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The Secrets of Alyssia Island: The Ultimate Adventure
The Secrets of Alyssia Island: The Ultimate Adventure
The Secrets of Alyssia Island: The Ultimate Adventure
Ebook93 pages1 hour

The Secrets of Alyssia Island: The Ultimate Adventure

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Six friends happily climb into a canoe and paddle to the mysterious Alyssia Island; however, are they ready for what they will find? The merry company couldnt possibly imagine the mishaps that might happen over there!

Could Alyssia Island be their worst nightmare? Or, on the contrary, could it be a dream holiday destination? In this tale of adventure and hardship, will these innocent children have the strength and willpower to survive?

Find out what really happens when you read this book. That is, of course, if you dare
Release dateMar 20, 2015
The Secrets of Alyssia Island: The Ultimate Adventure

Pia Gupta

I, Pia Gupta, a ten-year-old author, decided to write a book because other writers inspire me, such as Jacqueline Wilson. Ever since the age of seven, I have continuously been writing mininovels and poems alongside songs, and now I wanted to take it to the next level. Publishing a book is an immense deal for me, and I have poured my heart and soul into my words. Being from the generation of smart phones and tablets, I have tried to add a modern twist to my work, which I naturally feel makes me unique. My parents have always encouraged and guided me. My friends have supported me by giving me advice and getting excited for every tenth page I finished. With hard work and dedication, I have completed this book and thoroughly enjoyed it throughout; if you want to hear my unique voice, turn the page and start reading, that is of course, if you dare . . .

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    The Secrets of Alyssia Island - Pia Gupta

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    © 2015 Pia Gupta. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/12/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3909-6 (sc)

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    Old Beginnings

    Cool School!

    The Shared Secret

    Summer Splash At Uncle Jacob’s

    Majestic Master Plan

    The Tranquillity of the Adventure

    The Mystery Unravels

    The Children’s Luau

    The Bewildered Walk in the Park

    The Expedition for Freedom

    Dear Reader, this is an adventure story about best friends who go camping by themselves on the mysterious Alyssia Island.

    For my beloved family and best friends

    Old Beginnings


    It was a swell Saturday morning in Sydney. The light cerulean sky was full of wisps of cotton for clouds, and the warmth of the radiant sun encouraged a serene feeling in the heart. The ocean glistened as the peaceful tides rolled up and down the Bondi beach, and the exciting smell of salt drifted through the air.

    Further out in the ocean, the surfer boys with toned muscles, bright blond hair, and deep sapphire eyes cheerfully somersaulted on their distinctive surfboards, flipping into the air and doing dangerous tricks as they practiced for their surfing competition in Hawaii.

    Gaping-mouthed judges gazed in awe at how majestically they were surfing and gave them all full marks.

    In the peaceful Sydney harbour Courtney and her parents were just waking up.

    Hey, kiddo, said her dad in a strong Australian accent.

    Hi, Dad, she replied. I’ll go make breakfast for you and mom.

    There’s a sport, said Dad.

    She strolled to the kitchen\ and carefully placed two eggs on the polished granite, fetched a bowl, cracked the eggs on the rim, and briskly mixed them. She brought out eight sausages from the fridge and cautiously placed them on the grill. Next she cut some strips of bacon and fried them. When she heard a sizzling sound coming from the grill, she slowly and artistically placed breakfast on two plates for her parents. She gingerly tied some black lace fabric around her slender waist and efficiently served her parents their breakfast like a miniature waitress.

    Honey, these are spectacular! I give you ten out of ten, commented her mum.

    Yep you’ll make a great chef one day, said her dad.

    Thanks, Mum and Dad. It’s a beautiful morning out on the deck. Courtney headed outdoors and sat on a shipwreck in the harbour named the Marine Explorer. She gazed at the island in the distance with the binoculars she’d received for her birthday. Under her breath she murmured, I’m coming, Alyssia, so quietly, not even a mouse could hear. At that moment her phone buzzed as she got a text: Meet me at pavilion if u r gr8 u ll come it’s urgent :)

    She ignored the message as it was common for random people to send junk messages to strangers simply to scare them. Seemingly out of nowhere her little sister, Kayla, came skipping over. What are you doing? she asked.

    As Courtney had a soft spot for her seven-year-old sister, she answered gently, Nothing much. I’m just looking at Alyssia Island over there.

    I wish we could go camping there, Kayla whined.

    Me too, replied Courtney, thinking deeply.

    The weekend passed, yet Courtney still pondered whether this wacky idea of hers would work or not¾and whether it was safe. It was Monday morning, and ten-year-old Courtney was walking from her house to the bus stop two kilometres away. She then would have to catch the school bus which went to her school. Despite her young age, she was about to do this alone for the first time.

    Courtney strolled hastily past the bustling cars and the gangs of teenagers walking to school, scarfing down breakfast bars. Occasionally she saw the odd kid eating brownies or even ice cream. At the sight of this she was tempted to get one herself although she knew it was against their family rules. But then – nobody would know. She walked to the corner ice cream shop and read the endless menu. When she had decided, she talked to the gentleman, at the till.

    Good morning, sir.

    Buongiorno, signorina, what can I help you with? said Sid, the shopkeeper, in a mild Italian accent.

    "Please may I have a Belgium chocolate ice cream with

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