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The Adventures of Dolly the Dollar Bill: Dolly Goes West
The Adventures of Dolly the Dollar Bill: Dolly Goes West
The Adventures of Dolly the Dollar Bill: Dolly Goes West
Ebook65 pages22 minutes

The Adventures of Dolly the Dollar Bill: Dolly Goes West

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Dolly is a US Dollar bill who leaves the United States Engraving and Printing where all her friends are and departs on a heartfelt adventure where she meets a young girl named Matilda. Dolly becomes attached to Matilda but Matilda must make a painful decision on whether to give up her very first dollar bill for a friend in need. As she does make this decision, Dolly the Dollar Bills travels from Washington D.C. to many points going West. n this book, Dolly visits, Mt. Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Find out how Dolly makes new friends in Violet, the $5 five dollar bill and Billy the $10 ten dollar bill. As Dolly moves to the western part of the U.S., she is still thinking about Matilda and how to get back home to her. Find out in this second heartwarming story of friendship and not to mention learning how money travels!!
Release dateDec 11, 2015
The Adventures of Dolly the Dollar Bill: Dolly Goes West

Leslie-Ann Messina

Leslie-Ann Messina has loved writing since she was a young child. She has a degree in Fine Arts and works full time as an Administrative Assistant. Her favorite authors are Walt Disney, James Patterson, Hans Christian Anderson and Sue Monk Kidd. Her favorite books as a child were "Snow White” and “The Red Shoes.” Her favorite Disney movie was “Cinderella”. Her favorite quote comes from Walt Disney himself; "All Our Dreams Can Come True If We Have The Courage To Pursue Them." Leslie is a water color artist, acrylic artist and an accomplished ballet dancer. She lives in White Plains, New York with her husband Philip, son Michael and two Bichon Frise’s Genevieve & Lily. This is her first children’s book.

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    The Adventures of Dolly the Dollar Bill - Leslie-Ann Messina

    2015 Leslie-Ann Messina. All rights reserved.

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    transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/02/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-6039-7 (sc)

           978-1-5049-6040-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015918764

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    To my Mom with much love



    In loving memory of my Aunt Bernice


    Thank you to all who have served in the military, who still serve

    & who have given their lives for our freedom.

    Thank you Uncle Phil Felix for your ultimate sacrifice.


    All Our Dreams Can Come True If We Have the Courage to Pursue Them.

    -Walt Disney

    "When You Wish Upon a Star, Makes No Difference Who You Are

    Anything Your Heart Desires Will Come True"

    -Walt Disney


    I would like to thank my wonderful husband Phil, my one in million son Michael and my amazing Mom for their love and support each and every day-all three of you are my everything. Enormous thanks to those at Author House: Tim, Jeff, Nathan, Sweet Rosalie and Joshua my Illustrator. Much love to my friend Billy for always making me laugh and making my work week fun. To my friend Suzanne, you are so special to me, your friendship means the world to me and I am blessed to have you in my life.

    To my Uncle Ben, who taught me to love horses, respect the military

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