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The Experiment at Philadelphia:: Did Einstein Discover God?  If God Created All Things Then Who Created God?  What Was and Happened Before the Big-Bang
The Experiment at Philadelphia:: Did Einstein Discover God?  If God Created All Things Then Who Created God?  What Was and Happened Before the Big-Bang
The Experiment at Philadelphia:: Did Einstein Discover God?  If God Created All Things Then Who Created God?  What Was and Happened Before the Big-Bang
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The Experiment at Philadelphia:: Did Einstein Discover God? If God Created All Things Then Who Created God? What Was and Happened Before the Big-Bang

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The Philadelphia Experiment was Einsteins experiment in which he had not only discovered, in 1943, the way to make things invisible and transport them at great speeds, but also positively proven scientifically, physically and spiritually that God Almighty exists! He had literally discovered God! That question, Is there a God?, thats been going through peoples minds for so long, discussed on the street corner, talked about on the porch on a hot summers night, is now a proven fact
Release dateApr 21, 2015
The Experiment at Philadelphia:: Did Einstein Discover God?  If God Created All Things Then Who Created God?  What Was and Happened Before the Big-Bang

Kurt B. Bakley

Kurt Brian Bakley was born on October 15, 1954, at 8:11 p.m., a Friday evening during hurricane Hazel at Cooper Hospital in Camden, New Jersey, across the river from Philadelphia. In 1976 he then began writing and researching these books on prophecy and Christianity. He wrote to date (January 29, 2016) twenty-four books on this website: Please buy at least one of every book for more info and drawings not included in the bigger books. Some have been taken off the website and are not live, but most are. Even though some books are in the large books sometimes, they don’t have all the info and drawings as the little books do. A list of them is chart 52. God’s two witnesses and the 144,000 Jewish men during the last three and a half years from AD 3002 to 3005 may give out these books to as many as possible. Look for them in the UK at AuthorHouse publishing there.

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    The Experiment at Philadelphia: - Kurt B. Bakley

    © 2015 KURT B. BAKLEY. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/27/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0878-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0365-3 (e)

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    See Appendix G for information on codes and other information used in this book.

    All quotes in this book are used under the fair usage statement of 500-600 words according to the Copyright office in Washington, D.C.

    All Bible quotes are from the Old King James Version in public domain.

    All drawings in this book are my own.

    All Nostradamus quatrains quoted under fair usage from the book Nostradamus: The man who could see tomorrow. By Erika Cheetham. A Berkley book/published by arrangement with G.P. Putma’s Sons. Copyrighted by Erika Cheetham 1973.

    The Book of the Dead by E.A. Wallis quote is under fair usage buy the copyright office in Washington D.C. Published by Random House. Copyrighted 1960 by University Books.

    The book "Broca’s Brain quote by Carl Sagan is under fair usage by the copyright office 1979 by Carl Sagan Published by Random House.

    The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility By William Moore and Charles Berlitz. Published by Fawcett Crest Books a unit of CBS Publications by arrangement with Grosset And Dunlap, Inc. Copyrighted 1979 by William Moore and Charles Berlitz.



    Chapter One: The Philadelphia Experiment

    Chapter Two: The Mystery of God

    Chapter Three: In the Beginning…

    Chapter Four: From eternity till eternity: Part I

    Chapter Five: From eternity to eternity: Part II

    Chapter Six: MYSTERY BABYLON

    Chapter Seven: The Strong Delusion

    Chapter Eight: The Truth About Vanity

    Chapter Nine: The mystery of good and evil

    Chapter Ten: The mystery of Jacob and Esau

    Chapter Eleven: Wisdom in movies

    Chapter Twelve: Religion, good or evil?

    Chapter Thirteen: Tough Questions

    Chapter Fourteen: The Amen God

    Chapter Fifteen: Bible Warnings

    Appendix A: The Nativity Updates

    Appendix B: The four storms

    Appendix C: Serial Killers

    Appendix D: The Two Gulf Wars

    Appendix E: Dreams, Visions and angel visitation

    Appendix F: Songs of Solomon

    Appendix G: The Codes

    Appendix H: Recent and future prophecies

    Appendix I: Predictions for 2015 Revised Edition.

    Appendix J: The antichrist

    Appendix: K: The JFK,RFK and Rabin assassinations

    Appendix L: Book Excerpts

    Appendix M: The Life of Kurt B. Bakley

    Appendix N: The Seven Thunders

    Appendix O: TWA Flight 800

    Appendix P: The Divine Code

    Appendix Q:: Prophecies that have, will, or didn’t happen

    Appendix R: Mayan Code

    Appendix S: Dates of Revelation

    Appendix T: The Dog Year/10-Year Delay

    Appendix U: Monkey Year

    Appendix V: War in heaven

    Appendix W: World War II

    Appendix X: Spring-Summer 2013

    Appendix Y: End Time Dates

    Appendix Z: Ten Sets Of End Time Signs

    Appendix Alpha: Updates

    Appendix Beta: End Time Signs I

    Appendix Gamma: End Time Signs II

    Appendix Delta: End Time Signs III

    Appendix Epsilon: Matthew 24-25

    Appendix Zeta:: The Door

    Appendix Eta: Hidden Treasures

    Appendix Theta: Modern Day Prophetic Songs

    Appendix iota:: Hell

    Appendix Kappa:: Heaven

    Appendix Lambda: The Nativity



    About the Author


    Have you ever asked or heard someone say "If God created all who created God? Or what was and happened before the big bang? We will answer those questions in perfectly clear answers in this book.

    Was there a U.S. naval ship experiment done by Einstein at Philadelphia in October of 1943? Did it make a ship invisible and transport it to another port? Did the experiment discover God and how he works, along with the whole Universe? Did it reveal the most deepest, darkest secrets of the Universe?

    Since the beginning of the world many have had questions in their minds, souls and hearts that have remained unanswered. Why am I here? What’s the true meaning of life? How was all created? Who are God and the Devil? If God created all, who created God? If He is the first in creation, where and how did He come into existence? Why does God allow evil in the world? Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things to good people? Why, if we all came from Adam and Eve, who were Jewish, are there Gentiles? Why is there cancer and deadly diseases? Why was knowledge of good and evil forbidden in the garden? Why would good knowledge be forbidden? Why does cancer hit a young child killing it early in life? Why, if God is good and merciful, doesn’t He heal that child? How old is the earth? What is the Trinity of God? How come Genesis say us when referring to God? Why have, down through the ages, different religions done such evil? Why is money the main suit of many Christian preachers when they say the love of money is the root of all evil and rich men won’t get to heaven? What, when and how did the big bang start? Why is there such hatred of the flesh by the religious? Why do they restrict all fleshly things God made and said were good in Genesis? What happened to Satan? Who is he really and what did he do in the past? What are his beliefs and ways? What is he, literally, made of? What is the meaning of the great pyramids and sphinx that have been such a great mystery since the day they were made? What are the UFOs? What are demons? What is religion? What, and where, is heaven? Is there a hell? Is there a God?

    The great mystery of God explained in this book’s first 14 chapters, are the words men were forbidden to speak that II Corinthians 12:1-4 tells of and the strange act God would do in the end times as Isaiah 28:21 predicted. It shows God not as one way like most think of Him as, but as three ways. It also shows Satan not as one way the opposite of God, but as three ways. God and Satan have always been shown in just one way when they both are three ways as we will read in this book in the first 14 chapters. Be sure to look at all the drawings at the end of this book and read the text below each for they will help you better understand this book. Look at the drawings and read the text of each every time I say so in this book. Don’t wait till the end of this book to look at all the drawings and read the text because you’ll forget what I was saying in the book by that time.

    The antichrist may say in his book these following things: Using science, astrology and physics, the occult, the Bible and every source possible, all these questions above will be answered in one simple answer. All these questions have been a mystery for a long time, some since the beginning of time. In this book I will answer them directly, with simple proof and in absolute truth, unlike any answers you ever heard before. You might not like the answers or agree with them at first, but truth defies time, lies and debate. It stands forever in heaven, in hell and in space.

    The truth is always universal. Lies often don’t answer all, but the truth does on all subjects. This is unheard of because, since the beginning, science, astrology, astronomy, religion, numerology, history and all other subjects have fought one against the other and never agreed on anything. The answers in this book agree with all and when opposites agree you can bet it is the truth. If I had not called this book THE EXPERIMENT AT PHILADELPHIA: DID EINSTEIN DISCOVER GOD?, I would have called it THE TRUTH. Words are cheap, but words of truth are precious and few. This book will probably be the most deepest book you ever will read.

    The answers in this book are words of truth and are what is known as…THE MYSTERY OF GOD!! This ends what the antichrist may write in his book’s introduction.

    What if a U.S. naval experiment done in October of 1943 by Albert Einstein had him make contact with the UFO beings who gave him advance knowledge and answers to all those tough questions just asked above? That knowledge he later destroyed before he died fearing what the world would do with that knowledge if revealed. Are the first 14 chapters of this book the advance knowledge Einstein received when he made contact with UFO beings during the Philadelphia Experiment?

    Is that knowledge the strong delusion the antichrist and false prophet reveal as predicted in the Bible in the last days when they come upon the world scene that could even deceive and fool the very elect (Christians)? The knowledge Einstein had learned from the UFO beings after contact he made with them in the Philadelphia Experiment is documented in the Bible, psychics, science, history, new age, astronomy, astrology and all subjects. Yet it is evil, false, fictional, lawless, profane, blasphemous, twisted, perverted, loves the flesh of the world, loves pleasures and the materialistic part of the world, sorrowful, ugly, sickening, depressing, chaos, vanity, crazy, meaningless, anti-Christ, anti-spiritual, anti-law, anti-Christianity, deceiving and the very meaning of dark sentences, just as the Bible in Daniel chapter 8 predicted.

    The next 14 chapters contain that knowledge. Remember when you read it that it is evil, false, fictional, and lies to history, prophecy, science, physics and all subjects. Also remember it is hundreds of thousands of years old because the antichrist and false prophet, like the demons of UFOs, are that old and know that information and are subtle and deceiving in an intelligent way possibly giving some truth to these things. Those beings being that old makes their knowledge and way to deceive that much stronger. So when you read the next 14 chapters it maybe a hard read, hard to understand, not very well documented in some places and places where you might say where do they get that information from or how do they know that? You also will notice they twist and pervert Bible verses and other subjects into weird profane sentences. They also may repeat certain things sometimes in a slightly different way and give too many possibilities. Also they may have contradictions and things that are just plain wrong or lies because they are from the antichrist, false prophet and Satan the dragon or the serpent. There are things written in the first 14 chapters of this book that are heresy, heretic sayings, vague and have many inconsistencies. Don’t try to look up any documentation along the way of the first fourteen chapters, but just read through the best you can. After you finish you can always go back and reread it all and look up all the documentation. If the documentation were presented and told fully this book maybe 2000 pages or more when finished. That’s why it wasn’t put in. Almost every sentence and paragraph has documentation in it and is all based on the Bible and other sources.

    If you read these first 14 chapters and start to think I don’t understand this just keep on reading and later on it may make sense to you. You got to remember this information is hundreds of thousands of years old and gathered and learned during that time span by the antichrist so you are not easily going to understand it all.

    The last two chapters of this book will document from the Bible and tell what the truth is of the first 14 chapters and how they pertain in detail to the end time prophecies of the antichrist and false prophet. Be sure to read them carefully. Even though some or many are written as lies there is a lot of truth in them. For example, the big bang was not a homosexual union or by vanity, lawless and evil as the right way. That corresponds to Isaiah chapter 5 when it predicted in the end days people would call evil good and good evil that are lies from the devil. But as Jesus sent His Disciples out to preach He said be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. He made known that serpents or the devil and his demons know a lot of truth in deep and hidden things.

    Kurt B. Bakley

    February 14, 2015 (revised edition)

    Chapter One

    The Philadelphia Experiment

    Since ancient times many have searched for the greatest mystery of all—the existence of God. People have searched high and low for the answer to this mystery. The greatest minds have struggled to find the answer to it and all were unsuccessful, except one.

    The answer to this great mystery begins with an unusual experiment done by the United States Navy in October of 1943. This experiment was to make a ship and its crew invisible to radar in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. The book called The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility, tells about the experiment. The authors of that book provide evidence that proves that the Philadelphia Experiment did happen, such as a man who says he was there at the Philadelphia Experiment. He said this:

    "On board the vessel, Silverman noted that there was ‘enough radar equipment on the ship to fill a battleship’ including ‘an extra mast’ which was ‘rigged out like a Christmas tree’ with what appeared to be antenna-like structures.

    At one point during the preparation for the experiment, Silverman remembers seeing a civilian on board and said to a shipmate: ‘That guy could use a haircut.’ To his amazement he later discovered that the man had been Albert Einstein.

    Silverman was given the rating of Engineer, First Class, and, according to his account, was one of three seamen who knew where the switches were that started the operation. He also related that a special series of electrical cables had been laid from a nearby power house to the ship. When the order was given and the switches thrown, ‘the resulting whine was almost unbearable.’

    On another occasion Silverman quite unexpectedly found himself in a deep fog and his first thought was that he had somehow been blown off the ship. As he stood there trying to comprehend what had happened, and looking for his ship, he watched indistinct figures in motion whom he could not identify as sailors and some other shapes that did not seem to belong on the dock, if that is where I was.

    Suddenly the deep fog ‘flashed off,’ leaving Silverman in a very confused state and wondering, ‘what in the world I was doing in Norfolk.’ He said he had recognized the place as Norfolk ‘because I had been there before to the ship’s other dock there.’ Then, just as suddenly, the green fog returned; it lifted again and Silverman found himself back at dockside in the Philadelphia Navy Yard." (The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility by William L. Moore in consultation with Charles Berlitz, pages 248-249.

    This Philadelphia Experiment did happen, but how could it happen? It happened by reversible electronic magnetism. As you read on, you will learn the great mystery to reversible electronic magnetism, but I suggest if you’re not sitting down, that you do (I am not kidding). Why I say that is because I will reveal many shocking things so that you will fully understand this most horrifying power ever discovered.

    Einstein, who applied one of his theories to perform this Philadelphia Experiment, came up with how to make things invisible and so much more. Does the United States Navy know it? The United States Navy knows how to make things invisible and transport things at great speeds, which they learned how to do from Einstein, but they don’t know how to correctly do those things because there were negative side effects on the crew in the experiment. They don’t know all that this new energy, which was used in the experiment, can do.

    Einstein, however, knew what this new energy can do. Let’s read what he is said to have done shortly before his death:

    "One such story has it that some months before his death Einstein had burned papers relating to some of his more advanced theories on the grounds that the world wasn’t ready for such things and would be better off without them. Presumably these had something to do with his conclusions regarding his Unified Field Theory and the possible practical applications of the same (The Philadelphia Experiment, page 143)."

    This story is true, as you will discover as you read on. The story told us that something Einstein knew scared him. It really scared him. What scared him was the things man could do with his Unified Field Theory. This Unified Field Theory was used in the Philadelphia Experiment to make the ship and its crew invisible and transport it from one place to another. At first, I couldn’t figure out what would scare Einstein so much about his Unified Field Theory, but now I know!

    The Unified Field Theory used in the Philadelphia Experiment was reversible electronic magnetism. This new energy (it’s not new, but new to us) cannot only make things invisible and transport them, but it can also control all things (which it does), and create and destroy all things. It was these last three things that had Einstein so scared about what he thought man could do with his Unified Field Theory. Einstein’s thoughts were that if any man got hold of this energy, he could create the greatest army ever to conquer the world or Universe. He could create bombs more powerful than any we have now. He could create terrible monsters that would kill or hurt people. He could destroy anyone he wanted to at once. He could control people, animals and weather and make them become terribly violent. He could start fires, earthquakes and floods anywhere he wanted. He could split every atom in the Universe and destroy all things.

    Before you’re scared right out of your skin at all these things, remember that God is still in control. God wouldn’t let anyone use this reversible electronic magnetism beyond what He wants them to do with it.

    (At this point was all the information included in chapter 2. Instead of repeating it here you can read it in the next chapter. I will now pick up this chapter near its end.)

    Now if all this is true and if all the prophecy and knowledge of this book is true, which is all connected to this energy, then we must have proof. We need to prove the Philadelphia Experiment is true by the Scriptures, and proof the Scriptures are true by the Philadelphia Experiment. We must have proof that the Philadelphia Experiment happened in the general shape of a tree and that God is in a shape of a mount or mountain (tree-pyramid) with four cherubs or beasts (electrical beings) in God (throne), and four cherubs outside God to form this Almighty energy. We also must know if God is electricity (lightning). We need to know if Einstein was there at the Philadelphia Experiment. We need to know if contact was made in the Philadelphia Experiment with aliens or UFO beings. We need to know if Einstein destroyed papers that may have contain knowledge he learned from that contact with UFO beings contain in the next 13 chapters of this book. We need to know if the man Silverman saw figures which could be God the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, Satan, antichrist and the false prophet. If we only knew someone from the military from the U.S. and/or Canada that claimed we made contact with UFO beings in the Philadelphia experiment in October of 1943. If we only knew this was all true. If we only knew someone who saw God in heaven (throne) with green fog from a jasper or sardine stone or emerald (=green color or fog) and also someone who saw the Philadelphia Experiment. If we only knew. WE DO! John, the disciple of Jesus, saw God (throne) in heaven. The throne are Cherubs, which are God as lighting.

    And out of the throne proceeded lightnings…

    Revelation 4:5

    …And in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne were four beasts… Revelation 4:6

    At the core of God (Sun-throne) is where the devil ascended to when he sinned. Now read what he was upon and what he was in:

    …thou wast upon the holy mountain of God;…

    Ezekiel 28:14

    …I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God:… Ezekiel 28:16

    And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. Revelation 4:3.

    We also have a man who saw the Philadelphia Experiment and here is what he saw:

    Silverman noted that there was ‘enough radar equipment on the ship to fill a battleship’ including ‘an extra mast’ which was ‘rigged out like a Christmas tree.’

    The Philadelphia Experiment, page 248.

    At one point during the preparation for the experiment, Silverman remembers seeing a civilian on board and said to a shipmate: ‘That guy could use a haircut.’ To his amazement he later discovered that the man had been Albert Einstein.

    The Philadelphia Experiment, page 248.

    …Further along we learned that the military still refer to UFO occupants as ‘humanoids.’ Contact was apparently made in 1943 (reputedly through an accident that occurred during a naval experiment involving radar invisibility) and now our forces are aware of the aliens’ movements on the planet…

    The Philadelphia Experiment, page 265.

    …he watched indistinct figures in motion whom he could not identify as sailors and some other shapes that did not seem to belong on the dock, if that is where I was." (The Philadelphia Experiment, page 248)

    …found himself in a deep fog.. Suddenly ‘the deep fog flashed off’ The Philadelphia Experiment by William L. Moore and Charles Berlitz pages 248-249. (note: in the English dictionary it claims that emeralds are a deep green the same deep fog Silverman seen in the Philadelphia Experiment? And is the green fog that of which is seen often in the mysterious Bermuda Triangle when planes and ships disappear just like in the Philadelphia Experiment and where UFOs in the air and water are seen like noted by Columbus in his logs in 1492 A.D.?

    The Philadelphia Experiment was Einstein’s experiment in which he had not only discovered, in 1943, the way to make things invisible and transport them at great speeds, but positively proven scientifically, physically and spiritually that God ALMIGHTY exists! He had literally discovered God!

    That question, IS THERE A GOD,? that’s been going through people’s minds for so long, which been discussed on street corners, talked about on the porch on a hot summer’s night, is now a proven fact!


    Chapter Two

    The Mystery of God

    Science and the Bible have, for a long time, been enemies. However, I hope to bring these two great enemies together in one complete union. Even though they have been separated by great differences for some time now, there really is agreement between the two as well as other sources that also were in battle with these two and with each other. A scientist recently commented that we should do this.

    If we find these subjects in line with each other, then we can know with certainty they are correct, but if none of them connect and we fail, the battle between them will continue, bringing ignorance to them all. Even though the Bible has condemned the use of astrology, the occult and even science to some degree, this has only left the Bible readers in ignorance and without life—giving explanations of them. Thus, we are left in the dark reading about the many mysteries of the Bible. Yet if we bring down the barriers between all these forms of knowledge, we can finally get the truth to many things, both in the Bible and in other books. So read on and may knowledge come to life.

    Since ancient times many have searched for the greatest mystery of all—the existence of God. People have searched high and low for the answer to this mystery. The greatest minds have struggled to find the answer to it, and all were unsuccessful.

    To get the answer to this great mystery, we must get answers to some questions raised from the following question:


    For if there is a God, then the following questions must be answered:

    1. Where does He exist?

    2. How can He control all things?

    3. How can He have always existed, is now, and always will?

    4. How does He create, destroy, and know all things?

    The answers we get from all these questions will give us the complete answer to all things. This is because if we know God exists in a certain form (either spiritual, physical or both) and that form can do all the things the Bible says God can do, then we have proof that God exists. We know from the Bible that God can create and destroy, and is all-powerful, all-knowing, is everywhere, has always existed, exists now, and will always exist. If we can find such a force scientifically that has all these abilities, then we have found God. So let’s explore these questions and see what the answer is to this great mystery.

    The answer to this great mystery begins with an energy called electronic magnetism or reversible electronic magnetism. This energy is already known by the devils. One man who had contact with a UFO being (devil) was told by the being that the UFO was powered by reversible electronic magnetism. (See note 1 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) He was told that this power allows them to control matter. Control matter?

    With electronic magnetism overcoming gravity, traveling, and all matter, this makes it possible to create, destroy, and control all things. Doesn’t this sound like God?

    Electronic magnetism is energy called the electromagnetic force or electromagnetism. The astronomers and scientists all claim there is an electromagnetic force. They all agree there is such a force. They say the thoughts in our brains and our bodies run on electromagnetic force. (See note 2 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) What is this electromagnetic force they say is real? It’s no other than God!

    Another description of God is in John 1:4-9 where it tells us that God (the Word) is light. What is light? Light from the Sun is no other than electromagnetic particles/waves, which is electromagnetism (God). (See note 3 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) God is indeed light! Oh, who can knock the Bible now? It’s not outdated, but filled with great wisdom.

    Light, as Einstein said, is made up of particles of energy. (See note 4 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) The particles are atoms and the powerful energy of them is electromagnetism (God). God is all atoms and the energy of them. You may have heard that God is everywhere, and this is how He is. To prove this you must know that Philip, the disciple of Jesus, asked Jesus to show him the Father (See John 14:8). Jesus’ answer was this: …he that hath seen me hath seen the Father… John 14:9.

    Now Philip did not see Jesus’ spirit, but just his body which is made up of atoms (God). The spirit is also God and is electromagnetism and is invisible, the same as atoms are. All physical things are atoms and the spirit that is invisible and have come together to create something that is visible. See Hebrews 11:3.

    When God creates things that are visible, He gives them the shape of His throne. In the beginning when God created the heaven and earth, He put Himself as one of these throne shapes in heaven, even though He actually is all things. What is that throne? It is a Sun. For the Lord God is a Sun… Psalms 84:11.

    Suns are light and they also are fire and, all through the Bible, it describes God as fire or light. Fire and light are just one aspect of God. Do you know what another one is? You use Him all the time. God is electricity.

    Electricity and magnetism are said to be a single force. Well, electromagnetism could be called electric-magnetism (God) and, as atoms are God, then electricity must be what runs atoms.

    Lightning is electricity, which makes God lightning. The energy of electricity (light) is the personality of God and is how God thinks, controls, and does all things. It’s literally Mother Nature! It can do absolutely anything! Doesn’t this sound like God? We run on electricity. Our cars run on electricity. Our computers run on electricity. The Sun and stars run on electricity. What doesn’t run on electricity? What doesn’t have electricity (electromagnetic force) to it?

    It is now said that our bodies run by electricity. And if God is electricity, then God has control of us all and is everywhere, just as the Bible claimed all along. Doctors and scientists claim that our brains run on electricity or an electromagnetic force. These are facts and not theory, or just interpretation or ideas! We just never sat down and read and thought about these things this way. Yet we could have came up with them long ago.

    With God being described as three but one, this has, down through history, confused many. What it was relating to was that one Supreme God has a body or spirit that can be related to three. God is described as the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Now for this to be true, God would have to have three parts to Him and, if God is atoms, they would have to have three parts to them. They do! Each atom has an electron, proton, and neutron—that makes three! See drawing 3 at the end of this book. This is the Trinity! What God does with matter or atoms is to speed them up, which can cause not only atomic bombs, as the devil started, but can also create when particles hit each other. (See note 5 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) Thus, you have those powers by God and by the Devil whom He permitted to release those destructive powers as a part of his negative dung-hill shafts of a throne near God’s throne.

    This leads us to how God is everywhere and does all things by shooting a laser beam, or shaft of light, up from four points to one point. When the particles are speeded up and collide, it then effects creation or destruction and controls matter. See drawing 5 at the end of this book.

    The devils (UFO beings) just copied God’s power to control matter themselves, but use it in evil ways to cause destruction and all evil in the Universe. This power, being inter-dimensional, allows them to travel in and out and gives great power of movements, as we will see.

    Now that we know these things we can understand how God always existed, is now, and always will. When the atoms speed up, it causes creation by atoms of a larger or smaller Universes coming into this dimension from another dimensions and the ones in this Universe being destroyed and going into smaller and larger Universes. The power of infinity is just that, making the atoms here come quite literally from nothing, because the larger Universe is infinitely larger and ours infinitely small, so small it quite literally is nothing and invisible.

    Those atoms coming into our Universe are all-powerful, and everywhere. When atoms depart from this dimension they go into an infinitely smaller and larger dimensions, making our great dimension infinitely larger or smaller than those. This goes on infinitely into smaller and larger dimensions, and who can count the number of smaller and larger dimensions? With our atoms coming from infinitely larger and smaller Universes and atoms there, it makes them an unbelievable power. They are so large or small and powerful coming from such a Universe (large or small and Almighty powerful), it makes their power here in an infinitely smaller or larger Universe just as powerful. And our infinitely smaller or larger Universe is larger or smaller to other Universes.

    To understand what I mean by dimensions is to know what the fourth dimension is. The known three dimensions are as follows: 1: up-down; 2: right-left; 3: backward-forward. The fourth is in and out infinitely. There are no absolutes in outer space, thus making it possible to go on infinitely smaller or larger, just as numbers do. A ruler measuring outer space will go on forever with a larger measurement. Did you know that there lies a deceptive part of a ruler and that is smaller measurements also go on forever? For example, if you count to one inch on the ruler and then pick a spot right before the one inch you have 15/16. You then can go to a smaller space than that, as 31/32; and then forever smaller and never reach 1 inch, absolutely never! For there is 63/64; 127/128; 255/256; and so on and so on, forever. See drawing 8 at the end of this book.

    Therefore, we have the fourth dimension! By this fourth dimension God created everything out of other Universes. He also is creating them now, and always will, as Revelation 4:11 claims He is still creating them (they are) and were, created (already been created in the past).

    But where did the first Universe come from? It came from two particles in outer space that collided and became many (an infinite many in another dimension). Yet where did those two particles come from? They always existed as one before the very beginning, being in outer space that infinitely existed. There was no creation of the one or the two of them because, as outer space, they too always existed. God formed Himself from this one particle which broke apart into two particles that became many in other Universes that go on forever in outer space’s fourth dimension. See Isaiah 43:10. There was no other God formed before God nor was there one after Him. He was the only one and still is the only one, and always will be forever. This is how God always existed, is now, and always will. See drawings 1-3 at the end of this book.

    This energy force of the all-powerful God, just as outer space, is all-powerful and everywhere. So is God, who is the electromagnetism. That energy force is the spirit of God and what is known as an aura. The aura can now be seen in a photographed with a special camera. You can now see the very image (spirit-aura) that God made you of as Genesis 1:27 claimed, which is now proven. Where is this aura seen? Behind all physical things! God is literally this aura as a electromagnetic field that is everywhere, which you can now physically see Him! See photos in the book The Paranormal: An Illustrated Encyclopedia by Stuart Gordon and the photos of leaves, fingers in that book showing the spirit of God behind all things, which is God as He really is.

    You can go nowhere without running into atoms, the energy of them, which is behind all physical things seen or those things not seen as the spirit (aura), normally not seen until nowadays. Also God has always existed as we have seen, and is now by the simple seeing of the Universe, and always will be with the creation of new smaller and larger Universes in smaller and larger dimensions forever.

    We also saw that He can create and the Devil can destroy by copying His power. This power is Almighty, everywhere and can control all things that it is behind. If Almighty God is omnipresent and ALMIGHTY, then this conclusion I put forth shouldn’t even be considered as a theory, because it is a great and simple fact. I just put the two together, just as anyone else could do during all these years, but hasn’t.

    We’re answering many of those hard questions that I listed at the beginning of this chapter. These answers are not easily challenged and will continue, over the years, to be further documented and claimed as the truth to all things. They have held me in awe, not just for what they claim, but because they are unshakable. People will try shake them, but will not succeed. It is the answer and it is on a firm foundation of logic.

    Yet this very power is most knowable by a form which I mentioned earlier, but not by its proper name. I mentioned that God shoots laser beams, or shafts of light, from four points up to one point. Can you picture this? That’s a pyramid shape, which is God’s throne and source of this great energy.

    The pyramid shape is known in scripture as a mount or mountain of God, as well as a tree. The shape of some trees goes from far out near the bottom of the branches, then goes up narrower to the pinpoint at the top. That, too, is the general shape of a pyramid.

    The tree of life and also the tree of knowledge of good and evil were both the symbol of the pyramid. Also the cross has been called a tree, which is because if you look at the pyramid from directly atop, you’ll see an x or cross. Thus, is the mystery of the cross that can take life, as well as give life, just as the two pyramids in hell and paradise. They are known as a dung-hill, or dark shafts of lights, that goes from four points up to one point (a pyramid). The other side of this is the polished shaft that has a blue-white light going from four points up to one point (a pyramid). Isaiah 49:2; Psalms 113:7.

    The shape of a pyramid leads us to the number seven. The number seven is four of two to one point or 4+2+1=7, or the pyramid. Also the number seven equals the spirit, as the book of Revelation tells us. And the Biblical concordance in Greek tells us that the spirit equals wind or current of air or breeze. See Greek 4151. In the atomic chart the number seven is the element of nitrogen, which makes up the major part of air in the upper part of our sky. So the spirit may be related to the nitrogen atom in some way. Also as our sky is blue the angel (spirit) of the Lord is blue-white light and may be made up of nitrogen.

    What happens with this number seven, or in spirits, is that four of them that are good shoot up electromagnetic energy, a shaft of light, or laser beam, from four points up to one point, where they hit, causing this great energy in the shape of a pyramid. The devils do the same thing, but it is a dark light instead of a polished (shining) light.

    In doing this you have the dung-hill (pyramid) using dark and ugly (dung) light and on the other hand, you have a polished light as a good light and pyramid of God.

    This energy is at the core of all stars and planets. It’s what makes the stars move and have their various powers, including their influence over people, places, and things on earth and other planets in other solar systems. The great energy of electromagnetism is shot up in the shape of a pyramid may be just electricity or electromagnetism or a laser beam.

    With this energy you have not only a powerful and great gravitational force, but also has repelling forces. Jesus and the good angels are gravitational force, and the devil and his bad angels are repelling forces.

    The Bible not only revealed this great energy long ago, but also mentioned the Big-Bang Theory that may be proved in this book. This theory was that, at one time, there was condensed matter that collided or exploded and then expanded (stretched out) the stars and galaxies. Well, in Isaiah 45:12 and other places in the Bible, God long ago said that He stretched out the heavens (stars). If He stretched the heavens (stars) out, He must have been working with condensed matter. Remember that I said that the first two particles existed in outer space in the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension of outer space is infinitely small as it is large, thus there is condensed and massive matter at once, which became parts of our Universe and parts of all other Universes.

    In the fourth dimension our Universe is as dense as it is massive in size. This is the key to this power. The Bible claims you can’t measure the heavens (outer space). Remember what I told you about the ruler and how you not only go on forever measuring outward, but also inward?

    The creation of our Universe happened this way, but remember that nothing has a first to it or is new, and is the creation of something that has already been created. See Ecclesiastes 1:10; Revelation 4:11. When a man invents a jet aircraft he says it is a new invention, but a man in an old Universe an eternity ago said the same thing. The ancients knew a lot of modern things and we tend to think we discovered them just these past two centuries. (See note 6 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) This is also how God predicts many things, knowing many histories of the past and in the time continuing waves through each Universe that goes on forever through all the Universes. God may have known our total history an eternity ago! It’s according to how many Universes there are to the exact beginning as the correct time, but remember that a second in this Universe and dimension maybe a eternity to that universe and vice-versa in other universes after ours. A short space in our dimension is infinitely long in a smaller Universe, and a long space in our Universe maybe infinitely short in a larger Universe and dimension.

    These understandings help us to know how the great UFOs achieve some of their flying abilities. One: The UFO using these properties can go in and out of other dimensions moving only slightly in this dimension, but, when reduced in another dimension, would have moved great distances at great speeds. Two: The UFOs move sometimes at right angles. When they are traveling in and out of this dimension, then a slight curve in another universe would be a sharp right angle in this dimension at high speeds. Three: The disappearing that UFOs do sometimes may be due to them reducing their matter into another dimension that is much smaller, thus they seem to just disappear. There are other Universes much smaller than ours in which these great devils and their pyramid powers work.

    All this leads us to the final question asked at the beginning and that is how God controls all. We have answered the other questions so far and more. This final question is answered quite simply, that because God is everywhere and is this powerful pyramid in all stars and Universes, then there is nothing He can’t control. The electromagnetism that He is sends out waves to all things, creating ideas, actions, even thoughts, emotions, and all feelings, no matter who or where they are.

    The devils control the evil things just mentioned and God has control of the devils by gravity and is able to stop them and chain them up if He has to. So nothing escapes His great control. Just as a computer or TV station sends out its signals, so does God, from stars who are strong and mighty angels (electromagnetism forces), send His messages to all. This makes it possible for Him to control all, not only people, but animals, weather, plants, planets, Suns, Moons, and everything. The devils, through this same energy, send out evil messages and events to all, just as God sends out all good messages and events.

    God is the corner stone as Jesus stated as part of the angel or angels at the corner of a pyramid shape that shoots up the electricity, or light, up to one point at the top. This equals God. It’s the main power plant to God and all things. We will examine and explain the many interesting connections between these things in the next 12 chapters. Let’s look at and study such mysteries as the Philadelphia Experiment, UFOs, pyramids, life-after-death cases, the Bible and anything else that could be connected to these things. In doing this I will use as many sources as I can, including the Bible, in so doing getting some answers to some important questions.

    With the light of information of the next 12 chapters we can see new information that should help us solve many of the mysteries of the past, present and future. If we use that information and connect it to other information that may be stated in a different way, then we will come up with some answers. We will see, for the first time, science agree with the Bible and vice-versa. Also, we will see science and the occult agree with the Bible. Hence, all three, as well as other subject areas may agree for the first time.

    Another strange connection here was a TBS documentary in 1992 that was about the pyramids in Egypt. In it they claimed, that at the time the great pyramids at Giza, Egypt, were built, when traveling up to them one went through a long, dark tunnel. As one went through this tunnel his/her eyes grew accustomed to the dark. Then suddenly one reached the end of the tunnel to see a great brightness as the great pyramids shining in the Sun and in our earth.

    If what I been saying is all true, not only in this part and section, but in others, then at the center of our earth and the Sun are two pyramids—one good and one bad (heaven and hell). Is this not the way near-death experiences tells us? The survivors say they go through a dark tunnel and then see a great light or brightness at its end. Some have even gone into that light or brightness and describe it as a pillar (shaft) or laser beam of light. (See note 7 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) The light they see at the end of the tunnel is the angel of God, who shoots the shafts of light from four points up to one point to make a pyramid inside the evil pyramid, thus being heaven and hell.

    The tunnel leading to them that they see can be the bottomless pit (Holy?=hole?) that goes down to the center of our earth. It also could be the vacuum of outer space leading to the Sun. In either case, they not only lead to the light and good, but evil is near there and the eater of the dead, as the Egyptians believed. Hell’s fires are there also, and the eater of the dead is there at the sides of the bottomless pit (tunnel) inside our earth. See drawing 6 at the end of this book.

    So, you see, there are many connections here between all these different things. Even these shafts of light were seen coming from UFOs on the TV series Unsolved Mysteries when reporting on sightings of UFOs over an army or air force base in England. Also Einstein did work for the United States Navy in 1943. Einstein spent a major part of his life trying to construct and prove his Unified Field Theory. (See note 8 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) He believed God was the sum total of the physical (See Note 8 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) laws which describe the Universe. The same thing is said to be what the Unified Filed Theory was trying to prove. If the experiment in Philadelphia did happen, then Einstein may have succeeded in his life time goal concerning the discovery of God and the Devil.

    I claim that God is an electromagnetism force that makes up gravity. We have viewed God in two different ways. The scientists wonder at the powers of the heavens in the form of Suns, planets, and gravitational forces. Then the religious believe that God created all. Both parties have cut short God’s power and glory, for electromagnetism, or reversible electronic magnetism, or gravity, is not only all-powerful, but a caring, merciful, and thinking personality.

    Computers are no more then electronic instruments that think. So are we to say that gravity of the electromagnetism doesn’t think and have feelings? We are those forces and we think, just as we were made in the same exact image or light that is spirit-electromagnetism or God, who also thinks. Carl Sagan said that if he believed in God and his response was it’s all according to what you mean. If God is gravity, which is everywhere in the Universes and God is omnipresence, then God is gravity but he did hear anyone ever call God that (until now!). Carl Sagan says this: Almost as common—particularly after a lecture in which I discuss the evolution of life or intelligence—is: Do you believe in God? Because the word God means many things to many people, I frequently reply by asking what the questioner means by God. To my surprise, this response is often considered puzzling or unexpected: Oh you know, God. Everyone knows who God is. Or Well, kind of a force that is stronger than we are and that exists everywhere in the Universe. There are a number of such forces. One of them is called gravity, but it is not often identified with God. And not everyone does know what is, meant by God. The concept covers a wide range of ideas. Some people think God as an outsized light skinned male with a long white beard sitting on a throne somewhere up there in the sky, busily tallying the fall of every sparrow. Others—for example, Baruch Spinoza and Albert Einstein—considered God to be essentially the sum total of the physical laws which describe the universe. I do not know of any compelling evidence for anthropomorphic patriarchs controlling human destiny from some hidden celestial vantage point, but it would be madness to deny the existence of physical laws. Whether we believe in God depends very much on what we mean by God. (See Broca’s Brain, by Carl Sagan page 330 paperback pages 281-282 Hardcover.) See note 9 at the end of this book under chapter 2.

    The very name of God who is also called Lord means the Greek word despotes, which is from the word deo. See the Greek words 1203 and 1210 in the Greek dictionary of The Strong’s Concordance of the Bible. The word deo means to bind. That would mean the Lord God binds or holds together and down and within. Is not that a perfect description of gravity made up of the spirit that is electromagnetism?

    The latest researchers in the scientific field today are saying they are trying to copy the Sun’s power by shooting laser beams at one point with a grain of sand at that one point or a gem stone there. Doesn’t this sound familiar? Ezekiel 28 claimed, some 2,500 years ago or more, that God was a beam of light that’s shot from four cherubs in a Sun from four points up to one point as a shape of a pyramid or mount (or mountain) with sands (or stones of fire or gem stones) at the point the beams of light are shot at. Great heat, by the way, forms the precious stones mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 28. This is the greatest form of our knowledge today and they are trying something God was using and told about long ago. Need I say more!

    This great power works on the in and out of outer space in the shape of a pyramid. The number seven we have seen to mean a certain scientific equation, but it could also mean three particles of an atom (proton, neutron, electron) go in and out in outer space, which is the fourth dimension (four). Thus, you have three into four or three plus four equals seven. The number four equals eternity in the Bible as Song of Solomon 6:8 claims. Four also equals the pyramid in which from four points up to one equals its shape.

    Both the number four and the pyramids equal the circle plus three. The circle equals eternity—without end and the number seven. Three equals the atom and the electron, neutron and proton as good, balance and evil or past-present-future. To sum up all equations for the sum total of the Universe is to say: the two became one in zero. Another way to say that same thing is by saying: three into four at one; that is the number four, being the fourth dimension, and the number three, the parts to each atom. All are being shot up from four points to one in the shape of a pyramid.

    The time distortions of the pyramids are what is felt by people in contact with UFOs and their beings. Many who had contact with them tell of missing time or that time seems to change when near it, as told on Unsolved Mysteries about a UFO sighting in England. This same time distortion is mentioned to happen in near-death experiences people have. They are seeing and entering this fourth dimension and in or near pyramids (angels-cherubs).

    This same time distortion may be why all stars were created together, but have different ending times. Hence another star that is larger or smaller may have a different time than ours, making it earlier or later in history than ours. Plus the 1,000 years as one day would be altered by distance, thus making maybe one solar system be 2,000 years equal a day, and so on and so on, for each different and distant solar system. Knowing this explains why all stars that are Suns don’t nova when ours does. We know they won’t because some have already gone into a nova, even thousands of years ago.

    There has been great time distortion documented in the fictionalized movie The Philadelphia Experiment and as facts recorded in events that happened in the Bermuda Triangle and with UFOs and their beings (aliens).

    The fourth dimension, one author claimed, was time. From what I been telling you that time is changed and deals with this great energy of the pyramids. If Jesus is gravity, as I showed the name of the Lord means, and if the Philadelphia Experiment was a field reversed, that would mean an inner pull or gravity. The pulling power reduced the particles everything is made of into a much smaller size and dimension. Charles Berlitz claims this may be what happened in the Philadelphia Experiment. (See note 10 at the end of this book under chapter 2.) That’s exactly how the UFOs travel fast, make right-angle turns, and disappear, as I have shown. We are here in this expanding Universe, as scientists tell us, but to reverse the field, as done in the great Experiment at Philadelphia then we would get smaller and travel inward or in.

    The in and out I discuss about may well be infinite, making the big bang the little bang. It also makes one many and many one. Plus, it makes the simple complicated and the complicated simple. Isn’t this true? Doesn’t a tiny microscopic atom give off such great power in a nuclear bomb? In all cases, the reverse is true in outer space. The little bang was also the big bang according to which in or out you were; that is, what dimension you’re in—small or large.

    Einstein wrote his famous theory of relativity in the early 1900s, but didn’t we hear of it long before that? YES! WE DID! The Bible mentions yesterday is as 1,000 years or one day. See Psalm 90:4. That was written about 1,000 B.C. But Einstein writes it almost 2,900 years later and he’s given all the glory for it, and God and the Bible are laughed at. Also did not Einstein’s theory of relativity tell that a ship traveling in outer space away from the earth would have time slow down and, when returning, a time difference would have occurred? I don’t know if the 1,000 years to a day was said in his theory, but, in general the Bible said the same thing long before Einstein did.

    Another amazing discovery made lately, in which the Bible said all along, is that creation happens at once and out of nothing. The book Einstein’s Universe shows a collision of an electron and anti-electron and when they hit they disappear and new subatomic particles are instantly created out of nothing. Preachers have said this for years and years, yet many said the Bible isn’t true. (See the book Einstein Universe and the photo at the center of the book showing a collision of matter and antimatter.)

    If new subatomic particles are made at once, who’s to say atoms and molecules they make up can’t be as well. Adam and Eve and all things were created at once as Genesis claimed all along? The picture in Einstein’s Universe, shows physical proof that the Bible was true all along. And if you look at that picture ask yourself this, Doesn’t it look in the shape of a cross or pyramid looking down on it? (See note 11 at the end of this book under chapter 2.)

    The Bible also claimed this long ago, that the worlds were made out of things that do not appear. (See Hebrew 11:3.) Are not all things made out of atoms? Thus, the worlds were not made out of things that do appear, but out of atoms that are very small in space and are invisible!

    The devil in these atoms or anti-atoms is an expelling force and Jesus is a pulling force. Jesus was said to pull out devils, which the word cast or cast out means. (See the Greek word 1544.) One devil told Jesus not to send him into hell (pit-abyss-deep). This was because Jesus’ pulling power from paradise could pull the devil right down to hell near it.

    For many years now, science and astronomy have battled astrology with stubbornness and great accusations against each other, especially science and astronomy against what they call the pseudoscience of astrology. Are there differences or agreements between the two? Do the two support each other and give evidence that each other is true?


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