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Leaving a Legacy: Keys to Impacting Your World
Leaving a Legacy: Keys to Impacting Your World
Leaving a Legacy: Keys to Impacting Your World
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Leaving a Legacy: Keys to Impacting Your World

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About this ebook

In a simple but gripping manner, I.C. Nuel, pastor, teacher, and motivational speaker, shows us in Leaving a Legacy, the depths of divine deposits in all of us. God has loaded each one with boundless potential, he asserts. Each chapter is loaded with tested principles that can help you discover your sweet spot and leave a legacy for posterity. But these are not just principles. Leaving a Legacy is laden with practical insights from a man who discovered Gods purpose for his life at the tender age of six. Read this book with an open mind and enjoy the benefits of its transforming power for your life.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 12, 2014
Leaving a Legacy: Keys to Impacting Your World

I.C. Nuel

I.C. Nuel is an ordained minister of the gospel with a passion for setting people free from all kinds of bondages. Apart from a very impactful pastoral ministry, he is a certified coach with the John C. Maxwell team. He believes that knowledge is a dealmaker and bondage-breaker, and it is his passion to see that people discover their hidden power that has motivated this book.

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    Leaving a Legacy - I.C. Nuel

    Copyright © 2014 I.C.Nuel.


    Spreading the word of liberation

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 8/12/2014



    Chapter 1 Locating Your Assignment

    You didn’t just happen here! God had you in mind, and He has created you with an assignment. Discovering your assignment is the next most important question after salvation. You were born again for a purpose. It’s your responsibility to locate it.

    Chapter 2 Your Assignment Is Unique

    Just as no two human beings are the same, so are their assignments different. Comparing your gift, job or assignment with someone else’s depreciates your value for your potential. When you do not appreciate your gift you can’t develop and maximize it.

    Chapter 3 Fulfillment Is in Your Role

    The cause of frustration for many people is an acute lack of purpose. Many are suffering from institutionalized purposelessness. Understanding your purpose makes your assignment a delight and a source of fulfillment.

    Chapter 4 Getting Set for Your Assignment

    Nothing great just happens. The degree of your success is often a reflection of the degree of preparation. Preparation is a must if you desire to leave a legacy to your world. Your seed-gift is like raw material. Its value will not amount to much until it is developed through proper preparation. You will never emerge a star with unpracticed legs.

    Chapter 5 Taking Off

    The enormity of the task before you might instigate fears that will make take-off difficult and sometimes impossible. To begin is half done. Don’t wait for everything in your feasibility study to be made feasible before you take-off. Your dream or gift is a seed. If you understand the seed principle, you will appreciate your small beginnings.

    Chapter 6 Accomplishing Your Assignment

    God is more concerned with what you are becoming than what you were or what you are at the moment. If you are on your God-sent beat, then you have what it takes to accomplish the task no matter what you are seeing at the moment.

    Chapter 7 Locate Your Egyptian Boy

    There is no self-made man, every man that is made is made by God and some other man. You are not all-wise or all-able. You need someone with privileged knowledge or information to put you through in your chosen path. You need a meek and humble heart to learn from another person.

    Chapter 8 Releasing Your Potential

    Physical location or atmosphere affects the release and maximization of potential. No matter how good your starting point is, you must be sensitive enough to know when a change is necessary. Who you hang around with, your attitude to work and adverse situation are so crucial to your triumph.

    Chapter 9 Watch These Killers

    The fear of failure has kept many who would have made marks and leave a legacy to their world from trying. Prejudice can limit you and kill your potential. Procrastination is a thief of time. Negative orientations in the midst of adversity make the release of your potential difficult, and keep you bound to failure.

    Chapter 10 The Door vs Adversaries

    The ‘giants’ must always come around to taunt, discourage, distract and possibly destroy you. You must understand that whenever God gives you anything the devil or his agents must be out to contest it. You are to battle your way into your Canaan. If you are not prepared to fight the enemies in their various shapes and sizes, you have no guarantee of fulfilling your dream. Don’t take things for granted. Employ strategies to forestall the enemy.

    Chapter 11 The Pursuit of Excellence

    The demise of excellence has exalted mediocrity to the status of a modern god. The spirit of mediocrity is a wicked satanic spirit, because its purpose is to hinder man from attaining the best of God. But God by his spirit wants you to excel in every dimension of life. His name is excellent. God is excellent in His works. God requires everyone who relates with Him to exhibit this quality.

    Chapter 12 Talent Not Enough

    Every divine assignment requires the enabling of the Holy Spirit for any significant impact and success. He will not only teach you how to go about your assignment, he will guide you into the specific truth you need to succeed at every phase of your journey. Fresh energy for every new phase of your assignment is a product of the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit.

    Final Word


    To all members of Freedom Ministries International (… House of Freedom) who allowed me to release my potential as their pastor / teacher. Also to my wife Derby for encouraging me to maximize my potential for ministry; especially in the area of writing. I thank God for you all being part of my journey.


    Special thanks to staff of House of Freedom especially to Ade Agbonle who worked tirelessly to ensure the book came out in record time. May God richly bless you and empower you to also maximize your potential in the area of your calling.


    Perhaps you don’t even know it. You may never have imagined that you could be the one with the solution the world is waiting for. All around you are myriad problems seeking for solutions. You have the AIDS question, the environmental problem, the drug problem, the global economic question, and the alarming upsurge of gangs and secret cults among the youth. You see them all around you and perhaps have wondered why? Why?

    If you have asked that question, it may have been in frustration with the sordid state of things. Perhaps you even see yourself as part of the whole mess. But that is only partially true. The whole truth is that within your very self might be the solution to the nagging problems that confront you daily.

    As a pastor/counsellor, I have listened to countless number of people, the youths especially, tell stories of frustration, confusion, worthlessness and purposelessness. For many of them the desire to get some excitement out of life has led to mind boggling substance abuse. They squander much of

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