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Pass It On! There’S Enough to Go Around the World!
Pass It On! There’S Enough to Go Around the World!
Pass It On! There’S Enough to Go Around the World!
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Pass It On! There’S Enough to Go Around the World!

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This book is based on a true story of my life a sharecropper's daughter having to work on the farm rain or shine only having little time for schooling. I've always had faith in GOD and the words of my father telling me that everything was going to be alright one day, not rely understanding what he was talking about at the time.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 23, 2015
Pass It On! There’S Enough to Go Around the World!

Myrtise Youmans

Percent to be marvelous story teller, taking its readers into an exciting story in rediscovering the past.

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    Pass It On! There’S Enough to Go Around the World! - Myrtise Youmans

    Copyright © 2015 by Myrtise Youmans.

    Library of Congress Control Number:          2015901096

    ISBN:          Hardcover          978-1-5035-3651-7

                        Softcover           978-1-5035-3652-4

                        eBook                978-1-5035-3653-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 01/21/2015






    I Have Written This Book Because…


    Wilbur Shine Youmans The Son of Jack and Laura Youmans

    Mom’s Garden


    When We Were Children

    Family Parties



    Waiting for Christmas




    Trying to Cope with the Death of My Baby Girl

    Cecil S. and Elizabeth Betty Hill

    Prayer for Health and Healing

    Pass It On! There’s Enough to Go Around the World!

    The Joys of Aging

    Mystery Clouds

    When Mom and Dad Is No Longer with You

    Myrtis Simms: A Life of Helping Others

    Childhood incident led Myrtis Sims into a life of helping others

    She has Christmas spirit all year

    Local Woman to Appear on Oprah Winfrey

    Youmans gives of herself


    My mother and father. I have always truly loved them. If they were living today, I would say to them, Thank you for a job well done.

    Even when I thought they were wrong, I listened. When they told me to do something and I thought they were wrong, I did it because they said I should. Many times I said to myself, Mom and Shine will eat their words someday. They did not always have to eat their words.

    Myrtise Youmans


    I would also like to dedicate my life story to those people who made it possible for me to come out of the shell I have lived in for so many years. Every day I find myself in a steadfast search for the reason why people cannot love each other as God loves us.

    Why is it so hard to love? God does!

    I hope my book will help my two godchildren as they grow up in this world. They both have the testimony of my life to share with this world. Only if a part of my life story gets told to them, it is more than what they need to let others know I was dedicated to what I did for others. I only wish Myrtise King and Jonathan M. Simmons have God’s mercy and will be good soldiers.

    I can see, after having all the experiences I have had with people, it really helps one to be open when it comes to one self. I have tried to tell my brother Johnny how I feel about some things, but he just looks at me and says, To each his own. I don’t think people should have anything to do with what you have gone through when you were growing up. Even when I was married, I tried to tell him things. He would just say, Well, sis.

    Myrtise Youmans


    I Have Written This Book Because…

    In my everyday dreams, I see something about people that made me the person I am today. Many people still put my heart to pain. One is when I try to love and bring family together.

    Our family is not as close today as it was when Mom and Dad (Shine) were living. Other people have separated us in one way or another. All of us are trying to build our own little world, but it will only work for a short time. We need one another. Family cannot be replaced. We cannot change who we are; neither can we make ourselves over. What we are is who we are. As a family, I want all of you to know that I want to be one of the family members who tried to be strong. In spite of all our differences, I just want to be loved by my family and accepted for who I am. That is why I try so hard to let all of you know what is in my heart and why I have been alone for most of my life.

    I have tried to have a family and children like the rest of you, but it just did not happen to me. Sometimes all of you overlooked me, but I still tried to love and be there for all of you. So far, it has not come true for me. It is hard being around you with your children, hearing you talk about them, seeing you with your grandchildren, and watching you having that joy and pleasure.

    Why I was the one that missed out, I will never know, but I do know one thing. God has given me the best gift in the world because I have the gift of caring and loving others no

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