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Evil in the Swamp & Terror in Brooklyn
Evil in the Swamp & Terror in Brooklyn
Evil in the Swamp & Terror in Brooklyn
Ebook63 pages50 minutes

Evil in the Swamp & Terror in Brooklyn

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Evil In The Swamp

Evil in the Swamp takes place during the 1950s in Santurce, Puerto Rico. During this period, El Fangito, as it was called, was home to some of the poorest people on the island. It was rife with poverty, disease, crime and despair. Most of the people were indigent and had nowhere else to live. Some were so poor they could not afford even the lowest rents, some even built their own homes from scavenged items. To add to the misery of the people, the area was like a swamp.

Water flooded the entire area, making getting around difficult. Nonetheless people lived there under these conditions. This story centers on a young couple, an uneducated teenage girl who has just borne a baby girl, and the father of her baby, an abusive drunk. During this time machismo defined the lives of these people.

The men controlled the women and, the purse strings and did basically as they pleased. The women were at the mercy of these men. Such is the life of Awilda, who has no one to help her escape the brutality of her existence. Santeria and voodoo where practiced during this time, and because of lack of medical services people relied on healers and witches to cure them of illnesses and to avenge any perceived injustices. There were said to be many witches in the swamp community. One witch in particular was said to be the most powerful of all and was the most feared. Jose, the protagonist in the story, is a drunk and a bully.

One night Jose incurs the wrath of the evil witch and the entire community is terrorized as they witness her power and rage.

Terror in Brooklyn

This takes place in the mid- sixties and involves a young, single woman with a small daughter who has the ability to see the dead. She has had this ability since she was her daughters age, and though it has caused scary moments, she is totally unprepared for what happens when she moves into a new apartment with a dark history. People say sometimes places harbor evil if something evil has happened there. They say evil lurks where it is allowed to fester. The young mother realizes from the start that there is something there in the apartment, something not quite right, but because of her situation, her desperation to have her own place, she ignores the feelings that have warned her in the past to be on guard, to be aware of something. She has vivid dreams of being stalked and suffers attacks at the hands of something evil, something she cannot see. She is horrified when she finally sees what is after her, when she sees the entity that resides in her new home. The attacks on her become more violent as the evil entity seeks to destroy her until finally her life hangs in the balance. Will she survive?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 20, 2014
Evil in the Swamp & Terror in Brooklyn

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    Book preview

    Evil in the Swamp & Terror in Brooklyn - Eli Quinn

    This book is dedicated to

    Ana and Hilda for their love and support.


    Evil in the Swamp takes place during the 1950s in Santurce, Puerto Rico. During this period, El Fanguito as it was called, was home to some of the poorest people on the island. It was rife with poverty, disease, crime and despair. Most of the people were indigent and had nowhere else to live. Some were so poor they could not afford even the cheapest rents, therefore some of them built houses from scavenged items. To add to the misery of the people, the area was like a swamp.

    Water flooded the entire area, making getting around difficult. Nonetheless people lived there under these conditions. This story centers on a young couple, an uneducated teenage girl who has just borne a baby girl, and the father of her baby, an abusive drunk, who constantly beats her. During this time machismo defined the lives of these people.

    The men controlled the women and the purse strings and did basically as they pleased. The women were at the mercy of these men. Such is the life of Awilda, who has no one to help her escape the brutality of her existence. Santeria and voodoo were practiced during this time. And because of lack of medical services people went to healers and witches seeking cures for their ailments and to avenge any perceived injustices. There were said to be many witches in the swamp community. One in particular was said to be the most powerful and was feared most of all. People said she had brought death and misfortune to those who had angered her and had held the village in the grip of fear for many years. Jose, the protagonist in the story, incurs the wrath of the witch and the entire community is terrorized and witness to her power and rage.


    This takes place in the mid—sixties and involves a young, single woman with a small daughter who has the ability to see the dead. She has had this ability since she was her daughter’s’ age, and though it has caused scary moments, she is totally unprepared for what happens when she moves into a new apartment with a dark history. Sometimes people say places harbor evil if something evil has happened there. They say evil lurks where it is allowed to fester and there aren’t always answers as to why some are chosen to suffer and die. The young mother realized from the start that there was something there in the apartment, something not quite right, but because of her situation, her desperation to have her own place, she ignores the feelings that have warned her in the past to be on guard, to be aware of something. She has vivid dreams of being stalked and suffers attacks at the hands of something evil, something she cannot see. She is horrified when she finally sees what is after her, when she sees the entity that resides in her new home. The attacks on her become more frequent and more violent until she finds her life hanging in the balance. Will she survive in the end?



    It had been raining heavily all day long, flooding the swamp-like neighborhood known as El Fanguito, more than it usually was. Adding to the misery felt by its inhabitants, were the winds, strong, cold, howling winds that shook their cheaply built houses. Fortunately for them the storm that passed had not turned into a hurricane. For some unknown reason this night more so than any other night had a strange feel to it, an ominous feel. Maybe it had to do with tension the people felt about the storm they thought would create havoc in their midst or maybe it had to do with the moon which caused some to behave strangely. Few were brave enough to venture outdoors. Most stayed indoors seeking shelter and warmth from the rain and the winds. A full moon, big and luminous, emerged as the clouds floated away and the winds died down. All was peaceful in the village. Only the distant sounds of babies crying,

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