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The Abcs of God’S Infallible Grace
The Abcs of God’S Infallible Grace
The Abcs of God’S Infallible Grace
Ebook131 pages3 hours

The Abcs of God’S Infallible Grace

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Pastor Jennetta Harris eloquently delivers a clear illustration of Gods grace in this wonderful book and provides great insight from A to Z. It offers hope, encouragement and enlightenment to many!

-Lisa Marie Hopkins, Minister of the Gospel

To know grace is to have experienced and received unmerited forgiveness. This book definitely encapsulates the fullness of Gods grace.

-Barry E. Knight, Founder, Barry E. Knight Speaks, Lead Pastor, Celebration Worship Church

Ms. Harris has given the reader more than a mere glimpse or a cursory look at Gods grace, but a well thought out, planned and presented picture of grace personified in Jesus Christ Our Lord. Each of the 26 chapters stand independently as they also stand collectively.

-Tommy Morrow, MA, Senior Pastor, Victory Community Church Upland, CA

The ABCs of Gods Infallible Grace is the embodiment of many lessons my mother instilled in my sister and I from a very young age. This book is both genuine and uplifting and I couldnt think of a more credible woman to share her work with the world.

-Elijah Harris, Son

This piece is truly a milestone in not only my mothers life, but inherently in mine. Her commanding presence, endearing heart and teachable moments are now being shared with you. Her writing on Gods grace is both fluid and inspiring and Ive watched her live in it.

-Jennell Harris, Daughter

"The ABCs of Gods Infallible Grace is a phenomenal book! An epic guide that provides daily direction of Gods will for us and written by an anointed, faithful and true woman of God! Praise to Pastor Jennetta Harris."

-Sherri Lewis, Friend and Confidant

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 22, 2016
The Abcs of God’S Infallible Grace

Jennetta Harris

Pastor Jennetta Harris served as senior pastor of J-JOY Christian Ministries, Inc. in Rancho Cucamonga, California, for more than eleven years. Her teachings and exhortations of God’s Word have included her authoring “Inspirational Notes”, a monthly newsletter, hosting a weekly radio broadcast bible study and writing many articles for a local newspaper column, titled “From the Pulpit.” She continues to hosts’ workshops, conferences and Bible studies to inspire, to encourage and to empower others. Jennetta travels around the globe and carries God’s Word wherever she goes embodying the genuine love of God for all people. Recently retired after more than a forty year career in corporate America, this leader and follower continues to search the ways of the Lord; gaining knowledge about people, purpose, and pleasure. She is the mother of two adult children, Jennell and Elijah.

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    The Abcs of God’S Infallible Grace - Jennetta Harris

    Copyright © 2016 Jennetta Harris.

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    Scripture quotations in this publication are from the Common English Bible.

    © Copyright 2011 by the Common English Bible. All rights reserved. Used

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations taken from the 21st Century King James Version®, copyright © 1994. Used by permission of Deuel Enterprises, Inc., Gary, SD 57237. All rights reserved.

    All Scripture quotations in this publications are from The Message. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Cover Image Tuscany, Italy by Monika Lorenz

    Author Image by John J. Lee Photography

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-2322-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-2323-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-2321-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015920519

    WestBow Press rev. date: 3/10/2016






    Chapter 1 Ambition

    Chapter 2 Benign

    Chapter 3 Courage

    Chapter 4 Destiny

    Chapter 5 Effervescence

    Chapter 6 Fragile

    Chapter 7 Glory

    Chapter 8 Honor

    Chapter 9 Icon

    Chapter 10 Joy

    Chapter 11 Kindness

    Chapter 12 Love

    Chapter 13 Meekness

    Chapter 14 Noble

    Chapter 15 Obedience

    Chapter 16 Purpose

    Chapter 17 Quietness

    Chapter 18 Rest

    Chapter 19 Salvation

    Chapter 20 Temptation

    Chapter 21 Unity

    Chapter 22 Victorious

    Chapter 23 Wealth

    Chapter 24 eXposure

    Chapter 25 Yoke

    Chapter 26 Zealous



    In memory and in honor of my father and mother, I dedicate my first project to Herschel and Jennie Mae McGuire for their love and support and providing me with a strong foundation in the Lord. They were an inspiration in my life as they challenged, provoked, and yes, even disciplined me. The important teachings that were instilled in me became the foundation of living a life for the Lord Jesus Christ. Dad and Mom, you will always be a source of strength for me, even while your presence is missed.

    I give all glory to God for these beautiful human beings who left an indelible mark on the entire McGuire clan while always embodying grace and mercy on every hand.



    I truly am blessed and honored to write the foreword for Jennetta Harris's book, The ABCs of God's Infallible Grace.

    Pastor Jennetta is truly my dear friend, and I consider her also to be my sister and pastor. Our relationship has extended beyond forty years, and we are still counting. I believe this kinship has lasted this long because God ordained it so and because she is a godly woman. Like all families and relationships, we have had our ups and downs, and we struggled through many of life's challenges. We will continue to do so, and yet we know that with the Lord being our common denominator, it will last.

    Over the years, Pastor Jennetta has demonstrated her commitment to Jesus. I have seen her go through many challenges and tests that would crush a nonbeliever. Satan came with a vengeance in an effort to destroy her marriage, children, friends, and family relations. However, hallelujah, each and every attack was combatted with the Word of God. I have seen Pastor cry and pray for many days and nights while putting on the whole armor of God to sustain her. I've watched her suffer pain and heartache and can say as a true eyewitness what the marvelous works and grace of the Lord has done in her life. I marvel at the love, courage, and commitment she has for God and how her strength always came from God while using his Word as a sword.

    When I read this passage, I think of my pastor: Judge me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integrity: I trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide (Psalm 26:1).

    Over twelve years ago, Pastor Jennetta received a vision from the Lord and she started J-Joy Christian Ministries in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Faithfully, every Sunday she taught the Word of God and stood tall and yet humble, demonstrating her commitment to God's people. She related with the congregation and shared stories and testimonies of her past and God's goodness of his grace unto men. She prayed for the congregants by name while assuring him or her that the love of God and prayer would get them through. As she taught then, so she does here in this book you hold in hand, teaching on the many attributes of God's loving grace.

    Today she continues to be a true example of a virtuous woman. I love her and respect her immensely.

    Please enjoy the book and know that it was written with the love of the Lord and with the guidance of his grace and wisdom.

    Psalm 46:10 says, Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

    Patricia V. Click, Friend

    Principal, Ventress Click Ventures


    Retirement has done something special for me. Besides not having to get up and go to work each day, what I most appreciate is my extended time and communication with the Lord. In the past my days have not always been met with hours to meditate, pray, study the Bible, or just reflect on how good God is and has been. In the recent months of my retirement life, which I like to call halftime (inspired by the book, Halftime by Bob Bufford), God's wonderful outpouring of grace has seemed to renew, rekindle, and refresh my passions. While in my meditation time, God's presence pressed upon me to write about his infallible, perfect, and unfailing grace given unto us. Grace is his love and saving power. It is the ultimate gift and unmerited (undeserving) favor of God. His infallible grace is unchangeable, free, and immeasurable and perfect in every way. Another thought that came over me was, when we say no to his grace, God is saying yes to his mercy.

    The grace of God is so magnificent, and I stand in awe of his glories he shares with us, although we have done nothing to deserve them. The glories of the Holy Ghost within compelled me to share what God was speaking into my soul, although it was a rigorous challenge. This work started out as a very small project, maybe something I could run off at the local printing company and have ready for one of the No Sister Left Behind workshops I was hosting. It wasn't happening fast enough, and the more I delved into this subject of grace, the more revelation I received of this mighty act of love God has granted unto us. Steadily in my ear rang, I will compensate you with my grace even though you have done nothing to deserve it. Months passed by, and I had not completed the task. The workshop came and went, and months later, another workshop came and went. This project was still in my computer as I had uncovered many great biblical teachings about his grace and I wanted to share them with others.

    The Lord has blessed us with a powerful love like no other---an unconditional love. His love is so great that he is not willing that anyone should perish but instead that we would come to repentance to gain eternal life (2 Peter 3:9). This is all too real for me, especially when I begin to think about the many times I messed up, gone outside of his will, and could have ended on death's door. I'm reminded of the grace Jesus extended to the woman who was caught in adultery by the scribes and Pharisees. They brought her to Jesus, asking that she be stoned. This story should not surprise us too much; as he did nothing for her that he isn't currently doing for every person living today. His grace forgives. We all have been caught in the act by Jesus, and he extends the same temporary grace to us that he extended to the adulterous woman. He told her, Go, and sin no more (John 8:11), a definite act of grace and pardon.

    God's moral law demands death for our sin, yet he mercifully allows us time and opportunity to repent. Once we exhaust that allotted time, our grace period is over. His grace stepped in for me and for you while we were in harm's way, and he put a hedge of protection around us to prevent harm. This precious gift

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