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Awakening to Love
Awakening to Love
Awakening to Love
Ebook281 pages4 hours

Awakening to Love

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Awakening to Love is a romantic adventure about Marcus and Shaylas journey to the Enlightening Zone. Marcus is more focused on thrills and chills, while Shayla allows her fears to hold her back. Join them as they learn about life and love from another perspective. Watch them grow and stumble through their challenges, and root for them as they embrace all life has to offer.

Have you ever wondered about fate and destiny? These words have been used to describe unusual events over centuries. Have you ever wondered why certain things happen?

Sometimes it would be nice to know Gods plan for us. But, what if God was at his wits end trying to create more love in the world? What if he decided to bring all humans to an Enlightening Zone to teach them lessons about love?
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 29, 2015
Awakening to Love

Lisa Angelo

Lisa Angelo released her first novel, Awakening to Love, in 2015. She prefers to write romantic comedies and to throw her characters into an adventure. Lisa met a lot of twenty-somethings at work and realized early on they learn faster when the lessons are entertaining. Lisa’s goal is to make learning exciting by plunging the reader into a unique and fascinating story. She combined her sense of fun, love of romance novels, interest in history, and research of the self-help genre to create her latest adventure—Moonlight & Roses. Lisa is a wife and the mother of two children. She loves to travel, write, and spend time with family and friends. Lisa believes knowledge can come from anywhere and is fascinated to learn new things. She loves to watch movies, television, and people in general. She believes they offer clues to ways to make life better and provides nice quirks for her to incorporate into her stories.

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    Awakening to Love - Lisa Angelo

    Copyright © 2015 Lisa Angelo.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-2710-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-2712-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-2711-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015901143

    Balboa Press rev. date: 01/29/2015




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17



    I’m thankful and grateful to everyone who believed in me – my husband, children, friends, co-workers, and mostly the Angels.


    Up in the Enlightening Zone

    Bells and whistles blared around the cluttered office space. Cupid scanned the twelve television screens mounted on the office walls and fought the urge to scream. His cell and office phone rang out simultaneously. He groaned and spilled his coffee on his golden robe. Cupid reached for the handset quickly and turned off the ringer from his cell. Yes Sir, I heard the alarms too. He wiped up the excess liquid with the hem of his robe while listening to God. I’m not sure why earthly love is deteriorating by the minute. I’ll call you when I can pinpoint the problem. He hung up and ran his hands through his hair. What the heck is happening? He switched some of the stations and watched in horror. Millions of people all over Earth were arguing with each other. Negativity was rampant around the world. It didn’t matter if they were in China, South America, or Europe. This is unbelievable. Love has always been the cure to any ailment. What’s going on?

    Cupid, honey, can you please watch Valentina for me? Aphrodite, Cupid’s wife, walked into his office carrying their squirming five-year-old daughter. Val, will you please hold still? Aphrodite blew out a breath and finally set Val down on a chair in front of her husband’s desk. She slumped down into the one next to her. I have to volunteer in the preemie ward now. I can’t find anyone to babysit for me.

    We’re in crisis stage. Cupid glanced at his family. It’s been a tough day, sweetheart. I was behind in making matches, and now chaos is starting to evolve on earth. He took a closer look at his wife and saw she was worried. God isn’t happy with this department, so I don’t have the time to make sure she stays out of trouble. He stood up and reached for his chubby little cherub. He flipped her upside down a few times and found his first smile. Her giggles are contagious.

    Val puckered up her lips and kissed him on the cheek. Wuv you, Daddy. She wiggled out of his arms and wandered to the corner to turn on another television. She found the remote and kept changing the station until she found the one she wanted. She plopped down and was instantly absorbed by the show.

    Aphrodite bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. Cupid rolled his eyes and looked at his wife. Really? What will God think when he sees her watching that? She knows exactly what to do and say to make me sweat a bit.

    Aphrodite waved a hand at his comment. There isn’t anything wrong with her watching an old television show. I’m sure the idea was God’s anyway.

    Cupid pulled his wife out of the chair and hugged her. You’re right. The Stomach Flips show was probably his idea as a joke, but it did help people find each other and bring more love into their hearts. Sometimes though, we do wonder about God’s sense of humor. He leaned back to wipe a few strands of hair off her face. I’ll watch our little angel, but don’t stay too long in the baby ward. I know how it upsets you to see the ailing children.

    Her eyes clouded over a bit, but Aphrodite put on a happy face anyway. I won’t stay more than an hour or two. If I can find a basic angel willing to watch Val, then I’ll send them to you. She walked over to her daughter and fiddled with her hair to straighten the lopsided ponytail. She grinned. She knew she was wasting her time because her daughter would only mess it up again. Mama is going to work, sweetie. Be good for Daddy, please.

    Val turned to her mother and frowned. I’m always good, mama. She gave a huge smile and squeezed Aphrodite tightly. Pwease give the babies kisses for me.

    Certainly. I’ll be back soon. Aphrodite kissed Cupid on the cheek and rushed out the door.

    Cupid turned and noticed his daughter had disappeared. What? He moved out into the large ballroom and stopped short. Val, you can’t play with those bottles. He rushed over and made sure the lids were on tight. He picked her up. I’ve told you these are special mixes and not toys. He searched for something to use as entertainment for his daughter. The specialty tables were designed with creative software to assist angels in their work. Hmm, how about we get the microphone out, and you can sing for me?

    Val clapped her hands. Yes, I would love to sing for you, Daddy. She followed her father to the karaoke machine in the corner and turned on the machine. Put on the lazy song.

    Sweetie, why don’t we put on the kid’s CD. It will teach you the ABCs, and mama will be happy with the both of us. Cupid pulled out the disc with learning videos on it.

    No. Val stomped her foot. I don’t wanna.

    Cupid blew out his breath and counted to ten. Now, young lady, this isn’t the way to act. He turned on the machine and put the cd into the slot. The music and video began to play on the television. Here’s the microphone.

    Val crossed her arms and refused to take it. No, I want the lazy song.

    Cupid rubbed the back of his neck and studied his stubborn daughter as she gave him a mutinous stare. He noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye. You had to arrive now? When she’s a handful?

    Val turned and ran to the newcomer. God! I’ve missed you bunches and bunches. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her little arms tightly around his neck. She squeezed him tightly and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

    God smiled and ruffled her hair. I see my dear is being a bit stubborn today. Why is that?

    Val put out her bottom lip. Daddy won’t let me sing the lazy song. He put on the kiddie stuff instead. Yuckies. She turned and glared at her father. I don’t sing silly songs no more.

    God bit his lip to keep from laughing. Val’s ponytail bounced and knocked him in his face. I see. Well, we can change the music for a few minutes while I speak with your dad. You will behave, right? He smiled when she nodded with her entire body, and he almost dropped her. Excellent. He turned to Cupid, Can you put on the lazy song?

    Cupid’s shoulders dropped down and whispered. I would have done that if I knew what she was talking about. I don’t have a clue which song it is. He scanned through all the songs in AngelSearch, but nothing popped up with the words lazy in it. I’m at my wit’s end.

    Ah, I understand the problem. He put his forehead to Val’s and winked. Val, sweetie, it doesn’t really matter what song is playing, right? You only want to sing a grownup song.

    Val put one hand on each of his cheeks and giggled. Okay. She wiggled out of his arms and ran to the machine. I’ll do it. She pushed a few buttons, and the music changed to a love song. She smiled and grabbed the microphone. She began to sing and sway to the beat.

    God shook his head. Val is a handful. A wonderful handful. He smiled and waved. I can see we will have to keep a close eye on her when she gets older. He turned to Cupid. Now that we have a few minutes, let’s discuss the issues we have in your section. I noticed road rage, divorces, and break ups are on the rise again. I thought we corrected the mixture problem centuries ago.

    Cupid scratched his head. I don’t understand it either. I went back over the notes and videos for a few of the couples in question. I don’t have a clue why so many people are having difficulties. It’s very unusual. He stopped and grinned when he heard Val’s voice.

    I love you, oh, yahoo, I love you too. She twirled around, stopped, and then moved her shoulders up and down. I love my baby as she coos to you."

    God chuckled. The girl has a set of lungs on her.

    Cupid shook his head. And whose fault is that? We can be thankful Madame Vivacious sung the song a lot better than my cherub is doing now. He motioned to one of the tables and keyed in a few entries. As I was telling you, I reviewed the data from various couples, and for some reason, they were completely in love, but then – boom - something happened to change it. I can’t pinpoint the problem. He punched a button on the side of the table and a video of a couple started to play. Marcus and Shayla are one of our major challenges. You’ll see they have an open and wonderful relationship one minute, but then everything shifts into the complete opposite. Cupid frowned as he watched the horror unfold again.

    God crossed his arms and contemplated the situation. I have a feeling we are missing a critical piece of information. He grinned when he heard Val singing a different tune called the Joy of Miracles. He remembered giving those lyrics to one of his favorite’s eons ago. What have you tried so far to make things better?

    Well, I asked a few advanced angels to help me monitor the movements of each couple for a few weeks. We didn’t see anything odd, so I sent a couple of extreme angels down to help and possibly learn something useful. Cupid rolled his neck and grimaced when he heard it crack. We put them into several life threatening situations. We decided to upgrade the fear inside them. I thought it would show them they were destined for each other when they saw everything work out. The angels’ actions turned out perfect, so they left. I checked on them the next day, and it was worse than before. Cupid walked around the table and checked to see what Valentina was doing since she was awfully quiet. Honey, are you okay?

    Val sat with her legs crossed and her hand on her face. She turned her head to the side. I was thinkin for you. What if you broughted them here? You’re the bestest teacher, daddy.

    God ducked down and winked at Val. Cupid, that’s a perfect solution. Bring them here, and we can work on them without interference from the outside world. If we’re lucky, we can figure out their issues and fix the rest of the world at the same time. He tugged on one of Val’s curls. You’re such a smart girl. Come and give me a hug before I leave.

    She scooted over to him and wrapped her chubby arms around his neck. Wuv you.

    Cupid chuckled when she ran back over to the stereo to change the song. He glanced at God. Out of the mouths of babes. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that.

    It wasn’t an option in my mind either. She proved we need to listen to the little children more often. They don’t over think the solutions. He clapped his hands. Great, this is a wonderful idea. Val, now be a good girl and sing for me. I want to see you dance too.

    Cupid groaned. You shouldn’t encourage her like that. It’s hard enough to live with the girl. He moved over to the music station. What song will it be?

    Val bit her lip and thought for a few minutes. Oh, I know. Glory’s angel song. The one that is bouncy. She skipped over to an area large enough to allow her to dance around the room. Golden light spins in circles and flashes love to all. She spun in a circle and shifted her hips from side to side. Val waved her hands around in the air, stopped, and posed like a model. Glory girls spin and show em whatcha got.

    God and Cupid chuckled. They could always count on the little cherub to put on a great show. Her energy and excitement was contagious. God could feel the weight of trouble shift and lift from Cupid’s shoulders. Hmmm, he might have to watch this situation from another angle too.

    Chapter 1

    Enlightening Zone

    Please keep the lines moving. A voice boomed out from strategically placed speakers in the large foyer. You are now entering the enlightening zone. All women please stay to the right and men to the left. No stopping or standing around allowed. Keep moving forward. People wandered around aimlessly. Several employees, wearing flowing gowns in multiple colors, approached different individuals. They spoke quietly and guided the groups into a single file. An elderly woman placed an arm around a young woman and stated, Young lady, you will be known as Destiny during your stay here. She handed Destiny a cup and pointed to a door ahead. Drink the elixir, and go to room twelve.

    Destiny, confused, decided the best person to speak with was the older woman wearing a rich, red-colored flowing robe. Excuse me? Where am I? Why am I here? I was watching my boyfriend on TV and I blacked out. I think I hit my head because it really hurts. Destiny felt heavy and it was difficult to move. She glanced down and realized she was wearing a gown. It resembled the same robe of the other lady. It was made of a really thick material in a hot pink color. What an odd thing to have on.

    A shiver ran down her spine. She suddenly had the oddest feeling. Was someone watching her? Was Marcus, her boyfriend, here with her? She didn’t have a lot of time to contemplate the question. The woman from the entrance gently pushed on her back. Destiny, child, don’t think. Feel. The essence of the heart potion will help answer all of your questions. We are here to assist you in your journey towards the ultimate goal. Love. Unconditional Love is pivotal for everyone’s personal growth. The lady moved on to another lost soul, and Destiny swallowed the concoction given to her.

    Mmm, this is delicious. I wonder if they have anymore in strawberry. She licked her lips, searching for more of the chocolate flavor, and a calming sensation went through her body. Yum, I’ll try and find the recipe. I could take it home and maybe they have it in a twelve-pack.

    Destiny was nudged again by Ms. Flowing-Garbed lady. Please keep the line moving, dear. We have a lot of new and disoriented souls to heal today.

    Destiny gave a half smile and moved to her assigned room. She realized the lady was right. Wow. All of us are lost? Destiny scanned the stark white room. Weird. Why don’t they have pictures or something on the walls? She located a chair and flipped through the piles of blank papers in front of her. How odd. This place is so retro. I haven’t seen anything like this desk in years. This must be where all the stuff goes when they can’t sell it at a garage sale or online. She heard a snicker behind her but didn’t have a chance to sneak a peek. It sounded like a man, but she couldn’t be sure. Another flowing-garbed person came into the room.

    A tall gentleman wearing a navy blue gown floated in and counted heads. Ladies and gentlemen, I will be your aide for today. I will show you how to move about the Enlightening Zone. We call it the EZ because everything is easier around here. He frowned when no one laughed. Okay then. We will assist you on your journey. We will help you understand what will be expected from you. He wrote on the blackboard, but Destiny couldn’t read his writing. I will inform you now that you are not in heaven or hell. It really does exist, and anyone who doesn’t follow instructions will be taken directly there. Have I made myself clear? Everyone nodded. Wonderful. Now let’s begin this new and exciting stage of your existence.

    Destiny sat stunned in her desk. Where were they? The last thing she remembered was being in her room and watching Marcus on the television. She had been crying because he died or so she thought. Had she felt his presence in the hallway earlier? She shivered. She never understood why he felt the urge to drive recklessly and at such a high rate of speed. She was jolted out of her thoughts by the tapping of a pencil. The guy behind her, the snickering one, seemed on edge. She casually stretched and faked scratching her head. As she shifted in her seat, she turned her head so she could peek at him through her fingers. Destiny sighed. He was cute, but a little restless for her taste. She suspected he would be a huge distraction. She wasn’t in the mood for any more drama today. She twisted around and forced herself to pay attention to the instructor. Golly dang. The man kept droning on and on about metaphysical stuff, celestial beings, and parallel universes. Quantum physics. Science. Yuck. She was not interested in anything involving space or abstract theories. She began to doodle on the blank paper. She drew a heart, a rose, a house, a few stick people, and played hangman. She thought she heard snoring behind her and smothered a chuckle.

    Any more of this and we’ll all be asleep. Restless dude stated.

    The point to remember is this … we have given you a memory reducing drug. This made Destiny sit up and pay attention. We need you to forget the other realm and to rediscover the important things in life. Love, trust, and forgiveness are missing in today’s world, so we will concentrate on those items now. Most of our teachings were values many of you deemed trivial. He frowned and tsked at everyone.

    You will still know how to work your earthly jobs. If you were a bookkeeper, then you will work in our accounting office. Who knows, your talents may even come in handy once or twice. The drug only fogs the memory of your past lives. You will still feel emotions and be drawn to the same individuals you were attracted to on earth. But, if the medication works, you will not remember your former self. Yes, there have been some folks in need of a higher dosage but, on average, the normal amount works for everyone. Are there any questions? He glanced around the room and was pleased with all the confused looks. Perfect. Now, if you will get into a single line, then we will take you to registration. The next step will be getting everyone trained for their new positions in the zone.

    Destiny followed the restless, attractive guy and tuned out the aide. She would have to forget Marcus. It seemed easy enough, especially since she could not remember what he looked like. He could be similar to the gorgeous guy in front of her. She scratched her head. I think he might have the same butt. At least she thought his shapely rear was similar to Marcus’, but she wasn’t sure since she could only see the outline of it underneath the enormous green robe he was wearing. She shook her head. What was she thinking? The drug must have worked on her. She bumped into what seemed like a concrete wall, but was in fact a very nice body. Excuse me. I seem to be a little weak.

    All women become weak in the knees after one look at me. He grinned and winked at her.

    She rolled her eyes. Great. You would think people could come up with better pick-up lines. They should create a drug to make guys forget those tacky one-liners. They reached a bank of elevators, and she was ushered into one and the cute guy in another. She leaned against the wall and had a sense of familiarity. Destiny shrugged and thought she must have worked in a building similar to this one.

    The doors opened, and they entered a large waiting room. She noticed televisions sets, couches, and tables set up in different parts of the room. A few plump cushioned chairs created a pleasant reading corner. The noise level was comparable to the lunchroom in high school. It was too loud to hear anything but not uncontrollable where teachers would get upset. The room was a pale blue shade with paintings hung haphazardly on the walls. I think the zone could use a better decorator. She heard a giggle behind her. Destiny was directed to another long line by another aide.

    The televisions caught her attention. They had different movies playing. Destiny didn’t remember seeing them before, but for some reason she felt they were familiar. She inched forward and became aware of the music playing through a hidden stereo system. She struggled to remember the song, but she couldn’t concentrate on the lyrics. She was nudged in her back and automatically put her hand up to stop her from falling on the person in front of her. Her hand met a solid wall, and it was blessedly warm. I could use

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