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Spiritual Inspirations: Promise of Tomorrow
Spiritual Inspirations: Promise of Tomorrow
Spiritual Inspirations: Promise of Tomorrow
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Spiritual Inspirations: Promise of Tomorrow

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Spiritual Inspirations is a collection of Angel Messages Janet has received over the past fifteen years. Messages of Comfort and Guidance, has been created to help readers feel supported and comforted and at peace within their own heart. The Transformative Power of Love, is designed to develop readers feeling of empowerment as a spiritual being. Healer I AM, has been written to bring readers energy into alignment with their own powerful healing abilities. Meditations gives instructions on how to meditate and includes five guided meditations. May these messages both inspire and move you to see through the eyes of Spirit as we move forward upon our blessed journeys.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 19, 2015
Spiritual Inspirations: Promise of Tomorrow

Janet Fulli

Janet Fulli is a Reiki Master and Minister of Healing associated with Inner Quest Church in Georgia. Janet has been channeling messages from Angels for the past fifteen years and has studied metaphysics, healing, the New Testament, the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ, color therapy, psychic development, and meditation.

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    Spiritual Inspirations - Janet Fulli

    Copyright © 2015 Janet Fulli.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-2971-2 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-2972-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015904118

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/15/2015



    Messages of Guidance, Comfort and Peace

    Images of Thought

    Heavens Just a Breath Away

    My Child

    The Garden is Aglow with Affirmation

    Stepping into Yourself

    Love Thyself


    Vacation from Stress

    In the Beginning …

    A Spark Once Ignited Seeks Expression

    I have Come to this Place to make it Better…


    Beautiful Winged Being of Light

    I Will See God in All Things

    Patient Surrender


    Take Notice


    Calming Waters

    The Day that Jesus the Christ was Born

    Today, there is Peace

    Our Support System

    In This Moment

    The Transformative Power of Love


    I Am


    Reflections of the Journey

    Your Personal Journey

    Divine Appointment

    The Process

    Force versus Float

    The Creation is … God’s Graceful Intuition Blossoming forth from Oneness.

    Determining Factor

    Entanglement …



    The Journey of a Child

    A Walk in the Garden


    Peace in My World



    The Beat of Your Heart

    Eternal Beings

    Creative Force

    Human today

    Expanded Expectations

    Healer I AM

    Being Clear and Protecting Yourself

    I Am the Temple


    The Power of Touch

    We are Born of Love

    Focus to Manifest

    These Hands

    Clear Thought


    An Invitation from a Friend


    Visions of Truth

    Welcome Holy Breath

    Similar In Faith Healing The Past

    Healing Our Past

    Flourishing – The Expansion of Vibrant Expression

    Feed on Love

    Welcome in the New Age

    Learning to Meditate

    Finding Yourself In The Light

    Forgiveness Comes From The Heart

    Earth Illuminations

    Love the Missing Pieces of Your Heart

    Transform the World


    A Star falls to Earth

    Together – A Meeting of Souls




    Amazing transformations and leaps in faith begin with a single thought, for one thought put forth into the ethers is powerful and quickly expands. As these messages are received through my consciousness from my Angels and Spiritual Friends, I truly feel connected and alive. It is my hope for all who read these inspirational messages to feel expanded in their own hearts.

    This book is dedicated to all Children of God. It is my prayer that our human experiences shower us with Love and Light and that our paths open up before us as we behold the glory of our Divinity.

    I thank all my Angels, Guides & Teachers for the inspiring & life-changing messages. Deganiweida, Jesus the Christ, Takawa, Vivian, Mary, Robert, Dorothy, Jessica, Joseph, Patrick, Cindy, Cheryl, Nan and many more whose presence in my world and in my heart have put me on my true path toward enlightenment.

    Namaste – The Christ in me Loves and acknowledges the Christ within each one of you.

    Love & Light,


    "I brought immortality to light and painted on the walls of time, a rainbow for the sons of men;

    and what I did all men shall do."

    Jesus the Christ, Aquarian Gospel 176:14

    "Behold, I am going to send an Angel before you

    to guide you on your way." Exodus 23:20


    Promise of Tomorrow

    What I wish to give to you,

    O my darling Ones

    Is a promise of tomorrow filled with dreams and fun.

    I wish to give you a world full of hope,

    a world where there is peace and love.

    Just like the one that waits for us up above.

    O, but there’s just one problem, and you know it’s true,

    Our world is what we make it, all of us and you.

    So before we can have the magic of a wish,

    We all must make a change, a promise to love.

    To help others grow, in body and in soul,

    To believe in peace and freedom,

    All throughout the globe.

    Tomorrow’s just a breath away, just one little day,

    But how many tomorrows must go by

    before we find our way?

    Do not put it off, no longer can it wait.

    Kindness is the way to love,

    so put forth your effort great.

    Learn to recognize & behold the wonders of this world,

    Find a way to make the wish come true,

    in just your own small way.

    The promise of tomorrow

    can somehow begin today!


    Communication comes in many forms – verbal, written, visual interpretation, intuition, and spiritual. It is my pleasure to present to you Messages received through intuitive and meditative moments from my Angels, Guides, and Teachers. Together we will explore the perceptions of many long held thoughts, honor them, and release them, as we consider the infinite possibilities yet to come for those in search of spiritual fulfillment and the evolution of soul. Each of our separate souls has a great history, and even in this one lifetime, there may be many opportunities for our perceptions to be altered as we grow spiritually. Each of us has an Angelic Team which supports us upon our great journey.

    Prior to the year 2000, I was teaching Sunday school in a Methodist Church on Long Island, New York. I had never questioned the beliefs I had been taught as a child. I didn’t know it at the time, but my world was about to change. Perhaps it was one of those times when God was trying to speak to me through quiet whispers and prophetic dreams, but the trouble was, I wasn’t listening, I didn’t even have a clue how.

    On Christmas Eve 1999, my Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. I started writing stories to my children about my Dad’s life. His childhood, and special times that he had shared with me. I wrote stories that my Dad had told me at bedtime when I was a child, stories about his childhood in foster homes on Staten Island and New York City. There was a story about a rooster named Coffeepot, who chased my Dad around the barn several times when he was a boy. I shared stories with my kids of my vacations with Dad. How we had walked across the swinging bridge on top of Grandfather’s Mountain, hiked to the top of the Smokies, and went fishing at Montauk Point. The stories flowed from my pen as if he were sitting right beside me dictating. This was the beginning of my spiritual path, although at the time, I hardly noticed.

    On December 9th, 2000, I sat holding Dad’s hand. I felt the presence of his Angels waiting for him, and his mother, whom he had not seen since he was seven years old. My Mom and I took turns sitting with him. I brought out his flute and played some songs, We told him that we would be ok if he needed to go to heaven. Time went by slowly and we got very tired. It was now December 10th. I remember wanting to stay by his side, but suddenly felt so sick. I didn’t understand what was happening to me, I had to go lay down. He was still sleeping peacefully. My Mom came in and woke me up just before 4 a.m. I was in a fog. A few moments later, I realized that the sick feeling had left me. I went in the room where my Dad was laying. Daddy had a smile on his face, and yes, he was gone. I had been afraid of death ever since I was a small child. But I wasn’t afraid now. Dad looked so perfectly content. Perhaps that was the way my soul was being prepared for the experiences that lay ahead. The groundwork had been laid and fear had been diminished. I welcomed the idea of communication with spirit.

    My Sunday school class at the Methodist church became a place where I could express how loving God is. Bright colors and encouraging words decorated the boards and the kids responded with glowing faces.

    I had a near death experience in the year 2000, which has forever changed the way I see myself. As I lay on the floor shaking uncontrollably, it seemed as if time stood still. My mind was in a fog, unable to see or hear. With my mind, I reached out to an endless void, I drifted away, and I found myself wandering in the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. The flowers were illuminated, glowing from within; each flower was humming a unique and heartwarming sound. There, before me at the water’s edge, was an astonishingly beautiful purple iris, its petals emanated light from a source deep within. I reached out to touch the crystal- clear water to discover that the water was alive with its own intelligence. Comfort and love flowed into my soul, giving me strength. It was amazing, my heart wanted to stay, to cherish this moment forever, this truly was the most loving feeling I

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