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The Gold of Revelation
The Gold of Revelation
The Gold of Revelation
Ebook137 pages1 hour

The Gold of Revelation

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About this ebook

The Gold of Revelation is a collection of approximately 1000 proverbs that the Father had me write over the course of about six years. Th ese proverbs cover many diff erent areas of life and obedience—from thoughts, to speech, to patience, purity, wisdom, strength, and endurance. Many proverbs contrast the wisdom of right living to the foolishness
of ignorance by the way people respond, think, or behave.

These proverbs are profi table for instruction, correction and reproof, for learning obedience and training in righteousness. They are open to the wise and the unwise, the schooled and
the unschooled, the skilled and the unskilled, that all may learn wisdom, understanding and discernment and the practical insight of prudence.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJan 13, 2015
The Gold of Revelation

Ashley DD Hajny

Ashley DD Hajny has been guided through the Christian Scriptures by God Himself. He has been instructed to prepare the Church for the Rapture. For many years his passion has been to study the Scriptures and build character in order to fulfil his destiny. His desire is to promote obedience within the human soul---it is eternally significant.

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    The Gold of Revelation - Ashley DD Hajny





    ¹It is highly profitable for a man to continue in his smallest acts of obedience in his service to the Lord during times of trial. [Duet. 17:19-20; I Pet. 4:19.]

    ²For they are no longer small acts of obedience, and fruitfulness is greatly multiplied during these times of obedience in trials. [Eccl. 11:1-2; Isa. 32:20; I Pet. 1:6-7.]

    ³It is not good for one to depart from a righteous teaching in order to gain yet more. For his knowledge has a great price tag, the price tag of accountability. [Isa. 64; II Tim. 3:7.]

    ⁴It is good for one to hold fast as he continues to learn therefore. [Phil. 3:16; 4:9.]

    ⁵A man’s spirit is able to bear up if he remains seated. At the moment of his stance his knowledge tumbles from his shoulders. [Prov. 12:23; I Sam. 15:24-28.]

    ⁶For it is a man’s humble attitude that determines how much he knows more than how much he knows. [Rom. 1:22; II Cor. 10:12.]

    ⁷Therefore a man’s righteous attitude of humility is his greatest wisdom. [Jas. 3:13; 4:10]

    ⁸Understanding is deep and ignorance never fails to overlook it a second time. [Prov. 20:5; Eccl. 5:1.]

    ⁹Ignorance does not mean lack of omniscience. A man is ignorant if he personally does not walk in the complete knowledge of how he can fully conduct himself in the fruitfulness of the work the Lord has given to his hands. [Hos. 4:6; Eph. 5:10-17.]

    ¹⁰Nevertheless, God can work his perfect will into our lives because of His mercy, our willingness, and His restoring power, when we cooperate in never ceasing in learning wisdom from Him. [Joel. 2:25; Jer. 29:11-13.]

    ¹¹For as the Sun is bright and the Moon is beautiful, so is His Son Righteous and Just and Faithful and True. [Ps. 89:36-37 (natural, but purports spiritual); Rev. 1:5; Mal. 4:2 (spiritual).]

    ¹²The fruit of the Spirit is greater armor to a wise man than the impenetrable armor and an unrelenting sword of a man without understanding who strides boldly into battle. [Prov. 16:32; Eccl. 7:19; 9:16-17.]

    ¹³Even though he wins many battles, apart from righteousness he wins nothing. [Eccl. 9:18; Dan. 10:20.]

    ¹⁴A man speaks and so it takes effect, good for good and evil for evil, but nothing without the Lord. [Prov. 18:20-21; Lam. 3:37-38.]

    ¹⁵Sanctifying speech brings life, but contaminating speech breeds only death. [Prov. 15:4; II Tim. 2:16.]

    ¹⁶For as a man’s sword slays at war so does contaminating speech wound the spirit of him who speaks and the spirit of those who listen. [Prov. 10:17; 12:18.]

    ¹⁷Righteous speech brings life to the spirit of him who gives it utterance and life to the spirit of those who heed. [Prov. 16:21, 24.]


    ¹A very great wisdom has a very patient person. His speech thus aligns and declares him in the way of the Lord. [Prov. 14:29; 17:27.]

    ²Faith is understanding; revelation is right and fruitful interpretation. [II Tim. 2:15; Heb. 11:3.]

    ³With understanding men depart from evil, and so these three are directly proportional: Obedience, fear, and faith. [Job 28:28b; Gen. 22:1-12; Rom. 4:16.]

    ⁴The greatest spiritual efficacy is faith, and the supreme expression of faith is obedience, which leads to moral power. [Rom. 4:16; Jas. 2:22; Heb. 5:8; 11: 1-40]

    ⁵Moral power is expressed by the wisdom of a man’s doing. [I Cor. 4:19-20; Luke 7:35; Matt. 11:19b.]

    ⁶Within a man’s lifetime there is hope, yet without Christ there is no hope at all. But how can there be hope in no hope? Because Jesus is victorious over death! And He alone is strong to deliver and mighty to save! [Job 40:14; Rom. 10:13-14.]

    ⁷Though a man alive has hope, yet apart from Christ dead and without hope, For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered and saved. [Job 7:20; Joel. 2:32a.]

    ⁸Count your words and measure them by wisdom for each word sets and all bear a consequence. [Prov. 18:20; 29:20; Eccl. 5:7.]

    ⁹Words carry the vibration of the attitude behind them from the spirit which inspires a man to speak. [Job 26:4; Prov. 22:24-25.]

    ¹⁰It is by those vibrations evident in ones speech as to how his words are really read. [Prov. 23:7-8; 28:23.]

    ¹¹God has given men power to speak words with a righteous attitude in the midst of one whom God permits to bring the tempting opposite. [Job 1:22; 2:10c.]

    ¹²Therefore a man’s righteous words have the power to trample evil. [Isa. 41:15-16; 55:10-11; Mic. 4:13.]

    ¹³God has given power to the words of a man, if he uses them wisely he can build much and be an overcomer. [Prov. 9:1; 15:4a; 21:22.]

    ¹⁴Speech is not a fruit of the Spirit, but the fruit of the Spirit are listening to what you say. [Prov. 18:21; Eccl. 8:1.]

    ¹⁵Yes, the fruit of the Spirit have ears to hear and a mouth to speak, for a man’s words are like a mirror in which the reflection yields his character. [Prov. 17:28; 18:20.]

    ¹⁶A man’s attitudes are most important to become right, they make up the quintessence of his character. Words are directed well when the attitudes within are in tune to the will of the Lord. [Prov. 29:11; Jas. 1:19.]

    ¹⁷An attitude is a spirit and every spirit therefore has its corresponding attitude determining the way a man should speak. [Num. 13:30; 14:24; Phil. 2:3-5.]

    ¹⁸The Spirit of Righteousness, the fruit of Righteousness, the fruit of the Spirit, all entail a righteous attitude, they are all attitudes which love itself has. [Rom. 13:10; Eph. 5:9; I Tim. 1:5.]

    ¹⁹No attitude of love is really displayed independent of the others, for it is love itself which closely knits all things. [I Cor. 16:14; Col. 3:14.]


    ¹Every command from the Lord and every eternal decree is not apart from love. Though there are many, none are independent. [Rom. 7:12; Col. 3:14; Ps. 89:14.]

    ²There are many righteous teachings and ways to conduct our lives in wisdom, but none are independent or separate from the other. For it is within the collective strength of these pillars that our life and home shall stand. [Prov. 9:1ff; 24:27; Rom. 13:10.]

    ³If someone does something towards a man unjustly or unfairly, it is extremely important the way in which he responds. For it is within Christlike patience that one has entirely

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