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For You
For You
For You
Ebook122 pages22 minutes

For You

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About this ebook

Ana J. Garcia, author of For You, offers a practical approach for transforming an ordinary day into a prism of light, a rose garden, a symphony of sounds created by fountains, the rustling of leaves on a windy afternoon, wind chimes, bird songs, and so many other things that we take for granted.
Ms. Garca encourages you to live each day as if it was your last. Each day, let nature permeate your entire being and notice how each sunrise and sunset is different. Enjoy the hues created by light and shade and the diversity of colors.
Dive into Gods majestic creation and feel his unconditional love. Let his love fill you with pleasure, joy, love, and a heightened sense of being one with the universal consciousness.
Release dateApr 23, 2015
For You

Ana J. García

Ana García nació en Cuba y residió allí hasta abril de 1962, cuando sus padres y ella tuvieron que dejarlo todo y venir a los Estados Unidos de América para comenzar una nueva vida. Tanto la pérdida de bienes como el dolor emocional le dio a comprender a la señora García que hay que ver a cada persona, lugar, objeto y emoción como algo inapreciable ya que lo que ocurre cada día no regresará. La señora García fue profesora por 41 años y facultó a sus estudiantes a descubrirse para así alcanzar su máximo ideal y convertirse en creadores con énfasis en respetar las culturas y la diversidad. Como profesora la señora García ha recibido premios por servicio generoso y distinguido, el premio “legend of prep” por logros de toda una vida, nombrada a “who’s who among america’s teachers”, reconocida como líder y mentora educacional, y por marcar una diferencia en la vida de un graduado de la Universidad de Drew. Para más información sobre la vida de la señora García visite su página blog La señora García está retirada y vive en Florida. Sus pasatiempos favoritos son viajar, montar a caballo, jardinería, hacer ejercicio y leer libros sobre auto superación, poesía, cuerpo, mente y alma.

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    For You - Ana J. García





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    Published by AuthorHouse 06/05/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0470-4 (sc)

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    I dedicate this book of poems to you, the reader. The poems are my experiences and memories from my childhood, my love life and travels to other countries. Each day I have lived I have lived to the fullest since I do not know the day of my transition.

    Nature has been my teacher. A butterfly and a rose live a short and perfect life. The sunrises are the promises of a brand new day and the sunsets the end of all the problems of each passing day.

    Nature is filled with multicolor flowers that decorate our gardens and can heal or kill us. In nature we find soothing sounds, and terrain that resemble oriental tapestry or extraterrestrial messages.

    It is my wish you find a constant joy in your sunrises and sunsets, and in every tree, flower and bird song.

    Let every breath you take be like the first breath you took when you came into the world. Just be in the moment.


    I would like to express my gratitude to:

    Abba, my heavenly Father, who created me and has

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