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Messages from My Hero in Heaven: My Journey Through the Powerful Spirit of My Son, Specialist Paul Vincent Davidson
Messages from My Hero in Heaven: My Journey Through the Powerful Spirit of My Son, Specialist Paul Vincent Davidson
Messages from My Hero in Heaven: My Journey Through the Powerful Spirit of My Son, Specialist Paul Vincent Davidson
Ebook155 pages1 hour

Messages from My Hero in Heaven: My Journey Through the Powerful Spirit of My Son, Specialist Paul Vincent Davidson

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About this ebook

When Army Specialist Paul Vincent Davidson died tragically at age twenty, he sought out first to reach his Mother, Melissa. He told her he would help her get the answers she needed, and she made a promise to her son and God, she would share her knowledge and amazing gift with the world. Her strength during this tragic time amazes others, and their fears have turned to strength and belief. Her friend who is medium clairvoyant, since childhood, has been sent from God to help loved ones connect

With her sons help, she is able to uncover the details of the tragedy from her sons death, and experience the miracles God has given them both. A Mothers unconditional love, along with her sons love, have been given a gift from God.

Together they journey through Heaven, as Mom takes a look back on his life.

Release dateJul 25, 2015
Messages from My Hero in Heaven: My Journey Through the Powerful Spirit of My Son, Specialist Paul Vincent Davidson

Melissa Davidson

Melissa Davidson is a creative writer originally from Hamden Connecticut, and attended Edison Community College. She has one living son, and one in Heaven. She currently is staying in FT Myers, Florida.

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    Messages from My Hero in Heaven - Melissa Davidson


    My Journey through the Powerful Spirit of My Son,

    Specialist Paul Vincent Davidson

    Copyright © 2015 Melissa Davidson.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-6886-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-6888-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-6887-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015909013

    iUniverse rev. date:  07/24/2015





    Chapter 1     God’s Gift

    Chapter 2     Through God, The Possibilities Are Endless

    Chapter 3     Accept Changes: We Can Grow From Them

    Chapter 4     Keeping Faith Within Us

    Chapter 5     God Heals Us From Within

    Chapter 6     God Has His Reasons

    Chapter 7     Honoring Your Wishes In God’s Eyes

    Chapter 8     God Sees Everything: Embrace His Presence

    Chapter 9     Your Spirit Is Within Us, Your Strength Carries Me

    Chapter 10     Treasured Gifts

    Chapter 11     The Formality

    Chapter 12     You Flew With Me And Stood By My Side

    Chapter 13     Angels Walk With Us

    Chapter 14     God Bless Our Family And Friends

    Chapter 15     My Prayer To You, God

    Chapter 16     Open Our Hearts To God, And God Will Guide Us

    Chapter 17     Celebration Of Life, A Sea Of Miracles

    Chapter 18     A Christmas Star

    Chapter 19     Wings Of Destiny

    Chapter 20     A Smile A Day Keeps The Sadness Away

    Chapter 21     Snowballs Dashing Through

    Chapter 22     Come Fly With Me

    Chapter 23     Powerful Clues, Warm Wings

    Chapter 24     Paul’S Missions

    About The Author

    Messages from My Hero in Heaven will capture your heart and will keep you wanting to know more about Paul, the young soldier. He was born with a gift, and after his death, he keeps on giving. The author is me, Melissa Davidson, a dedicated mom throughout his life and death.

    Yes, I have always been one of those moms who work very hard to make sure their children have a roof over their heads and to make sure they can play the sports and do the activities they want to do. I have lots of friends, and most of them have helped me to sponsor my two sons in sports or to support them in other ways. I love to cook, so you can guess where Matt’s and Paul’s friends would be at dinner time. I am a cancer survivor. I had a large sarcoma tumor in my left leg. Even during my illness, I only missed a few football games, and I made sure my sons were placed on teams with their friends so they could make it to practices while I was laid up. I bulldozed through cancer.

    Then, when I divorced, I had extra work ahead of me. It was tiring at times to make sure we ate dinner early and head off to hockey or football, or sometimes both in the same night, but I loved every minute of it. We took our summer vacations in Door County, Wisconsin. And we all enjoyed our times there.

    I believe God has tested me enough, but I’m prepared for anything he throws my way. There is a reason for all these tests. Losing a child has been the ultimate test. How can a mom ever prepare herself for that? God picked me up and showed me. God gave me my son back in the form of miracles, which showed me that Paul is doing well, and that Paul becoming God’s best angel was his destiny.

    I intend to help God get his word across to everyone. I will help you understand God’s gifts and that we are not to be angry during his challenges. Instead, we should embrace these times with him. Granted my son was taken to heaven a few years earlier than he was supposed to go, but God wanted Paul to help us get through. Paul may not have been able to do this had he been taken years later. So this was God’s chosen time.

    I have seen Paul as much now as when he was alive and hanging out with his friends. And I still tell him he needs to call Madre at least once a week!


    To my son Matthew, for just being himself.

    And to my other son, Paul, who has taken heaven to new heights. You both are smart, witty, and handsome. I love you both so very much, no matter if you’re in heaven or here on earth. Mom’s love has no boundaries.

    With love,


    For Joe. We first met in seventh grade but saw each other only briefly until this past September. Since then, you have been with me through my triumphs and through the most tragic part of my life, always by my side.

    For my brother, Steve, and my sisters, Kim, Lorna, and Lorraine, also Kevin, Christian, and Dennis who have been with me and has helped me through it all. My cousin MaryEllen, Kerry and Travis, thank you very much for your love and support. You’re a great family and I love you all.


    I would like to first thank God for giving me the amazing gift of two sons and for standing by my side during my triumphs and tragedies.

    I have many family and friends to acknowledge for being there for me. Thank you to my mom and dad up in heaven for helping my son through his transition. You were both ready for him because you have watched over us since your arrival there, and now you’re watching over me to help me heal. I love you both.

    Thank you Joe. With your magnificent singing voice and always listening to me. Your words of wisdom and believing in me with writing my book. Your strength carried me through the difficulties my memories of my son can endure during writing. Especially all those late nights I stayed awake writing until dawn.

    Thank you, Kathy, for translating everything Paul has shared with you to tell me and for answering all of my questions about Paul so I can understand better. I’m always amazed that after I ask Paul a question and if I’m understanding correctly, you just happen to call me the next day and and confirm my questions without me mentioning it to you.

    Thank you Renee and Cindy for your insight to what God has taught you and sharing your gifts with me. God gives his gifts to help people, and you both have proven that also.

    United States Army. Thank you for training my son for all the things he loved to do, and help him succeed. And thank you for all of your support. for my family during this time.

    To our Patriot Guard Riders, for standing so proud at my son’s arrival and at his funeral. Your gift of giving your time is heartfelt. Your love for our country and soldiers is unconditional. Thank you for your support.

    To Gabe. You never stopped believing in me during my mission. You not only cooked the best meals for us, you catered the most amazing dishes for Paul’s Celebration of Life Reception from your restaurant. Thank you for always being there for me. Your Dad is very proud of you. He is always watching over you and your family. And he wants you to smile again.

    Jennifer. As always a true friend, you also believed in me. Your Dad lives within you, and he is proud of the amazing woman you are.

    To Chris. Your heart is so pure in helping others, God has blessed you with taking care of another child. You are a true friend and thank you for believing in me.

    To Dawn and Mike, who have been there for me through the years, and once again prove to be my greatest friends. Together, we get through everything.

    Jason and Kathy. Thank you both for always guiding and helping Matt and Paul get to play their sports. Your friendship and always having faith in me and my sons I will remember always.

    Sandy and Eric, for making the trip here during our most traumatic tragedy, and being my great friends. To Cindy and TJ, you never blinked an eye to help me. Jay, Sheilagh, Gena, Chris and Scott, Jim and Diane, Alice, and Ingrid, Maureen, Angela and Mike, Mike. Thank you for always having Paul’s back, Paola, Rasa, Brian, Carl, Craig, William, John, Steve P, and the rest of my soldier friends, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being there every day for my son Matt and I.

    And to whom I didn’t mention here, I thank everyone of my family and friends who never stopped believing in me and my gift of writing. Your faith and love is pure. I could add a few hundred more pages thanking all of my friends who have faith in me, and believing in God that helped me write with a pure heart.


    I was driving on a beautiful road with large royal palms lining each side when I noticed the bald eagle flying above me, following me. I then took a left turn, and right in front of my car was

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