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A Mansion for Joseph
A Mansion for Joseph
A Mansion for Joseph
Ebook58 pages52 minutes

A Mansion for Joseph

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A Mansion for Joseph is a story about a man named Joseph Middleton, a rich and successful man in the Chicago area who owns one of the biggest law firms in Chicago. Joseph has a beautiful wife named Sara and two kids, Bradly and Lacy. He is a devoted husband and father. Joseph has a best friend, Robert Thomas, who is the president of a big bank in Chicago. Roberts wife name is Millie and they have three children: twin boys and one girl.

One day, Joseph has a dream about this beautiful mansion. Its the most beautiful mansion he has ever seen. Joseph now feels he must have the mansion he saw in his dream, feeling this mansion will showcase his wealth and success. His friend Robert and his wife are looking to buy a new home. Joseph and Robert can be very competitive, feeling they need to one-up each other without making it seem mean-spirited.

Robert and his wife find their new home, but Joseph has his dream again. Joseph feels this is the mansion he must have, but he cant find the right realtor to locate the one from his dream; until a chance meeting with a Mr. Jasper Hornsby, a realtor of a special kind dealing in priceless real estate. Not everyone can get into this exclusive community. Mr. Hornsby is sent to show Joseph the mansion he saw in his dream, but it comes at a price that Joseph doesnt realize he paid.

Release dateOct 20, 2014
A Mansion for Joseph

Joi Baldwin

My name is Joi Baldwin. I was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. I’m 49 years old. I have two children named Kelly, 19, and Lola, 12. I graduated from Barringer High School. I am currently living in North Carolina.

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    A Mansion for Joseph - Joi Baldwin

    Copyright © 2014 Joi Baldwin.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-0296-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-0297-5 (e)

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 10/20/2014



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13


    I would like to thank God, for calming my fears. I want to thank my mother Gypsy for all her support. Dorece and Wallace Bishop, thank you for your words of encouragement. Lola, Kelly, and Monique, and all my family members, thank you. ~Poopanelle


    This story is about a man named Mr. Joseph Middleton, who has worked hard his whole life. He owns his own successful law firm, to provide for his family his wife Sara Middleton and two kids, son Bradley and his daughter Lacey. Mr. Middleton has a friend named Robert Thomas who also has worked had to provide for his family. He is the president of a bank. Both men are loving husbands and good providers.

    They go to church every Sunday. So one day at Church, the preacher was having a sermon about material wealth on Earth that earthly possessions don’t compare to the ones in God’s house. The people in the church listened, but Joseph happened to notice a real estate booklet in Robert’s hand. Joseph was wondering why Robert was looking this booklet instead of listening to the sermon. The service is now over.

    Both families are leaving the church. Joseph stops Robert and says What is that real estate booklet you were looking at in the church? Robert says, Old Millie and I were thinking about buying a new home. Joseph says, Oh yeah. with an odd look on his face.

    Joseph and Robert are kind of rivals, but not in a sinister way. They are constantly trying to one up each other with material possessions. Yeah, Mille says we need more room. says Robert. The kids are getting bigger.

    Yeah, my family is growing too. said Joseph. They grow so fast these kids. Yes they do. says Robert. The men get into their cars with their families and drive off.


    Meanwhile in the car, Joseph says to his wife. What do you think of us buying a new house? Sara looks at him and says, Honey, you have provided us with a beautiful home. I love our house and our neighbors. Joseph looks at his children. What do you think of a big, new house? Bradly says, What about my friends? Lacy says, Yeah, mine too.

    Oh, you’ll make new ones. says Joseph. I don’t want new friends. said Bradly. Me either. says Lacy. Now kids calm down. We’re not moving. says Sara who is looking at her husband. Joseph continues driving.

    They reach their home. They get out of the car and go inside their home. Sara goes into the kitchen to prepare lunch for her family. Joseph comes into the kitchen and says, Honey, I think we should reconsider. What’s wrong with a new house? Nothing, but we don’t need one. says Sara. "We have the money.

    Why shouldn’t we have a better home? Even Robert and Mille are thinking of buying a new home. says Joseph. So that’s why you want a new house because of Robert? What is this thing between you and him? You two are always trying to outdo each other. He gets a new car; you go out and

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