: A Child’S View on Religions
Ebook29 pages10 minutes

There Are Seven Houses on My Street: A Child’S View on Religions

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A little boy explains seven different religions or philosophies practiced by the children on his street. The main character, Ron, has a father who is agnostic. Other houses on the street include Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Islam, and New Thought. Despite the various beliefs represented, the children all enjoy playing together. The book depicts a fictional street, which is a microcosm of the world. The authors hope to promote tolerance and understanding on the subject of religious beliefs for both children and adults.
Release dateSep 24, 2014
There Are Seven Houses on My Street: A Child’S View on Religions

Anise Flowers

This is the second book by Anise Flowers and Ron Flowers, a father and daughter writing team. Their first book is titled There are Seven Houses on My Street: A Child's View of Religions. Anise Flowers, Ph.D. is a Clinical Child Psychologist. She learned about meditation and mindfulness from her father while growing up in Arkansas. Anise also writes puppet shows which teach children and adults about metaphysics and New Thought. She has a blog about child development and parenting called Parent Joy & Woe. Anise lives in The Woodlands, TX with her sons, Tucker and Parker; and their dogs, Lucy and Poppy. For more of her writing visit Anise's blogs at Ron is extremely well-read in world religions and scientific theories. He is a retired scientist and long-time follower of Eastern religions. Ron primarily describes himself as a Buddhist. He has published two other books, What Is? and Fingers Pointing, Birds Singing. Ron has lived in Mountain Home, Arkansas for forty years and currently resides there with his two dogs, Midge and Caramel. For more about their publications visit

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    There Are Seven Houses on My Street - Anise Flowers

    2014 Ron Flowers and Anise Flowers. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 10/10/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-3834-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-3835-0 (e)

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    In memory of April,

    the Mama Flower,

    and her love of children.


    My name is Ron.

    And I want to tell you

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