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Zach, Zoey, and Lucky
Zach, Zoey, and Lucky
Zach, Zoey, and Lucky
Ebook37 pages18 minutes

Zach, Zoey, and Lucky

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About this ebook

Zach, Zoey, and Lucky is a story about two shelties and a cat that are all growing up, talking to each other, and enjoying each others company. Along the way they have adventures and try to give their adoptive Mom and Dad lots of love.

Release dateMar 31, 2015
Zach, Zoey, and Lucky

Evelyn Rogers

Evelyn Rogers is a retired Registered Nurse who lives in Wisconsin with her husband, two dogs, and a cat.

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    Zach, Zoey, and Lucky - Evelyn Rogers

    Copyright © 2015 Evelyn Rogers.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-0424-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-0423-8 (e)

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 3/31/2015




    Zack, Zoey, and Lucky

    The Beginnings

    Zack, Zoey, and Lucky

    A New Playmate?

    Zoey Grows Up

    A New Friendship

    Snow and Christmas

    Where’s Lucky?

    Lost Teeth


    Kittens and No Mother

    About the Author



    Zack, Zoey, and Lucky

    My husband Warren and I always had dogs. We found we preferred shelties of all the different kinds we had. I grew up with a collie / sheltie and enjoyed watching Lassie on T.V. My dog Rex was my best friend. I used to dress him up at Halloween

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