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And God Has Given His Angels Charge over You
And God Has Given His Angels Charge over You
And God Has Given His Angels Charge over You
Ebook79 pages1 hour

And God Has Given His Angels Charge over You

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This is a testimony that will draw the reader into an incredible story of the creator rescuing a broken, shattered woman and her innocent baby by sending angels to her aid.

The woman spent endless days, weeks, and perhaps even months begging and praying to him to help her. While she believed in him, she didnt believe that he would help. There came a pivotal point in the story where hope seemed to die and she felt an acknowledgment from deep within that he didnt even exist at all. Truly at the end of her ropean angel appeared.

It will be hard to set the story aside because a sense of the creators love will entice you to see what he will do. She will be challenged to depend totally on the gentle whisper from within her

You will journey with herfrom a time in the past when a part of who she was seemed to die, to where the creator challenges her to let go and let him guide her into a new life. While the initial healings would total a five year period that was hard, tear-filled, and challenging, the majority of those things that had tormented her mind would be exposed and healed. Even more healings would come in her journey down the road to wholeness.

His provision on her behalf is truly awe-inspiring and will offer hope and encouragement to all. If he would rescue, forgive, and love her, how much more will he work in your life and the lives of others that reach out to him in time of need?

The creators love for each is unconditional! Truly seek him, and you will find his love actively working on your behalf as well.

To him be all the glory.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 11, 2015
And God Has Given His Angels Charge over You

Liz Jacobs

Liz Jacobs taught women’s Bible studies in homes and churches. She also led prayer workshops and served in many leadership positions in her church. President of a local international women’s ministry, she then went on to be an area director of that same ministry. There were many speaking engagements throughout her state of residence. She praises her creator for her life.

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    And God Has Given His Angels Charge over You - Liz Jacobs

    Copyright © 2015 Liz Jacobs.

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    Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture taken from the Authorized King James Bible

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-6855-4 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-6854-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015902113

    WestBow Press rev. date: 02/11/2015







    Chapter 1 Where Did It Begin?

    Chapter 2 Redeems Life

    Chapter 3 The Whisper

    Chapter 4 Fear

    Chapter 5 Beautiful

    Chapter 6 Angels

    Chapter 7 Crowns My Life



    In the midseventies, Barbara Swendiman, who was on the board of directors of a huge interfaith Bible study and assistant to the teacher, told me that while she was praying, the Lord put on her heart to tell me that I should write my story in a book. I was horrified and told her that English was my worst subject and that I could never write a book.

    She asked me to at least pray about it and see what would be put on my heart. Well, I did pray, telling the Lord that if this was of Him, to please give me five confirmations from sources who knew nothing about what she had told me because He knew I wasn’t a writer. By Thursday, four confirmations had come, and on Friday, our pastor brought the fifth one.

    Through the years I had tried many times to start writing my story, but after a few pages I would set it aside. After I had shared my testimony at several speaking engagements, many people offered to help me write a book. An evangelist in Phoenix even said she would like to ghostwrite it for me. I didn’t have peace at that time with the offers to help.

    My story is about the incredible mercy of my Creator and a love that was beyond my understanding. From earliest childhood my life was filled with fear. Right before I started high school, my parents told me I had to become just like my older sister in every way. I was to drop old friends and find new ones from better families, and enter into student government. I was to be happy and outgoing. I put on a false front to please my parents and others, and hid the part of me that had died inside.

    I carried this false front until my marriage, at which point it started crumbling at a rapid rate. This story shares when, how, and why I became mentally ill and seemed driven to kill our firstborn child. All I knew to do was pray, begging God to help me. I believed I was evil but didn’t know why. God seemed like a distant void out there somewhere who probably didn’t care about or hear me.

    I knew I didn’t deserve His help, but finally, as hope seemed to die inside of me, He moved, and His rescue changed my life forever. To me my story is an absolute miracle of His loving care for me and all of His children who desperately need His intervention in their lives. To Him be honor and glory.

    I prayerfully dedicate this to

    my Savior, Lord, and friend Jesus, in gratitude and love;

    my husband, Marvin, with my love;

    our four wonderful sons, the blessed inheritance God has given to us,

    who also forgave and loved me through;

    my aunt Myva, who served me as no other and prayed; and

    Barbara Schwendiman, who decades ago encouraged this work.

    May God bless each of you abundantly!

    Thank you.


    Uncontrollable rage consumed me as I reached the top of the stairs. I was unable to control or stop the force driving me forward. As I reached for the doorknob, peace flooded me. I sensed a presence behind me and whispered, I know you’re from heaven. Tell me what to do! A male voice answered …

    This story will chronicle my life as a young woman and how I crumbled mentally and emotionally. It focuses on the hurts, fears, and humiliations I faced on the road to destruction. I cried out and prayed to God, the Creator of the universe, which seemed to me an empty void.

    This is about my struggles against unseen forces and the desperation I felt in my inability to help myself or the baby that had been given to my husband and me. I had started to have uncontrolled rages that were directed at the baby. My personal story is graphic in its descriptions of fear, rage, depression, and judgments I had made in the past. I would spend endless hours looking back through the years of my life to find the reason or key for my becoming evil.

    Praying to God, begging for help, was all I could seem to do. To me He was in heaven caring for the whole world. I didn’t know if He heard me or not. I was brought up in church and truly believed in my heart of hearts that He was strict and punished people who sinned. I was evil and had obviously sinned, so perhaps there was nothing that could help me.

    One day when the crisis I

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