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The Eyes on Growing Needs:: Tips to Succeed in Our Tech-Driven World
The Eyes on Growing Needs:: Tips to Succeed in Our Tech-Driven World
The Eyes on Growing Needs:: Tips to Succeed in Our Tech-Driven World
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The Eyes on Growing Needs:: Tips to Succeed in Our Tech-Driven World

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Each of us are created with unique gifts, divine grace, and a purpose. While some obstacles are placed in our way to prepare us to handle our assignments with good outcomes, many of us still need specific guidance in order to break through barriers, develop and grow, and ultimately achieve dreams.

Dr. Love Otuechere relies on her diverse experience as a ministerial leader and community advocate to share inspirational advice intended to help a new generation as well as those hoping to break new virtual grounds. While encouraging young adults to see opportunities and then effectively use grassroots issues to solve challenges and plan careers within a multifaceted, tech-driven world, Dr. Otuechere draws inspiration from biblical stories that encourage others to avoid repeating mistakes, live a service-oriented existence, find confidence to pursue goals, and shun selfish desires. Included are tips and tools that will help the latest generation apply analytical data, technology, and divine plans in order to meet needs and accomplish goals.

The Eyes on Growing Needs shares inspirational wisdom that will guide people to embrace virtual tele-technology to find fulfillment, be on demand via skill sets and address desires within a multifaceted world filled with information.
Release dateJan 24, 2017
The Eyes on Growing Needs:: Tips to Succeed in Our Tech-Driven World

Dr. Love Otuechere

Dr. Love Otuechere is a ministerial leader and missionary deacon at Family Life Fellowship, a passionate community advocate, author of three books and a weekly inspirational column, and a street evangelist. The married mother of five lives in Boston, Massachusetts, where she works as a health care administrator at a teaching hospital.

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    The Eyes on Growing Needs: - Dr. Love Otuechere

    Reform-Minded and Forward-Thinking Model for Next-Generation Technology Transfer

    THE STATE OF THE MIND as an enabler of vision and a driver of reform never had a real meaning to me until I studied the life and mind-set of young David. The mind is where every battle begins in a person’s life. David was never fickle-minded in his pursuits as a shepherd, warrior, king, psalmist, and a community builder. He knew what was needed at any given time and made up his mind to pursue it. His brother Eliab did all he could to discourage David from engaging in the groundbreaking battle with Goliath, but to no avail. The size of Goliath was intimidating enough to instill fear in David to the contrary.

    It is very important to instill in our children to be focused on what matters, involving them in chores to encourage accountability and commitment and other activities to build confidence. If David was not given the opportunity to shepherd those sheep and learn to depend on God and His words to grow his faith, the fear of Goliath would have paralyzed him like it did the rest of the Israeli army. Faith is an active word that yields results when one believes in his or her heart what God says in any given situation.

    David saw these played again and again in the wilderness while rearing the family’s sheep. David got the revelation very early in life that faith is a great tool needed to overcome any obstacle, win any battle, and step through any door. He was able to put the puzzles together that God drives technology for the next generation via purpose, to take care of the environment. It is very obvious that God gives people different gifts in the form of talents, abilities, assignments, drives, burdens, and passion to engage themselves and become visible. However, people need to see God as the purpose giver, with the mission statement and guides to relate to Him to obtain needed grace for victory.

    David never excluded God. He knew the importance of God in his life, and he made it known everywhere he went. The gifts of talents, skill sets, abilities, physical features, and the like, are incorporated in people to meet the needs of their surroundings. It was not by accident that David’s father asked him to go and deliver food to his brother in the war; God orchestrated it. Thus, God knows the right time to implement and import high-tech mobile apps and other electronic enablers of technological transfers. It also dawned on me that if the infallible God predestined a person to be significant and impactful, He already qualified this person for the job, regardless of backgrounds and issues in between.

    Unlike most CEOs, who look for perfect records and clean background checks before hiring, God looks at the heart of a person and the willingness to carry the burden of others in love for appointments.

    The trend is signaling the time to transfer what used to be on paper, Polaroid, solo camera base, into digital. However, as the acceptance of any assignment requires orientation and fitness testing, drills, and going over the manuals and job descriptions, so too is God’s manual an effective tool for that purpose. God will never make any mistake in whatever role, assignment, or position He has presently given to you.

    The fact of the matter is that the same God who gives every human an assignment is the one who assigns specific duties to the trees, moon, wind, ocean, and rivers. It baffles me that these stationary creations dutifully stay on post, meeting every need in their seasons. I am wondering if their lack of wavering could be because they do not have minds. Does the mind have something to do with the wavering attitude to accept, fulfill, or haphazardly perform assigned tasks? The answer is yes. A mind that is not prepared to accept responsibility because of a lack of training, indiscipline, pride, and insubordination will not accept tasks for the next level.

    A young mind receptive to needs and trending career shift will listen to mentors and noble authorities for involvement in the community. The battlefield was where the action was heating up and needing help. Young people and career starters need to embrace opportunities that their skills, training, and exposure can help to stay in demand. There are needs to be met all the time, but it takes obedient and trained people who are willing to answer the call to meet the demands. It takes people going to school in needed areas of expertise to meet the demands of the future. The needs of society, people, and places are changing, requiring people whose minds are eager to solve the problems of others to become victorious agents of change.

    I strongly believe that young David was the next-generation prototype-transfer reform-minded forward thinker destined to jump-start the process of seeing needs from the grassroots. David had to go into the wild to prepare for the future. This preparation necessitated a shift to embrace a system that would meet the needs of Israel and God. There may be many reasons for the shift, but David’s vocal expression as he went after Goliath for defiling God and the nation proved to be on top on his list. The agenda and focus of David on what really mattered in prioritizing order depicted a person on a mission to meet the needs of the community and of God. He received God’s backup and blessings, which lasted for many generations.

    The progression of events mapped out by King David included the restoration of peace and showcasing of God’s grace, preparation to build the Temple, and the strategic setting of a stage for Christ’s lineage. In retrospect, the mind is the focal point to be addressed, renewed, and prepared to deal with prevalent issues preventing us from seeing ways to fulfill our assignments and objectives. Humans are ambassadors for planet Earth. It is expected of any ambassador without scope, mission statement, and vision to be fearful in a foreign land.

    David represents a young, valuable problem solver who will inspire the young generation who share a level of uncertainty, but still desire for their needs to be met. The environment is a prototype of a jungle, full of lions, bears, snakes, and valleys of the shadow of death, yet David was able to operate solo, taking care of business. He was serving a worthy cause with the backup of God, who gave him the assignment. David’s age was also a reflection of most high school graduates stepping into the unknown with fear, anxiety, and sometimes lacking adult supervision to figure out life for themselves.

    David’s attitude toward assignment as an unsung hero is a habit to be emulated for a progressive, improved, next-generation technology transfer. Our present youths need to see themselves in David’s shoes, emulating his ways for breakthrough and deployment. David saw the many talents in himself and deemed them very feasible to break ground; he trained to be a patriot, musician, warrior, shepherd, entrepreneur, architect, and king. He understood the importance of being versatile to become serviceable as opportunity arose. The fact that David could go after a lion that already had one of his sheep in its mouth and retrieve it definitely depicted a person who was not afraid to sacrificially protect any entity entrusted to him. The boldness of David did not come in any other way but from the throne of God’s grace, coming to his rescue for honoring Him and trusting Him.

    Furthermore, if a workplace can provide security, police, and other security measures to protect its employees, how much more so can God when we wholeheartedly trust Him as we accept the call and the assignment He has given us? It was a trust issue with David, who by design and practice always inquired of the Lord to hear and obey Him in all his moves.

    This book is in consonance with the job description for every able-bodied person to use the environment, grassroots, or home base as a platform to improve, multiply, produce, and replenish, encouraging, helping, and inspiring others to develop and grow likewise, eyeing needs to meet them. I believe gapping in any area of the society, the economy, structure, technology, and learning could be a sign that they need to be replenished, improved, and multiplied.

    The story of the young David in the Old Testament is a needs-based model to explain the importance of eyeing needs from grassroots, even without sophisticated tools and equipment, operating solo to meet great needs through faith and readiness. This model is a testament that everyone is capable of using, whatever he or she already has to begin, an actionable process of meeting needs or having a burden. The story nullifies excuses used by many, such as not having the right tools, technology, education, environment, weather, or proper support before they can step out to fulfill their dreams. David’s story backed up the notion that you can just as effectively use what you are familiar with to accomplish needs and objectives as people with sophisticated tools. It proved that accepting responsibilities is a motivator, a stepping-stone to greatness in life, and that greatness happens with time and not overnight, for people who take each step one day at a time.

    The book establishes that all you need is God’s support by having a heart that beats for others and makes unselfish sacrifices. Your zeal to meet needs close to you and then progressing to the society with your talents, skill sets, and abilities will always cause people to look for you. The book is a wake-up call for the young generation and others to make use of technology and many virtual opportunities out there, to meet needs remotely and in real time for areas where time is of the essence. God is the author of technology. The book encourages everyone to look within for those rare, unique, and extraordinary abilities used to derive purpose. It is time to use distinct differences and uniqueness as platforms to meet needs and stay in demand.

    Making a special cake that no one else could recreate is a signal to have a grassroots bakery, if that fits your portfolio. Designing a unique hair product or style could be your portal to meet the needs of a certain population. The technology is there to market and advertise your products virtually and online. If you need to go into an exclusive environment, as led by the inner will in you, you should explore such ventures. Everything starts with the mind and the faith to see your end point; you begin to take a little step at a time to get there.

    This book explores the importance of the mind as the receptor and port of entry to visualize into the cloud for spatial and spiritual mapping that transcends into the physical. David was a visualizer who saw his shepherding career as the entry point and boot-camp for everything else that would come later in his life. In doing so, he met God, using His words, wisdom, and guidance to build his character and his faith. He was able to train his mind to fight fear, take risks, and also learn to depend on God. He depended on God deeply to carry the four stones around, the number of grace. He knew who was behind him at each ordeal or battle, and he knew he should have no fear. Thus, you have to train your mind to reject defeat, fear, and many suggestions that are not in alignment with God’s words for your benefit. A caretaker of the earth has to demonstrate that he or she is capable of analyzing needs within the scope of duties and abilities, to take responsibility in meeting them.

    The mind of a person meant for the limelight should be trained against vulnerability, especially in the area of self-centeredness. The filling of the mind with self-centered thoughts is displayed by King Saul, who was already a king but was preoccupied with the selfish ambition of chasing after David. This was a king given the huge assignment of running a country, now preoccupied with sleeping in tents and going from one cave to another, hunting for David. A mind that is full of selfish ambition can do anything out of line. The mind needs to be disciplined for anyone hoping to lead, make an impact, or become great, because there are many distractions, many interruptions along the way. This is the reason God’s words are available for use, to pull down strongholds or imaginations before they become real to dominate a person.

    It is very easy to shift your eyes away from the divine assignment needed for your advancement. King David’s focus was always on what he could do for the people and for the Lord, whereas King Saul’s focus shifted selfishly away from the kingdom to David upon Goliath’s victory. Hence, there is a strong need to fill your mind with God’s thoughts of love, kindness, abundance, hope, possibilities, and serving others—to leave little or no room for selfish suggestions from negative invaders. There are many technology capabilities for the next generation in the area of data analysis, data mining, cyber security, and focused competency-based skills for supervisors. End-users’ and consumers’ data are now easily accessible for product design, needs analysis, and real-time service deliveries. It takes a reform-minded person like David to start, even from grassroots, to think about the needs of others and society, making preparations to meet them, to be in the limelight and be given an opportunity to showcase one’s talents.

    The Story behind the Book, The Eyes on Growing Needs

    I WAS INSPIRED BY THE life of David, the giant killer, the psalmist, and the historical king of Israel, who sacrificially understood the importance of meeting needs and used it as a platform to become legendary. As a young man, David had a spirit of servitude, diligence, commitment, humility, dedication, discipline, boldness, skillfulness, compassion, and community orientation. These are important skill sets that propel anyone from grassroots into glory. The focus David had and his desire to meet needs, starting from the home front, is a winning attitude that needs to be emulated, especially by the young generation. The sense of diligence, commitment, and sacrifice to build on an already good foundation needs reinforcement in many societies that do not care much about veterans and people who paid many dues to get us to where we are now. There are many beneficial family values, virtues, historical landmarks, stories, and important identities to be preserved by every family. It is now left for significant members to inform upcoming members of these virtues. For example, faith is a gift and a virtue. So are boldness, patience, obedience, diligence, responsibility and serving others. Community service and faith in God, run in David’s family. Ultimately, his family brought him up to be a virtuous man.

    It is the spirit of a futurist like the legendary King David as a young lad to tend the family sheep business solo in a family of big brothers. David was one of eight sons of Jesse, who saw the need to keep the family business viable. In those days, it was a big business; everything from wool to hide and skins, meat, artworks, and more came from such a business. But it was a hard job with obvious environmental challenges, isolating and full of risks. However, it was through taking on this task that David obtained the skills, lessons, and warrior boot-camp training that eventually put him on a pedestal.

    I sincerely believe that many people have shifted their eyes away from high-level jobs and leadership positions of the future by being unwilling to use grassroots tasks to prepare. What many young people and even mature adults may term menial, challenging, risky, or dirty tasks are usually tasks that make one a front liner or truce breaker. It was through the sheep-rearing job that young David learned to set goals, become vigilant, obtain war skills, develop faith, discover many hidden structures, have time for sober reflection, and learn to trust God for guidance, protection, provision, and direction.

    This book is a very informative and powerful tool on how to use grassroots, familiar, unique, special needs as tangibles to analyze and use, to have passion or burden to solve problems. There are so many needs to be met, and if everyone takes the time to look closely around for issues, problems, needs, deployment, engagement, and meaningful participation, everyone will be in great demand in specific areas of expertise. The digital age is very promising, with many opportunities and raw data for planning and strategies for specific needs. There are many windows of opportunity to apply modern technology in every aspect of our lives, if only prospective career seekers can visualize the remote and online opportunities for training, data trends, marketing, and employment opportunities.

    Furthermore, we are in the Information Age, driven by consumerism and many available options at the snap of a finger or the click of a mouse. Most people know what they want and are willing to pay for quality, timeliness, effectiveness, and security. Consumers are also waiting for suggestions, for those whose eyes are on the future, people who can help them be their best, attain their best, and live their best. The question is, are you willing to go into your closet and study needs using the hierarchy to target the unique needs of special populations to specifically meet for a groundbreaking you? The book highlights obvious challenges, distractions, patience, and some obvious tests in the lives, services, and products of prospective champions; front-liners and how

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