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Hopes and Dreams to Infinity: Quests in the Search of Love Twelve One Act Plays
Hopes and Dreams to Infinity: Quests in the Search of Love Twelve One Act Plays
Hopes and Dreams to Infinity: Quests in the Search of Love Twelve One Act Plays
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Hopes and Dreams to Infinity: Quests in the Search of Love Twelve One Act Plays

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In a very different direction, wanting to measure a cherished love between two people, I chose a setting, in ‘Death Is Blind’, where Death is an equal protagonist.
For the action of those people who are at their best in observing others as much inferior to them in quality of thoughtfulness, I chose the interfacing of a self satisfied, ‘good’ person up against an airy, somewhat confused seeker of a spiritual connection to reality, when it is just the opposite that lies at the base of each of their souls in ‘The Long Fall From Grace’.
In the play, ‘The Last Great Fantasy’, I would imagine that our highest wishes for ourselves could still come about when we no longer have chance to make an impact upon humanity and yet still wishing to remain determined to make our mark before we are to disappear forever.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 10, 2015
Hopes and Dreams to Infinity: Quests in the Search of Love Twelve One Act Plays

Maurice Siegel

After living long enough to suspect everything and enjoy the experiences of people rushing off into every possible direction and also being cynical enough to wonder what’s going on around me, I’m not likely ever to get my sought after answers to the biggest of the thoughts I wonder about. Me and most of humankind, and maybe some animal here or there not as yet understood by us, remain endlessly curious. What remains true, I’m not able to crack open the big answer into any of the unknown we are all staring at. My only destiny, along with centuries of others like me, is to make every attempt to handle the job of being one more of the strange species that have to be perplexed and by writing about it. —Maurice Siegel

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    Hopes and Dreams to Infinity - Maurice Siegel

    Copyright © 2014 by Maurice Siegel.

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    Long Is Thee, Lonely Road

    The Last Dream Is The Best Dream

    The Long Fall From Grace

    Four People Searching For A Way Into Life

    Version 1 The First Happy Day Is The Saddest

    Version 2 The First Happy Day Is The Saddest

    Children Of Darkness

    The Last Great Fantasy

    When Do I Get My Soul

    Pick A Century, Any Century

    Devout Enemies

    Death Is Blind

    Version 1 Love And Hate Are Soul Mates

    Version 2 Love And Hate Are Soul Mates


    One act plays, with their immediacy to plunge into the heart of a conflict without side issues has been for me an opportunity to flesh out motivations for certain outcomes.

    I enjoy to listen to people since each such person has a way to describe much of themselves almost within the first few minutes of our meeting. It is a mysterious transfer of self done without broaching the direct subject of who we both are. One of the ironies, in going through everyday experiences with others, is the struggle of people to seek solutions that seem to be so promising at first only to be turned into complicated and sometimes undesirable and finally out of control outcomes. The protagonists on stage, as well as all of us in real life, have no idea what is the cause for the punishments brought forth no matter the brutality that can take place. This is presented in ‘Four People Searching For A way Into Life’.

    On referring to these twelve one act plays as ‘Hopes And Dreams To Infinity Quests In The Search For Love’, it is of my belief that Love underlies so very much of the entire human saga from beginning to end. Love can be roughly divided, throughout a lifetime, into two states of seeking. One seeking follows after the other. The first is the searching for any love that can be made available during childhood as required to assure safety. The second stage of love is a desperate searching that is to be permanently adhered to oneself or must be ripped away. Each takes its toll by whipping us forward, like we’re a donkey, to bring on whatever is to lie ahead. It is those two, it’s Hopes and Dreams that are the best adhesion of a glue to hold Love in place. This glue, so very different for each one of us; separates and defines one person from the others. It is a common theme I like to underpin in my one act plays. Hopes and Dreams also force the participants of life’s dramas not to retreat from the battlefield of conflicts but see it through to a climax. It is that climax, whatever it may turn out to become, that is a powerful magnetic force to keep going to wherever it leads because of a feeling that life goes on with an Infinity of time still available. It is the confluence of Hopes and Dreams to Infinity that leaves, in its path, the coming of all the newly born for their opportunity at living, piles of sadness scattered about everywhere, magnificent monuments with emblazoned names on them, deaths that are but beginnings to fit for someone’s starting personal opportunities. On and on. Love awaits.

    Maurice Siegel






    The border of the stone ledge at the edge of the fountain and pond in Central Park, NYC. A bright sunny day. Sound in the distance of children. A bystander enters, looks around, then looks out to the audience. He points to the stone ledge still looking to the audience.


    Uh huh. It was right about over here that it took place.

    Man enters along the path circling the pond. He passes Bystander. He walks to the stone ledge, sits on it, leans forward to stare back along the path.

    (Walking to the stone ledge) I sat down. (Sits a distance from Man) Was looking at the children running about and the water.

    Man is nervous, eying his wrist watch. Bystander glances over to him.

    I did wonder why he was nervous. I didn’t realize I would get a glimpse into the high point to the human passion of love before and after, which is a routine struggle to gain an outcome. I suppose I am a cynic at heart but I do my cheering for the underdog. I come here to this fountain in Central Park mostly to think after a long walk. (Looking from the audience to the man) That man sitting on this ledge next to me is of no classic manly appearance. A bit round shouldered. Gaunt both in his body and face. He seems to be in his early forties, possibly. Since he sat down, he’s been staring intently towards the path, apparently waiting for someone. He has that disturbed and preoccupied manner. A woman seems to be approaching him. Again he’s looking at his wrist watch.

    Woman enters. Man looks away.

    Ah, she’s nodding at him. He’s not giving her any response. Interesting how much drama can be packed into a few glances. There it is. The woman smiled at him for a response. She got none. Emotions separating while pulling them together in full view.

    Woman sits down next to him. Both remain silent.

    She looks to be, oh, late thirties. Inconspicuously dressed. The usual kind of face. Wouldn’t be noticed in a crowd, I suppose. My guess, life has left a few imprints though she is buoyant in a carefully held back way. It was there, some excitement in her walk when approaching him. It changed when she saw him stare off into the park.

    Woman glances at Man, then looks away. Both sit quietly. She clutches at her bag tightly.

    She’s picked up his sullen mood. He is wondering how long this silence will go on with her side glances at him. She said something under her breath. I missed it. Ah. He is turning to her. (To audience) Please understand that what follows, some of the words were missed and I personally added later on for continuity. And there were some words and bits of conversation that were lost and never retrieved.


    It’s hard to believe how much of the park we got to walk. End to end, didn’t we. All day. It was almost dark, wasn’t it? Yesterday was the most wonderful day in my life. It felt like a year long. For you, too, you said. This will be our favorite place in this whole world. (A moment) Why are you upset?


    (Brittle tone. Continuing to stare off) There are those friends who fail the litmus test of life.


    (Trying to make light. A half smile stays on her face) I do understand. Would you say that is good or bad for you and me?


    I wouldn’t want to fail that test.


    (Trying for humor) Have you ever?


    (Unmoved) I don’t fail my test.


    (Still a half smile) You are saying I can fail it?


    Anyone can fail it.


    What should I do not to fail it? I’ve never failed any test. Is cheating to be allowed?

    Woman glances over to him for a response, smiling broadly for the first time.


    For that moment she actually looked beautiful.


    You’re making this into a joke.


    Am I?


    It’s much too far along for that.


    (Anxious last try at humor) No hope to change it? (Man shakes his head) How did the failure come about?


    The usual way, if you want to know.


    I did use some of those descriptive words. I was concerned to be witness to such behavior between that couple. I won’t let it come about again.


    I get upset by people hurting people. Words come out, at times out of control. So what.


    (Trying to guess) Then not telling the truth? Could that be it? That is very bad. I find being dishonest unforgivable. I’m not known to lie.


    Everybody lies because everyone has to lie.


    That’s true.


    (Looks at her intently) Was it really a day ago, right here at this spot, we had met? Just like that? It does feel ages longer. Tine is fooling me.


    Me, as well. I can’t believe it happened. To us. You said to me it was love at first sight.


    I didn’t forget.


    I felt the same way. Yes. That is rare.


    I know that.


    What is it, then?


    With me?




    You were late today by thirty one and a half minutes. I walked around and around, then sat down.


    Was I that late? I didn’t realize it, getting myself to be ready. (A long pause. Smiling) We’re faced with trouble in paradise, aren’t we?


    (Looking up at the sky into a past) Being late is a severe insult. That goes to the core. Of how I am considered. By those who know me.


    A mistake on my part. Did it affect your friendships? The feelings for me?


    It did.


    Can we be in love and not be friends?


    It’s not workable.


    For me, neither. Are your friendships based on one thing?


    You mean valued on a single -- expected to be there for me -- virtue? Is that how it seems to you?




    When it’s necessary, that is the one virtue I use.


    Why must you?


    I met you yesterday. When no other virtue is present as yet, that one is reliable.


    Is it going to affect our being in love at first sight?


    (Shrugs) It could. I did like the feeling we had. Very much.


    The same for me. Me, too. (Both look off) Should we start all over like we just met? (Man shrugs, then slowly shakes his head) We had it, didn’t we? What of the love at first sight? Is it still first sight on this second sight? I didn’t mean it to sound so stupid or laughable. What I meant to say is, is love at second sight a poorer way to begin?

    A long moment.


    I’d guess that it’s much like those other people we see who finally fall in love after meeting many times.


    It does take away the wonder of it all. Doesn’t it?


    (Nods) From what I’ve known.


    At least, you and I are a step up on those others, wouldn’t you say? Maybe it’s like losing something and getting it back, so to speak. A really good feeling. I don’t like to have to give up the feeling when you compare it to all the other feelings one has.

    Woman smiles at her cleverness but a shadow passes across her face.


    Been a long time.




    Feeling that way special.


    And to me. After so long.


    We’ll meet right here tomorrow at this time.


    But -- Can’t we spend now all day like yesterday? Walk again one end of the park to the other? You’re testing me to be on time, aren’t you? It’s my need to be a bit late, I know that. Love deserves to be tested.


    (Gets up) Will you be on time?


    I always plan to be on time.

    Man nods, walks off. She watches him, gets up, walks off in the direction she arrived.


    I thought they had come so close when you think of all that has to be overcome for the little given by nature. So close to the most perfect accidental event given only one to a person in a lifetime. But which event? Without being the most handsome or the most beautiful, no one can tell. They cast it from them with the most imperfect of human reasons glued to their insides and off they go. They just became like everyone else. One of them is terrified. One of them is imprisoned. All men are terrified. By a few words jammed in their heads held tightly against all rewards, the both are tightly to be captured in that net of existence. Damned words, the seeking of love, will to be with them to their very deaths. (Gets up) One of them will not return. I wonder which one, as if it matters when it comes to nature’s use of love.

    Bystander slowly walks off.


    One Act Play


    Yankee - A believer In God’s eventual Purpose.

    Bill - A cynic and seeker for a Purpose.


    This Side Of Life’s Searching


    Every Present Time That Ever Existed

    Scene One

    Dark stage. Voice from the darkness.


    I’ve spent my life locked inside of me and staring out upon the world that my eyes keep telling me had gone on for millions of years. Everywhere I walk people leave behind them their emotional droppings. I’ve picked through them and studied as completely as I possibly could what is available to me and by using logic try to understand Nature. I have enjoyed to shake the sturdy pillars of logic without a single crack appearing. Reading the books of people occupying the same world as me, in their own desperate attempt to come upon even one thing just out of reach to bring nature down to hopes and dreams and miracles, has left me watching a frenzied world and wondering why so much of a need to tamper with the perfection of logic. I was approaching near fifty. It’s the perfect age to understand what came and went while having a clear vision for what’s up ahead. I was certain to be able to tear down any new walls of Jericho, bust through and keep on going. So was my dearest friend since early childhood who was equally clear of vision for what was yet to come.

    Lights up. A funeral home. A funeral is in progress. Light funeral music in the background. Two rows of seats, one behind the other. Yankee sits in the first of the rows looking ahead. He turns around to the next row as Bill enters, sits down.






    So you got here on time.


    God is in this one room of a vast universe. I suppose you still believe that.

    Yankee indicates to be quiet. Bill leans closer into

    Yankee’s ear.

    Listen to me, Yankee. As it happened and why we are sitting here. The boy hesitates in crossing the street because some piece of dust flicks into his eye. He rubs at his eye for a minute. He gets the speck out. Only then does Daniel step into the gutter just as the truck comes lurching ahead.

    Abruptly Bill slaps his hands together causing Yankee to experience a startle reflex.

    A life is over. Why, Yankee? Are you ready to explain it? I can,


    I believe more than ever before.


    (Points towards the coffin) I ask you why Daniel is in that box


    You don’t like God. You’ve never gotten to like God. Why that is, is a mystery. There is the problem you have all these years and I don’t.


    Do you really like God? I keep forgetting.


    Will you be quiet for once?


    I don’t mean before Daniel’s death. After. After his death, is it the same God for you? (Yankee indicates to stop talking) I know where I am. The Lord of All Lords is near by and had nothing to do with my sitting here. God is watching one more swift action dealing with life and death. Don’t you grasp that God had something mean spirited to do with our sitting here? Or is it that God is not a god at all? Which one, damn it!

    Voice Off

    We have come together for young Daniel Earstler’s passing into the next world. Let us begin with a silent prayer.


    You going to the gravesite? (Yankee looks ahead, shakes his head) Meet me after this. You know where. I gotta get this off my chest or go crazy. I’m goddamn upset. I can’t stand seeing that boy put into the ground by some rabbi’s memorized eighty word eulogy. I’ll go there by myself when this is all over. That’s when I’ll tell Daniel those words that come from my heart.

    The organ music slowly gets louder. Lights out quickly. Juke box music. Lights up. A bar. Bill sits on a stool. Yankee enters, joining him.


    Here’s your drink. Thanks for giving me a chunk of your valuable time out of writing life insurance policies. What are you thinking?


    I worry about you. Should I go on, Bill? (Bill nods) You’re on a hunting mission. I’m the one in your sights. I’ve been there with you before.


    (Drinks) Why did he have to die like that? Crushed under those tires.


    I don’t have all the answers. The ones I have satisfy me.


    What are you talking about?! You never would’ve said that to me ten years ago! At least not that way. With a lot more words of explanation about how little we know! And you would understand my pain! Daniel didn’t have to die and you know it. Why learn all Daniel was learning and throw it away like – like collected garbage? That’s what you want me to do. It’s my knowledge of why day follows every night that keeps me in one piece!


    You don’t intend to take hold of anything about this unfortunate accident, do you? His time of life was completed. God gave him ten years. Babies die in childbirth.


    That was the very worst explanation you ever came out with! You’re a primitive leftover from a million years of cave dwelling. I can’t believe you’re my friend. Go away! I don’t need a friendship at this cost. I need better because of what I know and willing to tell anyone interested!


    What’s going on with you/ getting on to fifty scaring the hell out of you? Is that it? Anyway, what do you know I don’t?

    Bill makes a clenched fist and pushes it up into Yankee’s face.


    Daniel did no harm to anyone. He hadn’t put his own mark on this world to know he was here! No children did he put on this earth. How does that get placed into the grand scheme you pray to? I thought nature liked us being around to get our sperm into play. Someone is lying to me. I’m so tired of all the deception everywhere I look hidden by statistical analysis and religious garble to calm me down. I’m not calm anymore. (Slams his fist on the bar) I’ve had enough! I want God to get out in front and give us a better reason than glorious fucking silence and leaving it up to us to decide what he said and meant by those words! What is that hunk of your imagination hiding behind? I’m going to dig him out of that hiding place you let him honker down in! I swear to you, the time has come! (Sarcastic smile) And find out what he looks like. Yankee, do you think God blinks when I say these things?


    Bill, are you finished? That boy died because he was born very much alive, got his ten years in and was ready, as you and I, for the rest of what’s coming. He knew that life can be withdrawn. Don’t make more of this tragedy.


    That’s it? Jesus! You don’t know anything about this universe. How do you know Daniel was ready to die? I had a couple of chats and he never gave me one inkling.


    Don’t work this over or I’m out of here.


    You walk out and it’s finished! Is that clear about you and God?!


    Calm down, Bill. When God calls you, God will do the calling and you will go. This is frightening you and that’s what it is.


    Stop the bullshit! There’s more to this life than waiting for God’s calling out a list of names! You talk about him like he’s your next door neighbor. Yankee, God is your enemy. Did I use that word, enemy? (Yankee nods) I guess because God is no friend to anything that is living. Think about it.


    Don’t put your anger between you and me. You’re looking at your closest buddy.


    (Pleading) Tell me something. Just tell me why he is so close to you while you’re walking upon this Earth without a scintilla of proof about anything claimed and while a world is laid out in any direction you look and it all makes exact sense without God’s help? I know you since we were five and going to school together. You haven’t had one indication of him in all that time. Or is it she? Or it. Or that. What’s the favorite name now-a-days? There have been so many. Zeus. Jupiter. Brahma. Vishnu. Mazda. Allah. The First Cause. The Great Spirit. What’s your choice?


    Sometimes you become the fool of all fools.


    Because a boy called Daniel got his one chance and it was torn away for no good reason, a reason even you can’t figure out. And I don’t like that use of reasoning. My oldest friend, what moved in this world with Daniel’s death? Isn’t that the question you should be asking yourself? Why did God have to do that? Or did one of those galaxies, in the great universe, get to glow with a light beam for even one second? I missed it.


    (Gets off the stool) I’m leaving right now. I’m certain you’re upset for yourself and that’s what is happening.


    (Grabs Yankee) A lot of people loved that boy! Don’t you understand? God found a way to kill him for a reason all his own. I have to find out why your god did that. My god wouldn’t.


    It isn’t so much that you’re an atheist, Bill. You wouldn’t believe in any God presented to you because you are shopping around for your one and only purchase. One to only fit for you. Oh, I know that you tell yourself you could know it right off when that God comes along. Too bad, after looking for so long. you’ll have to take second best or nothing at all. That’s what it comes down to, Bill. You’re blind to any real God. It’s a punishment for being a pain in the ass to God and to me.

    Yankee begins to walk off. Bill jumps off the stool and grabs Yankee’s arm.


    Yankee, I’ve tried hard! I’ve been so willing! I killed in a war for God, didn’t I? Or was it to protect that boy Daniel? (Grabs Yankee’s shirt tightly) Which was it in your eyes, Yankee?! That’s an example of what adds so much confusion to my life. It doesn’t bother you for a moment and never did. Don’t you think that’s fascinating?


    I’m tired of finding an action by God, a miracle, and handing that event over to you only to watch you take god apart. You’re old enough to get a god of your choice so you can get a good look what is inside such a god. Then you’re gonna find out something that’ll blow your mind, Bill.


    What will it be, since you’ve been there, I’ll bet, and never told a soul.


    (Nods slowly) I was there. After I was ‘bar mitzvahed’. Maybe a year or two later, one day I looked behind the Torah, the holy of holies, and I found a used up condom. Yeah. (Both laugh) It was at that moment I understood at last. God was beyond us. Something eternal. Watching. Always watching to keep things Godly right. You would have seen the condom as our stupidity to believe the Torah as a god’s message.

    Yankee walks off.


    (Calls after him) Hey! Yankee! That’s how you got that look inside?! You never told me! You hate me! Finally, I shook you up and you can’t handle it!

    Yankee exits.

    Scene 2

    At the zoo in front of the ape cage. Yankee and Bill enter, look into the cage.


    (Points) They don’t seem to have much to say to each other. For being our closest relatives I expect more to be said between them. Ever wonder why that is?




    (Looking into the cage) You should. It’s why we own the words and they’re in the cage.




    You know, I’m not sure. There must be a lot to get across to each other and can’t. They should be pointing a lot. They don’t even do that.


    Bill. (Bill looks over to him) We’re no longer friends the way we were. You realize that? You have to grow up.


    Me?! I grow up? Since I was fifteen I’ve been waiting for you to grow up at the speed I was going at.


    So I should be like you?


    At this point – - (Nods) I’ve always been open to all information to you.


    I agree I was attracted to you because I came to learn more about things you were finding out. For some reason you came upon things earlier than I did. I had to examine every comma and period for what could be hiding behind them so that slowed me down. (Bill makes a face) You must’ve learned important things from me. (Bill shrugs) You made me the clown among our friends. Of course, there were times, it did anger me. My mother always said you wanted to do good things for me, so I let it go.






    I’m still been bothered about Daniel. Why can’t I believe in a god who would do that?


    Stop holding on to one subject for so long. It’s ruining a very long relationship.


    All right. Said and done with. (Both hold up drinks, click glasses and drink) Why can’t I believe in God?


    Bill, it’s simple. You don’t want to.


    Yes. I don’t.


    You’re not the only one. I assume you know that.


    Not one gorilla believes in a god. Say more to me.


    First of all, I don’t like what’s happening to you. From my point of view, your life is being broken into pieces.


    That’s none of your business. I’ll work it out with Sandy. Move on to my question.


    I’ve never liked your bluntness when you’re unhappy. I had to accept it or throw away the friendship. There were occasions I was ready to throw it away. You’ve many times thought of me as a naïve fool. To me, you were looking for ways to be miserable. You did it by losing judgments of what was taking place around you. I should have said this earlier. It takes a while to get things in line for my brain to act on things. Your strength and my weakness. That’s life, isn’t it. When you phoned and told me last week, I wasn’t ready for your news. I am now.


    Getting separated from my wife is one hell of a shaking up. Kind of the top of the volcano letting loose. I knew I had to talk to you. I want to know how you do it. Always calm. Is that God in your life? Don’t tell me about what I want him to be. This time you tell me what you think God is after for me. Yankee! Look at me! It’s not a hard question to be asked. I’m the end product of over three billions of years of life. Know how I feel about that? I’m the best of all the products life got to mess over. Yeah, yeah, you got it, Yankee, loud and clear. I don’t like a lot of things left to this best of all life forms, but I’m in no mood to compromise like a herd of elephants standing there and gotta do by your god when they get shot for their ivory tusks. Talk to me!!


    Where do I start? I was maybe about eight. It was hot. I climbed up on the window sill. I guess I leaned too much into the breeze to get cooler. It felt so good. I fell out. I woke up in the hospital. I hurt. I cried. Fell a flight and a half. I crushed a dog. It was me or the dog. It wasn’t hard for me to figure out why it was the dog.


    God did that one


    There had to be a reason. I’ll find out one day. By around fifteen I knew it much more clearly. The world works the way God works.


    What way, damn it?! I’m getting to discover what an egotistical bastard you are, Yankee, Now, out with it!

    Bill jumps up. Points into Yankee’s face.

    You were scared to death and stayed that way for the rest of your life!


    You, too, are scared to death. Everyone is. With all your degrees and courses in chemistry I can’t pronounce, you keep on making guesses on just about everything you come across!


    You’ve been fascinated with what I do in the laboratory. You visit me every chance you get to come by. Ask yourself why. Because I’m right on the mark. I can predict so damn much, it shocks the hell out of you! I worked hard to get that sense of things that come out right nine out of ten times! I’m not afraid of being alive and having to make ever more predictions! You think about that, buddy.


    What about the one in ten? Scares everything else right out of you, doesn’t it. It would me, so I stopped predicting. So should you, BUDDY.

    Bill grabs at Yankee in anger. They tussle. Yankee tries to pull free. Bill slaps at Yankee. Yankee ducks. Both are breathing hard.

    Are you nuts?! (Backs away) If you ever again come near me, I’ll….


    (Smilles) You’re not strong enough. (Smile abruptly disappears) Sandy is leaving me because she’s going to live with some guy. She walked out and slammed the door. It must be going on right now! Why am I being punished?! What did I do?! Fourteen years of wanting to fuck every woman on the street and doing nothing about it but looking with a stupid smile. No doubt, that’s one of God’s punishments.


    She’s with someone?


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