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You Are Your Own Destiny: Letting Go of the Stress and the Struggles of Everyday Life
You Are Your Own Destiny: Letting Go of the Stress and the Struggles of Everyday Life
You Are Your Own Destiny: Letting Go of the Stress and the Struggles of Everyday Life
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You Are Your Own Destiny: Letting Go of the Stress and the Struggles of Everyday Life

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Looking for a book with the power to jump start your life. Remove the stress and the struggles of everyday life and replace it with peace and inner happiness. You are your own Destiny is the essential guide to Emotional Wellness. Its one womans inspirational journey towards empowerment.
Learn how to harness the power of your emotions, open your mind to new possibilities and prepare to be the creator of your own destiny. Each powerful lesson will bring you one step closer to your lifes goal. No matter what your current situation is -there is always hope.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateDec 20, 2014
You Are Your Own Destiny: Letting Go of the Stress and the Struggles of Everyday Life

Leann Middlemass

With a background in teaching and ten years studying under Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Leann went on to become an advocate for teaching financial literacy. In her pursuit to help others Leann became a property consultant and an expert in buying property through a self managed super fund. In 2009 Leann suffered a near mental breakdown that would drastically alter the course her life was taking. How she fought back is detailed in her book, You are your own Destiny. Leann is now an advocate for teaching Emotional Wellness and shows others how to be the creator of their own Destiny using the tips and techniques she used in her own incredible journey.

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    You Are Your Own Destiny - Leann Middlemass

    Copyright © 2014 by Leann Middlemass.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2014920754

    ISBN:       Hardcover       978-1-4990-3348-9

           Softcover       978-1-4990-3350-2

           eBook       978-1-4990-3354-0

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    Rev. date: 12/09/2014








    Introduction: Sharon’s Story

    Chapter 1 Whatever happens in life is created by your own state of mind.-Rev Ike

    Chapter 2 Life is like a mirror-If you frown it will frown back. If you smile it will return your greeting.-Herbert Samuels

    Chapter 3 One should expect that the expected can be prevented, but the unexpected should have been expected.-Norman Ralph Augustine

    Chapter 4 High Emotions-Low intelligence-Blair singer

    Chapter 5 The definition of insanity:‘Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.’

    Chapter 6 When the student is ready the teacher will arrive.

    Chapter 7 You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.-Brian Tracey

    Chapter 8 Not everything that happens to you will be your fault but it must become your responsibility.-Jim Stynes

    Chapter 9 You cannot change your destination overnight but you can change the direction.

    Chapter 10 The way you shape your world is within your reach.

    About The Author


    For my soul mate Darren

    and our wonderful daughter Reece


    Marie and Jenny

    for allowing me to see the bigger picture.


    Life is all about the choices we make.


    YOU are your own DESTINY

    Have you ever experienced an emotional event in your life so catastrophic that you thought the only way to end your pain and suffering would be to end your life?

    I did in 2009 when my father passed away. It was not his actual death that triggered what I now call my ‘dark days’ but a series of events that happened afterwards opening many unresolved emotional issues from my past.

    As my emotional baggage came to the surface I started to struggle under its weight. I eventually went into meltdown mode and within weeks my life as I knew it simply ground to a halt. The worse thing was I felt like a bystander watching the demise of my own life and I couldn’t prevent it from happening.

    As hours passed into days I sank further into my comatose state, my pain and suffering eclipsed a scale so grand I thought the only way out would be to end my life.

    You are your own Destiny is how I fought back.

    I had to engage a new way of thinking to regain control of my life.

    Thankfully a good friend and mentor rang on a day when life was at its bleakest. She was embarking on a new program that was to transform my life in only a few short weeks. Most of her techniques were so simple anyone could use them.

    I then became a guru on Emotional Wellness implementing many of the techniques discussed in this book into my own life. Today I feel totally empowered, with my past no longer affecting my future and in the process I found the one thing I had been looking for my whole life and never knew was missing—inner happiness.

    When I started to share my story I was surprised at the amount of people who were also experiencing stress and struggles associated with everyday life. Many of their stories paralleled my own journey.

    Sharon whose story you about to read was once such person who like myself endured emotional heartache and suffering at the other end of extreme.

    I believed that if the tips and techniques I learnt could help her then they would be of value to anyone else looking to make changes within their own lives.

    Transformation is never easy but if you truly embrace ‘You are your own Destiny’ then anything is possible.

    —Leann Middlemass


    Sharon’s Story

    It’s not what happens to you—it’s how you perceive it that matters.

    I started life as an ordinary kid being raised in the western suburbs in Melbourne Australia. One of five children my parents worked hard just to make ends meet.

    Life had been quite simple up until I turned 12. That’s when my life took an unexpected turn and my parents got divorced.

    I was my dad’s favourite and being separated from him (mum was awarded custody of the children) was hard, no longer was I treated special. My father had played a very dominant role in my life and with him gone I felt like I was living with a stranger, someone I had no real connection with. This awkwardness would often create friction between the two of us.

    Our lifestyle as I knew it also changed. Although we weren’t the poorest kids in our neighbourhood we certainly bounced on the poverty line for a very long time making many things my friends received simply out of reach for our family.

    For my 13th birthday my father gave me a long length trench coat. The jubilation as receiving such a magnificent gift was short lived for when I arrived home my mother confiscated it and burnt it

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